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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
71 Zwerger, Wilhelm The BCS-BEC Crossover and the Unitary Fermi Gas I06095 2012 eBook  
72 Sanvitto, Daniele Exciton Polaritons in Microcavities I06013 2012 eBook  
73 Sharma, R.G Superconductivity I05944 2015 eBook  
74 Limes, Mark E 129 Xe Relaxation and Rabi Oscillations I05915 2015 eBook  
75 Van Sciver, Steven W Helium Cryogenics I05711 2012 eBook  
76 Matsushita, Teruo Flux Pinning in Superconductors I05436 2014 eBook  
77 Bramati, Alberto Physics of Quantum Fluids I05411 2013 eBook  
78 Fl??gge, S Low Temperature Physics II / K??ltephysik II I04563 1956 eBook  
79 McClintock, P.V.E Low-Temperature Physics: an introduction for scientists and engineers I01160 1992 eBook  
80 Maciej Lewenstein, Anna Sanpera and Verò€nica Ahufinger Ultracold atoms in optical lattices OB1111 eBook  
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TitleThe BCS-BEC Crossover and the Unitary Fermi Gas
Author(s)Zwerger, Wilhelm
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
DescriptionXVI, 532 p. 154 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteTriggered by recent experimental and theoretical progress in elucidating the tunable crossover, in ultracold Fermi gases, from BCS-type superconductors to BEC-type superfluids, this volume is a collaborative effort by most leading international experts to provide both a pedagogical and up-to-date introduction and comprehensive overview of this newly emerging field. It is now understood that the unitary regime that lies right in the middle of the crossover has remarkable universal properties, arising from scale invariance, and has connections with fields as diverse as nuclear physics and string theory. This volume will serve as reference for active researchers in the field and equally benefit the many non-specialists and graduate students looking for a selfcontained, approachable exposition of the subject matter
Keyword(s)1. Condensed materials 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. Heavy ions 5. LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 6. LOW TEMPERATURES 7. NUCLEAR PHYSICS 8. Nuclear Physics, Heavy Ions, Hadrons 9. Phase transformations (Statistical physics) 10. Quantum Gases and Condensates 11. QUANTUM PHYSICS 12. Strongly Correlated Systems, Superconductivity 13. SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 14. SUPERCONDUCTORS
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I06095     On Shelf    

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TitleExciton Polaritons in Microcavities : New Frontiers
Author(s)Sanvitto, Daniele;Timofeev, Vladislav
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
DescriptionXXI, 401 p : online resource
Abstract NoteIn the past decade, there has been a burst of new and fascinating physics associated to the unique properties of two-dimensional exciton polaritons, their recent demonstration of condensation under non-equilibrium conditions and all the related quantum phenomena, which have stimulated extensive research work. This monograph summarizes the current state of the art of research on exciton polaritons in microcavities: their interactions, fast dynamics, spin-dependent phenomena, temporal and spatial coherence, condensation under non-equilibrium conditions, related collective quantum phenomena and most advanced applications. The monograph is written by the most active authors who have strongly contributed to the advances in this area. It is of great interests to both physicists approaching this subject for the first time, as well as a wide audience of experts in other disciplines who want to be updated on this fast moving field
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I06013     On Shelf    

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TitleSuperconductivity : Basics and Applications to Magnets
Author(s)Sharma, R.G
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2015.
DescriptionXXII, 414 p. 246 illus., 82 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book presents the basics and applications of superconducting magnets. It explains the phenomenon of superconductivity, theories of superconductivity, type II superconductors and high-temperature cuprate superconductors. The main focus of the book is on the application to superconducting magnets to accelerators and fusion reactors and other applications of superconducting magnets. The thermal and electromagnetic stability criteria of the conductors and the present status of the fabrication techniques for future magnet applications are addressed. The book is based on the long experience of the author in studying superconducting materials, building magnets and numerous lectures delivered to scholars. A researcher and graduate student will enjoy reading the book to learn various aspects of magnet applications of superconductivity. The book provides the knowledge in the field of applied superconductivity in a comprehensive way
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. ELECTRONICS 4. Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation 5. LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 6. LOW TEMPERATURES 7. MICROELECTRONICS 8. SOLID STATE PHYSICS 9. Strongly Correlated Systems, Superconductivity 10. SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 11. SUPERCONDUCTORS
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I05944     On Shelf    

