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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
1 Ejaz, Faheem Two Phase Separation in the T-Junction I12972 2024 eBook  
2 Galenko, Peter Phase Field Theory in Materials Physics I12968 2024 eBook  
3 Watanabe, Shinji Quantum Critical Phenomena of Valence Transition I12924 2023 eBook  
4 Said, Zafar Nano Enhanced Phase Change Materials I12858 2023 eBook  
5 Leonel, Edson Denis Dynamical Phase Transitions in Chaotic Systems I12794 2023 eBook  
6 Umantsev, Alexander Field Theoretic Method in Phase Transformations I12733 2023 eBook  
7 Miyashita, Seiji Collapse of Metastability I12452 2022 Book  
8 Reinosa, Urko Perturbative Aspects of the Deconfinement Transition I12331 2022 Book  
9 Sahimi, Muhammad Complex Media and Percolation Theory I11666 2021 eBook  
10 Mosley, Connor Devyn William Enhanced Polarisation Control and Extreme Electric Fields I11634 2021 eBook  
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TitleTwo Phase Separation in the T-Junction
Author(s)Ejaz, Faheem;Pao, William;Ali, Hafiz Muhammad
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.
DescriptionXVII, 103 p. 57 illus., 20 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book provides a comprehensive yet concise knowledge and understanding in the field of Two-phase separation in the T-Junction. and this book can not only contribute to the academics, but it can also provide valuable insight for the industrial use of the T-junction. This book discusses in detail, the effect of different parameters on phase separation. These independent variables include diameter ratio, velocity ratio, individual phase velocities, side arm inclination, main arm inclination, mass split ratio, density of the working fluid, types of T-junctions used and modification in the T-Junction. The objectives and goals of this books are concerned with the research involved with the heat transfer applications, fluid mechanics and flow transmission in the petroleum field. Currently the data from the literature indicates that there is no specific source of consistent conclusion about the multiphase phenomenon. This book can provide a database ofknowledge keeping in view of all the previous studies of the recent decades.So, engineers performing their duties in their respective sector, graduate and Ph.D students in the field of engineering can get valuable information about Two Phase Separation in the T-Junction
Keyword(s)1. CONDENSED MATTER 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. FLUIDS 5. Phase Transition and Critical Phenomena 6. Phase Transitions and Multiphase Systems 7. Soft condensed matter
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I12972     On Shelf    

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TitlePhase Field Theory in Materials Physics : The Hodograph Equation
Author(s)Galenko, Peter
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2024.
DescriptionXXI, 232 p. 42 illus., 21 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book deals with the use of the hodograph equation in phase transformations in condensed matter, especially, for crystallization and solidification processes. The main focus of the book is the interpretation of the phase-field equations for isotropic and anisotropic interfaces based on the advanced Gibbs???Thomson and Herring conditions, respectively. Beginning with the basic ideas behind the extended irreversible thermodynamics, the kinetic phase-field model for slow and arbitrarily fast phase transformations is derived where the unified hodograph equation follows from: ??? the sharp interface limit of the diffuse interface or ??? the traveling wave solution of the propagating phase field. Under the example of solute trapping and disorder trapping effects, comparing theoretical results with molecular dynamics simulations, and with the analysis of experimental data, the concrete workability of the developed hodograph equation is demonstrated for widest range of driving force in phase transformations
Keyword(s)1. Computational Materials Science 2. CONDENSED MATTER 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. MATERIALS SCIENCE 6. Mathematical Methods in Physics 7. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 8. METALS 9. Metals and Alloys 10. Phase Transitions and Multiphase Systems 11. Structure of Condensed Matter 12. THERMODYNAMICS
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I12968     On Shelf    

