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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
11 Holme, Petter Temporal Networks I07999 2013 eBook  
12 Bertino, Elisa Roles, Trust, and Reputation in Social Media Knowledge Markets I07794 2015 eBook  
13 Fellman, Philip Vos Conflict and Complexity I07689 2015 eBook  
14 Deffuant, Guillaume Viability and Resilience of Complex Systems I07171 2011 eBook  
15 Ball, Philip Why Society is a Complex Matter I07060 2012 eBook  
16 Scharnhorst, Andrea Models of Science Dynamics I06006 2012 eBook  
17 Phaf, R.H Learning in Natural and Connectionist Systems I05234 1994 eBook  
18 Tryon, Warren W Activity Measurement in Psychology and Medicine I00687 1991 eBook  
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TitleTemporal Networks
Author(s)Holme, Petter;Saram??ki, Jari
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
DescriptionVIII, 352 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThe concept of temporal networks is an extension of complex networks as a modeling framework to include information on when interactions between nodes happen. Many studies of the last decade examine how the static network structure affect dynamic systems on the network. In this traditional approach?? the temporal aspects are pre-encoded in the dynamic system model. Temporal-network methods, on the other hand, lift the temporal information from the level of system dynamics to the mathematical representation of the contact network itself. This framework becomes particularly useful for cases where there is a lot of structure and heterogeneity both in the timings of interaction events and the network topology. The advantage compared to common static network approaches is the ability to design more accurate models in order to explain and predict large-scale dynamic phenomena (such as, e.g., epidemic outbreaks and other spreading phenomena). On the other hand, temporal network methods are mathematically and conceptually more challenging. This book is intended as a first introduction and state-of-the art overview of this rapidly emerging field
Keyword(s)1. Applications of Graph Theory and Complex Networks 2. COMPLEXITY 3. COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. MATHEMATICS 7. Mathematics in the Humanities and Social Sciences 8. Methodology of the Social Sciences 9. PHYSICS 10. SOCIAL SCIENCES
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I07999     On Shelf    

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TitleRoles, Trust, and Reputation in Social Media Knowledge Markets : Theory and Methods
Author(s)Bertino, Elisa;Matei, Sorin Adam
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2015.
DescriptionXIV, 198 p. 16 illus., 15 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis title discusses the emerging trends in defining, measuring, and operationalizing reputation as a new and essential component of the knowledge that is generated and consumed online. The book also proposes a future research agenda related to these issues???with the ultimate goal of shaping the next generation of theoretical and analytic strategies needed for understanding how knowledge markets are influenced by social interactions and reputations built around functional roles. Roles, Trust, and Reputation in Social Media Knowledge Markets exposes issues that have not been satisfactorily dealt with in the current literature. In a broader sense, the volume aims to change the way in which knowledge generation in social media spaces is understood and utilized. The tools, theories, and methodologies proposed here offer concrete avenues for developing the next generation of research strategies and applications that will help: tomorrow???s information consumers make smarter choices, developers to create new tools, and researchers to launch new research programs
Keyword(s)1. APPLICATION SOFTWARE 2. Applications of Graph Theory and Complex Networks 3. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 4. Computer Appl. in Social and Behavioral Sciences 5. DATA MINING 6. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 7. EBOOK 8. EBOOK - SPRINGER 9. Methodology of the Social Sciences 10. PHYSICS 11. SOCIAL SCIENCES 12. SYSTEM THEORY
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I07794     On Shelf    

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TitleConflict and Complexity : Countering Terrorism, Insurgency, Ethnic and Regional Violence
Author(s)Fellman, Philip Vos;Bar-Yam, Yaneer;Minai, Ali A
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer New York, 2015.
DescriptionX, 292 p. 68 illus., 57 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteComplexity science affords a number of novel tools for examining terrorism, particularly network analysis and NK-Boolean fitness landscapes as well as other tools drawn from non-linear dynamical systems modeling. This book follows the methodologies of complex adaptive systems research in their application to addressing the problems of terrorism, specifically terrorist networks, their structure and various methods of mapping and interdicting them as well as exploring the complex landscape of network-centric and irregular warfare. A variety of new models and approaches are presented here, including Dynamic Network Analysis, DIME/PMESII models, percolation models and emergent models of insurgency. In addition, the analysis is informed by practical experience, with analytical and policy guidance from authors who have served within the U.S. Department of Defense, the British Ministry of Defence as well as those who have served in a civilian capacity as advisors on terrorism and counter-terrorism
Keyword(s)1. APPLICATION SOFTWARE 2. Applications of Graph Theory and Complex Networks 3. COMPLEXITY 4. COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY 5. Computer Appl. in Social and Behavioral Sciences 6. EBOOK 7. EBOOK - SPRINGER 8. Methodology of the Social Sciences 9. PHYSICS 10. Security Science and Technology 11. SOCIAL SCIENCES 12. System safety
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I07689     On Shelf    

