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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
1 Cicogna, Giampaolo Exercises and Problems in Mathematical Methods of Physics I09803 2018 eBook  
2 Bera, Rajendra K The Amazing World of Quantum Computing I09005 2020 eBook  
3 Cicogna, Giampaolo Exercises and Problems in Mathematical Methods of Physics I08828 2020 eBook  
4 Lokshin, Alexander A Tauberian Theory of Wave Fronts in Linear Hereditary Elasticity I08626 2020 eBook  
5 Cohen Tenoudji, Fr??d??ric Analog and Digital Signal Analysis I08545 2016 eBook  
6 Cicogna, Giampaolo Metodi matematici della Fisica I07356 2015 eBook  
7 Cicogna, Giampaolo Metodi matematici della Fisica I06219 2008 eBook  
8 Kido, Ken'iti Digital Fourier Analysis: Advanced Techniques I05765 2015 eBook  
9 Kido, Ken'iti Digital Fourier Analysis: Fundamentals I05425 2015 eBook  
10 Byrnes, J.S Probabilistic and Stochastic Methods in Analysis, with Applications I04647 1992 eBook  
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TitleExercises and Problems in Mathematical Methods of Physics
Author(s)Cicogna, Giampaolo
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2018.
DescriptionX, 182 p. 8 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book presents exercises and problems in the mathematical methods of physics with the aim of offering undergraduate students an alternative way to explore and fully understand the mathematical notions on which modern physics is based. The exercises and problems are proposed not in a random order but rather in a sequence that maximizes their educational value. Each section and subsection starts with exercises based on first definitions, followed by groups of problems devoted to intermediate and, subsequently, more elaborate situations. Some of the problems are unavoidably "routine", but others bring to the forenontrivial properties that are often omitted or barely mentioned in textbooks. There are also problems where the reader is guided to obtain important results that are usually stated in textbooks without complete proofs. In all, some 350 solved problems covering all mathematical notions useful to physics are included. While the book is intended primarily for undergraduate students of physics, students of mathematics, chemistry, and engineering, as well as their teachers, will also find it of value.
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. FOURIER ANALYSIS 4. Functions of a Complex Variable 5. FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX VARIABLES 6. GROUP THEORY 7. Group Theory and Generalizations 8. INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS 9. Integral Transforms, Operational Calculus 10. Mathematical Methods in Physics 11. Operational calculus 12. OPERATOR THEORY 13. PHYSICS
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I09803     On Shelf    

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TitleThe Amazing World of Quantum Computing
Author(s)Bera, Rajendra K
PublicationSingapore, Springer Singapore, 2020.
DescriptionXVII, 265 p. 28 illus., 7 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book discusses the application of quantum mechanics to computing. It explains the fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics and then goes on to discuss various elements of mathematics required for quantum computing. Quantum cryptography, waves and Fourier analysis, measuring quantum systems, comparison to classical mechanics, quantum gates, and important algorithms in quantum computing are among the topics covered. The book offers a valuable resource for graduate and senior undergraduate students in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields with an interest in designing quantum algorithms. Readers are expected to have a firm grasp of linear algebra and some familiarity with Fourier analysis.
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I09005     On Shelf    

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TitleExercises and Problems in Mathematical Methods of Physics
Author(s)Cicogna, Giampaolo
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2020.
DescriptionXII, 218 p. 9 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book is the second edition, whose original mission was to offer a new approach for students wishing to better understand the mathematical tenets that underlie the study of physics. This mission is retained in this book. The structure of the book is one that keeps pedagogical principles in mind at every level. Not only are the chapters sequenced in such a way as to guide the reader down a clear path that stretches throughout the book, but all individual sections and subsections are also laid out so that the material they address becomes progressively more complex along with the reader's ability to comprehend it. This book not only improves upon the first in many details, but it also fills in some gaps that were left open by this and other books on similar topics. The 350 problems presented here are accompanied by answers which now include a greater amount of detail and additional guidance for arriving at the solutions. In this way, the mathematical underpinnings of the relevant physics topics are made as easy to absorb as possible.
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. FOURIER ANALYSIS 4. Functions of a Complex Variable 5. FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX VARIABLES 6. GROUP THEORY 7. Group Theory and Generalizations 8. INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS 9. Integral Transforms, Operational Calculus 10. Mathematical Methods in Physics 11. Operational calculus 12. OPERATOR THEORY 13. PHYSICS
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I08828     On Shelf    

