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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
961 Weigold, Erich Electron Momentum Spectroscopy I00504 1999 eBook  
962 Peschel, Ingo Density-Matrix Renormalization - A New Numerical Method in Physics I00497 1999 eBook  
963 Breazeale, M.A Physical Acoustics I00494 1991 eBook  
964 Phariseau, P The Electronic Structure of Complex Systems I00483 1984 eBook  
965 Gennes, Pierre-Gilles de Fragile Objects I00478 1996 eBook  
966 March, Norman H Polymers, Liquid Crystals, and Low-Dimensional Solids I00441 1984 eBook  
967 Hale, P Supercollider 5 I00440 1994 eBook  
968 Khotkevich, A.V Atlas of Point Contact Spectra of Electron-Phonon Interactions in Metals I00438 1995 eBook  
969 Collings, E.W Applied Superconductivity, Metallurgy, and Physics of Titanium Alloys I00434 1986 eBook  
970 Kallio, A.J Recent Progress in MANY-BODY THEORIES I00430 1988 eBook  
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TitleElectron Momentum Spectroscopy
Author(s)Weigold, Erich;McCarthy, Ian
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 1999.
DescriptionX, 273 p : online resource
Abstract NoteElectron Momentum Spectroscopy measures the energy-momentum density of the electrons in atoms, molecules and solids by means of a kinematically-complete ionization reaction initiated by an electron beam. The construction of spectrometers and the acquisition and reduction of cross-section data are described in detail. The quantum theory of the reaction is explained and the experimental verification is given. It is shown how to extract quasiparticle orbitals, and coefficients describing electron correlations of the data. These quantities are derived from the many-body theory of the electronic structure of atoms, molecules and solids. The relationship to less complete methods of investigating electronic structure is discussed. Examples are given of the determination of atomic and molecular orbitals and quantities relating them to the observed states of the residual ion. For amorphous, polycrystalline and crystalline solids and surfaces, examples show the energy-momentum density of valence electron bands, and effects due to electron diffraction and plasmon excitation. The book aims to give a complete account of electron momentum spectroscopy to date. Its significance is that it is a sensitive and experimentally-verifiable test of essentially every aspect of calculations of electronic structure. It is the only such probe available
Keyword(s)1. Atomic structure???? 2. Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics 3. Atomic/Molecular Structure and Spectra 4. ATOMS 5. Characterization and Evaluation of Materials 6. CONDENSED MATTER 7. CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS 8. EBOOK 9. EBOOK - SPRINGER 10. MATERIALS SCIENCE 11. Molecular structure?? 12. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 13. PHYSICS
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I00504     On Shelf    

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TitleDensity-Matrix Renormalization - A New Numerical Method in Physics : Lectures of a Seminar and Workshop held at the Max-Planck-Institut f??r Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden, Germany, August 24th to September 18th, 1998
Author(s)Peschel, Ingo;Wang, Xiaoqun;Kaulke, Matthias;Hallberg, Karen
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1999.
DescriptionXVI, 355 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book offers the first comprehensive account of the new method of density matrix renormalization. Recent years have seen enormous progress in the numerical treatment of low-dimensional quantum sytems. With this new technique, which selects a reduced set of basis states via density matrices, it has become possible to treat large systems with amazing accuracy. The method has been applied successfully to a variety of important one-dimensional problems such as spin chains, Kondo models, and correlated electron systems. Extensions to other systems and higher dimensions are currently being developed. The contributions to this book are written by leading experts in the field. The two parts contain an introduction to the subject and a review of physical applications. As a combination of advanced textbook and guide to current research the book should become a standard source for everyone interested in the topic
Keyword(s)1. CONDENSED MATTER 2. CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 6. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
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I00497     On Shelf    

