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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
661 Derdzinski, Andrzej Geometry of the Standard Model of Elementary Particles I02506 1992 eBook  
662 Blaszak, Maciej Multi-Hamiltonian Theory of Dynamical Systems I02464 1998 eBook  
663 Greiner, Walter Quantum Electrodynamics I02457 1994 eBook  
664 Bullough, R.K Solitons I02405 1980 eBook  
665 Arias, Jose M Response of the Nuclear System to External Forces I02362 1995 eBook  
666 K??hn, Johann H Radiative Corrections for e+e- Collisions I02360 1989 eBook  
667 Wess, Julius Supersymmetry and Quantum Field Theory I02341 1998 eBook  
668 H??hler, Gerhard Photon-Hadron Interactions I I02323 1972 eBook  
669 L??st, Dieter Lectures on String Theory I02320 1989 eBook  
670 Claro, Francisco Nonlinear Phenomena in Physics I02302 1985 eBook  
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TitleGeometry of the Standard Model of Elementary Particles
Author(s)Derdzinski, Andrzej
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1992.
DescriptionXI, 199 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThe book gives an exposition of the standard model of elementary particles based on coordinate-free differential geometric foundations. It addresses students in physics and mathematics
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Elementary particles (Physics) 4. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 5. GEOMETRY 6. Mathematical Methods in Physics 7. PHYSICS 8. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY
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I02506     On Shelf    

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TitleMulti-Hamiltonian Theory of Dynamical Systems
Author(s)Blaszak, Maciej
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1998.
DescriptionX, 350 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThis is a modern approach to Hamiltonian systems where multi-Hamiltonian systems are presented in book form for the first time. These systems allow a unified treatment of finite, lattice and field systems. Having more than one Hamiltonian formulation in a single coordinate system for a nonlinear system is a property closely related to integrability. Thus, the book presents an algebraic theory of integrable systems. It is written for scientists and graduate students
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Elementary particles (Physics) 4. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 5. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 6. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY 7. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
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I02464     On Shelf    

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TitleQuantum Electrodynamics
Author(s)Greiner, Walter;Reinhardt, Joachim
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1994.
Description46 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThe need for a second edition of our text on Quantum Electrodynamics has given us the opportunity to implement some corrections and amendments. We have corrected a number of misprints and minor errors and have supplied additional explanatory remarks at various places. Furthermore some new material has been included on the magnetic moment of the muon (in Example 5. 6) and on the Lamb shift (in Example 5. 8). Finally, we have added the new Example 3. 17 which explains the equivalent photon method. We thank several colleagues for helpful comments and also are grateful to Dr. R. Mattiello who has supervised the preparation of the second edition of the book. Furthermore we acknowledge the agreeable collaboration with Dr. H. J. K6lsch and his team at Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. Frankfurt am Main, Walter Greiner July 1994 Joachim Reinhardt Preface to the First Edition Theoretical physics has become a many-faceted science. For the young student it is difficult enough to cope with the overwhelming amount of new scientific material that has to be learned, let alone obtain an overview of the entire field, which ranges from mechanics through electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, field theory, nuclear and heavy-ion science, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, and solid?? state theory to elementary-particle physics. And this knowledge should be acquired in just 8-10 semesters, during which, in addition, a Diploma or Master's thesis has to be worked on or examinations prepared for
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Elementary particles (Physics) 4. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 5. QUANTUM COMPUTERS 6. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY 7. Quantum Information Technology, Spintronics 8. QUANTUM PHYSICS 9. SPINTRONICS
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I02457     On Shelf    

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Author(s)Bullough, R.K;Caudrey, P.J
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1980.
DescriptionXVIII, 392 p : online resource
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Elementary particles (Physics) 4. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 5. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 6. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY 7. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
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I02405     On Shelf    

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TitleResponse of the Nuclear System to External Forces : Proceedings of the V La R??bida International Summer School on Nuclear Physics Held at La R??bida, Huelva, Spain 19 June ??? 1 July 1994
Author(s)Arias, Jose M;Gallardo, Maria I;Lozano, Manuel
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1995.
DescriptionVIII, 296 p. 41 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteWritten in a pedagogical way, the articles in this book address graduate students as well as researchers and are well suited for seminar work. Subjects at the forefront of nuclear research, bordering other areas of many-particle physics, such as electron scattering at different energy scales, new physics with radioactive beams, multifragmentation, relativistic nuclear physics, high spin nuclear problems, chaos, the role of the continuum in nuclear physics or recent calculations with the shell model are presented. It is felt that the topics treated in this book address the main future lines of development of nuclear physics
Keyword(s)1. Astronomy, Observations and Techniques 2. Astronomy???Observations 3. ASTROPHYSICS 4. Astrophysics and Astroparticles 5. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 6. DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 7. EBOOK 8. EBOOK - SPRINGER 9. Elementary particles (Physics) 10. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 11. Heavy ions 12. NUCLEAR FUSION 13. NUCLEAR PHYSICS 14. Nuclear Physics, Heavy Ions, Hadrons 15. Observations, Astronomical 16. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY 17. STATISTICAL PHYSICS
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I02362     On Shelf    