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TitleTauberian Theory of Wave Fronts in Linear Hereditary Elasticity
Author(s)Lokshin, Alexander A
PublicationSingapore, Springer Singapore, 2020.
DescriptionXI, 136 p. 10 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThe objective of this book is to construct a rigorous mathematical approach to linear hereditary problems of wave propagation theory and demonstrate the efficiency of mathematical theorems in hereditary mechanics. By using both real end complex Tauberian techniques for the Laplace transform, a classification of near-front asymptotics of solutions to considered equations is given???depending on the singularity character of the memory function. The book goes on to derive the description of the behavior of these solutions and demonstrates the importance of nonlinear Laplace transform in linear hereditary elasticity. This book is of undeniable value to researchers working in areas of mathematical physics and related fields
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. FOURIER ANALYSIS 4. INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS 5. Integral Transforms, Operational Calculus 6. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 7. MECHANICS 8. Mechanics, Applied 9. Operational calculus 10. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
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I08626     On Shelf    

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TitleAnalog and Digital Signal Analysis : From Basics to Applications
Author(s)Cohen Tenoudji, Fr??d??ric
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
DescriptionXXIII, 608 p. 256 illus., 9 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book provides comprehensive, graduate-level treatment of analog and digital signal analysis suitable for course use and self-guided learning. This expert text guides the reader from the basics of signal theory through a range of application tools for use in acoustic analysis, geophysics, and data compression. Each concept is introduced and explained step by step, and the necessary mathematical formulae are integrated in an accessible and intuitive way. The first part of the book explores how analog systems and signals form the basics of signal analysis. This section covers Fourier series and integral transforms of analog signals, Laplace and Hilbert transforms, the main analog filter classes, and signal modulations. Part II covers digital signals, demonstrating their key advantages. It presents z and Fourier transforms, digital filtering, inverse filters, deconvolution, and parametric modeling for deterministic signals. Wavelet decomposition and reconstruction of non-stationary signals are also discussed. The third part of the book is devoted to random signals, including spectral estimation, parametric modeling, and Tikhonov regularization. It covers statistics of one and two random variables and the principles and methods of spectral analysis. Estimation of signal properties is discussed in the context of ergodicity conditions and parameter estimations, including the use of Wiener and Kalman filters. Two appendices cover the basics of integration in the complex plane and linear algebra. A third appendix presents a basic Matlab toolkit for computer signal analysis. This expert text provides both a solid theoretical understanding and tools for real-world applications. Presents the core principles of analog and digital signal analysis Discusses applications to geophysics, acoustic analysis, and data compression Features worked examples, problem sets, and extensive appendices
Keyword(s)1. ACOUSTICS 2. Communications Engineering, Networks 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 6. FOURIER ANALYSIS 7. IMAGE PROCESSING 8. Information and Communication, Circuits 9. INFORMATION THEORY 10. SIGNAL PROCESSING 11. Signal, Image and Speech Processing 12. Speech processing systems
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I08545     On Shelf    

