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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
11 Liu, Chengmin Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Volume 2 I12650 2023 eBook  
12 Liu, Chengmin Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Volume 3 I12643 2023 eBook  
13 Michel, Pierre Introduction to Laser-Plasma Interactions I12624 2023 eBook  
14 Talou, Patrick Nuclear Fission I12570 2023 eBook  
15 Aswal, Dinesh K Neutron Imaging I12537 2022 Book  
16 Rice, John Driven Rotation, Self-Generated Flow, and Momentum Transport in Tokamak Plasmas I12479 2022 Book  
17 Marguet, Serge A Brief History of Nuclear Reactor Accidents I12470 2022 Book  
18 Militello, Fulvio Boundary Plasma Physics I12363 2022 Book  
19 Hendricks, John S Monte Carlo N-Particle Simulations for Nuclear Detection and Safeguards I12217 2022 Book  
20 Nacht, Michael Nuclear Security I11912 2021 eBook  
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TitleProceedings of the 23rd Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Volume 2 : PBNC 2022, 1 - 4 November, Beijing & Chengdu, China
Author(s)Liu, Chengmin
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
DescriptionXLII, 1198 p. 745 illus., 586 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis is the second in a series of three volumes of proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (PBNC 2022) which was held by Chinese Nuclear Society. As one in the most important and influential conference series of nuclear science and technology, the 23rd PBNC was held in Beijing and Chengdu, China in 2022 with the theme ???Nuclear Innovation for Zero-carbon Future???. For taking solid steps toward the goals of achieving peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality, future-oriented nuclear energy should be developed in an innovative way for meeting global energy demands and coordinating the deployment mechanism. It brought together outstanding nuclear scientists and technical experts, senior industry executives, senior government officials and international energy organization leaders from all across the world. The proceedings highlight the latest scientific, technological and industrial advances in Nuclear Safety and Security, Operations and Maintenance, New Builds, Waste Management, Spent Fuel, Decommissioning, Supply Capability and Quality Management, Fuel Cycles, Digital Reactor and New Technology, Innovative Reactors and New Applications, Irradiation Effects, Public Acceptance and Education, Economics, Medical and Biological Applications, and also the student program that intends to raise students??? awareness in fully engaging in this career and keep them updated on the current situation and future trends. These proceedings are not only a good summary of the frontiers in nuclear science and technology, but also a useful guideline for the researchers, engineers and graduate students
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK - SPRINGER 2. NUCLEAR ENERGY 3. NUCLEAR ENGINEERING 4. NUCLEAR FUSION 5. Nuclear medicine 6. NUCLEAR PHYSICS 7. Refuse and refuse disposal 8. Security Science and Technology 9. Security systems 10. Waste Management/Waste Technology
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I12650     On Shelf    

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TitleProceedings of the 23rd Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Volume 3 : PBNC 2022, 1 - 4 November, Beijing & Chengdu, China
Author(s)Liu, Chengmin
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
DescriptionXLI, 1220 p. 768 illus., 578 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis is the third in a series of three volumes of proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (PBNC 2022) which was held by Chinese Nuclear Society. As one in the most important and influential conference series of nuclear science and technology, the 23rd PBNC was held in Beijing and Chengdu, China in 2022 with the theme ???Nuclear Innovation for Zero-carbon Future???. For taking solid steps toward the goals of achieving peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality, future-oriented nuclear energy should be developed in an innovative way for meeting global energy demands and coordinating the deployment mechanism. It brought together outstanding nuclear scientists and technical experts, senior industry executives, senior government officials and international energy organization leaders from all across the world. The proceedings highlight the latest scientific, technological and industrial advances in Nuclear Safety and Security, Operations and Maintenance, New Builds, Waste Management, Spent Fuel, Decommissioning, Supply Capability and Quality Management, Fuel Cycles, Digital Reactor and New Technology, Innovative Reactors and New Applications, Irradiation Effects, Public Acceptance and Education, Economics, Medical and Biological Applications, and also the student program that intends to raise students??? awareness in fully engaging in this career and keep them updated on the current situation and future trends. These proceedings are not only a good summary of the new developments nuclear science and technology, but also a useful guideline for the researchers, engineers and graduate students
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK - SPRINGER 2. NUCLEAR ENERGY 3. NUCLEAR ENGINEERING 4. NUCLEAR FUSION 5. Nuclear medicine 6. NUCLEAR PHYSICS 7. Refuse and refuse disposal 8. Security Science and Technology 9. Security systems 10. Waste Management/Waste Technology
Item TypeeBook
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I12643     On Shelf    

