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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
121 Klausner, Yehuda Fundamentals of Continuum Mechanics of Soils I01093 1991 eBook  
122 Fulde, Peter Electron Correlations in Molecules and Solids I00915 1995 eBook  
123 Galindo, Alberto Quantum Mechanics I I00305 1990 eBook  
124 Joubert, Daniel Density Functionals: Theory and Applications I00302 1998 eBook  
125 Oks, Eugene Plasma Spectroscopy I00073 1995 eBook  
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TitleFundamentals of Continuum Mechanics of Soils
Author(s)Klausner, Yehuda
PublicationLondon, Springer London, 1991.
DescriptionXLIII, 607 p : online resource
Abstract NoteFundamentals of Continuum Mechanics of Soils provides a long-needed general scheme for the study of the important yet problematic material of soil. It closes the gap between two disciplines, soil mechanics and con- tinuum mechanics, showing that the familiar concepts of soil mechanics evolve directly from continuum mechanics. It confirms concepts such as pore pressures, cohesion and dependence of the shear stress on consolidation, and rejects the view that continuum mechanics cannot be applied to a material such as soil. The general concepts of continuum mechanics, field equations and constitutive equations are discussed. It is shown how the theory of mixtures evolves from these equations and how, along with energetics and irrevers- ible thermodynamics, it can be applied to soils. The discussion also sheds light on some aspects of mechanics of materials, especially compressible materials. Examples are the introduction of the Hencky measure of strain, the requirement of dual constitutive equations, and the dependence of the spent internal energy on the stored internal energy. Researchers in engineering mechanics and material sciences may find that the results of experiments on soils can be generalized and extended to other materials. The book is a reference text for students familiar with the fundamentals of mechanics, for scholars of soil engineering, and for soil scientists. It is also suitable as an advanced undergraduate course in soil mechanics
Keyword(s)1. Chemistry, Physical and theoretical 2. CLASSICAL MECHANICS 3. CONDENSED MATTER 4. CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. Fluid- and Aerodynamics 8. FLUIDS 9. MECHANICS 10. Polymer Sciences 11. Polymers???? 12. Theoretical and Computational Chemistry 13. THERMODYNAMICS
Item TypeeBook
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I01093     On Shelf    

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TitleElectron Correlations in Molecules and Solids
Author(s)Fulde, Peter
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1995.
DescriptionXIV, 483 p. 7 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteElectron Correlations in Molecules and Solids bridges the gap between quantum chemistry and solid-state theory. In the first half of the text new concepts are developed for treating many-body and correlation effects, combining standard quantum chemical methods with projection techniques, Greens-function methods and Monto-Carlo techniques. The second half deals with applications of the theory to molecules, semiconductors, transition metals, heavy fermion systems, and the new high-Tc superconducting materials
Keyword(s)1. Applied and Technical Physics 2. Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics 3. ATOMS 4. Chemistry, Physical and theoretical 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 8. PHYSICS 9. Strongly Correlated Systems, Superconductivity 10. SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 11. SUPERCONDUCTORS 12. Theoretical and Computational Chemistry 13. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
Item TypeeBook
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I00915     On Shelf    

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TitleQuantum Mechanics I
Author(s)Galindo, Alberto;Pascual, Pedro
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1990.
DescriptionXVI, 417 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThe first edition of this book was published in 1978 and a new Spanish e(,tition in 1989. When the first edition appeared, Professor A. Martin suggested that an English translation would meet with interest. Together with Professor A. S. Wightman, he tried to convince an American publisher to translate the book. Financial problems made this impossible. Later on, Professors E. H. Lieband W. Thirring proposed to entrust Springer-Verlag with the translation of our book, and Professor W. BeiglbOck accepted the plan. We are deeply grateful to all of them, since without their interest and enthusiasm this book would not have been translated. In the twelve years that have passed since the first edition was published, beautiful experiments confirming some of the basic principles of quantum me?? chanics have been carried out, and the theory has been enriched with new, im?? portant developments. Due reference to all of this has been paid in this English edition, which implies that modifications have been made to several parts of the book. Instances of these modifications are, on the one hand, the neutron interfer?? ometry experiments on wave-particle duality and the 27r rotation for fermions, and the crucial experiments of Aspect et al. with laser technology on Bell's inequalities, and, on the other hand, some recent results on level ordering in central potentials, new techniques in the analysis of anharmonic oscillators, and perturbative expansions for the Stark and Zeeman effects
Keyword(s)1. Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics 2. ATOMS 3. Chemistry, Physical and theoretical 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 7. PHYSICS 8. QUANTUM COMPUTERS 9. Quantum Information Technology, Spintronics 10. QUANTUM PHYSICS 11. SPINTRONICS 12. Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
Item TypeeBook
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I00305     On Shelf    

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TitleDensity Functionals: Theory and Applications : Proceedings of the Tenth Chris Engelbrecht Summer School in Theoretical Physics Held at Meerensee, near Cape Town, South Africa, 19???29 January 1997
Author(s)Joubert, Daniel
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1998.
DescriptionXVI, 196 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book is an excellent introduction to density functional theory for electrons. Largely written in review style, it will also serve as an excellent overview of recent developments. Nonrelativistic and relativistic approaches are discussed and conventional ground-state as well as polarization density functional and time-dependent density functional formalisms are introduced. A careful discussion of the exchange-correlation functional and approximations is presented and a chapter is devoted to an analysis of hybrid wavefunction/density-functional approximations
Keyword(s)1. Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics 2. ATOMS 3. Chemistry, Physical and theoretical 4. CONDENSED MATTER 5. CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS 6. EBOOK 7. EBOOK - SPRINGER 8. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 9. PHYSICS 10. Theoretical and Computational Chemistry 11. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
Item TypeeBook
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I00302     On Shelf    

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TitlePlasma Spectroscopy : The Influence of Microwave and Laser Fields
Author(s)Oks, Eugene
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1995.
DescriptionXIII, 182 p : online resource
Abstract NotePlasma Spectroscopy systematically develops the foundations of spectroscopy for plasmas subjected to quasi-monochromatic electric fields in the microwave or visible range. Such fields may be due to longitudinal Langmuir waves or low hybrid oscillations, which are excited in pulsed discharged or by high-current beams of charged particles. Even more important are the transverse fields present in the plasmas of tokamaks, laser fusion, and technological microwave discharges. This book is intended for researchers dealing with plasma spectroscopy, plasma diagnostics, high frequency and microwave discharges, laser induced discharges, particle and laser-beam interactions with plasmas, controlled fusion, and ionospheric and astrophysical plasmas. It describes methods for measuring the field and plasma parameters and discusses their practical application. It also presents new results on nonpertubative analysis of the interaction of quantum systems with a strong radiation field
Keyword(s)1. Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics 2. ATOMS 3. Chemistry, Physical and theoretical 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. LASERS 7. Optics, Lasers, Photonics, Optical Devices 8. PHOTONICS 9. PHYSICS 10. QUANTUM OPTICS 11. Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
Item TypeeBook
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Accession#  Call#StatusIssued ToReturn Due On Physical Location
I00073     On Shelf    

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