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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
41 Aegerter, Michel Andre Aerogels Handbook I05751 2011 eBook  
42 Nosonovsky, Michael Biomimetics in Materials Science I05676 2012 eBook  
43 Goldman, Alex Modern Ferrite Technology I05393 2006 eBook  
44 Brumberger, H Modern Aspects of Small-Angle Scattering I01981 1995 eBook  
45 Nowotny, J Non-Stoichiometric Compounds I01156 1989 eBook  
46 Barron, T.H.K Heat Capacity and Thermal Expansion at Low Temperatures I00016 1999 eBook  
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TitleAerogels Handbook
Author(s)Aegerter, Michel Andre;Leventis, Nicholas;Koebel, Matthias M
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer New York, 2011.
DescriptionXXXI, 932 p : online resource
Abstract NoteAerogels are the lightest solids known. Up to 1000 times lighter than glass and with a density as low as only four times that of air, they show very high thermal, electrical and acoustic insulation values and hold many entries in Guinness World Records. Originally based on silica, R&D efforts have extended this class of materials to non-silicate inorganic oxides, natural and synthetic organic polymers, carbon, metal and ceramic materials, etc. Composite systems involving polymer-crosslinked aerogels and interpenetrating hybrid networks have been developed and exhibit remarkable mechanical strength and flexibility. Even more exotic aerogels based on clays, chalcogenides, phosphides, quantum dots, and biopolymers such as chitosan are opening new applications for the construction, transportation, energy, defense and healthcare industries. Applications in electronics, chemistry, mechanics, engineering, energy production and storage, sensors, medicine, nanotechnology, military and aerospace, oil and gas recovery, thermal insulation and household uses are being developed with an estimated annual market growth rate of around 70% until 2015. The Aerogels Handbook summarizes state-of-the-art developments and processing of inorganic, organic, and composite aerogels, including the most important methods of synthesis, characterization as well as their typical applications and their possible market impact. Readers will find an exhaustive overview of all aerogel materials known today, their fabrication, upscaling aspects, physical and chemical properties, and most recent advances towards applications and commercial products, some of which are commercially available today. Key Features: ???Edited and written by recognized worldwide leaders in the field ???Appeals to a broad audience of materials scientists, chemists, and engineers in academic research and industrial R&D ???Covers inorganic, organic, and composite aerogels ???Describes military, aerospace, building industry, household, environmental, energy, and biomedical applications among others
Keyword(s)1. Ceramics 2. Ceramics, Glass, Composites, Natural Materials 3. Characterization and Evaluation of Materials 4. Composite materials 5. Composites (Materials) 6. EBOOK 7. EBOOK - SPRINGER 8. GLASS 9. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 10. MATERIALS SCIENCE 11. MECHANICS 12. Mechanics, Applied 13. NANOTECHNOLOGY 14. Polymer Sciences 15. Polymers???? 16. Solid Mechanics
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I05751     On Shelf    

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TitleBiomimetics in Materials Science : Self-Healing, Self-Lubricating, and Self-Cleaning Materials
Author(s)Nosonovsky, Michael;Rohatgi, Pradeep K
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer New York, 2012.
DescriptionXXVI, 418 p : online resource
Abstract NoteBiomimetics in Materials Science provides a comprehensive theoretical and practical review of biomimetic materials with self-healing, self-lubricating and self-cleaning properties. These three topics are closely related and constitute rapidly developing areas of study. The field of self-healing materials requires a new conceptual understanding of this biomimetic technology, which is in contrast to traditional?? engineering processes such as wear and fatigue. ??Biomimetics in Materials Science is the first monograph to be devoted to these materials. A new theoretical framework for these processes is presented based on the concept of multi-scale structure of entropy and non-equilibrium thermodynamics, together with a detailed review of the available technology. The latter includes experimental, modeling, and simulation results obtained on self-healing/lubricating/cleaning materials since their emergence in the past decade. Describes smart, biomimetic materials in the context of nanotechnology, biotechnology, and self-organization Covers self-healing, self-lubricating, and self-cleaning materials with applications to green technologies in areas such as energy, biomedical devices, and defense Presents a unified approach by leading researchers in the field covering both theoretical and practical issues
Keyword(s)1. Ceramics 2. Ceramics, Glass, Composites, Natural Materials 3. Coatings 4. Composite materials 5. Composites (Materials) 6. Corrosion and anti-corrosives 7. EBOOK 8. EBOOK - SPRINGER 9. GLASS 10. MECHANICS 11. Mechanics, Applied 12. Metallic Materials 13. METALS 14. Polymer Sciences 15. Polymers???? 16. Solid Mechanics 17. TRIBOLOGY 18. Tribology, Corrosion and Coatings
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I05676     On Shelf    