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TitleMetodi matematici della Fisica
Author(s)Cicogna, Giampaolo
PublicationMilano, Springer Milan, 2015.
DescriptionX, 258 pagg. 22 figg : online resource
Abstract NoteQuesto libro trae la sua origine dagli appunti preparati per le lezioni di Metodi Matematici della Fisica tenute al Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Universit?? di Pisa, e via via sistemati, raffinati e aggiornati nel corso di molti anni di insegnamento. L'intento generale ?? di fornire una presentazione per quanto possibile semplice e diretta dei metodi matematici basilari e rilevanti per la Fisica. Anche allo scopo di mantenere questo testo entro i limiti di un manuale di dimensioni contenute e di agevole consultazione, sono stati spesso sacrificati i dettagli tecnici delle dimostrazioni matematiche (o anzi le dimostrazioni per intero) e anche i formalismi eccessivi, che tendono a nascondere la vera natura dei problemi. Al contrario, si ?? cercato di evidenziare ??? per quanto possibile ??? le idee sottostanti e le motivazioni che conducono ai diversi procedimenti. L'obiettivo principale e quello di mettere in condizione chi ha letto questo libro di acquisire gli strumenti adatti e le conoscenze di base che gli permettano di affrontare senza difficolt?? anche testi pi?? avanzati e impegnativi. Questa nuova Edizione conserva la struttura generale della prima Edizione, ma ?? arricchita dall'inserimento di numerosi esempi (e controesempi), con nuove osservazioni e chiarimenti su tutti gli argomenti proposti: Serie di Fourier, Spazi di Hilbert, Operatori lineari, Funzioni di Variabile complessa, Trasformate di Fourier e di Laplace, Distribuzioni. Inoltre, le prime nozioni della Teoria dei Gruppi, delle Algebre di Lie e delle Simmetrie in Fisica (che erano confinate in una Appendice nella Prima Edizione) vengono ora proposte in una forma sensibilmente ampliata, con vari esempi in vista delle applicazioni alla Fisica. In particolare, due nuovi Capitoli sono dedicati allo studio delle propriet?? di simmetria dell'atomo di idrogeno e dell'oscillatore armonico in Meccanica Quantistica
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. FOURIER ANALYSIS 4. FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 5. Functions of a Complex Variable 6. FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX VARIABLES 7. GROUP THEORY 8. Group Theory and Generalizations 9. Mathematical Methods in Physics 10. PHYSICS
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I07356     On Shelf    

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TitleMetodi matematici della Fisica
Author(s)Cicogna, Giampaolo
PublicationMilano, Springer Milan, 2008.
DescriptionX, 242 pagg : online resource
Abstract NoteQuesto testo trae la sua origine da miei vecchi appunti, preparati per il corso di Metodi Matematici della Fisica e via via sistemati, raffinati e aggiornati nel corso di molti anni di insegnamento. L'obiettivo???? stato sempre quello di fornire una presentazione per quanto possibile semplice e diretta dei metodi matematici rilevanti per la Fisica: serie di Fourier, spazi di Hilbert, operatori lineari, funzioni di variabile complessa, trasformata di Fourier e di Laplace, distribuzioni. Oltre a questi argomenti di base, viene presentata, in Appendice, una breve introduzione alle prime nozioni di teoria dei gruppi, delle algebre di Lie e delle simmetrie in vista delle loro applicazioni alla Fisica. Anche allo scopo di mantenere il libro nei limiti ragionevoli di un manuale di dimensioni contenute e di agevole consultazione, sono stati spesso tralasciati i dettagli tecnici delle dimostrazioni matematiche (o anzi le dimostrazioni per intero) e tutti i formalismi eccessivi che spesso nascondono la vera natura del problema e del metodo necessario per affrontarlo. Al contrario, si???? cercato di chiarire le "idee sottostanti" ai diversi procedimenti; anche le applicazioni proposte sono quelle che meglio e piu' direttamente illustrano i procedimenti stessi, tralasciando altre applicazioni (Meccanica Quantistica, Elettromagnetismo, Equazioni alle Derivate Parziali, Funzioni Speciali, tanto per fare qualche esempio) che sconfinano in differenti discipline. Riassumendo, lo scopo principale e' quello di mettere in condizione chi legge questo libro di acquisire le conoscenze di base che gli permettano di affrontare senza difficolt?? anche testi ben pi?? avanzati e impegnativi
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. FOURIER ANALYSIS 4. FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 5. Functions of a Complex Variable 6. FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX VARIABLES 7. GROUP THEORY 8. Group Theory and Generalizations 9. Mathematical Methods in Physics 10. PHYSICS
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I06219     On Shelf    