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TitleViability and Resilience of Complex Systems : Concepts, Methods and Case Studies from Ecology and Society
Author(s)Deffuant, Guillaume;Gilbert, Nigel
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
DescriptionXII, 224 p : online resource
Abstract NoteOne common characteristic of a complex system is its ability to withstand major disturbances and the capacity to rebuild itself. Understanding how such systems demonstrate resilience by absorbing or recovering from major external perturbations requires both quantitative foundations and a multidisciplinary view of the topic. This book demonstrates how new methods can be used to identify the actions favouring the recovery from perturbations on a variety of examples including the dynamics of bacterial biofilms, grassland savannahs, language competition and Internet social networking sites. The reader is taken through an introduction to the idea of resilience and viability and shown the mathematical basis of the techniques used to analyse systems. The idea of individual or agent-based modelling of complex systems is introduced and related to analytically tractable approximations of such models. A set of case studies illustrates the use of the techniques in real applications, and the final section describes how one can use new software tools for carrying out the necessary calculations. The book is intended for a general scientific audience of readers from the natural and social sciences, although it requires some mathematics to gain a full understanding of the more theoretical chapters. It is an essential point of reference for those interested in the practical application of the concepts of resilience and viability
Keyword(s)1. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 2. COMPUTER SIMULATION 3. DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. ECOLOGY 7. Ecology?? 8. GAME THEORY 9. Game Theory, Economics, Social and Behav. Sciences 10. Methodology of the Social Sciences 11. Simulation and Modeling 12. SOCIAL SCIENCES 13. STATISTICAL PHYSICS 14. Statistical Physics and Dynamical Systems
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I07171     On Shelf    

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TitleWhy Society is a Complex Matter : Meeting Twenty-first Century Challenges with a New Kind of Science
Author(s)Ball, Philip
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
Description80 p. 35 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteSociety is complicated. But this book argues that this does not place it beyond the reach of a science that can help to explain and perhaps even to predict social behaviour. As a system made up of many interacting agents ??? people, groups, institutions and governments, as well as physical and technological structures such as roads and computer networks ??? society can be regarded as a complex system. In recent years, scientists have made great progress in understanding how such complex systems operate, ranging from animal populations to earthquakes and weather. These systems show behaviours that cannot be predicted or intuited by focusing on the individual components, but which emerge spontaneously as a consequence of their interactions: they are said to be ???self-organized???. Attempts to direct or manage such emergent properties generally reveal that ???top-down??? approaches, which try to dictate a particular outcome, are ineffectual, and that what is needed instead is a ???bottom-up??? approach that aims to guide self-organization towards desirable states. This book shows how some of these ideas from the science of complexity can be applied to the study and management of social phenomena, including traffic flow, economic markets, opinion formation and the growth and structure of cities. Building on these successes, the book argues that the complex-systems view of the social sciences has now matured sufficiently for it to be possible, desirable and perhaps essential to attempt a grander objective: to integrate these efforts into a unified scheme for studying, understanding and ultimately predicting what happens in the world we have made. Such a scheme would require the mobilization and collaboration of many different research communities, and would allow society and its interactions with the physical environment to be explored through realistic models and large-scale data collection and analysis. It should enable us to find new and effective solutions to major global problems such as conflict, disease, financial instability, environmental despoliation and poverty, while avoiding unintended policy consequences. It could give us the foresight to anticipate and ameliorate crises, and to begin tackling some of the most intractable problems of the twenty-first century
Keyword(s)1. APPLICATION SOFTWARE 2. COMMUNICATION 3. Communication Studies 4. COMPLEXITY 5. COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY 6. Computer Appl. in Social and Behavioral Sciences 7. Data-driven Science, Modeling and Theory Building 8. EBOOK 9. EBOOK - SPRINGER 10. ECONOMIC POLICY 11. ECONOMICS 12. ECONOPHYSICS 13. Methodology of the Social Sciences 14. Political Economy/Economic Systems 15. SOCIAL SCIENCES 16. Sociophysics
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I07060     On Shelf    