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TitleModern Ferrite Technology
Author(s)Goldman, Alex
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 2006.
DescriptionXV, 438 p. 25 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteModern Ferrite Technology, 2nd Ed. offers the readers an expert overview of the latest ferrite advances as well as their applications in electronic components. This volume develops the interplay among material properties, component specification and device requirements using ferrites. Throughout, emphasis is placed on practical technological concerns as opposed to mathematical and physical aspects of the subject. The book traces the origin of the magnetic effect in ferrites from the level of the simplest particle and then increases the scope to include larger hierarchies. From the desired magnetic properties, the author deduces the physical and chemical material parameters, taking into consideration major chemistry, impurity levels, ceramic microstructures and grain boundary effects. He then discusses the processing conditions and associated conditions required for implementation. In addition to conventional ceramic techniques, he describes non-conventional methods such as co-precipitation, co-spray roasting and single crystal growth. Electronic materials research scientists and technicians, ferrite manufacturing and research engineers, electronic materials professors and students, electronic engineers in magnetic component design and high frequency power supply engineers will find this book to be an invaluable resource
Keyword(s)1. Ceramics 2. Ceramics, Glass, Composites, Natural Materials 3. Composite materials 4. Composites (Materials) 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. Electronic materials 8. ELECTRONICS 9. Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation 10. GLASS 11. MAGNETIC MATERIALS 12. MAGNETISM 13. Magnetism, Magnetic Materials 14. MICROELECTRONICS 15. MICROWAVES 16. Microwaves, RF and Optical Engineering 17. Optical and Electronic Materials 18. OPTICAL ENGINEERING 19. OPTICAL MATERIALS
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I05393     On Shelf    

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TitleModern Aspects of Small-Angle Scattering
Author(s)Brumberger, H
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1995.
DescriptionXV, 463 p : online resource
Keyword(s)1. Ceramics 2. Ceramics, Glass, Composites, Natural Materials 3. Composite materials 4. Composites (Materials) 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. GLASS 8. Metallic Materials 9. METALS 10. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 11. Polymer Sciences 12. Polymers????
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I01981     On Shelf    

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TitleNon-Stoichiometric Compounds : Surfaces, Grain Boundaries and Structural Defects
Author(s)Nowotny, J;Weppner, W
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1989.
Description602 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThe material in this book is based on invited and contributed pa?? pers presented at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on INon-stoichio?? l metric Compounds held in Ringberg Castle, Rottach-Egern (Bavarian Alps), Germany, July 3-9, 1988. The workshop followed previous meetings held in Mogilany, Poland (1980), Alenya, France (1982), Penn State, USA (1984) and Keele University, UK (1986). The aim of these workshops is to present and discuss up-to-date knowledge in the study of non-stoichiometry and its effect on materials properties as well as to indicate the most urgent research pathways required in this field. Since the subject of non-stoichiometry is interdisciplinary, the workshops bring together solid state physicists and chemists, surface scientists, materials scientists, ceramists and metallurgists. The present workshop, which gathered 42 scientists of an inter?? national reputation, mainly considered the effect of surfaces, grain boundaries and structural defects on materials properties. From discus?? sions during this meeting it emerged that correct understanding of properties of ceramic materials requires urgent studies on the defect structure of the interface region. Progress in this direction requires the development of the interface defect chemistry. This is the task for materials scientists in the near future. The present proceedings includes both theoretical and experimen?? tal work on general aspects of non-stoichiometry, defect structure and diffusion in relation to the bulk and to the interface region of such materials as high tech ceramics, solid electrolytes, electronic cera?? mics, nuclear materials and high Tc oxide superconductors
Keyword(s)1. Ceramics 2. Ceramics, Glass, Composites, Natural Materials 3. Characterization and Evaluation of Materials 4. Composite materials 5. Composites (Materials) 6. EBOOK 7. EBOOK - SPRINGER 8. GLASS 9. MATERIALS SCIENCE 10. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY
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I01156     On Shelf    

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TitleHeat Capacity and Thermal Expansion at Low Temperatures
Author(s)Barron, T.H.K;White, G.K
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 1999.
DescriptionIX, 338 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThe birth of this monograph is partly due to the persistent efforts of the General Editor, Dr. Klaus Timmerhaus, to persuade the authors that they encapsulate their forty or fifty years of struggle with the thermal properties of materials into a book before they either expired or became totally senile. We recognize his wisdom in wanting a monograph which includes the closely linked properties of heat capacity and thermal expansion, to which we have added a little 'cement' in the form of elastic moduli. There seems to be a dearth of practitioners in these areas, particularly among physics postgraduate students, sometimes temporarily alleviated when a new generation of exciting materials are found, be they heavy fermion compounds, high?? temperature superconductors, or fullerenes. And yet the needs of the space industry, telecommunications, energy conservation, astronomy, medical imaging, etc. , place demands for more data and understanding of these properties for all classes of materials - metals, polymers, glasses, ceramics, and mixtures thereof. There have been many useful books, including Specific Heats at Low Tempera?? tures by E. S. Raja Gopal (1966) in this Plenum Cryogenic Monograph Series, but few if any that covered these related topics in one book in a fashion designed to help the cryogenic engineer and cryophysicist. We hope that the introductory chapter will widen the horizons of many without a solid state background but with a general interest in physics and materials
Keyword(s)1. Ceramics 2. Ceramics, Glass, Composites, Natural Materials 3. Characterization and Evaluation of Materials 4. Composite materials 5. Composites (Materials) 6. CONDENSED MATTER 7. CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS 8. EBOOK 9. EBOOK - SPRINGER 10. GLASS 11. MATERIALS SCIENCE
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I00016     On Shelf    

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