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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
1 Singh, Dheeraj Kumar Raman Spectroscopy I13014 2024 eBook  
2 Leung, Kon H The Strontium Molecular Lattice Clock I12945 2024 eBook  
3 Mallick, Prabal Kumar Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy I12785 2023 eBook  
4 Moore, David S Molecular Spectroscopy of Dynamically Compressed Materials I12425 2022 Book  
5 Compton, Robert N Raman Spectroscopy Under Liquid Nitrogen (RUN) I12416 2022 Book  
6 Svanberg, Sune Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy I12373 2022 Book  
7 Onishi, Taku Quantum Science I12288 2022 Book  
8 Wahab, M.A Symmetry Representations of Molecular Vibrations I12201 2022 Book  
9 Smirnov, Boris M Global Energetics of the Atmosphere I11939 2021 eBook  
10 Artemov, Vasily The Electrodynamics of Water and Ice I11747 2021 eBook  
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TitleRaman Spectroscopy : Advances and Applications
Author(s)Singh, Dheeraj Kumar;Kumar Mishra, Ashish;Materny, Arnulf
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.
DescriptionXIX, 375 p. 182 illus., 166 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book highlights recent advances of spectroscopic techniques based on Raman scattering. Different applications are introduced that serve as examples for the versatile use of Raman techniques. Raman spectroscopy is a marker free technique, which is capable of yielding detailed information about molecular systems in a non-destructive way. This makes it a valuable tool for, e.g., material science or medical research. The access to vibrational energy and dynamics yields fundamental insights into static and dynamical structural properties of molecules being influenced by and influencing their material science or medical research environment. The better understanding of the basic building blocks of materials helps to improve the functionality in various applications. Raman spectroscopy has become a truly interdisciplinary research tool, and the ongoing development of techniques makes it attractive for growing variety of scientific and industrial applications, which will be demonstrated in the book. While the ???classical??? linear spontaneous Raman spectroscopy is restricted in its applicability due to low signal intensities or the excitation of strong fluorescence background, new techniques have helped to overcome such problems. Examples, presented in the book, are surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), and various associated techniques are used to drastically increase signal intensity, confocal, and tip-enhanced Raman scattering (TERS) allowing for high and even sub-diffraction limited spatial resolutions, coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) avoiding fluorescence background and allowing for time-resolved observations of vibrational dynamics, or hyper- and resonance Raman scattering influencing the scattering based on electronic resonances, etc
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I13014     On Shelf    

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TitleThe Strontium Molecular Lattice Clock : Vibrational Spectroscopy with Hertz-Level Accuracy
Author(s)Leung, Kon H
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
DescriptionXV, 161 p. 57 illus., 53 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis thesis describes how the rich internal degrees of freedom of molecules can be exploited to construct the first ???clock??? based on ultracold molecules, rather than atoms. By holding the molecules in an optical lattice trap, the vibrational clock is engineered to have a high oscillation quality factor, facilitating the full characterization of frequency shifts affecting the clock at the hertz level. The prototypical vibrational molecular clock is shown to have a systematic fractional uncertainty at the 14th decimal place, matching the performance of the earliest optical atomic lattice clocks. As part of this effort, deeply bound strontium dimers are coherently created, and ultracold collisions of these Van der Waals molecules are studied for the first time, revealing inelastic losses at the universal rate. The thesis reports one of the most accurate measurements of a molecule???s vibrational transition frequency to date. The molecular clock lays the groundwork for explorations into terahertz metrology, quantum chemistry, and fundamental interactions at atomic length scales
Keyword(s)1. ATOMS 2. Atoms and molecules in external fields 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. LASER 6. LASERS 7. MEASUREMENT 8. Measurement Science and Instrumentation 9. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 10. METROLOGY 11. Metrology and Fundamental Constants 12. MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY 13. MOLECULES 14. QUANTUM CHEMISTRY
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I12945     On Shelf    

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TitleFundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy
Author(s)Mallick, Prabal Kumar
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
DescriptionXXVIII, 475 p. 178 illus., 2 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book presents detailed aspects of different fields of molecular spectroscopy. It consists of eleven chapters starting from the Born???Oppenheimer approximation and its relevance to various spectra to some topics on nonlinear spectroscopy through rotational, vibrational, Raman, and electronic spectroscopy, group theoretical application, nuclear magnetic resonance, electron spin resonance, nuclear quadrupole resonance, and Mossbauer spectroscopy. The intention is to present a good background of the theoretical aspects of the concerned fields which will help the readers to understand the subject firmly and apply them to their own fields according to their needs. For this purpose, several problems have been worked out to make the readers understand how the theories are applied in the relevant practical cases. In this book, it is presumed that the readers are well acquainted with the fundamentals of the basic subjects of physics, for example, mathematical methods, classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and electrodynamics. The purpose of writing is not only to bring a wider field in a single book but also to develop the theories starting from the fundamentals and also from the simple to the final forms through fairly elaborate powerful techniques so that the readers become self-sufficient and apply them accordingly. Since this book covers most of the major fields of molecular spectroscopy, it reduces the work of searching several publications and serves the purpose of getting detailed deductive pictures of various aspects of the subject in a single publication
Keyword(s)1. Applied and Technical Physics 2. ATOMS 3. Atoms and molecules in external fields 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY 6. MOLECULES 7. PHYSICS 8. PLASMA WAVES 9. Waves, instabilities and nonlinear plasma dynamics
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I12785     On Shelf    