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TitleIntroduction to Laser-Plasma Interactions
Author(s)Michel, Pierre
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionXIV, 416 p. 127 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThis textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the physics of laser-plasma interactions (LPI), based on a graduate course taught by the author. The emphasis is on high-energy-density physics (HEDP) and inertial confinement fusion (ICF), with a comprehensive description of the propagation, absorption, nonlinear effects and parametric instabilities of high energy lasers in plasmas. The recent demonstration of a burning plasma on the verge of nuclear fusion ignition at the National Ignition Facility in Livermore, California, has marked the beginning of a new era of ICF and fusion research. These new developments make LPI more relevant than ever, and the resulting influx of new scientists necessitates new pedagogical material on the subject. In contrast to the classical textbooks on LPI, this book provides a complete description of all wave-coupling instabilities in unmagnetized plasmas in the kinetic as well as fluid pictures, and includes a comprehensive description of the optical smoothing techniques used on high-power lasers and their impact on laser-plasma instabilities. It summarizes all the key developments from the 1970s to the present day in view of the current state of LPI and ICF research; it provides a derivation of the key LPI metrics and formulas from first principles, and connects the theory to experimental observables. With exercises and plenty of illustrations, this book is ideal as a textbook for a course on laser-plasma interactions or as a supplementary text for graduate introductory plasma physics course. Students and researchers will also find it to be an invaluable reference and self-study resource
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK - SPRINGER 2. LASER 3. LASERS 4. Light-Matter Interaction 5. NUCLEAR ENERGY 6. NUCLEAR ENGINEERING 7. OPTICS 8. PHOTONICS 9. PLASMA (IONIZED GASES) 10. PLASMA PHYSICS 11. RENEWABLE ENERGY 12. Renewable energy sources 13. Ultrafast Photonics
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I12624     On Shelf    

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TitleNuclear Fission : Theories, Experiments and Applications
Author(s)Talou, Patrick;Vogt, Ramona
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionXVI, 472 p. 242 illus., 205 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book provides advanced students and postdocs, as well as current practitioners of any field of nuclear physics involving fission an understanding of the nuclear fission process. Key topics covered are: fission cross sections, fission fragment yields, neutron and gamma emission from fission and key nuclear technologies and applications where fission plays an important role. It addresses both fundamental aspects of the fission process and fission-based technologies including combining quantitative and microscopic modeling
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I12570     On Shelf    

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TitleNeutron Imaging : Basics, Techniques and Applications
Author(s)Aswal, Dinesh K;Sarkar, Partha S;Kashyap, Yogesh S
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
DescriptionXVI, 360 p. 222 illus., 160 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book comprehensively presents the concepts of neutron physics and imaging including neutron properties, neutron matter interaction, neutron imaging, comparison with X-ray and physics and design of neutron sources. It discusses how neutron imaging has gained importance as a powerful non-destructive technique to understand the internal structures of materials/engineered components in wide range of industries, including defense, aerospace, and healthcare. The book also covers the topics of neutron optics and detectors, basic principles of neutron radiography and tomography, and standards, safety and regulations in neutron imaging. In the last section of the book, it covers wide range of applications of neuro imaging in the areas of aerospace industry, nuclear power and manufacturing industry, 3D printing, materials science and engineering, geomechanics, archeology and palaeontology, national security, biological, and medical industries. Given its scope, the book will be highly useful for postgraduate students, researchers and industry professionals working in the area of engineering and physics, especially non-destructive testing and non-destructive evaluation of neutron imaging
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I12537     On Shelf    

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TitleDriven Rotation, Self-Generated Flow, and Momentum Transport in Tokamak Plasmas
Author(s)Rice, John
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2022.
DescriptionXII, 150 p. 138 illus., 110 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book provides a comprehensive look at the state of the art of externally driven and self-generated rotation as well as momentum transport in tokamak plasmas. In addition to recent developments, the book includes a review of rotation measurement techniques, measurements of directly and indirectly driven rotation, momentum sinks, self-generated flow, and momentum transport. These results are presented alongside summaries of prevailing theory and are compared to predictions, bringing together both experimental and theoretical perspectives for a broad look at the field. Both researchers and graduate students in the field of plasma physics will find this book to be a useful reference. Although there is an emphasis on tokamaks, a number of the concepts are also relevant to other configurations
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I12479     On Shelf    

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TitleA Brief History of Nuclear Reactor Accidents : From Leipzig to Fukushima
Author(s)Marguet, Serge
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2022.
DescriptionLXXV, 414 p. 1 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteAre you afraid of a nuclear reactor accident? Should you be? This book will arm you with the scientific knowledge necessary to make a rational and informed opinion on the subject, without having to be an expert in nuclear physics. Written so that a non-specialist can easily approach the highly technical aspects, it looks at all significant nuclear reactor accidents since the dawn of the Atomic Age and brings to light many crucial details that rarely, if ever, appear in the general media. Serge Marguet, an internationally renowned expert in reactor physics, breaks down the must-know technical aspects of numerous nuclear reactor accidents throughout history ??? both famous and unknown ??? from the first ever nuclear accident in Leipzig to the Chernobyl explosion and, finally, the Fukushima affair and its most recent developments. With many high-quality photographs and diagrams, this book is essential reading for anyone concerned about nuclear safety, curious about nuclear reactors, or simply interested in the history ??? and future ??? of nuclear power
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. HISTORY OF SCIENCE 4. NUCLEAR ENERGY 5. NUCLEAR ENGINEERING 6. NUCLEAR PHYSICS 7. RENEWABLE ENERGY 8. Renewable energy sources 9. Science???History 10. Sustainability
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I12470     On Shelf    