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Title129 Xe Relaxation and Rabi Oscillations
Author(s)Limes, Mark E
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2015.
DescriptionXXI, 136 p. 42 illus., 33 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis thesis describes longitudinal nuclear relaxation measurements of solid 129Xe near 77 K with previously unattainable reproducibility, and demonstrates differences in relaxation, dependent upon the way in which the solid is condensed. These results are directly applicable to the generation and storage of large quantities of hyperpolarized 129Xe for various applications, such as lung magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The thesis features a sophisticated theoretical approach to these data sets, including modifications to a well-established Raman-phonon scattering theory that may explain the larger scatter in and discrepancies with previous work
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 4. LOW TEMPERATURES 5. MICROSCOPY 6. SPECTROSCOPY 7. Spectroscopy and Microscopy 8. Spectroscopy/Spectrometry
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I05915     On Shelf    

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TitleHelium Cryogenics
Author(s)Van Sciver, Steven W
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer New York, 2012.
DescriptionXXIV, 470 p. 220 illus., 9 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteTwenty five years have elapsed since the original publication of Helium Cryogenics. During this time, a considerable amount of research and development involving helium fluids has been carried out culminating in several large-scale projects. Furthermore, the field has matured through these efforts so that there is now a broad engineering base to assist the development of future projects. Helium Cryogenics, 2nd edition brings these advances in helium cryogenics together in an updated form. As in the original edition, the author's approach is to survey the field of cryogenics with emphasis on helium fluids. This approach is more specialized and fundamental than that contained in other cryogenics books, which treat the associated range of cryogenic fluids. As a result, the level of treatment is more advanced and assumes a certain knowledge of fundamental engineering and physics principles, including some quantum mechanics. The goal throughout the work is to bridge the gap between the physics and engineering aspects of helium fluids to provide a source for engineers and scientists to enhance their usefulness in low-temperature systems. Dr. Van Sciver is a Distinguished Research Professor and John H. Gorrie Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Florida State University. He is also a Program Director at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL). Dr. Van?? Sciver joined the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering and the NHMFL in 1991, initiating and teaching a graduate program in magnet and materials engineering and in cryogenic thermal sciences and heat transfer. He also led the NHMFL development efforts of the cryogenic systems for the NHMFL Hybrid and 900 MHz NMR superconducting magnets. Between 1997 and 2003, he served as Director of Magnet Science and Technology at the NHMFL. Dr. Van Sciver is a Fellow of the ASME and the Cryogenic Society of America and American Editor for the journal Cryogenics. He is the 2010 recipient of the Kurt Mendelssohn Award. Prior to joining Florida State University, Dr. Van Sciver was Research Scientist and then Professor of Nuclear Engineering, Engineering Physics and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from 1976 to 1991. During that time he also served as the Associate Director of the Applied Superconductivity Center. Dr. Van Sciver received his PhD in Low Temperature Physics from the University of Washington-Seattle in 1976. He received his BS degree in Engineering Physics from Lehigh University in 1970. Dr. Van Sciver is author of over 200 publications and patents in low temperature physics, liquid helium technology, cryogenic engineering and magnet technology. The first edition of Helium Cryogenics was published by Plenum Press (1986). The present work is an update and expansion of that original project
Keyword(s)1. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer 5. Heat engineering 6. HEAT TRANSFER 7. Industrial and Production Engineering 8. Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering 9. Industrial engineering 10. LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 11. LOW TEMPERATURES 12. MASS TRANSFER 13. Production engineering 14. THERMODYNAMICS
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I05711     On Shelf    

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TitleFlux Pinning in Superconductors
Author(s)Matsushita, Teruo
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.
DescriptionXV, 475 p. 327 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThe book covers the flux pinning mechanisms and properties and the electromagnetic phenomena caused by the flux pinning common for metallic, high-Tc and MgB2 superconductors. The condensation energy interaction known for normal precipitates or grain boundaries and the kinetic energy interaction proposed for artificial Nb pins in Nb-Ti, etc., are introduced for the pinning mechanism. Summation theories to derive the critical current density are discussed in detail. Irreversible magnetization and AC loss caused by the flux pinning are also discussed. The loss originally stems from the ohmic dissipation of normal electrons in the normal core driven by the electric field induced by the flux motion. The readers will learn why the resultant loss is of hysteresis type in spite of such mechanism. The influence of the flux pinning on the vortex phase diagram in high Tc superconductors is discussed, and the dependencies of the irreversibility field are also described on other quantities such as anisotropy of superconductor, specimen size and electric field strength. Recent developments of critical current properties in various high-Tc superconductors and MgB2 are introduced. Other topics are: singularity in the case of transport current in a parallel magnetic field such as deviation from the Josephson relation, reversible flux motion inside pinning potentials which causes deviation from the critical state model prediction, the concept of the minimization of energy dissipation in the flux pinning phenomena which gives the basis for the critical state model, etc. Significant reduction in the AC loss in AC wires with very fine filaments originates from the reversible flux motion which is dominant in the two-dimensional pinning. The concept of minimum energy dissipation explains also the behavior of flux bundle size which determines the irreversibility line under the flux creep. The new edition has been thoroughly updated, with new sections on the progress in enhancing the critical current density in high temperature superconductors by introduction of artificial pinning centers, the effect of packing density on the critical current density and irreversibility field in MgB2 and derivation of the force-balance equation from the minimization of the free energy including the pinning energy
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Electronic materials 4. LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 5. LOW TEMPERATURES 6. Optical and Electronic Materials 7. OPTICAL MATERIALS 8. Strongly Correlated Systems, Superconductivity 9. SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 10. SUPERCONDUCTORS
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I05436     On Shelf    