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TitlePhysical Acoustics : Fundamentals and Applications
Author(s)Breazeale, M.A;Leroy, O
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 1991.
Description724 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book contains 17 invited papers and 80 communicated papers presented at the International Symposium on Physical Acoustics, held at the University Campus of Kortrijk, Belgium, from 19-22 June 1990. The twenty-fifth anniversary of the Campus was celebrated with special activi?? ties such as concerts, exhibitions and scientific meetings. This symposium was a part of the celebration. The 120 participants came from 18 different countries. Among the largest groups we mention 32 French contributions and 19 contributions from the U.S.S.R. We especially thank Prof. V.V. Proklov from Moscow and Prof. S.V. Kulakov from Leningrad who helped us with the distribution of invitations in the U.S.S.R. We also thank Prof. G. Quentin and Ir B. Poiree from Paris who endeav?? oured to inform all French acousticians. We thank all the lecturers for their effort in producing the material for the book in time. The invited lectures have been collected and retyped by Prof. M. Breazeale (U.S.A.), while the contributed papers were collec?? ted by Prof. O. Leroy and retyped in Belgium. The first 200 pages of the book comprise the invited lectures, not classified by topic, but are in alphabetical order with reference to the first author. The second part of the book contains the contributed papers and posters also classified in alphabetical order according to the first author
Keyword(s)1. ACOUSTICS 2. CONDENSED MATTER 3. CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS 4. CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 5. Crystallography and Scattering Methods 6. EBOOK 7. EBOOK - SPRINGER 8. LASERS 9. MICROSCOPY 10. Optics, Lasers, Photonics, Optical Devices 11. PHOTONICS 12. SOLID STATE PHYSICS 13. SPECTROSCOPY 14. Spectroscopy and Microscopy
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I00494     On Shelf    

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TitleThe Electronic Structure of Complex Systems
Author(s)Phariseau, P;Temmerman, W.M
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 1984.
Description803 p : online resource
Abstract NoteWe present here the transcripts of lectures and talks which were delivered at the NATO ADVANCED STUDY INSTITUTE "Electronic Structure of Complex Systems" held at the State University of Ghent, Belgium during the period July 12-23, 1982. The aim of these lectures was to highlight some of the current progress in our understanding of the electronic structure of com?? plex systems. A massive leap forward is obtained in bandstructure calculations with the advent of linear methods. The bandtheory also profitted tremendously from the recent developments in the density functional theories for the properties of the interacting electron gas in the presence of an external field of ions. The means of per?? forming fast bandstructure calculations and the confidence in the underlying potential functions have led in the past five years or so to a wealth of investigations into the electronic properties of elemental solids and compounds. The study of the trends of the electronic structure through families of materials provided invalu?? able insights for the prediction of new materials. The detailed study of the electronic structure of specific solids was not neglected and our present knowledge of d- and f-metals and metal hydrides was reviewed. For those systems we also investi?? gated the accuracy of the one electron potentials in fine detail and we complemented this with the study of small clusters of atoms where our calculations are amenable to comparison with the frontiers of quantum chemistry calculations
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I00483     On Shelf    

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TitleFragile Objects : Soft Matter, Hard Science, and the Thrill of Discovery
Author(s)Gennes, Pierre-Gilles de;Badoz, Jacques
PublicationNew York, NY, 1. Imprint: Copernicus 2. Springer New York, 1996.
DescriptionXVI, 189 p : online resource
Abstract NoteOver the past few decades we have learned a great deal about the behavior of such materials as liquid crystals, emulsions and colloids, polymers, and complex molecules. These materials, called "soft matter" ("mati??re fragile" in French), have neither the rigid structure and crystalline symmetry of a solid nor the uniformity and disorder of a fluid or a gas. They have unusual and fascinating properties: some change their viscosity at our beck and call; others form layers of two-dimensional liquids; some are polarized, their molecules all oriented in the same direction and turning in unison at our command; others make up the foams, bubbles, waxes, gums, and many other items we take for granted every day. De Gennes, one of the world's leading experts on these strange forms of matter, here addresses topics ranging from soft-matter physics - the formation of rubber, the nature and uses of gum arabic, the wetting and de-wetting of surfaces, and the mysterious properties of bubbles and foams - to the activities of science: the role of individual or team work, the relation of discovery to correction, and the interplay of conscience and knowledge. In the best tradition of science writing, this book teaches us about both our world and ourselves
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I00478     On Shelf    

