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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
11 Fischetti, Massimo V Advanced Physics of Electron Transport in Semiconductors and Nanostructures I10222 2016 eBook  
12 Patra, Abhijeet Quantifying Interactions of Biomolecules with Inorganic Surfaces I10199 2017 eBook  
13 Ryndyk, Dmitry Theory of Quantum Transport at Nanoscale I10187 2016 eBook  
14 Sch??ferling, Martin Chiral Nanophotonics I10162 2017 eBook  
15 Mart??n Becerra, Diana Active Plasmonic Devices I10157 2017 eBook  
16 Rupp, Daniela Ionization and Plasma Dynamics of Single Large Xenon Clusters in Superintense XUV Pulses I10132 2016 eBook  
17 Neskovic Nebojsa Rainbows in Channeling of Charged Particles in Crystals and Nanotubes I10095 2017 eBook  
18 Ryabov, Artem Stochastic Dynamics and Energetics of Biomolecular Systems I10078 2016 eBook  
19 Li, Zhiqiang The Source/Drain Engineering of Nanoscale Germanium-based MOS Devices I10059 2016 eBook  
20 Lourtioz, Jean-Michel Nanosciences and Nanotechnology I10032 2016 eBook  
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TitleAdvanced Physics of Electron Transport in Semiconductors and Nanostructures
Author(s)Fischetti, Massimo V;Vandenberghe, William G
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
DescriptionXXIII, 474 p. 112 illus., 83 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis textbook is aimed at second-year graduate students in Physics, Electrical Engineer??ing, or Materials Science. It presents a rigorous introduction to electronic transport in solids, especially at the nanometer scale. Understanding electronic transport in solids requires some basic knowledge of Ham??iltonian Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Condensed Matter Theory, and Statistical Mechanics. Hence, this book discusses those sub-topics which are required to deal with electronic transport in a single, self-contained course. This will be useful for students who intend to work in academia or the nano/ micro-electronics industry. Further topics covered include: the theory of energy bands in crystals, of second quan??tization and elementary excitations in solids, of the dielectric properties of semicon??ductors with an emphasis on dielectric screening and coupled interfacial modes, of electron scattering with phonons, plasmons, electrons and photons, of the derivation of transport equations in semiconductors and semiconductor nanostructures somewhat at the quantum level, but mainly at the semi-classical level. The text presents examples relevant to current research, thus not only about Si, but also about III-V compound semiconductors, nanowires, graphene and graphene nanoribbons. In particular, the text gives major emphasis to plane-wave methods applied to the electronic structure of solids, both DFT and empirical pseudopotentials, always paying attention to their effects on electronic transport and its numerical treatment. The core of the text is electronic transport, with ample discussions of the transport equations derived both in the quantum picture (the Liouville-von Neumann equation) and semi-classically (the Boltzmann transport equation, BTE). An advanced chapter, Chapter 18, is strictly related to the ???tricky??? transition from the time-reversible Liouville-von Neumann equation to the time-irreversible Green???s functions, to the density-matrix formalism and, classically, to the Boltzmann transport equation. Finally, several methods for solving the BTE are also reviewed, including the method of moments, iterative methods, direct matrix inversion, Cellular Automata and Monte Carlo. Four appendices complete the text
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 4. Electronic materials 5. Nanoscale science 6. Nanoscale Science and Technology 7. NANOSCIENCE 8. Nanostructures 9. NANOTECHNOLOGY 10. Optical and Electronic Materials 11. OPTICAL MATERIALS 12. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 13. SEMICONDUCTORS
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I10222     On Shelf    

