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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
1 Hu, Zhengbin Laser Polarimetry of Biological Tissues I12710 2023 eBook  
2 Bera, Rajendra K The Amazing World of Quantum Computing I09005 2020 eBook  
3 Guttmann, A. J Polygons, Polyominoes and Polycubes I06967 2009 eBook  
4 Boccara, Nino Modeling Complex Systems I05653 2010 eBook  
5 Reichardt, J??rg Structure in Complex Networks I05558 2009 eBook  
6 Spedicato, E Algorithms for Continuous Optimization I04986 1994 eBook  
7 Espelid, T.O Numerical Integration I04425 1992 eBook  
8 Hackbusch, W Adaptive Methods ??? Algorithms, Theory and Applications I04381 1994 eBook  
9 Murtagh, Fionn Multivariate Data Analysis I03429 1987 eBook  
10 Sanz, Jorge L.C Radon and Projection Transform-Based Computer Vision I02865 1988 eBook  
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TitleLaser Polarimetry of Biological Tissues : Computer Algorithms for Data Processing in Forensic Age Determination of Injuries
Author(s)Hu, Zhengbin;Bezhenar, I.L;Vanchulyak, O.Y;Ushenko, A. G;Ushenko, Yu. A;Gorsky, Mykhailo P;Meglinski, Igor
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
DescriptionXII, 99 p. 62 illus., 36 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book highlights the results of numerical computer-aided smart methods as part of a comprehensive statistical, correlated, and fractal analysis of laser polarimetry. It includes a comprehensive approach to differentiation of lifelong or postmortem origin of injuries and determination of their antiquity based on the analysis of statistical and spatiotemporal frequency evolution of photometric, polarization, and phase parameters of laser images of histological sections of the skin of biomannequins. It discusses the relationship between the coordinate distributions of the intensity of laser images from skin tissues of biomannequins and the nature of its damage. It presents the analysis of relationships between changes in the mean and variance of coordinate distributions of azimuths and ellipticity of polarization images of histological skin sections and the time intervals after injury. Complex differentiation of lifelong and postmortem skin injuries of biomannequins and establishment of their time intervals throughout the entire monitoring interval of changes in the mean and variance of coordinate distributions of phase shifts between orthogonal components of the amplitude of laser images of a series of corresponding histological sections are also presented in this book
Keyword(s)1. ALGORITHMS 2. APPLIED OPTICS 3. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 4. DATA SCIENCE 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. Forensic Medicine 7. Medical jurisprudence 8. Medical physics 9. OPTICS
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I12710     On Shelf    

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TitleThe Amazing World of Quantum Computing
Author(s)Bera, Rajendra K
PublicationSingapore, Springer Singapore, 2020.
DescriptionXVII, 265 p. 28 illus., 7 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book discusses the application of quantum mechanics to computing. It explains the fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics and then goes on to discuss various elements of mathematics required for quantum computing. Quantum cryptography, waves and Fourier analysis, measuring quantum systems, comparison to classical mechanics, quantum gates, and important algorithms in quantum computing are among the topics covered. The book offers a valuable resource for graduate and senior undergraduate students in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields with an interest in designing quantum algorithms. Readers are expected to have a firm grasp of linear algebra and some familiarity with Fourier analysis.
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I09005     On Shelf    

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TitlePolygons, Polyominoes and Polycubes
Author(s)Guttmann, A. J
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2009.
DescriptionXIX, 490 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThis unique book gives a comprehensive account of new mathematical tools used to solve polygon problems. In the 20th and 21st centuries, many problems in mathematics, theoretical physics and theoretical chemistry ??? and more recently in molecular biology and bio-informatics ??? can be expressed as counting problems, in which specified graphs, or shapes, are counted. One very special class of shapes is that of polygons. These are closed, connected paths in space. We usually sketch them in two-dimensions, but they can exist in any dimension. The typical questions asked include "how many are there of a given perimeter?", "how big is the average polygon of given perimeter?", and corresponding questions about the area or volume enclosed. That is to say "how many enclosing a given area?" and "how large is an average polygon of given area?" Simple though these questions are to pose, they are extraordinarily difficult to answer. They are important questions because of the application of polygon, and the related problems of polyomino and polycube counting, to phenomena occurring in the natural world, and also because the study of these problems has been responsible for the development of powerful new techniques in mathematics and mathematical physics, as well as in computer science. These new techniques then find application more broadly. The book brings together chapters from many of the major contributors in the field. An introductory chapter giving the history of the problem is followed by fourteen further chapters describing particular aspects of the problem, and applications to biology, to surface phenomena and to computer enumeration methods
Keyword(s)1. ALGORITHMS 2. Chemometrics 3. COMBINATORICS 4. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 5. DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 6. EBOOK 7. EBOOK - SPRINGER 8. Math. Applications in Chemistry 9. Mathematical Methods in Physics 10. Numeric Computing 11. NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 12. PHYSICS 13. STATISTICAL PHYSICS
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I06967     On Shelf    

