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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
11 Nolte, Stefan Ultrashort Pulse Laser Technology I09936 2016 eBook  
12 Lee, Dong Soo Radionanomedicine I09927 2018 eBook  
13 Harney, Hanns Ludwig Bayesian Inference I09850 2016 eBook  
14 Punter-Villagrasa, Jaime Amperometric and Impedance Monitoring Systems for Biomedical Applications I09848 2017 eBook  
15 Herman, Irving P Physics of the Human Body I09833 2016 eBook  
16 Concei????o, Raquel Cruz An Introduction to Microwave Imaging for Breast Cancer Detection I09767 2016 eBook  
17 Hazel, Garvie-Cook Novel (Trans)dermal Drug Delivery Strategies I09733 2016 eBook  
18 Reza Rezaie, Hamid Bone Cement I09571 2020 eBook  
19 Chen, Xinjian Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Image Analysis I09469 2019 eBook  
20 Janmey, Paul Physical Sciences and Engineering Advances in Life Sciences and Oncology I09432 2016 eBook  
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TitleUltrashort Pulse Laser Technology : Laser Sources and Applications
Author(s)Nolte, Stefan;Schrempel, Frank;Dausinger, Friedrich
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
DescriptionXVIII, 358 p. 227 illus., 80 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteUltrashort laser pulses with durations in the femtosecond range up to a few picoseconds provide a unique method for precise materials processing or medical applications. Paired with the recent developments in ultrashort pulse lasers, this technology is finding its way into various application fields. The book gives a comprehensive overview of the principles and applications of ultrashort pulse lasers, especially applied to medicine and production technology. Recent advances in laser technology are discussed in detail. This covers the development of reliable and cheap low power laser sources as well as high average power ultrashort pulse lasers for large scale manufacturing. The fundamentals of laser-matter-interaction as well as processing strategies and the required system technology are discussed for these laser sources with respect to precise materials processing. Finally, different applications within medicine, measurement technology or materials processing are highlighted
Keyword(s)1. CLASSICAL ELECTRODYNAMICS 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. ELECTRODYNAMICS 5. LASERS 6. Materials???Surfaces 7. Medical and Radiation Physics 8. Medical physics 9. MICROWAVES 10. Microwaves, RF and Optical Engineering 11. OPTICAL ENGINEERING 12. OPTICS 13. Optics, Lasers, Photonics, Optical Devices 14. PHOTONICS 15. RADIATION 16. Surfaces and Interfaces, Thin Films 17. THIN FILMS
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I09936     On Shelf    

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TitleRadionanomedicine : Combined Nuclear and Nanomedicine
Author(s)Lee, Dong Soo
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2018.
DescriptionXXIV, 446 p. 118 illus., 104 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book describes radionanomedicine as an integrated medicine using exogenous and endogenous??This book describes radionanomedicine as an integrated approach that uses exogenous and endogenous nanomaterials for in vivo and human applications. It comprehensively explains radionanomedicine comprising nuclear and nanomedicine, demonstrating that it is more than radionanodrugs and that radionanomedicine also takes advantage of nuclear medicine using trace technology, in which miniscule amounts of materials and tracer kinetic elucidate in vivo biodistribution. It also discusses exogenous nanomaterials such as inorganic silica, iron oxide, upconversion nanoparticles and quantum dots or organic liposomes labelled with radioisotopes, and radionanomaterials used for targeted delivery and imaging for theranostic purposes. Further, it examines endogenous nanomaterials i.e. extracellular vesicles labelled with radioisotopes, known as radiolabelled extracellular vesicles, as well as positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), which elucidate the biodistribution and potential for therapeutic success
Keyword(s)1. Biomaterials 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. Medical and Radiation Physics 5. Medical physics 6. Nanoscale science 7. Nanoscale Science and Technology 8. NANOSCIENCE 9. Nanostructures 10. NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY 11. RADIATION 12. Radiotherapy
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I09927     On Shelf    