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TitleQuantifying Interactions of Biomolecules with Inorganic Surfaces
Author(s)Patra, Abhijeet
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2017.
DescriptionXVIII, 102 p. 39 illus., 35 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis thesis demonstrates the adaptation of existing techniques and principles towards enabling clean and precise measurements of biomolecules interacting with inorganic surfaces. In particular, it includes real-time measurement of serum proteins interacting with engineered nanomaterial. Making meaningful and unambiguous measurements has been an evolving problem in the field of biology and its various allied domains, primarily due to the complex nature of experiments and the large number of possible interferants. The subsequent quantification of interactions between biomolecules and inorganic surfaces solves pressing problems in the rapidly developing fields of lipidomics and nanomedicine
Keyword(s)1. Amorphous substances 2. Complex fluids 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. Materials???Surfaces 6. Measurement Science and Instrumentation 7. Measurement?????? 8. Nanochemistry 9. Nanoscale science 10. Nanoscale Science and Technology 11. NANOSCIENCE 12. Nanostructures 13. PHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS 14. Soft and Granular Matter, Complex Fluids and Microfluidics 15. Surfaces and Interfaces, Thin Films 16. THIN FILMS
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I10199     On Shelf    

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TitleTheory of Quantum Transport at Nanoscale : An Introduction
Author(s)Ryndyk, Dmitry
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
DescriptionXII, 246 p. 81 illus., 62 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book is an introduction to a rapidly developing field of modern theoretical physics ??? the theory of quantum transport at nanoscale. The theoretical methods considered in the book are in the basis of our understanding of charge, spin and heat transport in nanostructures and nanostructured materials and are widely used in nanoelectronics, molecular electronics, spin-dependent electronics (spintronics) and bio-electronics. The book is based on lectures for graduate and post-graduate students at the University of Regensburg and the Technische Universit??t Dresden (TU Dresden). The first part is devoted to the basic concepts of quantum transport: Landauer-B??ttiker method and matrix Green function formalism for coherent transport, Tunneling (Transfer) Hamiltonian and master equation methods for tunneling, Coulomb blockade, vibrons and polarons. The results in this part are obtained as possible without sophisticated techniques, such as nonequilibrium Green functions, which are considered in detail in the second part. A general introduction into the nonequilibrium Green function theory is given. The approach based on the equation-of-motion technique, as well as more sophisticated one based on the Dyson-Keldysh diagrammatic technique are presented. The main attention is paid to the theoretical methods able to describe the nonequilibrium (at finite voltage) electron transport through interacting nanosystems, specifically the correlation effects due to electron-electron and electron-vibron interactions
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Electronic materials 4. Nanoscale science 5. Nanoscale Science and Technology 6. NANOSCIENCE 7. Nanostructures 8. NANOTECHNOLOGY 9. Optical and Electronic Materials 10. OPTICAL MATERIALS 11. SOLID STATE PHYSICS
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I10187     On Shelf    

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TitleChiral Nanophotonics : Chiral Optical Properties of Plasmonic Systems
Author(s)Sch??ferling, Martin
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2017.
DescriptionXV, 159 p. 79 illus., 75 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book describes the physics behind the optical properties of plasmonic nanostructures focusing on chiral aspects. It explains in detail how the geometry determines chiral near-fields and how to tailor their shape and strength. Electromagnetic fields with strong optical chirality interact strongly with chiral molecules and, therefore, can be used for enhancing the sensitivity of chiroptical spectroscopy techniques. Besides a short review of the latest results in the field of plasmonically enhanced enantiomer discrimination, this book introduces the concept of chiral plasmonic near-field sources for enhanced chiroptical spectroscopy. The discussion of the fundamental properties of these light sources provides the theoretical basis for further optimizations and is of interest for researchers at the intersection of nano-optics, plasmonics and stereochemistry.
Keyword(s)1. CLASSICAL ELECTRODYNAMICS 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. ELECTRODYNAMICS 5. LASERS 6. Nanoscale science 7. Nanoscale Science and Technology 8. NANOSCIENCE 9. Nanostructures 10. NANOTECHNOLOGY 11. Nanotechnology and Microengineering 12. OPTICS 13. Optics, Lasers, Photonics, Optical Devices 14. PHOTONICS
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I10162     On Shelf    