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TitleModeling Complex Systems
Author(s)Boccara, Nino
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer New York, 2010.
DescriptionXVIII, 490 p : online resource
Abstract NoteModeling Complex Systems, 2nd Edition, explores the process of modeling complex systems, providing examples from such diverse fields as ecology, epidemiology, sociology, seismology, and economics. It illustrates how models of complex systems are built and provides indispensable mathematical tools for studying their dynamics. This vital introductory text is useful for advanced undergraduate students in various scientific disciplines, and serves as an important reference book for graduate students and young researchers. This enhanced second edition includes: . -recent research results and bibliographic references -extra footnotes which provide biographical information on cited scientists who have made significant contributions to the field -new and improved worked-out examples to aid a student???s comprehension of the content -exercises to challenge the reader and complement the material Nino Boccara is also the author of Essentials of Mathematica: With Applications to Mathematics and Physics (Springer, 2007)
Keyword(s)1. Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity 2. ALGORITHMS 3. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 4. Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis 5. Computational Science and Engineering 6. Computer mathematics 7. COMPUTER SIMULATION 8. DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 9. EBOOK 10. EBOOK - SPRINGER 11. Numerical and Computational Physics, Simulation 12. PHYSICS 13. Simulation and Modeling 14. STATISTICAL PHYSICS
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I05653     On Shelf    

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TitleStructure in Complex Networks
Author(s)Reichardt, J??rg
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.
DescriptionXIII, 151 p : online resource
Abstract NoteIn the modern world of gigantic datasets, which scientists and practioners of all fields of learning are confronted with, the availability of robust, scalable and easy-to-use methods for pattern recognition and data mining are of paramount importance, so as to be able to cope with the avalanche of data in a meaningful way. This concise and pedagogical research monograph introduces the reader to two specific aspects - clustering techniques and dimensionality reduction - in the context of complex network analysis. The first chapter provides a short introduction into relevant graph theoretical notation; chapter 2 then reviews and compares a number of cluster definitions from different fields of science. In the subsequent chapters, a first-principles approach to graph clustering in complex networks is developed using methods from statistical physics and the reader will learn, that even today, this field significantly contributes to the understanding and resolution of the related statistical inference issues. Finally, an application chapter examines real-world networks from the economic realm to show how the network clustering process can be used to deal with large, sparse datasets where conventional analyses fail
Keyword(s)1. Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity 2. ALGORITHMS 3. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 4. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 5. COMPUTERS 6. DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 7. EBOOK 8. EBOOK - SPRINGER 9. ECONOMIC THEORY 10. Economic Theory/Quantitative Economics/Mathematical Methods 11. STATISTICAL PHYSICS 12. Statistical Physics and Dynamical Systems 13. Theory of Computation
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I05558     On Shelf    

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TitleAlgorithms for Continuous Optimization : The State of the Art
Author(s)Spedicato, E
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1994.
DescriptionXV, 565 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThe NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Algorithms for continuous optimiza?? tion: the state of the art" was held September 5-18, 1993, at II Ciocco, Barga, Italy. It was attended by 75 students (among them many well known specialists in optimiza?? tion) from the following countries: Belgium, Brasil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Spain, Turkey, UK, USA, Venezuela. The lectures were given by 17 well known specialists in the field, from Brasil, China, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Russia, Sweden, UK, USA. Solving continuous optimization problems is a fundamental task in computational mathematics for applications in areas of engineering, economics, chemistry, biology and so on. Most real problems are nonlinear and can be of quite large size. Devel?? oping efficient algorithms for continuous optimization has been an important field of research in the last 30 years, with much additional impetus provided in the last decade by the availability of very fast and parallel computers. Techniques, like the simplex method, that were already considered fully developed thirty years ago have been thoroughly revised and enormously improved. The aim of this ASI was to present the state of the art in this field. While not all important aspects could be covered in the fifty hours of lectures (for instance multiob?? jective optimization had to be skipped), we believe that most important topics were presented, many of them by scientists who greatly contributed to their development
Keyword(s)1. ALGORITHMS 2. Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis 3. Computer mathematics 4. COMPUTERS 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. MATHEMATICAL OPTIMIZATION 8. Numeric Computing 9. NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 10. OPTIMIZATION 11. Theory of Computation
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I04986     On Shelf    