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TitleBayesian Inference : Data Evaluation and Decisions
Author(s)Harney, Hanns Ludwig
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
DescriptionXIII, 243 p. 39 illus., 3 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis new edition offers a comprehensive introduction to the analysis of data using Bayes rule. It generalizes Gaussian error intervals to situations in which the data follow distributions other than Gaussian. This is particularly useful when the observed parameter is barely above the background or the histogram of multiparametric data contains many empty bins, so that the determination of the validity of a theory cannot be based on the chi-squared-criterion. In addition to the solutions of practical problems, this approach provides an epistemic insight: the logic of quantum mechanics is obtained as the logic of unbiased inference from counting data. New sections feature factorizing parameters, commuting parameters, observables in quantum mechanics, the art of fitting with coherent and with incoherent alternatives and fitting with multinomial distribution. Additional problems and examples help deepen the knowledge. Requiring no knowledge of quantum mechanics, the book is written on introductory level, with many examples and exercises, for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in the physical sciences, planning to, or working in, fields such as medical physics, nuclear physics, quantum mechanics, and chaos
Keyword(s)1. Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis 2. Computer mathematics 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. Mathematical Methods in Physics 6. Medical and Radiation Physics 7. Medical physics 8. NUCLEAR PHYSICS 9. Particle and Nuclear Physics 10. PHYSICS 11. PROBABILITIES 12. Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes 13. RADIATION 14. Statistics for Engineering, Physics, Computer Science, Chemistry and Earth Sciences 15. Statistics??
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I09850     On Shelf    

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TitleAmperometric and Impedance Monitoring Systems for Biomedical Applications
Author(s)Punter-Villagrasa, Jaime;Colomer-Farrarons, Jordi;del Campo, Francisco J;Miribel, Pere
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2017.
DescriptionVIII, 241 p. 145 illus., 75 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThe book presents the conception and realization of a pervasive electronic architecture for electrochemical applications, focusing on electronic instrumentation design and device development, particularly in electrochemical Point-of-Care and Lab-on-a-Chip devices, covering examples based on amperometric (DC) and impedance detection (AC) techniques. The presented electronics combine tailored front-end instrumentation and back-end data post-processing, enabling applications in different areas, and across a variety of techniques, analytes, transducers and environments. It addresses how the electronics are designed and implemented with special interest in the flow process: starting from electronic circuits and electrochemical biosensor design to a final validation and implementation for specific applications. Similarly, other important aspects are discussed throughout the book, such as electrochemical techniques, different analytes, targets, electronics reliability and robustness. The book also describes the use of the presented electronics in different electrochemical applications through some examples: instantaneous and non-destructive cellular monitoring and portable glucose monitoring device. Moreover, the book aims to introduce a comprehensive approach to electronic circuits, techniques and electrochemical sensors in POC devices to a general audience of students in biomedical and electronics engineering, scientists, and engineers
Keyword(s)1. Biomedical engineering 2. Biomedical Engineering/Biotechnology 3. CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. Electrochemistry 7. ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS 8. Measurement Science and Instrumentation 9. Measurement?????? 10. Medical and Radiation Physics 11. Medical physics 12. PHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS 13. RADIATION
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I09848     On Shelf    