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TitleMolecular Spectroscopy of Dynamically Compressed Materials
Author(s)Moore, David S
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
DescriptionXIX, 233 p. 166 illus., 57 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book offers historical and state-of-the-art molecular spectroscopy methods and applications in dynamic compression science, aimed at the upcoming generation in physical sciences involved in studies of materials at extremes. It begins with addressing the motivation for probing shock compressed molecular materials with spectroscopy and then reviews historical developments and the basics of the various spectroscopic methods that have been utilized. Introductory chapters are devoted to fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy, overviews of dynamic compression technologies, and diagnostics used to quantify the shock compression state during spectroscopy experiments. Subsequent chapters describe all the molecular spectroscopic methods used in shock compression research to date, including theory, experimental details for application to shocked materials, and difficulties that can be encountered. Each of these chapters also includes a section comparing static compression results. The last chapter offers an outlook for the future, which leads the next-generation readers to tackling persistent problems
Keyword(s)1. Characterization and Analytical Technique 2. CONDENSED MATTER 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. Materials???Analysis 6. MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY 7. OPTICAL SPECTROSCOPY 8. X-RAY SPECTROSCOPY
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I12425     On Shelf    

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TitleRaman Spectroscopy Under Liquid Nitrogen (RUN)
Author(s)Compton, Robert N;Hammer, Nathan I;Lambert, Ethan C;Hager, J. Stewart
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2022.
DescriptionXI, 115 p. 78 illus., 23 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book describes a simple yet innovative method for performing Raman spectroscopy of samples submerged under liquid nitrogen. While Raman spectroscopy has proven to be a powerful tool for the characterization of the structure of matter in the gaseous, liquid, and solid phases, one major difficulty in its application has been laser damage to the material under investigation, especially for biological samples. This book demonstrates how immersion of the sample in liquid nitrogen protects the sample from thermal degradation and oxidation at high incident laser power and allows improvements in sensitivity and spectral resolution over room-temperature Raman spectroscopy, leading to the so-called RUN (Raman Spectroscopy Under liquid Nitrogen) technique. Cooling to liquid nitrogen temperature also allows the selection of the lowest energy molecular conformation for molecules which may have many low energy conformers. In addition, the presence of liquid nitrogen over a roughened surface improves the sensitivity of Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS), enabling the closely related SERSUN (Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Under liquid Nitrogen) technique. This book starts with the theoretical and experimental basics of Raman and polarized Raman spectroscopy, before moving on to detailed descriptions of RUN and SERSUN. Room temperature and RUN spectra are provided for over fifty molecules
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I12416     On Shelf    

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TitleAtomic and Molecular Spectroscopy : Basic Aspects and Practical Applications
Author(s)Svanberg, Sune
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2022.
DescriptionXX, 686 p. 468 illus., 61 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis textbook delivers a comprehensive review of modern spectroscopy encompassing a plethora of various X-ray, photoelectron, optical and laser, as well as radiofrequency and microwave spectroscopic techniques. On the fundamental side, it focuses on physical principles and the impact of spectroscopy on our understanding of the building blocks of matter, while in the area of applications, particular attention is given to those in chemical analysis, photochemistry, surface characterization, environmental and medical diagnostics, remote sensing at short and long ranges, and astrophysics. It features detailed discussion of laser cooling and trapping, Bose???Einstein condensation, ultra-fast spectroscopy, high-power laser???matter interaction, spectroscopy and imaging in astronomy, and various spectroscopic aspects of laser medicine. This thoroughly updated and significantly expanded 5th edition of Svanberg???s Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy includes a new section on the interplay of optical spectroscopy and multispectral imaging, as well as new coverage of laser-spectroscopic applications to cultural heritage monitoring, ecology, optical mammography, and photoacoustic tomography. For newcomers to the field, it introduces a new section on the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, providing a brief primer to those students without formal experience in the subject. Based on the author???s 50-year career lecturing on spectroscopy and its interdisciplinary applications, the book features over 100 chapter-end questions and close to 3000 references, offering a wealth of meticulously curated experience and pedagogical insight to graduate and advanced undergraduate students throughout physics, chemistry, biology, and materials science
Keyword(s)1. Atomic and Molecular Structure and Properties 2. Atomic structure???? 3. Cancer Imaging 4. Cancer???Imaging 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. LASER 8. LASERS 9. MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY 10. Molecular structure?? 11. OPTICAL SPECTROSCOPY 12. QUANTUM OPTICS
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I12373     On Shelf    