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TitleNumerical Integration : Recent Developments, Software and Applications
Author(s)Espelid, T.O;Genz, Alan
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1992.
DescriptionXII, 367 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThis volume contains refereed papers and extended abstracts of papers presented at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop entitled 'Numerical Integration: Recent Develop?? ments, Software and Applications', held at the University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, June 17-21,1991. The Workshop was attended by thirty-eight scientists. A total of eight NATO countries were represented. Eleven invited lectures and twenty-three contributed lectures were presented, of which twenty-five appear in full in this volume, together with three extended abstracts and one note. The main focus of the workshop was to survey recent progress in the theory of methods for the calculation of integrals and show how the theoretical results have been used in software development and in practical applications. The papers in this volume fall into four broad categories: numerical integration rules, numerical integration error analysis, numerical integration applications and numerical integration algorithms and software. It is five years since the last workshop of this nature was held, at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, in 1986. Recent theoretical developments have mostly occurred in the area of integration rule construction. For polynomial integrating rules, invariant theory and ideal theory have been used to provide lower bounds on the numbers of points for different types of multidimensional rules, and to help in structuring the nonlinear systems which must be solved to determine the points and weights for the rules. Many new optimal or near optimal rules have been found for a variety of integration regions using these techniques
Keyword(s)1. ALGORITHMS 2. Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis 3. Computer mathematics 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. Numeric Computing 7. NUMERICAL ANALYSIS
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I04425     On Shelf    

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TitleAdaptive Methods ??? Algorithms, Theory and Applications : Proceedings of the Ninth GAMM-Seminar Kiel, January 22???24, 1993
Author(s)Hackbusch, W;Wittum, G
PublicationWiesbaden, 1. Imprint: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag 2. Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 1994.
DescriptionVII, 273 p : online resource
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I04381     On Shelf    

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TitleMultivariate Data Analysis
Author(s)Murtagh, Fionn;Heck, Andre
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1987.
Description224 p : online resource
Abstract NoteInterest in statistical methodology is increasing so rapidly in the astronomical community that accessible introductory material in this area is long overdue. This book fills the gap by providing a presentation of the most useful techniques in multivariate statistics. A wide-ranging annotated set of general and astronomical bibliographic references follows each chapter, providing valuable entry-points for research workers in all astronomical sub-disciplines. Although the applications considered focus on astronomy, the algorithms used can be applied to similar problems in other branches of science. Fortran programs are provided for many of the methods described
Keyword(s)1. Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity 2. ALGORITHMS 3. ASTRONOMY 4. Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology 5. ASTROPHYSICS 6. EBOOK 7. EBOOK - SPRINGER 8. Statistics for Engineering, Physics, Computer Science, Chemistry and Earth Sciences 9. Statistics??
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I03429     On Shelf    

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TitleRadon and Projection Transform-Based Computer Vision : Algorithms, A Pipeline Architecture, and Industrial Applications
Author(s)Sanz, Jorge L.C;Hinkle, Eric B;Jain, Anil K
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1988.
DescriptionVIII, 123 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book deals with novel machine vision architecture ideas that make real-time projection-based algorithms a reality. The design is founded on raster-mode processing, which is exploited in a powerful and flexible pipeline. We concern ourselves with several image analysis algorithms for computing: projections of gray-level images along linear patterns (i. e. , the Radon transform) and other curved contours; convex hull approximations; the Hough transform for line and curve detection; diameters; moments and principal components, etc. Addition?? ally, we deal with an extensive list of key image processing tasks, which involve generating: discrete approximations of the inverse Radon transform operator; computer tomography reconstructions; two-dimensional convolutions; rotations and translations; multi-color digital masks; the discrete Fourier transform in polar coordinates; autocorrelations, etc. Both the image analysis and image processing algorithms are supported by a similar architecture. We will also of some of the above algorithms to the solution of demonstrate the applicability various industrial visual inspection problems. The algorithms and architectural ideas surveyed here unleash the power of the Radon and other non-linear transformations for machine vision applications. We provide fast methods to transform images into projection space representa?? tions and to backtrace projection-space information into the image domain. The novelty of this approach is that the above algorithms are suitable for implementa?? tion in a pipeline architecture. Specifically, random access memory and other dedicated hardware components which are necessary for implementation of clas?? sical techniques are not needed for our algorithms
Keyword(s)1. Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity 2. ALGORITHMS 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER
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I02865     On Shelf    

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