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TitlePolymers, Liquid Crystals, and Low-Dimensional Solids
Author(s)March, Norman H;Tosi, Mario P
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 1984.
Description648 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book deals with three related areas having both fundamental and technological interest. In the first part, the objective is to provide a bird's?? eye view on structure in polymeric solids. This is then complemented by a chapter, directly technological in its emphasis, dealing with the influence of processing on polymeric materials. In spite of the technological interest, this leads to some of the current fundamental theory. Part II, concerned with liquid crystals, starts with a discussion of the physics of the various types of material, and concludes with a treatment of optical applications. Again, aspects of the theory are stressed though this part is basically phenomenological in character. In Part III, an account is given first of the use of chemical-bonding arguments in understanding the electronic structure of low-dimensional solids, followed by a comprehensive treatment of the influence of dimen?? sionality on phase transitions. A brief summary of dielectric screening in low-dimensional solids follows. Space-charge layers are then treated, including semiconductor inversion layers. Effects of limited dimensionality on superconductivity are also emphasized. Part IV concludes the volume with two specialized topics: electronic structure of biopolymers, and topological defects and disordered systems. The Editors wish to acknowledge that this book had its origins in the material presented at a course organized by the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste
Keyword(s)1. Characterization and Evaluation of Materials 2. CONDENSED MATTER 3. CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS 4. CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 5. Crystallography and Scattering Methods 6. EBOOK 7. EBOOK - SPRINGER 8. MATERIALS SCIENCE 9. MICROSCOPY 10. SOLID STATE PHYSICS 11. SPECTROSCOPY 12. Spectroscopy and Microscopy
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I00441     On Shelf    

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TitleSupercollider 5
Author(s)Hale, P
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 1994.
DescriptionXXVIII, 970 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThe fifth annual International Symposium on the Super Collider was a great success. Over 700 participants from around the country and the world gathered on May 6-8,1993, in San Francisco to mark the progress of the SSC, to discuss current issues, and to chart a course of action for the continued development of our understanding of basic subatomic matter. Together, the American public, academic communities, private sectors and governments from around the world have embarked on a project critical to maintaining our nation's preeminence as the world's leader in basic scientific research and the practical application of scientific knowledge. America has long maintained a commitment to investing in our nation's future. The Super Collider represents an essential next step in the direction of scope of human knowledge. The theme of the conference reflects these important goals: "SSC?? Focusing the World on Next Generation Science. " The challenge for us today is to spread the message of the importance of investing in America's future. This is our task, and the task of supporters of the Super Colliderthroughout the nation. Without employing all of our energies, our nation will miss an historic opportunity to ensure America's scientific technological and economic leadership in the years ahead as we enter the next millennium
Keyword(s)1. CONDENSED MATTER 2. CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. Heavy ions 6. NUCLEAR PHYSICS 7. Nuclear Physics, Heavy Ions, Hadrons
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I00440     On Shelf    

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TitleAtlas of Point Contact Spectra of Electron-Phonon Interactions in Metals
Author(s)Khotkevich, A.V;Yanson, Igor K
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 1995.
DescriptionXIII, 151 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThe characteristics of electrical contacts have long attracted the attention of researchers since these contacts are used in every electrical and electronic device. Earlier studies generally considered electrical contacts of large dimensions, having regions of current concentration with diameters substantially larger than the characteristic dimensions of the material: the interatomic distance, the mean free path for electrons, the coherence length in the superconducting state, etc. [110]. The development of microelectronics presented to scientists and engineers the task of studying the characteristics of electrical contacts with ultra-small dimensions. Characteristics of point contacts such as mechanical stability under continuous current loads, the magnitudes of electrical fluctuations, inherent sensitivity in radio devices and nonlinear characteristics in connection with electromagnetic radiation can not be understood and altered in the required way without knowledge of the physical processes occurring in contacts. Until recently it was thought that the electrical conductivity of contacts with direct conductance (without tunneling or semiconducting barriers) obeyed Ohm's law. Nonlinearities of the current-voltage characteristics were explained by joule heating of the metal in the region of the contact. However, studies of the current-voltage characteristics of metallic point contacts at low (liquid helium) temperatures [142] showed that heating effects were negligible in many cases and the nonlinear characteristics under these conditions were observed to take the form of the energy dependent probability of inelastic electron scattering, induced by various mechanisms
Keyword(s)1. CONDENSED MATTER 2. CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. Measurement Science and Instrumentation 6. Measurement?????? 7. PHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS
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I00438     On Shelf    