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TitleQuantum Critical Phenomena of Valence Transition : Heavy Fermion Metals and Related Systems
Author(s)Watanabe, Shinji;Miyake, Kazumasa
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
DescriptionXII, 211 p. 93 illus., 60 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book comprehensively presents an unconventional quantum criticality caused by valence fluctuations, which offers theoretical understanding of unconventional Fermi-liquid properties in cerium- and ytterbium-based heavy fermion metals including CeCu2(Si,Ge)2 and CeRhIn5 under pressure, and quasicrystal ??-YbAlB4 and Yb15Al34Au51. The book begins with an introduction to fundamental concepts for heavy fermion systems, valence fluctuation, and quantum phase transition, including self-consistent renormalization group theory. A subsequent chapter is devoted to a comprehensive description of the theory of the unconventional quantum criticality based on a valence transition, featuring explicit temperature dependence of various physical quantities, which allows for comparisons to relevant experiments. Lastly, it discusses how ubiquitous the valence fluctuation is, presenting candidate materials notonly in heavy fermions, but also in strongly correlated electrons represented by high-Tc superconductor cuprates. Introductory chapters provide useful materials for learning fundamentals of heavy fermion systems and their theory. Further, experimental topics relevant to valence fluctuations are valuable resources for those who are new to the field to easily catch up with experimental background and facts
Keyword(s)1. CONDENSED MATTER 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. MAGNETISM 4. Phase Transition and Critical Phenomena 5. Phase Transitions and Multiphase Systems 6. Strongly Correlated Systems 7. SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 8. SUPERCONDUCTORS
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I12924     On Shelf    

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TitleNano Enhanced Phase Change Materials : Preparation, Properties and Applications
Author(s)Said, Zafar;Pandey, Adarsh Kumar
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
DescriptionVI, 270 p. 93 illus., 81 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book provides information on thermal energy storage systems incorporating phase change materials (PCMs) which are widely preferred owing to their immense energy storage capacity. The thermal energy storage (TES) potential of PCMs has been deeply explored for a wide range of applications, including solar/electrothermal energy storage, waste heat storage, and utilization, building energy-saving, and thermal regulations. The inherent shortcomings like leakage during phase transition and poor thermal conductivity hamper their extensive usage. Nevertheless, it has been addressed by their shape stabilization with porous materials and dispersing highly conductive nanoparticles. Nanoparticles suspended in traditional phase change materials enhance the thermal conductivity. The addition of these nanoparticles to the conventional PCM enhances the storage. In this book, the history of Nano Enhanced Phase Change Materials (NEPCM), preparation techniques, properties, theoretical modeling and correlations, and the effect of all these factors on the potential applications such as: solar energy, electronics cooling, heat exchangers, building, battery thermal management, thermal energy storage are discussed in detail. Future challenges and future work scope have been included. The information from this book can enable the readers to come up with novel techniques, resolve existing research limitations, and come up with novel NEPCM, that can be implemented for various applications
Keyword(s)1. CONDENSED MATTER 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. NANOTECHNOLOGY 4. Phase Transition and Critical Phenomena 5. Phase Transitions and Multiphase Systems 6. Solid-phase synthesis
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I12858     On Shelf    

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TitleDynamical Phase Transitions in Chaotic Systems
Author(s)Leonel, Edson Denis
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
DescriptionXVI, 74 p. 23 illus., 16 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book discusses some scaling properties and characterizes two-phase transitions for chaotic dynamics in nonlinear systems described by mappings. The chaotic dynamics is determined by the unpredictability of the time evolution of two very close initial conditions in the phase space. It yields in an exponential divergence from each other as time passes. The chaotic diffusion is investigated, leading to a scaling invariance, a characteristic of a continuous phase transition. Two different types of transitions are considered in the book. One of them considers a transition from integrability to non-integrability observed in a two-dimensional, nonlinear, and area-preserving mapping, hence a conservative dynamics, in the variables action and angle. The other transition considers too the dynamics given by the use of nonlinear mappings and describes a suppression of the unlimited chaotic diffusion for a dissipative standard mapping and an equivalent transition in the suppression of Fermi acceleration in time-dependent billiards. This book allows the readers to understand some of the applicability of scaling theory to phase transitions and other critical dynamics commonly observed in nonlinear systems. That includes a transition from integrability to non-integrability and a transition from limited to unlimited diffusion, and that may also be applied to diffusion in energy, hence in Fermi acceleration. The latter is a hot topic investigated in billiard dynamics that led to many important publications in the last few years. It is a good reference book for senior- or graduate-level students or researchers in dynamical systems and control engineering, mathematics, physics, mechanical and electrical engineering
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I12794     On Shelf    