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TitleDigital Fourier Analysis: Advanced Techniques
Author(s)Kido, Ken'iti
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer New York, 2015.
DescriptionXIII, 178 p. 100 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis textbook is a thorough, accessible introduction to advanced digital Fourier analysis for advanced undergraduate and graduate students.??Assuming knowledge of the Fast Fourier Transform, this book covers advanced topics including the Hilbert transform, cepstrum analysis, and the two-dimensional Fourier transform. Saturated with clear, coherent illustrations, "Digital Fourier Analysis - Advanced Techniques" includes practice problems and thorough Appendices. As a central feature, the book includes interactive applets (available online) that mirror the illustrations.??These user-friendly applets animate concepts interactively, allowing the user to experiment with the underlying mathematics.??The applet source code in Visual Basic is provided online, enabling advanced students to tweak and change the programs for more sophisticated results. A complete, intuitive guide, "Digital Fourier Analysis - Advanced Techniques" is an essential reference for students in science and engineering
Keyword(s)1. APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 5. FOURIER ANALYSIS 6. Mathematical and Computational Engineering 7. Mathematical Methods in Physics 8. Numeric Computing 9. NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 10. PHYSICS
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I05765     On Shelf    

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TitleDigital Fourier Analysis: Fundamentals
Author(s)Kido, Ken'iti
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer New York, 2015.
DescriptionXIII, 203 p. 116 illus., 114 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis textbook is a thorough, accessible introduction to digital Fourier analysis for undergraduate students in the sciences. Beginning with the principles of sine/cosine decomposition, the reader walks through the principles of discrete Fourier analysis before reaching the cornerstone of signal processing: the Fast Fourier Transform. Saturated with clear, coherent illustrations, "Digital Fourier Analysis - Fundamentals" includes practice problems and thorough Appendices for the advanced reader.??As a special feature, the book includes interactive applets (available online) that mirror the illustrations.?? These user-friendly applets animate concepts interactively, allowing the user to experiment with the underlying mathematics. For example, a real sine signal can be treated as a sum of clockwise and counter-clockwise rotating vectors. The applet illustration included with the book animates the rotating vectors and the resulting sine signal. By changing parameters such as amplitude and frequency, the reader can test various cases and view the results until they fully understand the principle. Additionally, the applet source code in Visual Basic is provided online, allowing this book to be used for teaching simple programming techniques. A complete, intuitive guide to the basics, "Digital Fourier Analysis - Fundamentals" is an essential reference for undergraduate students in science and engineering
Keyword(s)1. APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 5. FOURIER ANALYSIS 6. Mathematical and Computational Engineering 7. Mathematical Methods in Physics 8. Numeric Computing 9. NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 10. PHYSICS
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I05425     On Shelf    

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TitleProbabilistic and Stochastic Methods in Analysis, with Applications
Author(s)Byrnes, J.S;Hargreaves, Kathryn A;Berry, Karl
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1992.
DescriptionXI, 699 p : online resource
Abstract NoteProbability has been an important part of mathematics for more than three centuries. Moreover, its importance has grown in recent decades, since the computing power now widely available has allowed probabilistic and stochastic techniques to attack problems such as speech and image processing, geophysical exploration, radar, sonar, etc. -- all of which are covered here. The book contains three exceptionally clear expositions on wavelets, frames and their applications. A further extremely active current research area, well covered here, is the relation between probability and partial differential equations, including probabilistic representations of solutions to elliptic and parabolic PDEs. New approaches, such as the PDE method for large deviation problems, and stochastic optimal control and filtering theory, are beginning to yield their secrets. Another topic dealt with is the application of probabilistic techniques to mathematical analysis. Finally, there are clear explanations of normal numbers and dynamic systems, and the influence of probability on our daily lives
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. FOURIER ANALYSIS 4. IMAGE PROCESSING 5. PROBABILITIES 6. Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes 7. SIGNAL PROCESSING 8. Signal, Image and Speech Processing 9. Speech processing systems 10. SYSTEM THEORY 11. Systems Theory, Control
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I04647     On Shelf    

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