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TitlePhysics of the Human Body
Author(s)Herman, Irving P
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
DescriptionXXIV, 953 p. 606 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book comprehensively addresses the physics and engineering aspects of human physiology by using and building on first-year college physics and mathematics. Topics include the mechanics of the static body and the body in motion, the mechanical properties of the body, muscles in the body, the energetics of body metabolism, fluid flow in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the acoustics of sound waves in speaking and hearing, vision and the optics of the eye, the electrical properties of the body, and the basic engineering principles of feedback and control in regulating all aspects of function. The goal of this text is to??clearly explain??the physics issues concerning the human body, in part by developing and then using simple and subsequently more refined models of the macrophysics of the human body. Many chapters include a brief review of the underlying physics. There are problems at the end of each chapter; solutions to selected problems are also provided. This second edition enhances the treatments of the physics of motion, sports, and diseases and disorders, and integrates discussions of these topics as they appear throughout the book.?? Also, it briefly addresses physical measurements of and in the body, and offers a broader selection of problems, which, as in the first edition, are geared to a range of student levels.?? This text is geared to undergraduates interested in physics, medical applications of physics, quantitative physiology, medicine, and biomedical engineering
Keyword(s)1. Biological and Medical Physics, Biophysics 2. BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS 3. Biomedical engineering 4. Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering 5. BIOPHYSICS 6. EBOOK 7. EBOOK - SPRINGER 8. Human physiology 9. Medical and Radiation Physics 10. Medical physics 11. RADIATION 12. Sports Medicine
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I09833     On Shelf    

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TitleAn Introduction to Microwave Imaging for Breast Cancer Detection
Author(s)Concei????o, Raquel Cruz;Mohr, Johan Jacob;O'Halloran, Martin
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
DescriptionXIII, 144 p. 43 illus., 22 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book collates past and current research on one of the most promising emerging modalities for breast cancer detection. Readers will discover how, as a standalone technology or in conjunction with another modality, microwave imaging has the potential to provide reliable, safe and comfortable breast exams at low cost. Current breast imaging modalities include X- ray, Ultrasound, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and Positron Emission Tomography. Each of these methods suffers from limitations, including poor sensitivity or specificity, high cost, patient discomfort, and exposure to potentially harmful ionising radiation. Microwave breast imaging is based on a contrast in the dielectric properties of breast tissue that exists at microwave frequencies. The book begins by considering the anatomy and dielectric properties of the breast, contrasting historical and recent studies. Next, radar-based breast imaging algorithms are discussed, encompassing both early-stage artefact removal, and data independent and adaptive beamforming algorithms. Similarly, microwave tomographic reconstruction algorithms are reviewed, introducing the reader to both the fundamental and more advanced algorithms. The book also reviews research efforts to extract clinically useful information from the radar target signature of breast tumours. Finally, the book concludes by describing the state of the art prototype microwave breast imaging systems, with a particular emphasis on those which have progressed to the clinical evaluation stage. This work is motivated by the fact that breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death amongst women in Europe and the US, and the second most common cancer in the world today. Such an important area of research will appeal to many scholars and practitioners
Keyword(s)1. Biomedical engineering 2. Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering 3. Diagnostic Radiology 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. IMAGE PROCESSING 7. Medical and Radiation Physics 8. Medical physics 9. MICROWAVES 10. Microwaves, RF and Optical Engineering 11. OPTICAL ENGINEERING 12. RADIATION 13. Radiology 14. SIGNAL PROCESSING 15. Signal, Image and Speech Processing 16. Speech processing systems
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I09767     On Shelf    

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TitleNovel (Trans)dermal Drug Delivery Strategies : Micro- and Nano-scale Assessments
Author(s)Hazel, Garvie-Cook
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
DescriptionXVIII, 114 p. 49 illus., 24 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis work represents an inventive attempt to apply recent advances in nanotechnology to identify and characterise novel polymer systems for drug delivery through the skin. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements of the nanoscale mechanical properties of topical, drug-containing polymeric films enabled the author to identify optimal compositions, in terms of flexibility and substantivity, for application to the skin. To elucidate the enhanced drug release from polyacrylate films incorporating medium chain triglycerides, the author combined AFM studies with the complementary technique of Raman micro-spectroscopy. This experimental strategy revealed that the significant increase in the drug released from these films is the result of a nanoscale two-phase structure. Finally, in experiments examining the microporation of skin using femtosecond laser ablation, the author demonstrated that the threshold at which the skin's barrier function is undermined can be dramatically reduced by the pre-application of ink. The approach allows thermal damage at the pore edge to be minimised, suggesting a very real potential for substantially increasing drug delivery in a minimally invasive fashion
Keyword(s)1. Biomedical engineering 2. Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering 3. Biomedical Engineering/Biotechnology 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. Medical and Radiation Physics 7. Medical physics 8. NANOTECHNOLOGY 9. Polymer Sciences 10. Polymers???? 11. RADIATION
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I09733     On Shelf    