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TitleModels of Science Dynamics : Encounters Between Complexity Theory and Information Sciences
Author(s)Scharnhorst, Andrea;B??rner, Katy;van den Besselaar, Peter
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
DescriptionXXX, 270 p : online resource
Abstract NoteModels of science dynamics aim to capture the structure and evolution of science. They are developed in an emerging research area in which scholars, scientific institutions and scientific communications become themselves basic objects of research. In order to understand phenomena as diverse as the structure of evolving co-authorship networks or citation diffusion patterns, different models have been developed. They include conceptual models based on historical and ethnographic observations, mathematical descriptions of measurable phenomena, and computational algorithms. Despite its evident importance, the mathematical modeling of science still lacks a unifying framework and a comprehensive research agenda. This book aims to fill this gap, reviewing and describing major threads in the mathematical modeling of science dynamics for a wider academic and professional audience. The model classes presented here cover stochastic and statistical models, game-theoretic approaches, agent-based simulations, population-dynamics models, and complex network models. The book starts with a foundational chapter that defines and operationalizes terminology used in the study of science, and a review chapter that discusses the history of mathematical approaches to modeling science from an algorithmic-historiography perspective. It concludes with a survey of future challenges for science modeling and discusses their relevance for science policy and science policy studies
Keyword(s)1. APPLICATION SOFTWARE 2. COMPLEXITY 3. COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY 4. Data-driven Science, Modeling and Theory Building 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. ECONOPHYSICS 8. Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet) 9. Methodology of the Social Sciences 10. SOCIAL SCIENCES 11. Sociophysics
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I06006     On Shelf    

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TitleLearning in Natural and Connectionist Systems : Experiments and a Model
Author(s)Phaf, R.H
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1994.
DescriptionXVI, 294 p : online resource
Abstract NoteModern research in neural networks has led to powerful artificial learning systems, while recent work in the psychology of human memory has revealed much about how natural systems really learn, including the role of unconscious, implicit, memory processes. Regrettably, the two approaches typically ignore each other. This book, combining the approaches, should contribute to their mutual benefit. New empirical work is presented showing dissociations between implicit and explicit memory performance. Recently proposed explanations for such data lead to a new connectionist learning procedure: CALM (Categorizing and Learning Module), which can learn with or without supervision, and shows practical advantages over many existing procedures. Specific experiments are simulated by a network model (ELAN) composed of CALM modules. A working memory extension to the model is also discussed that could give it symbol manipulation abilities. The book will be of interest to memory psychologists and connectionists, as well as to cognitive scientists who in the past have tended to restrict themselves to symbolic models
Keyword(s)1. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 2. DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. Methodology of the Social Sciences 6. Neurology 7. Neurology?? 8. SOCIAL SCIENCES 9. STATISTICAL PHYSICS 10. Statistical Physics and Dynamical Systems 11. SYSTEM THEORY 12. Systems Theory, Control
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I05234     On Shelf    

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TitleActivity Measurement in Psychology and Medicine
Author(s)Tryon, Warren W
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 1991.
DescriptionXX, 247 p : online resource
Abstract NoteIn his treatment of activity measurement in the fields of medicine and psychology, Tryon gives us a book that clearly accomplishes the three purposes set out in its preface. The reader is definitely encouraged to wrestle with the concepts ofbehavior and activity in terms of "dynamic physical quantities." Moreover, the reader cannot help but become familiarized with the technology available for performing activity measurements. Motivation to use some of this technology is enhanced by the very extensive summary of other people's uses of it provided throughout the book. Readers may find the book provocative on a number of Ievels. It is concep?? tually provocative to those of us struggling with understanding basic issues in the assessment and measurement of behavior. It is practically provocative to those of us working with various forms of behavioral difference, especially in clinical popula?? tions. The book provokes because it is essentially an unfinished exploration, open?? ing us to numerous pathways that, when traveled, reveal still more paths to explore. In this sense the book should be heuristically useful both in the more traditional empirical sense, and in terms of its Stimulation of conceptual discussion
Keyword(s)1. Clinical psychology 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. Health informatics 5. Health Psychology 6. Methodology of the Social Sciences 7. SOCIAL SCIENCES
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I00687     On Shelf    

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