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TitleField Theoretic Method in Phase Transformations
Author(s)Umantsev, Alexander
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionXXV, 503 p. 1 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book describes a novel and popular method for the theoretical and computational study of phase transformations and materials processing in condensed and soft matter. The field theoretic method for the study of phase transformations in material systems, also known as the phase-field method, allows one to analyze different stages of transformations within a unified framework. It has received significant attention in the materials science community due to many recent successes in solving or illuminating important problems. In a single volume, this book addresses the fundamentals of the method starting from the basics of the field theoretic method along with its most important theoretical and computational results and some of the most advanced recent results and applications. Now in a revised and expanded second edition, the text is updated throughout and includes material on the classical theory of phase transformations. This book serves as both a primer in the area of phase transformations for those new to the field and as a guide for the more seasoned researcher. It is also of interest to historians of physics
Keyword(s)1. Applications of Mathematics 2. CONDENSED MATTER 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. ELECTRONIC DEVICES 5. MATERIALS SCIENCE 6. MATHEMATICS 7. Mechanics, Applied 8. Phase Transitions and Multiphase Systems 9. Solid Mechanics 10. SOLID STATE PHYSICS 11. SOLIDS
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I12733     On Shelf    

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TitleCollapse of Metastability : Dynamics of First-Order Phase Transition
Author(s)Miyashita, Seiji
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
DescriptionXI, 259 p. 101 illus., 49 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteTo understand phenomena in nature, it is important to focus not only on properties of stationary states, but also their changes in time, that is, the dynamics between bistable states. This book reviews the mechanics of first-order phase transitions and discusses relaxation and collapses of metastable states from various viewpoints, including Kramers' method for the lifetime of metastability, Langer???s analysis on the singularity, effects of thermal fluctuation studied by N??el and Brown, and eigenvalue structures of the transfer-matrix for the phase transitions. The book also goes into the mechanics of metastability in quantum systems from the viewpoints of the eigenvalue problem of the Hamiltonian and the Liouvillian for a dynamical process and discusses relations between quantum tunneling processes and metastability therein. Lastly, the coercivity of magnets consisting of an ensemble of grains is reviewed. The book is beneficial for those new in the field as a primer on first-order phase transition from modern perspectives. The comprehensive content offers overviews of related topics and allows readers to quickly catch up with developments in the field
Keyword(s)1. CONDENSED MATTER 2. CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. Phase Transition and Critical Phenomena 6. Phase Transitions and Multiphase Systems 7. STATISTICAL PHYSICS
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I12452     On Shelf    

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TitlePerturbative Aspects of the Deconfinement Transition : Beyond the Faddeev-Popov Paradigm
Author(s)Reinosa, Urko
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2022.
DescriptionXVII, 270 p. 1 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book offers an original view of the color confinement/deconfinement transition that occurs in non-abelian gauge theories at high temperature and/or densities. It is grounded on the fact that the standard Faddeev-Popov gauge-fixing procedure in the Landau gauge is incomplete. The proper analysis of the low energy properties of non-abelian theories in this gauge requires, therefore, the extension of the gauge-fixing procedure, beyond the Faddeev-Popov recipe. The author reviews various applications of one such extension, based on the Curci-Ferrari model, with a special focus on the confinement/deconfinement transition, first in the case of pure Yang-Mills theory, and then, in a formal regime of Quantum Chromodynamics where all quarks are considered heavy. He shows that most qualitative aspects and also many quantitative features of the deconfinement transition can be accounted for within the model, with only one additional parameter. Moreover, these features emerge in a systematic and controlled perturbative expansion, as opposed to what would happen in a perturbative expansion within the Faddeev-Popov model. The book is also intended as a thorough and pedagogical introduction to background field gauge techniques at finite temperature and/or density. In particular, it offers a new and promising view on the way these techniques might be applied at finite temperature. The material aims at graduate students or researchers who wish to deepen their understanding of the confinement/deconfinement transition from an analytical perspective. Basic knowledge of gauge theories at finite temperature is required, although the text is designed in a self-contained manner, with most concepts and tools introduced when needed. At the end of each chapter, a series of exercises is proposed to master the subject
Keyword(s)1. CONDENSED MATTER 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. Elementary particles (Physics) 5. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 6. PARTICLE PHYSICS 7. PARTICLES (NUCLEAR PHYSICS) 8. Phase Transitions and Multiphase Systems 9. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY
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I12331     On Shelf    