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TitleBone Cement : From Simple Cement Concepts to Complex Biomimetic Design
Author(s)Reza Rezaie, Hamid;Esnaashary, Mohammad Hossein;Karfarma, Masoud;Ochsner, Andreas
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2020.
DescriptionVIII, 88 p. 52 illus., 39 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book provides an overview of the composition of polymeric and ceramic bone cements. It also discusses complex, biomimetic structures based on biomaterials, such as cells and bioactive molecules, which more closely resemble natural bone The first chapter describes the main concepts of the cementation process and the parameters affecting it, while the second chapter focuses on the composition and structure of candidate biomaterials. Lastly, the third and fourth chapters present recent research aimed at improving the ability of naked biomaterials to enhance bone healing by adding cells and bioactive agents
Keyword(s)1. Biomaterials 2. Biomedical engineering 3. Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. Medical and Radiation Physics 7. Medical physics 8. RADIATION
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I09571     On Shelf    

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TitleRetinal Optical Coherence Tomography Image Analysis
Author(s)Chen, Xinjian;Shi, Fei;Chen, Haoyu
PublicationSingapore, Springer Singapore, 2019.
DescriptionXI, 385 p. 189 illus., 156 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book introduces the latest optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging and computerized automatic image analysis techniques, and their applications in the diagnosis and treatment of retinal diseases. Discussing the basic principles and the clinical applications of OCT imaging, OCT image preprocessing, as well as the automatic detection and quantitative analysis of retinal anatomy and pathology, it includes a wealth of clinical OCT images, and state-of-the-art research that applies novel image processing, pattern recognition and machine learning methods to real clinical data. It is a valuable resource for researchers in both medical image processing and ophthalmic imaging
Keyword(s)1. Biomedical engineering 2. Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering 3. Computer Imaging, Vision, Pattern Recognition and Graphics 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. Imaging / Radiology 7. LASERS 8. Medical and Radiation Physics 9. Medical physics 10. Ophthalmology 11. OPTICAL DATA PROCESSING 12. Optics, Lasers, Photonics, Optical Devices 13. PHOTONICS 14. RADIATION 15. Radiology
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I09469     On Shelf    

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TitlePhysical Sciences and Engineering Advances in Life Sciences and Oncology : A WTEC Global Assessment
Author(s)Janmey, Paul;Fletcher, Daniel;Gerecht, Sharon;Levine, Ross;Mallick, Parag;McCarty, Owen;Munn, Lance;Reinhart-King, Cynthia
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
DescriptionXXXVI, 403 p. 225 illus., 196 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book presents an Assessment of Physical Sciences and Engineering Advances in Life Sciences and Oncology (APHELION) by a panel of experts. It covers the status and trends of applying physical sciences and engineering principles to oncology research in leading laboratories and organizations in Europe and Asia. The book elaborates on the??six topics identified by the panel??that have the greatest potential to advance understanding and treatment of cancer, each covered by a chapter in the book.??The study was sponsored by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) at the National Institute of Health (NIH), the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering at the NIH??in the US under a cooperative agreement with the World Technology Evaluation Center (WTEC)
Keyword(s)1. BIOCHEMISTRY 2. Biochemistry, general 3. Biological and Medical Physics, Biophysics 4. BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS 5. Biomedical engineering 6. Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering 7. BIOPHYSICS 8. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 9. DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 10. EBOOK 11. EBOOK - SPRINGER 12. Medical and Radiation Physics 13. Medical physics 14. ONCOLOGY 15. Oncology???? 16. RADIATION 17. STATISTICAL PHYSICS
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I09432     On Shelf    

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