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TitleQuantum Science : The Frontier of Physics and Chemistry
Author(s)Onishi, Taku
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
DescriptionIX, 496 p. 138 illus., 90 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book focuses on recent topics of quantum science in both physics and chemistry. Until now, quantum science has not been fully discussed from the interdisciplinary vantage points of both physics and chemistry. This book, however, is written not only for theoretical physicists and chemists, but also for experimentalists in the fields of physical chemistry and condensed matter physics, as collaboration and interplay between construction of quantum theory, and experimentation has become more important. Tips for starting new types of research projects will be found in an understanding of cutting-edge quantum science. In Part I, quantum electronic structures are explained in cases of strongly correlated copper oxides and heavy elements. In Part II, quantum molecular dynamics is investigated by computational approaches and molecular beam experiments. In Part III, after lithium problem in big bang nucleosynthesis scenario is considered using supersymmetric standard model, quantum theories in atomic and molecular systems are reviewed. Finally, in Part IV, the development of quantum computational method is introduced.
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I12288     On Shelf    

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TitleSymmetry Representations of Molecular Vibrations
Author(s)Wahab, M.A
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
DescriptionXIII, 289 p. 193 illus., 7 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book presents a comprehensive theoretical basis of symmetry representations of molecular vibrations, matrix representation of symmetries, and the elements of group theory that are relevant to other symmetry elements/operations, crystallographic and molecular point groups. The book helps understand the reducible and irreducible representations of symmetry matrices and then derive the normal modes of vibration of different molecules by using suitable techniques independently. Targeted to graduate students and researchers, this book aims not only to derive the normal modes of vibration of any given molecule themselves but also compares and verifies them with the experimentally found modes by using IR and Raman-related techniques. For the first time in the crystallographic history, this book presents the group multiplication tables of all 32 point groups in both international and Schoenflies notations
Keyword(s)1. Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics 2. ATOMS 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. MATERIALS SCIENCE 6. MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY 7. MOLECULES
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I12201     On Shelf    

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TitleGlobal Energetics of the Atmosphere : Earth???Atmosphere Equilibrium, Greenhouse Effect, and Climate Change
Author(s)Smirnov, Boris M
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2021.
DescriptionXXIV, 301 p. 125 illus., 55 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book looks at global atmospheric processes from a physical standpoint using available current and past observational data taken from measurements of relevant atmospheric parameters. It describes various aspects of the current atmospheric state and its future evolution, focusing primarily on the energetic balance of the Earth and atmosphere, and taking into consideration the multi-faceted global equilibrium between these two systems, carbon, and water. The analysis presented in this book restricts itself to those objects and processes that allow us to obtain reliable conclusions and numerical estimations, in contrast to current climate models with much larger numbers of parameters for describing the same problems. As a result, in spite of the roughness of numerical parameters, the book unveils a reliable and transparent physical picture of energetic phenomena in the global atmosphere. In particular, it shows that approximately only one-fourth of atmospheric water returns from the atmosphere to the Earth in the form of free molecules. It was shown that the contemporary warming of our planet has an anthropogenic character, and that the average global temperature increases due to an increase of the concentration of atmospheric CO2 molecules, via an increase in atmospheric moisture, as well as an increase in the amount of aerosols in the atmosphere. Accumulation of atmospheric carbon dioxide plays a subsidiary role in this process and gives approximately one-third in a change of the global temperature, while an increase in the amount of atmospheric water by as little as only 0.3% per year explains the observed warming of the Earth. The book shows how the greenhouse instability of the atmosphere evidently has its origins in the Eocene epoch, presenting an analysis of the influence of various types of global energetic processes on the climate that differs from the official stance on these problems
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I11939     On Shelf    

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TitleThe Electrodynamics of Water and Ice
Author(s)Artemov, Vasily
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2021.
DescriptionXVIII, 219 p. 111 illus., 101 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book is a research monograph summarizing recent advances related to the molecular structure of water and ice, and it is based on the latest spectroscopic data available. A special focus is given to radio- and microwave frequency regions. Within the five interconnected chapters, the author reviews the electromagnetic waves interaction with water, ice, and moist substances, discussing the microscopic mechanisms behind the dielectric responses. Well-established classic views concerning the structure of water and ice are considered along with new approaches related to atomic and molecular dynamics. Particular attention is given to nanofluidics, atmospheric science, and electrochemistry. The mathematical apparatus, based on diverse approaches employed in condensed matter physics, is widely used and allows the reader to quantitatively describe the electrodynamic response of water and ice in both bulk and confined states. This book is intended for a wide audience covering physicists, electrochemists, geophysicists, engineers, biophysicists, and general scientists who work on the electromagnetic radiation interaction with water and moist substances
Keyword(s)1. Atomic and Molecular Structure and Properties 2. Atomic structure???? 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. Electrochemistry 6. Hydrology 7. MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY 8. Molecular structure?? 9. WATER
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I11747     On Shelf    

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