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TitleComplex Media and Percolation Theory
Author(s)Sahimi, Muhammad;Hunt, Allen G
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 2021.
Description152 illus., 75 illus. in color. eReference : online resource
Abstract NotePercolation theory describes the effects of the connectivity of microscopic or small-scale elements of a complex medium to its macroscopic or large-scale properties. It also describes the conditions under which there may be a continuously connected path of local elements across the medium. The point at which the path is formed is called the percolation threshold. Percolation theory also predicts that many macroscopic properties of complex media follow universal power laws near the percolation threshold that are independent of many microscopic features of such media. There are many applications of percolation theory across the natural sciences, from porous materials, to composite solids, complex networks, and biological systems. This book presents the essential elements of percolation theory, covers the problem of calculating the exponents that characterize the power laws that the percolation quantities follow near the percolation threshold, provides a clear description of the geometry of percolation clusters of the connected paths, and addresses several variations of percolation theory. In particular, bootstrap percolation, explosive percolation, and invasion percolation are featured, which expand the range of natural systems to which percolation may be applicable. In addition, coverage includes several important applications of percolation theory to a range of phenomena, ranging from electrical conductivity, thermopower, the Hall effect, and photoconductivity of disordered semiconductors, to flow, transport and reaction in porous media, geochemistry, biology, and ecology
Keyword(s)1. Catalysis 2. Classical and Continuum Physics 3. CONDENSED MATTER 4. EARTH SCIENCES 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. GRAPH THEORY 8. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 9. Phase Transitions and Multiphase Systems 10. PHYSICS 11. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
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I11666     On Shelf    

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TitleEnhanced Polarisation Control and Extreme Electric Fields : Advances in Terahertz Spectroscopy Applied to Anisotropic Materials and Magnetic Phase Transitions
Author(s)Mosley, Connor Devyn William
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2021.
DescriptionXV, 115 p. 44 illus., 43 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis thesis reports advances in terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, relating to the development of new techniques and components that enhance the experimentalist???s control over the terahertz polarisation state produced by photoconductive emitters. It describes how utilising the dynamic magnetoelectric response at THz frequencies, in the form of electromagnons, can probe material properties at a transition between two magnetically ordered phases. Additionally, preliminary investigations into the properties of materials exposed to extreme terahertz optical electric fields are reported. The work presented in this thesis may have immediate impacts on the study of anisotropic media at THz frequencies, with photoconductive emitters and detectors being the most commonly used components for commercially available terahertz spectroscopy and imaging systems, and by providing a new way to study the nature of magnetic phase transitions in multiferroics. In the longer term the increased understanding of multiferroics yielded by ultrafast spectroscopic methods, including terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, may help develop new magnetoelectric and multiferroic materials for applications such as spintronics
Keyword(s)1. CONDENSED MATTER 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. Light-Matter Interaction 5. MAGNETIC MATERIALS 6. OPTICS 7. Phase Transitions and Multiphase Systems 8. SPECTROSCOPY 9. SPECTRUM ANALYSIS 10. Submillimeter waves 11. Terahertz Optics
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I11634     On Shelf    

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