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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
1 Steinhauser, Martin Oliver Computational Multiscale Modeling of Fluids and Solids I10369 2017 eBook  
2 Timberlake, Todd Keene Classical Mechanics with Maxima I10330 2016 eBook  
3 Stickler, Benjamin A Basic Concepts in Computational Physics I10279 2016 eBook  
4 Liseikin, Vladimir D Grid Generation Methods I10185 2017 eBook  
5 Kr??ger, Timm The Lattice Boltzmann Method I10145 2017 eBook  
6 Belhaq, Mohamed Recent Trends in Applied Nonlinear Mechanics and Physics I09989 2018 eBook  
7 Harney, Hanns Ludwig Bayesian Inference I09850 2016 eBook  
8 ??irca, Simon Computational Methods in Physics I09821 2018 eBook  
9 Masuda, Naoki Proceedings of NetSci-X 2020: Sixth International Winter School and Conference on Network Science I09711 2020 eBook  
10 Awrejcewicz, Jan Elastic and Thermoelastic Problems in Nonlinear Dynamics of Structural Members I09494 2020 eBook  
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TitleComputational Multiscale Modeling of Fluids and Solids : Theory and Applications
Author(s)Steinhauser, Martin Oliver
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2017.
DescriptionXXIII, 405 p. 139 illus., 34 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThe idea of the book is to provide a comprehensive overview of computational physics methods and techniques, that are used for materials modeling on different length and time scales. Each chapter first provides an overview of the basic physical principles which are the basis for the numerical and mathematical modeling on the respective length-scale. The book includes the micro-scale, the meso-scale and the macro-scale, and the chapters follow this classification. The book explains in detail many tricks of the trade of some of the most important methods and techniques that are used to simulate materials on the perspective levels of spatial and temporal resolution. Case studies are included to further illustrate some methods or theoretical considerations. Example applications for all techniques are provided, some of which are from the author???s own contributions to some of the research areas. The second edition has been expanded by new sections in computational models on meso/macroscopic scales for ocean and atmosphere dynamics. Numerous applications in environmental physics and geophysics had been added
Keyword(s)1. APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2. Characterization and Evaluation of Materials 3. Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis 4. Computer mathematics 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 8. GEOPHYSICS 9. Geophysics and Environmental Physics 10. MATERIALS SCIENCE 11. Mathematical and Computational Engineering 12. Numerical and Computational Physics, Simulation 13. PHYSICS
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I10369     On Shelf    

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TitleClassical Mechanics with Maxima
Author(s)Timberlake, Todd Keene;Mixon, J. Wilson
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer New York, 2016.
DescriptionXI, 258 p. 156 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book guides undergraduate students in the use of Maxima???a computer algebra system???in solving problems in classical mechanics. It functions well as a supplement to a typical classical mechanics textbook. When it comes to problems that are too difficult to solve by hand, computer algebra systems that can perform symbolic mathematical manipulations are a valuable tool. Maxima is particularly attractive in that it is open-source, multiple-platform software that students can download and install free of charge. Lessons learned and capabilities developed using Maxima are easily transferred to other, proprietary software
Keyword(s)1. ALGEBRA 2. CLASSICAL MECHANICS 3. Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis 4. Computer mathematics 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. General Algebraic Systems 8. Mathematical Applications in the Physical Sciences 9. Mathematical Methods in Physics 10. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 11. MECHANICS 12. PHYSICS
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I10330     On Shelf    

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TitleBasic Concepts in Computational Physics
Author(s)Stickler, Benjamin A;Schachinger, Ewald
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
DescriptionXVI, 409 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThis new edition is a concise introduction to the basic methods of computational physics. Readers will discover the benefits of numerical methods for solving complex mathematical problems and for the direct simulation of physical processes. The book is divided into two main parts: Deterministic methods and stochastic methods in computational physics. Based on concrete problems, the first part discusses numerical differentiation and integration, as well as the treatment of ordinary differential equations. This is extended by a brief introduction to the numerics of partial differential equations. The second part deals with the generation of random numbers, summarizes the basics of stochastics, and subsequently introduces Monte-Carlo (MC) methods. Specific emphasis is on MARKOV chain MC algorithms. The final two chapters discuss data analysis and stochastic optimization. All this is again motivated and augmented by applications from physics. In addition, the book offers a number of appendices to provide the reader with information on topics not discussed in the main text. Numerous problems with worked-out solutions, chapter introductions and summaries, together with a clear and application-oriented style support the reader. Ready to use C++ codes are provided online
Keyword(s)1. APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2. Chemistry, Physical and theoretical 3. Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis 4. Computer mathematics 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 8. Mathematical and Computational Engineering 9. Numerical and Computational Physics, Simulation 10. PHYSICS 11. Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
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I10279     On Shelf    

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TitleGrid Generation Methods
Author(s)Liseikin, Vladimir D
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2017.
DescriptionXX, 530 p. 151 illus., 14 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis new edition provides a description of current developments relating to grid methods, grid codes, and their applications to actual problems. Grid generation methods are indispensable for the numerical solution of differential equations. Adaptive grid-mapping techniques, in particular, are the main focus and represent a promising tool to deal with systems with singularities. This 3rd edition includes three new chapters on numerical implementations (10), control of grid properties (11), and applications to mechanical, fluid, and plasma related problems (13). Also the other chapters have been updated including new topics, such as curvatures of discrete surfaces (3). Concise descriptions of hybrid mesh generation, drag and sweeping methods, parallel algorithms for mesh generation have been included too. This new edition addresses a broad range of readers: students, researchers, and practitioners in applied mathematics, mechanics, engineering, physics and other areas of applications
Keyword(s)1. APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2. Computational Science and Engineering 3. Computer mathematics 4. Computer science???Mathematics 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 8. Mathematical and Computational Engineering 9. Mathematics of Computing 10. Numerical and Computational Physics, Simulation 11. PHYSICS
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I10185     On Shelf    