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TitleRadiative Corrections for e+e- Collisions : Proceedings of the International Workshop Held at Schlo?? Ringberg Tegernsee, FRG, April 3???7, 1989
Author(s)K??hn, Johann H
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1989.
DescriptionVIII, 349 p. 9 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteIn recent years the Standard Model of electroweak interactions has successfully passed a number of crucial tests, most notably in neutral current reactions and through the observation of W- and Z-bosons in proton-antiproton collisions. How?? ever, experiments are only beginning to verify one of the most basic consequences of its theoretical formulation as a local quantum field theory: quantum corrections as calculated in perturbation theory. Measurements that will be carried out at electron?? positron colliders at Stanford and CERN in the very near future will improve the accuracy by more than an order of magnitude. Thus either these crucial elements of the present theoretical framework will be confirmed or the road to physics beyond the Standard Model will be opened. A huge amount of theoretical work has been invested during the past few years to match the envisaged experimental precision. QED corrections, in particular from initial state radiation, will playa dominant role in the interpretation of measurements and have to be understood at a hitherto unrivalled level of accuracy. Analytical cal?? culations - either to a fixed order in a or by summing large logarithms to arbitrary order - are complementary to recent developments of Monte Carlo techniques in the simulation of events with multiple photon emission. Measurements with hadronic final states evidently require the understanding of hadronic corrections to high accu?? racy. Even purely leptonic reactions are influenced by hadronic interactions through vacuum polarization
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Elementary particles (Physics) 4. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 5. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY
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I02360     On Shelf    

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TitleSupersymmetry and Quantum Field Theory : Proceedings of the D. Volkov Memorial Seminar Held in Kharkov, Ukraine, 5???7 January 1997
Author(s)Wess, Julius;Akulov, Vladimir P
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1998.
DescriptionXV, 408 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThis volume contains important contributions to various topics of modern theoretical physics: supermembranes, supersymmetry, and quantum field theory and quantum groups. The book is dedicated to the late D. Volkov and also contains a selection of his pioneering work in spin and statistics, supersymmetry, supergravity, and superstrings
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Elementary particles (Physics) 4. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 5. QUANTUM COMPUTERS 6. Quantum Field Theories, String Theory 7. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY 8. Quantum Information Technology, Spintronics 9. QUANTUM PHYSICS 10. SPINTRONICS 11. STRING THEORY
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I02341     On Shelf    

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TitlePhoton-Hadron Interactions I : International Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics, Desy, July 12???24, 1971
Author(s)H??hler, Gerhard;Fujimori, Atsushi;K??hn, Johann;M??ller, Thomas;Steiner, Frank;Stwalley, William C;Tr??mper, Joachim E;W??lfle, Peter;Woggon, Ulrike
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1972.
DescriptionVII, 167 p. 1 illus : online resource
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Elementary particles (Physics) 4. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 5. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY
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I02323     On Shelf    

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TitleLectures on String Theory
Author(s)L??st, Dieter;Theisen, Stefan
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1989.
DescriptionVII, 348 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book provides a self-contained introduction to string theory, at present one of the most exciting and fastest-growing areas in theoretical high-energy physics. Pedagogical in character, it introduces modern techniques and concepts, such as conformal and superconformal field theory, Kac-Moody algebras, etc., stressing their relevance and application to string theory rather than the formal aspects. The reader is led from a basic discussion of the classical bosonic string to the construction of four-dimensional heterotic string models, an area of current research. The so-called covariant lattice construction is discussed in detail. Being conceptually very simple, the book serves to exemplify the relevant features of other methods of arriving at four-dimensional string theories. It is also shown how one derives a low-energy field theory from string theory, thereby making contact with conventional point-particle physics
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Elementary particles (Physics) 4. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 5. Mathematical Methods in Physics 6. Numerical and Computational Physics, Simulation 7. PHYSICS 8. QUANTUM COMPUTERS 9. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY 10. Quantum Information Technology, Spintronics 11. QUANTUM PHYSICS 12. SPINTRONICS
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I02320     On Shelf    

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TitleNonlinear Phenomena in Physics : Proceedings of the 1984 Latin American School of Physics, Santiago, Chile, July 16???August 3, 1984
Author(s)Claro, Francisco
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1985.
DescriptionX, 444 p : online resource
Abstract NoteIt was almost four hundred years ago that Galileo wrote in Il Saggiatore that the "Book of Nature is written in mathema ti ca 1 characters". Thi s sentence, i nspi red at the dawn of physics has proved with the passage of time to contain a deep truth and also a warning: in order to understand Nature, first we must learn to read mathema?? tical characters. Indeed, writing physical law in such characters has proved not as hard as unraveling the content of the resulting equations. In particular, the lack of knowledge in the field of nonlinear mathematics has been a severe limita?? tion in the past. Thus the solution to equations such as the Navier-Stokes equation in fluid dynamics has remained elusive. The recent advent of fast computers and some important analytical and numerical results in the study of bifurcations and nonlinear waves have encouraged work both in theory and experiment involving non?? linear phenomena. An explosive growth in the specialized literature penetrating most research areas in physics in the last few years has ensued. This book contains the most recent advances in nonlinear physics in various fields including astrophysics, gravitation, particle physics, quantum optics, fluid dynamics and the mathematics underlying the phenomena of chaos and nonlinear waves. It presents a selection from the lectures delivered at the XXI '_atin American School of Physics held in Santiago, Chile in July-August 1984 (EtAF'84)
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Elementary particles (Physics) 4. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 5. Fluid- and Aerodynamics 6. FLUIDS 7. LASERS 8. Mathematical Methods in Physics 9. Numerical and Computational Physics, Simulation 10. Optics, Lasers, Photonics, Optical Devices 11. PHOTONICS 12. PHYSICS 13. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY 14. QUANTUM OPTICS
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I02302     On Shelf    

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