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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
11 Cicogna, Giampaolo Metodi matematici della Fisica I07356 2015 eBook  
12 Cicogna, Giampaolo Metodi matematici della Fisica I06219 2008 eBook  
13 Doktorov, Evgeny V A Dressing Method in Mathematical Physics I05617 2007 eBook  
14 B??lair, Jacques Fractal Geometry and Analysis I04505 1991 eBook  
15 Terziogammalu, T Advances in the Theory of Fr??chet Spaces I03867 1989 eBook  
16 Gauthier, Paul M Complex Potential Theory I02935 1994 eBook  
17 Schlomiuk, Dana Bifurcations and Periodic Orbits of Vector Fields I01719 1993 eBook  
18 Dietrich, Volker Clifford Algebras and Their Application in Mathematical Physics I00380 1998 eBook  
19 Francis J. Flanigan Complex variables: Harmonic and analytic functions 004131 1972 Book  
20 Hilary A. Priestley Introduction to complex analysis 003236 1990 Book  
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TitleMetodi matematici della Fisica
Author(s)Cicogna, Giampaolo
PublicationMilano, Springer Milan, 2015.
DescriptionX, 258 pagg. 22 figg : online resource
Abstract NoteQuesto libro trae la sua origine dagli appunti preparati per le lezioni di Metodi Matematici della Fisica tenute al Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Universit?? di Pisa, e via via sistemati, raffinati e aggiornati nel corso di molti anni di insegnamento. L'intento generale ?? di fornire una presentazione per quanto possibile semplice e diretta dei metodi matematici basilari e rilevanti per la Fisica. Anche allo scopo di mantenere questo testo entro i limiti di un manuale di dimensioni contenute e di agevole consultazione, sono stati spesso sacrificati i dettagli tecnici delle dimostrazioni matematiche (o anzi le dimostrazioni per intero) e anche i formalismi eccessivi, che tendono a nascondere la vera natura dei problemi. Al contrario, si ?? cercato di evidenziare ??? per quanto possibile ??? le idee sottostanti e le motivazioni che conducono ai diversi procedimenti. L'obiettivo principale e quello di mettere in condizione chi ha letto questo libro di acquisire gli strumenti adatti e le conoscenze di base che gli permettano di affrontare senza difficolt?? anche testi pi?? avanzati e impegnativi. Questa nuova Edizione conserva la struttura generale della prima Edizione, ma ?? arricchita dall'inserimento di numerosi esempi (e controesempi), con nuove osservazioni e chiarimenti su tutti gli argomenti proposti: Serie di Fourier, Spazi di Hilbert, Operatori lineari, Funzioni di Variabile complessa, Trasformate di Fourier e di Laplace, Distribuzioni. Inoltre, le prime nozioni della Teoria dei Gruppi, delle Algebre di Lie e delle Simmetrie in Fisica (che erano confinate in una Appendice nella Prima Edizione) vengono ora proposte in una forma sensibilmente ampliata, con vari esempi in vista delle applicazioni alla Fisica. In particolare, due nuovi Capitoli sono dedicati allo studio delle propriet?? di simmetria dell'atomo di idrogeno e dell'oscillatore armonico in Meccanica Quantistica
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. FOURIER ANALYSIS 4. FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 5. Functions of a Complex Variable 6. FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX VARIABLES 7. GROUP THEORY 8. Group Theory and Generalizations 9. Mathematical Methods in Physics 10. PHYSICS
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I07356     On Shelf    

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TitleMetodi matematici della Fisica
Author(s)Cicogna, Giampaolo
PublicationMilano, Springer Milan, 2008.
DescriptionX, 242 pagg : online resource
Abstract NoteQuesto testo trae la sua origine da miei vecchi appunti, preparati per il corso di Metodi Matematici della Fisica e via via sistemati, raffinati e aggiornati nel corso di molti anni di insegnamento. L'obiettivo???? stato sempre quello di fornire una presentazione per quanto possibile semplice e diretta dei metodi matematici rilevanti per la Fisica: serie di Fourier, spazi di Hilbert, operatori lineari, funzioni di variabile complessa, trasformata di Fourier e di Laplace, distribuzioni. Oltre a questi argomenti di base, viene presentata, in Appendice, una breve introduzione alle prime nozioni di teoria dei gruppi, delle algebre di Lie e delle simmetrie in vista delle loro applicazioni alla Fisica. Anche allo scopo di mantenere il libro nei limiti ragionevoli di un manuale di dimensioni contenute e di agevole consultazione, sono stati spesso tralasciati i dettagli tecnici delle dimostrazioni matematiche (o anzi le dimostrazioni per intero) e tutti i formalismi eccessivi che spesso nascondono la vera natura del problema e del metodo necessario per affrontarlo. Al contrario, si???? cercato di chiarire le "idee sottostanti" ai diversi procedimenti; anche le applicazioni proposte sono quelle che meglio e piu' direttamente illustrano i procedimenti stessi, tralasciando altre applicazioni (Meccanica Quantistica, Elettromagnetismo, Equazioni alle Derivate Parziali, Funzioni Speciali, tanto per fare qualche esempio) che sconfinano in differenti discipline. Riassumendo, lo scopo principale e' quello di mettere in condizione chi legge questo libro di acquisire le conoscenze di base che gli permettano di affrontare senza difficolt?? anche testi ben pi?? avanzati e impegnativi
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. FOURIER ANALYSIS 4. FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 5. Functions of a Complex Variable 6. FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX VARIABLES 7. GROUP THEORY 8. Group Theory and Generalizations 9. Mathematical Methods in Physics 10. PHYSICS
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I06219     On Shelf    