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TitleActive Plasmonic Devices : Based on Magnetoplasmonic Nanostructures
Author(s)Mart??n Becerra, Diana
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2017.
DescriptionXXIII, 113 p. 55 illus., 4 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis thesis investigates the effect of the magnetic field on propagating surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs), or surface plasmons for short. Above all, it focuses on using the magnetic field as an external agent to modify the properties of the SPPs, and therefore achieving active devices. Surface plasmons are evanescent waves that arise at metal???dielectric interfaces. They can be strongly confined (beyond the light diffraction limit), and provide a strong enhancement of the electromagnetic field at the interface. These waves have led to the development of plasmonic circuitry, which is a key candidate as an alternative to electronic circuitry and traditional optical telecommunication devices, since it is faster than the former and less bulky than the latter. Adopting both a theoretical and an experimental point of view, the book analyzes the magnetic modulation in SPPs by means of an interferometer engraved in a multilayer combining Au and Co. In this interferometer, which acts like a modulator, the SPP magnetic modulation is studied in detail, as are the parameters that have a relevant impact on it, simple ways to enhance it, its spectral dependence, and the highly promising possibility of using this system for biosensing. The thesis ultimately arrives at the conclusion that this method can provide values of modulations similar to other active methods used in plasmonics.
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Interfaces (Physical sciences) 4. LASERS 5. Materials???Surfaces 6. Nanoscale science 7. Nanoscale Science and Technology 8. NANOSCIENCE 9. Nanostructures 10. NANOTECHNOLOGY 11. Optics, Lasers, Photonics, Optical Devices 12. PHOTONICS 13. Surface and Interface Science, Thin Films 14. Surfaces (Physics) 15. Surfaces and Interfaces, Thin Films 16. THIN FILMS
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I10157     On Shelf    

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TitleIonization and Plasma Dynamics of Single Large Xenon Clusters in Superintense XUV Pulses
Author(s)Rupp, Daniela
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
DescriptionXIV, 161 p. 85 illus., 45 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteAt the heart of this thesis is the young field of free electron laser science, whose experimental and theoretical basics are described here in a comprehensible manner. Extremely bright and ultra short pulses from short wavelength free-electron lasers (FELs) have recently opened the path to new fields of research. The x-ray flashes transform all matter into highly excited plasma states within femtoseconds, while their high spatial and temporal resolution allows the study of fast processes in very small structures. Even imaging of single molecules may be within reach if ultrafast radiation damage can be understood and brought under control. Atomic clusters have proven to be ideal model systems for light-matter interaction studies in all wavelength regimes, being size scalable, easy-to-produce gas phase targets with a simple structure. With FELs, "single cluster imaging and simultaneous ion spectroscopy" makes possible experiments under extremely well defined initial conditions, because the size of the cluster and the FEL intensity can be extracted from the scattering images. For the first time large xenon clusters up to micron radius were generated. Their single cluster scattering images were analyzed for cluster morphology and traces of the ultrafast plasma built-up during the femtosecond FEL pulse. The simultaneously measured single cluster ion spectra yield unprecedented insight into the ion dynamics following the interaction. The results will feed both future experimental effort and theoretical modeling
Keyword(s)1. ATOMS 2. Atoms and Molecules in Strong Fields, Laser Matter Interaction 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. LASERS 6. Nanoscale science 7. Nanoscale Science and Technology 8. NANOSCIENCE 9. Nanostructures 10. Optics, Lasers, Photonics, Optical Devices 11. PHOTONICS 12. PHYSICS
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I10132     On Shelf    

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TitleRainbows in Channeling of Charged Particles in Crystals and Nanotubes
Author(s)Neskovic Nebojsa;Srdjan Petrovic;Marko Cosic
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2017.
DescriptionX, 194 p. 116 illus., 53 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book discusses the effects, modeling, latest results, and nanotechnology applications of rainbows that appear during channeling of charged particles in crystals and nanotubes. The authors begin with a brief review of the optical and particle rainbow effects followed by a detailed description of crystal rainbows, which appear in ion channeling in crystals, and their modeling using catastrophe theory. The effects of spatial and angular focusing of channeled ions are described, with special attention given to the applications of the former effect to subatomic microscopy. The results of a thorough study of the recent high-resolution channeling experiments performed with protons of energies between 2.0 and 0.7 MeV and a 55 nm thick silicon crystal are also provided. This study opens up the potential for accurate analysis of very thin crystals. Also presented are recent results related to rainbows occurring in proton transmission through carbon nanotubes, and a detailed quantum consideration of the transmission of positrons of an energy of 1 MeV through very short carbon nanotubes. This process is determined by the rainbow effect. The initial positron beam is represented as an ensemble of non-interacting Gaussian wave packets, and the principal and supernumerary primary rainbows appearing in the spatial and angular distributions of transmitted positrons are clearly identified. They are explained by the effects of wrinkling, concentration and coordination of the wave packets
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Electronic materials 4. Nanoscale science 5. Nanoscale Science and Technology 6. NANOSCIENCE 7. Nanostructures 8. NANOTECHNOLOGY 9. Nanotechnology and Microengineering 10. Optical and Electronic Materials 11. OPTICAL MATERIALS
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I10095     On Shelf    

