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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
121 Kohonen, Teuvo Content-Addressable Memories I01432 1987 eBook  
122 Luy, Johann-Friedrich Silicon-Based Millimeter-Wave Devices I01427 1994 eBook  
123 Das, Pankaj K Lasers and Optical Engineering I01410 1991 eBook  
124 Azzouz, Elsayed Automatic Modulation Recognition of Communication Signals I00971 1996 eBook  
125 Basu, Sankar Multidimensional Filter Banks and Wavelets I00639 1997 eBook  
126 Buchanan, B Applied Data Communications and Networks I00484 1996 eBook  
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TitleContent-Addressable Memories
Author(s)Kohonen, Teuvo
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1987.
DescriptionXIII, 388 p. 2 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteDue to continual progress in the large-scale integration of semiconductor circuits, parallel computing principles can already be met in low-cost sys?? tems: numerous examples exist in image processing, for which special hard?? ware is implementable with quite modest resources even by nonprofessional designers. Principles of content addressing, if thoroughly understood, can thereby be applied effectively using standard components. On the other hand, mass storage based on associative principles still exists only in the long?? term plans of computer technologists. This situation is somewhat confused by the fact that certain expectations are held for the development of new storage media such as optical memories and "spin glasses" (metal alloys with low-density magnetic impurities). Their technologies, however, may not ripen until after "fifth generation" computers have been built. It seems that software methods for content addressing, especially those based on hash coding principles, are still holding their position firmly, and a few innovations have been developed recently. As they need no special hardware, one might expect that they will spread to a wide circle of users. This monograph is based on an extensive literature survey, most of which was published in the First Edition. I have added Chap. ?, which contains a review of more recent work. This updated book now has references to over 1200 original publications. In the editing of the new material, I received valuable help from Anneli HeimbUrger, M. Sc. , and Mrs. Leila Koivisto
Keyword(s)1. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 2. Communications Engineering, Networks 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 6. SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 7. Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems
Item TypeeBook
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I01432     On Shelf    

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TitleSilicon-Based Millimeter-Wave Devices
Author(s)Luy, Johann-Friedrich;Russer, Peter
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1994.
DescriptionXVI, 343 p : online resource
Abstract NoteSilicon-Based Millimeter-Wave Devices describes field-theoretical methods for the design and analysis of planar waveguide structures and antennas. The principles and limitations of transit-time devices with different injection mechanisms are discussed, as are aspects of fabrication and characterization. The physical properties of silicon Schottky contacts and diodes are treated in a separate chapter. Two chapters cover the silicon/germanium devices: physics and RF properties of the heterobipolar transistor and quantum effect devices such as the resonant tunneling element are described. The integration of devices in monolithic circuits is explained and advanced technologies are presented along with the self-mixing oscillator operation. Finally sensor and system applications are considered
Keyword(s)1. Communications Engineering, Networks 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 5. Electronic materials 6. ELECTRONICS 7. Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation 8. MICROELECTRONICS 9. Optical and Electronic Materials 10. OPTICAL MATERIALS
Item TypeeBook
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I01427     On Shelf    

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TitleLasers and Optical Engineering
Author(s)Das, Pankaj K
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer New York, 1991.
DescriptionXXII, 470 p : online resource
Abstract NoteA textbook on lasers and optical engineering should include all aspects of lasers and optics; however, this is a large undertaking. The objective of this book is to give an introduction to the subject on a level such that under?? graduate students (mostly juniors/seniors), from disciplines like electrical engineering, physics, and optical engineering, can use the book. To achieve this goal, a lot of basic background material, central to the subject, has been covered in optics and laser physics. Students with an elementary knowledge of freshman physics and with no formal courses in electromagnetic theory should be able to follow the book, although for some sections, knowledge of electromagnetic theory, the Fourier transform, and linear systems would be highly beneficial. There are excellent books on optics, laser physics, and optical engineering. Actually, most of my knowledge was acquired through these. However, when I started teaching an undergraduate course in 1974, under the same heading as the title of this book, I had to use four books to cover the material I thought an electrical engineer needed for his introduction to the world of lasers and optical engineering. In my sabbatical year, 1980-1981, I started writing class notes for my students, so that they could get through the course by possibly buying only one book. Eventually, these notes grew with the help of my undergraduate and graduate students, and the final result is this book
Keyword(s)1. Communications Engineering, Networks 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 5. ENGINEERING 6. Engineering, general 7. LASERS 8. Optics, Lasers, Photonics, Optical Devices 9. PHOTONICS 10. QUANTUM OPTICS
Item TypeeBook
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I01410     On Shelf    