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TitleA Dressing Method in Mathematical Physics
Author(s)Doktorov, Evgeny V;Leble, Sergey B
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2007.
DescriptionXXIV, 383 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThe monograph is devoted to the systematic presentation of the so called "dressing method" for solving differential equations (both linear and nonlinear) of mathematical physics. The essence of the dressing method consists in a generation of new non-trivial solutions of a given equation from (maybe trivial) solution of the same or related equation. The Moutard and Darboux transformations discovered in XIX century as applied to linear equations, the B??cklund transformation in differential geometry of surfaces, the factorization method, the Riemann-Hilbert problem in the form proposed by Shabat and Zakharov for soliton equations and its extension in terms of the d-bar formalism comprise the main objects of the book. Throughout the text, a generally sufficient "linear experience" of readers is exploited, with a special attention to the algebraic aspects of the main mathematical constructions and to practical rules of obtaining new solutions. Various linear equations of classical and quantum mechanics are solved by the Darboux and factorization methods. An extension of the classical Darboux transformations to nonlinear equations in 1+1 and 2+1 dimensions, as well as its factorization are discussed in detail. The applicability of the local and non-local Riemann-Hilbert problem-based approach and its generalization in terms of the d-bar method are illustrated on various nonlinear equations
Keyword(s)1. Applications of Mathematics 2. APPLIED MATHEMATICS 3. CLASSICAL ELECTRODYNAMICS 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. ELECTRODYNAMICS 7. ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 8. Functions of a Complex Variable 9. FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX VARIABLES 10. Mathematical and Computational Engineering 11. Mathematical Methods in Physics 12. Non-associative Rings and Algebras 13. Nonassociative rings 14. OPTICS 15. PHYSICS 16. Rings (Algebra)
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I05617     On Shelf    

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TitleFractal Geometry and Analysis
Author(s)B??lair, Jacques;Dubuc, Serge
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1991.
DescriptionXV, 472 p. 85 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThis ASI- which was also the 28th session of the Seminaire de mathematiques superieures of the Universite de Montreal - was devoted to Fractal Geometry and Analysis. The present volume is the fruit of the work of this Advanced Study Institute. We were fortunate to have with us Prof. Benoit Mandelbrot - the creator of numerous concepts in Fractal Geometry - who gave a series of lectures on multifractals, iteration of analytic functions, and various kinds of fractal stochastic processes. Different foundational contributions for Fractal Geometry like measure theory, dy?? namical systems, iteration theory, branching processes are recognized. The geometry of fractal sets and the analytical tools used to investigate them provide a unifying theme of this book. The main topics that are covered are then as follows. Dimension Theory. Many definitions of fractional dimension have been proposed, all of which coincide on "regular" objects, but often take different values for a given fractal set. There is ample discussion on piecewise estimates yielding actual values for the most common dimensions (Hausdorff, box-counting and packing dimensions). The dimension theory is mainly discussed by Mendes-France, Bedford, Falconer, Tricot and Rata. Construction of fractal sets. Scale in variance is a fundamental property of fractal sets
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Functions of a Complex Variable 4. FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX VARIABLES 5. Mathematical Modeling and Industrial Mathematics 6. MATHEMATICAL MODELS 7. Measure and Integration 8. MEASURE THEORY 9. PROBABILITIES 10. Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes
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I04505     On Shelf    