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TitlePhysics of Quantum Fluids : New Trends and Hot Topics in Atomic and Polariton Condensates
Author(s)Bramati, Alberto;Modugno, Michele
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
DescriptionXXII, 405 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThe study of quantum fluids, stimulated by the discovery of superfluidity in liquid helium, has experienced renewed interest after the observation of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) in ultra-cold atomic gases and the observation a new type of quantum fluid with specific characteristics derived from its intrinsic out-of-equilibrium nature. The main objective of this book is to take a snapshot of the state-of-the-art of this fast moving field with a special emphasis on the hot topics and new trends. Bringing together the most active specialists of the two areas (atomic and polaritonic quantum fluids), we expect that this book will facilitate the exchange and the collaboration between these two communities working on subjects with very strong analogies
Keyword(s)1. Condensed materials 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 5. LOW TEMPERATURES 6. MATERIALS SCIENCE 7. Materials Science, general 8. Phase transformations (Statistical physics) 9. Phase transitions (Statistical physics) 10. Phase Transitions and Multiphase Systems 11. Quantum Gases and Condensates 12. QUANTUM PHYSICS 13. SOLID STATE PHYSICS
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I05411     On Shelf    

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TitleLow Temperature Physics II / K??ltephysik II
Author(s)Fl??gge, S
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1956.
DescriptionVIII, 478 p : online resource
Abstract Note71 For a given value of I the field is independent of the geometrical composition of the coil inside the winding space. The actual number of turns and the cross?? section of the conductors is entirely determined by the impedance of the power supply to which the magnet should be adapted. In the case of low impedance (high current and low voltage) few turns of thick metal should be used. In the case of high impedance (low current and high voltage) many turns of thin material are needed. High impedance coils are made of square wire or flat strip wound into layers or "pancakes" 1. A nice system for low impedance coils was deve?? loped by BITTER. The turns of his magnets consist of flat copper discs separated by thin insulating sheets and joined together at their edges. In this type of coil the current density is higher near the axis than at the exterior, resulting into a higher value for G (see above). For the details of the construction we refer to the original papers 2, 3. If the power is dissipated at a low voltage the cooling may be achieved with the help of water. Distilled water should be preferred over mains' water in order to prevent the magnet from corrosion. In the case of a high voltage coil some non-inflammable organic fluid should be used. A low viscosity and a large specific heat are advantageous
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I04563     On Shelf    

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TitleLow-Temperature Physics: an introduction for scientists and engineers : An introduction for scientists and engineers
Author(s)McClintock, P.V.E;Meredith, D.J;Wigmore, J. K
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1992.
DescriptionVIII, 296 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book is intended to provide a clear and unified introduction to the physics of matter at low temperatures, and to do so at a level accessible to researchers new to the field and to graduate and senior undergraduate students. Rapid scientific progress made over the last seven years in a number of specific areas-for example, high-Tc superconductivity and the quantum Hall effect-has inevitably rendered our earlier Matter at Low Temperatures somewhat out of date. We have therefore taken the opportunity to revise and amend the text in its entirety and, at the same time, to furnish it with what we believe to be a more apt title, emphasizing that it is with the physics of low temperatures that we are particularly concerned. Like its predecessor, Low-Temperature Physics is devoted to the fascinating and diverse phenomena that occur under conditions of extreme cold, many of which have no analogue at all in the everyday world at room temperature
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I01160     On Shelf    

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TitleUltracold atoms in optical lattices : simulating quantum many-body systems
Author(s)Maciej Lewenstein, Anna Sanpera and Verò€nica Ahufinger
PublicationOxford, 1. c2012 2. Oxford University Press,
Description1 online resource (xiv, 479 p.) : ill
Abstract NoteThis title explores the physics of atoms frozen to ultralow temperatures and trapped in periodic light structures. It introduces the reader to the spectacular progress achieved on the field of ultracold gases and describes present and future challenges in condensed matter physics, high energy physics, and quantum computation
NotesIncludes bibliographical references and index
ISBN,Price9780191775048 (ebook)
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OB1111     On Shelf    

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