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TitleAutomatic Modulation Recognition of Communication Signals
Author(s)Azzouz, Elsayed;Nandi, A.K
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 1996.
DescriptionXVIII, 218 p : online resource
Abstract NoteAutomatic modulation recognition is a rapidly evolving area of signal analysis. In recent years, interest from the academic and military research institutes has focused around the research and development of modulation recognition algorithms. Any communication intelligence (COMINT) system comprises three main blocks: receiver front-end, modulation recogniser and output stage. Considerable work has been done in the area of receiver front-ends. The work at the output stage is concerned with information extraction, recording and exploitation and begins with signal demodulation, that requires accurate knowledge about the signal modulation type. There are, however, two main reasons for knowing the current modulation type of a signal; to preserve the signal information content and to decide upon the suitable counter action, such as jamming. Automatic Modulation Recognition of Communications Signals describes in depth this modulation recognition process. Drawing on several years of research, the authors provide a critical review of automatic modulation recognition. This includes techniques for recognising digitally modulated signals. The book also gives comprehensive treatment of using artificial neural networks for recognising modulation types. Automatic Modulation Recognition of Communications Signals is the first comprehensive book on automatic modulation recognition. It is essential reading for researchers and practising engineers in the field. It is also a valuable text for an advanced course on the subject
Keyword(s)1. ACOUSTICS 2. Communications Engineering, Networks 3. Computer Communication Networks 4. Computer communication systems 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 8. IMAGE PROCESSING 9. SIGNAL PROCESSING 10. Signal, Image and Speech Processing 11. Speech processing systems
Item TypeeBook
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Accession#  Call#StatusIssued ToReturn Due On Physical Location
I00971     On Shelf    

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TitleMultidimensional Filter Banks and Wavelets : Research Developments and Applications
Author(s)Basu, Sankar;Levy, Bernard C
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 1997.
DescriptionVI, 238 p : online resource
Abstract NoteMultidimensional Filter Banks and Wavelets: Reserach Developments and Applications brings together in one place important contributions and up-to-date research results in this important area. Multidimensional Filter Banks and Wavelets: Research Developments and Applications serves as an excellent reference, providing insight into some of the most important research issues in the field
Keyword(s)1. ACOUSTICS 2. Communications Engineering, Networks 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 6. IMAGE PROCESSING 7. SIGNAL PROCESSING 8. Signal, Image and Speech Processing 9. Speech processing systems
Item TypeeBook
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Accession#  Call#StatusIssued ToReturn Due On Physical Location
I00639     On Shelf    

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TitleApplied Data Communications and Networks
Author(s)Buchanan, B
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 1996.
DescriptionXX, 362 p. 70 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThe usage of data communications and computer networks are ever in?? creasing. It is one of the few technological areas which brings benefits to most of the countries and the peoples of the world. Without it many industries could not exist. It is the objective of this book to discuss data communications in a readable form that students and professionals all over the world can understand. As much as possible the text uses dia?? grams to illustrate key points. Most currently available data communications books take their view?? point from either a computer scientists top-down approach or from an electronic engineers bottom-up approach. This book takes a practical ap?? proach and supports it with a theoretical background to create a textbook which can be used by electronic engineers, computer engineers, computer scientists and industry professionals. It discusses most of the current and future key data communications technologies, including: ??? Data Communications Standards and Models; ??? Local Area Networks (Ethernet, Token Ring and FDDI); ??? Transmission Control ProtocollInternet Protocol (TCPIIP); ??? High-level Data Link Control (HDLC); ??? X.25 Packet-switching; ??? Asynchronous Communications (RS-232) and Modems; ??? Pulse Coded Modulation (PCM); ??? Integrated Digital Services Network (ISDN); ??? Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM); ??? Error Control; ??? X-Windows. The chapters are ordered in a possible structure for the presentation of the material and have not been sectioned into data communications areas
Keyword(s)1. ACOUSTICS 2. Communications Engineering, Networks 3. Computer Communication Networks 4. Computer communication systems 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 8. IMAGE PROCESSING 9. SIGNAL PROCESSING 10. Signal, Image and Speech Processing 11. Speech processing systems
Item TypeeBook
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Accession#  Call#StatusIssued ToReturn Due On Physical Location
I00484     On Shelf    

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