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TitleAdvances in the Theory of Fr??chet Spaces
Author(s)Terziogammalu, T
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1989.
DescriptionXVIII, 364 p : online resource
Abstract NoteFrechet spaces have been studied since the days of Banach. These spaces, their inductive limits and their duals played a prominent role in the development of the theory of locally convex spaces. Also they are natural tools in many areas of real and complex analysis. The pioneering work of Grothendieck in the fifties has been one of the important sources of inspiration for research in the theory of Frechet spaces. A structure theory of nuclear Frechet spaces emerged and some important questions posed by Grothendieck were settled in the seventies. In particular, subspaces and quotient spaces of stable nuclear power series spaces were completely characterized. In the last years it has become increasingly clear that the methods used in the structure theory of nuclear Frechet spaces actually provide new insight to linear problems in diverse branches of analysis and lead to solutions of some classical problems. The unifying theme at our Workshop was the recent developments in the theory of the projective limit functor. This is appropriate because of the important role this theory had in the recent research. The main results of the structure theory of nuclear Frechet spaces can be formulated and proved within the framework of this theory. A major area of application of the theory of the projective limit functor is to decide when a linear operator is surjective and, if it is, to determine whether it has a continuous right inverse
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I03867     On Shelf    

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TitleComplex Potential Theory
Author(s)Gauthier, Paul M
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1994.
DescriptionXIX, 552 p : online resource
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 4. Functions of a Complex Variable 5. FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX VARIABLES 6. POTENTIAL THEORY 7. Potential theory (Mathematics) 8. Several Complex Variables and Analytic Spaces
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I02935     On Shelf    

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TitleBifurcations and Periodic Orbits of Vector Fields
Author(s)Schlomiuk, Dana
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1993.
DescriptionXVIII, 474 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThe last thirty years were a period of continuous and intense growth in the subject of dynamical systems. New concepts and techniques and at the same time new areas of applications of the theory were found. The 31st session of the Seminaire de Mathematiques Superieures (SMS) held at the Universite de Montreal in July 1992 was on dynamical systems having as its center theme "Bifurcations and periodic orbits of vector fields". This session of the SMS was a NATO Advanced Study Institute (ASI). This ASI had the purpose of acquainting the participants with some of the most recent developments and of stimulating new research around the chosen center theme. These developments include the major tools of the new resummation techniques with applications, in particular to the proof of the non-accumulation of limit-cycles for real-analytic plane vector fields. One of the aims of the ASI was to bring together methods from real and complex dy?? namical systems. There is a growing awareness that an interplay between real and complex methods is both useful and necessary for the solution of some of the problems. Complex techniques become powerful tools which yield valuable information when applied to the study of the dynamics of real vector fields. The recent developments show that no rigid frontiers between disciplines exist and that interesting new developments occur when ideas and techniques from diverse disciplines are married. One of the aims of the ASI was to show these multiple interactions at work
Keyword(s)1. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. Functions of a Complex Variable 5. FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX VARIABLES 6. GEOMETRY 7. GLOBAL ANALYSIS (MATHEMATICS) 8. Global Analysis and Analysis on Manifolds 9. Manifolds (Mathematics) 10. Numeric Computing 11. NUMERICAL ANALYSIS 12. ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 13. Sequences (Mathematics) 14. Sequences, Series, Summability
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I01719     On Shelf    

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TitleClifford Algebras and Their Application in Mathematical Physics : Aachen 1996
Author(s)Dietrich, Volker;Habetha, Klaus;Jank, Gerhard
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1998.
DescriptionXXXII, 447 p : online resource
Abstract NoteClifford Algebras continues to be a fast-growing discipline, with ever-increasing applications in many scientific fields. This volume contains the lectures given at the Fourth Conference on Clifford Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics, held at RWTH Aachen in May 1996. The papers represent an excellent survey of the newest developments around Clifford Analysis and its applications to theoretical physics. Audience: This book should appeal to physicists and mathematicians working in areas involving functions of complex variables, associative rings and algebras, integral transforms, operational calculus, partial differential equations, and the mathematics of physics
Keyword(s)1. Associative rings 2. Associative Rings and Algebras 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. Functions of a Complex Variable 6. FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX VARIABLES 7. INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS 8. Integral Transforms, Operational Calculus 9. MATHEMATICAL LOGIC 10. Mathematical Logic and Foundations 11. Operational calculus 12. PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 13. Rings (Algebra)
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I00380     On Shelf    

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TitleComplex variables: Harmonic and analytic functions
Author(s)Francis J. Flanigan
PublicationNew York, Dover Publications, Inc., 1972.
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004131   517.53/FLA/004131  On Shelf    

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TitleIntroduction to complex analysis
Author(s)Hilary A. Priestley
EditionRev. ed.
PublicationOxford, Clarendon press, 1990.
Descriptionxi,214p. Bib.p.207-208
Item TypeBook

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003236   517.53/PRI/003236  On Shelf    

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