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TitleApplied Superconductivity, Metallurgy, and Physics of Titanium Alloys : Fundamentals Alloy Superconductors: Their Metallurgical, Physical, and Magnetic-Mixed-State Properties
Author(s)Collings, E.W
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 1986.
Description854 p : online resource
Abstract NoteScope and Purpose Although conductors based on the Al5 intermetallic compound Nb Sn 3 possess desirable high-field superconducting properties, manufacturing and handling difficulties, coupled with the tendency of their critical current densities to degrade rapidly under stress, have generally restricted their use to fairly straightforward, usually small-scale solenoidal-magnet applica?? tions. Likewise the Al5 compound VGa, which has a wider critical strain 3 window than NbSn but a uniformly lower upper critical field, has not 3 entered widespread service. Strain has been found to have no measurable influence on either the critical fields or the critical current densities of compound superconductors with BI and Cl5 crystal structures, but as yet they are still in the research and development stages. On the other hand, conductors using the binary alloy Ti-Nb or multi component alloys based on it, because of their relative ease of manufacture, excellent mechanical properties, and relatively low strain sensitivities, are now being pressed into service in numerous large-scale devices. Such conductors are being wound into magnets for use in energy storage, energy conversion (i. e. , generators and motors), and high-energy particle detectors and beam-handling magnets. of cold-rolled or drawn Ti-Nb-alloy wire for superconducting The use magnet applications was first proposed in 1961. During the ensuing ten years, while progress was being made in the development of Cu-clad filamentary-Ti-Nb-alloy conductors, Ti-Nb and other Ti-base binary transi?? tion-metal (TM) alloys were being employed as model systems in the fundamental study of type-II superconductivity
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I00434     On Shelf    

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TitleRecent Progress in MANY-BODY THEORIES
Author(s)Kallio, A.J;Pajanne, E;Bishop, R.F
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 1988.
DescriptionXII, 404 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThe present volume contains the texts of the invited talks delivered at the Fifth International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories held in Oulu, Finland during the period 3-8 August 1987. The general format and style of the meeting followed closely those which had evolved from the earlier conferences in the series: Trieste 1978, Oaxtepec 1981, Altenberg 1983 and San Francisco 1985. Thus, the conferences in this series are in?? tended, as far as is practicable, to cover in a broad and balanced fashion both the entire spectrum of theoretical tools developed to tackle the quan?? tum many-body problem, and their major fields of?? application. One of the major aims of the series is to foster the exchange of ideas and techniques among physicists working in such diverse areas of application of many-body theories as nucleon-nucleon interactions, nuclear physics, astronomy, atomic and molecular physics, quantum chemistry, quantum fluids and plasmas, and solid-state and condensed matter physics. A special feature of the present meeting however was that particular attention was paid in the programme to such topics of current interest in solid-state physics as high-temperature superconductors, heavy fermions, the quantum Hall effect, and disorder. A panel discussion was also organised during the conference, under the chair?? manship of N. W. Ashcroft, to consider the latest developments in the extreme?? ly rapidly growing field of high-T superconductors
Keyword(s)1. Characterization and Evaluation of Materials 2. CONDENSED MATTER 3. CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. MATERIALS SCIENCE
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I00430     On Shelf    

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