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TitleBoundary Plasma Physics : An Accessible Guide to Transport, Detachment, and Divertor Design
Author(s)Militello, Fulvio
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2022.
DescriptionXIV, 522 p. 47 illus., 34 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book serves as an introduction to boundary plasma physics, providing an accessible entry point to the topic of plasma exhaust in magnetic confinement devices. While it delivers a concise, rigorous, and comprehensive account of all the major scientific topics relevant to those working on the subject, it also remains accessible and easy to consult due to its modular and compact structure. Beginning with the basic kinetic and fluid descriptions of plasma, and advancing through plasma-surface interactions, filamentary transport and plasma detachment, to conclude with a discussion of divertor configurations, this book represents a necessary and timely addition to the literature on the fast-growing field of boundary plasma physics. It will appeal to experienced theoreticians or experimentalists looking to enter the field as well as graduate students wishing to learn about it
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I12363     On Shelf    

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TitleMonte Carlo N-Particle Simulations for Nuclear Detection and Safeguards : An Examples-Based Guide for Students and Practitioners
Author(s)Hendricks, John S;Swinhoe, Martyn T;Favalli, Andrea
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2022.
DescriptionXV, 307 p. 106 illus., 82 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis open access book is a pedagogical, examples-based guide to using the Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP??) code for nuclear safeguards and non-proliferation applications. The MCNP code, general-purpose software for particle transport simulations, is widely used in the field of nuclear safeguards and non-proliferation for numerous applications including detector design and calibration, and the study of scenarios such as measurement of fresh and spent fuel. This book fills a gap in the existing MCNP software literature by teaching MCNP software usage through detailed examples that were selected based on both student feedback and the real-world experience of the nuclear safeguards group at Los Alamos National Laboratory. MCNP input and output files are explained, and the technical details used in MCNP input file preparation are linked to the MCNP code manual. Benefiting from the authors??? decades of experience in MCNP simulation, this book is essential reading for students, academic researchers, and practitioners whose work in nuclear physics or nuclear engineering is related to non-proliferation or nuclear safeguards. Each chapter comes with downloadable input files for the user to easily reproduce the examples in the text
Keyword(s)1. Computational Physics and Simulations 2. COMPUTER SIMULATION 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. Environmental monitoring 6. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 7. NUCLEAR ENERGY 8. NUCLEAR ENGINEERING 9. NUCLEAR PHYSICS 10. Refuse and refuse disposal 11. Security Science and Technology 12. Security systems 13. Waste Management/Waste Technology
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I12217     On Shelf    

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TitleNuclear Security : The Nexus Among Science, Technology and Policy
Author(s)Nacht, Michael;Frank, Michael;Prussin, Stanley
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2021.
DescriptionXVII, 340 p. 77 illus., 44 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis textbook is the first comprehensive and systematic account of the science, technology and policy issues associated with nuclear energy and nuclear weapons. Throughout their account of the evolution of nuclear policy, from its origin to the early Trump presidency, the authors interweave clear technical expositions of the science and technology that underpin and constrain it. The book begins by tracing the early work in atomic physics, the discovery of fission, and the developments that led to the Manhattan Project and the delivery of atomic bombs against Japan that ended World War II. It follows the initial failed attempts at nuclear disarmament, the onset of the Cold War nuclear arms competition, and the development of light water reactors to harness nuclear energy for electric power generation. The authors thoroughly unpack the problem of nuclear proliferation, examining the strategy and incentives for states that have and have not pursued nuclear weapons, and providing an overview of the nuclear arsenals of the current nuclear weapon states. They trace the technical, political and strategic evolution of deterrence, arms control and disarmament policies from the first attempts for an Outer Space Treaty in 1957 through the new START treaty of 2009. At critical junctures in the narrative, the authors explain the relevant nuclear science and technology including nuclear fission and criticality; nuclear materials and enrichment; nuclear detonation and nuclear weapons effects; nuclear weapons stockpile constraints, stewardship and surveillance; nuclear fusion and thermonuclear weapons; technologies for monitoring, verification and proliferation; and nuclear forensics. They conclude with an assessment of contemporary issues ranging from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action reached to halt Iran???s nuclear weapons development program, to the threat of nuclear terrorism, the perceived nuclear weapons policies of Russia and China, and the US efforts to provide disincentives for its allies to acquire their own nuclear weapons by maintaining credible security guarantees
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Energy and state 4. Energy policy 5. Energy Policy, Economics and Management 6. International Security Studies 7. NUCLEAR ENERGY 8. NUCLEAR ENGINEERING 9. Security Science and Technology 10. Security systems 11. Security, International
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I11912     On Shelf    

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