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TitleStochastic Dynamics and Energetics of Biomolecular Systems
Author(s)Ryabov, Artem
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
DescriptionXV, 118 p. 10 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThis thesis both broadens and deepens our understanding of the Brownian world. It addresses new problems in diffusion theory that have recently attracted considerable attention, both from the side of nanotechnology and from the viewpoint of pure academic research. The author focusses on the difussion of interacting particles in restricted geometries and under externally controlled forces. These geometries serve, for example, to model ion transport through narrow channels in cell membranes or a Brownian particle diffusing in an optical trap, now a paradigm for both theory and experiment. The work is exceptional in obtaining explicit analytically formulated answers to such realistic, experimentally relevant questions. At the same time, with its detailed exposition of the problems and a complete set of references, it presents a clear and broadly accessible introduction to the domain. Many of the problem settings and the corresponding exact asymptotic laws are completely new in diffusion theory
Keyword(s)1. Amorphous substances 2. Complex fluids 3. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 4. DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 8. Nanoscale science 9. Nanoscale Science and Technology 10. NANOSCIENCE 11. Nanostructures 12. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 13. Soft and Granular Matter, Complex Fluids and Microfluidics 14. STATISTICAL PHYSICS 15. Statistical Physics and Dynamical Systems 16. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
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I10078     On Shelf    

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TitleThe Source/Drain Engineering of Nanoscale Germanium-based MOS Devices
Author(s)Li, Zhiqiang
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016.
DescriptionXIV, 59 p. 52 illus., 49 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book mainly focuses on reducing the high parasitic resistance in the source/drain of germanium nMOSFET. With adopting of the Implantation After Germanide (IAG) technique, P and Sb co-implantation technique and Multiple Implantation and Multiple Annealing (MIMA) technique, the electron Schottky barrier height of NiGe/Ge contact is modulated to 0.1eV, the thermal stability of NiGe is improved to 600??? and the contact resistivity of metal/n-Ge contact is drastically reduced to 3.8??10???7?????cm2, respectively. Besides, a reduced source/drain parasitic resistance is demonstrated in the fabricated Ge nMOSFET. Readers will find useful information about the source/drain engineering technique for high-performance CMOS devices at future technology node
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS 4. Electronic Circuits and Devices 5. Nanoscale science 6. Nanoscale Science and Technology 7. NANOSCIENCE 8. Nanostructures 9. SEMICONDUCTORS 10. SOLID STATE PHYSICS
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I10059     On Shelf    

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TitleNanosciences and Nanotechnology : Evolution or Revolution?
Author(s)Lourtioz, Jean-Michel;Lahmani, Marcel;Dupas-Haeberlin, Claire;Hesto, Patrice
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
DescriptionXXIV, 438 p. 217 illus., 185 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book provides information to the state of art of research in nanotechnology and nano medicine and risks of nano technology. It covers an interdisciplinary and very wide scope of the latest fundamental research status and industrial applications of nano technologies ranging from nano physics, nano chemistry to biotechnology and toxicology. It provides information to last legislation of nano usage and potential social impact too. The book contains also a reference list of major European research centers and associated universities offering licences and master of nano matter. For clarity and attractivity, the book has many illustrations and specific inserts to complete the understanding of the scientific texts
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Nanochemistry 4. Nanoscale science 5. Nanoscale Science and Technology 6. NANOSCIENCE 7. Nanostructures 8. NANOTECHNOLOGY 9. Nanotechnology and Microengineering 10. Science???Social aspects 11. Societal Aspects of Physics, Outreach and Education
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I10032     On Shelf    

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