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TitleThe Lattice Boltzmann Method : Principles and Practice
Author(s)Kr??ger, Timm;Kusumaatmaja, Halim;Kuzmin, Alexandr;Shardt, Orest;Silva, Goncalo;Viggen, Erlend Magnus
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2017.
DescriptionXXIV, 694 p. 126 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book is an introduction to the theory, practice, and implementation of the Lattice Boltzmann (LB) method, a powerful computational fluid dynamics method that is steadily gaining attention due to its simplicity, scalability, extensibility, and simple handling of complex geometries. The book contains chapters on the method's background, fundamental theory, advanced extensions, and implementation. To aid beginners, the most essential paragraphs in each chapter are highlighted, and the introductory chapters on various LB topics are front-loaded with special "in a nutshell" sections that condense the chapter's most important practical results. Together, these sections can be used to quickly get up and running with the method. Exercises are integrated throughout the text, and frequently asked questions about the method are dealt with in a special section at the beginning. In the book itself and through its web page, readers can find example codes showing how the LB method can be implemented efficiently on a variety of hardware platforms, including multi-core processors, clusters, and graphics processing units. Students and scientists learning and using the LB method will appreciate the wealth of clearly presented and structured information in this volume
Keyword(s)1. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 2. Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis 3. Computer mathematics 4. DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. Engineering Fluid Dynamics 8. FLUID MECHANICS 9. Fluid- and Aerodynamics 10. FLUIDS 11. Numerical and Computational Physics, Simulation 12. PHYSICS 13. STATISTICAL PHYSICS 14. Statistical Physics and Dynamical Systems
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I10145     On Shelf    

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TitleRecent Trends in Applied Nonlinear Mechanics and Physics : Selected Papers from CSNDD 2016
Author(s)Belhaq, Mohamed
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2018.
DescriptionXI, 278 p. 143 illus., 90 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book presents contributions on the most active lines of recent advanced research in the field of nonlinear mechanics and physics selected from the 4th International Conference on Structural Nonlinear Dynamics and Diagnosis. It includes fifteen chapters by outstanding scientists, covering various aspects of applications, including road tanker dynamics and stability, simulation of abrasive wear, energy harvesting, modeling and analysis of flexoelectric nanoactuator, periodic Fermi???Pasta???Ulam problems, nonlinear stability in Hamiltonian systems, nonlinear dynamics of rotating composites, nonlinear vibrations of a shallow arch, extreme pulse dynamics in mode-locked lasers, localized structures in a photonic crystal fiber resonator, nonlinear stochastic dynamics, linearization of nonlinear resonances, treatment of a linear delay differential equation, and fractional nonlinear damping. It appeals to a wide range of experts in the field of structural nonlinear dynamics and offers researchers and engineers an introduction to the challenges posed by nonlinearities in the development of these topics
Keyword(s)1. Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Theory 2. APPLIED MATHEMATICS 3. Computational Science and Engineering 4. Computer mathematics 5. DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 6. DYNAMICS 7. EBOOK 8. EBOOK - SPRINGER 9. ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 10. Mathematical and Computational Engineering 11. MECHANICS 12. Mechanics, Applied 13. Solid Mechanics 14. STATISTICAL PHYSICS 15. VIBRATION 16. Vibration, Dynamical Systems, Control
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I09989     On Shelf    

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TitleBayesian Inference : Data Evaluation and Decisions
Author(s)Harney, Hanns Ludwig
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
DescriptionXIII, 243 p. 39 illus., 3 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis new edition offers a comprehensive introduction to the analysis of data using Bayes rule. It generalizes Gaussian error intervals to situations in which the data follow distributions other than Gaussian. This is particularly useful when the observed parameter is barely above the background or the histogram of multiparametric data contains many empty bins, so that the determination of the validity of a theory cannot be based on the chi-squared-criterion. In addition to the solutions of practical problems, this approach provides an epistemic insight: the logic of quantum mechanics is obtained as the logic of unbiased inference from counting data. New sections feature factorizing parameters, commuting parameters, observables in quantum mechanics, the art of fitting with coherent and with incoherent alternatives and fitting with multinomial distribution. Additional problems and examples help deepen the knowledge. Requiring no knowledge of quantum mechanics, the book is written on introductory level, with many examples and exercises, for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in the physical sciences, planning to, or working in, fields such as medical physics, nuclear physics, quantum mechanics, and chaos
Keyword(s)1. Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis 2. Computer mathematics 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. Mathematical Methods in Physics 6. Medical and Radiation Physics 7. Medical physics 8. NUCLEAR PHYSICS 9. Particle and Nuclear Physics 10. PHYSICS 11. PROBABILITIES 12. Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes 13. RADIATION 14. Statistics for Engineering, Physics, Computer Science, Chemistry and Earth Sciences 15. Statistics??
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I09850     On Shelf    

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TitleComputational Methods in Physics : Compendium for Students
Author(s)Sirca, Simon;Horvat, Martin
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2018.
DescriptionXXIV, 880 p. 268 illus., 20 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book is intended to help advanced undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral students in their daily work by odering them a compendium of numerical methods. The choice of methods pays signi???cant attention to error estimates, stability and convergence issues, as well as optimization of program execution speeds. Numerous examples are given throughout the chapters, followed by comprehensive end-of-chapter problems with a more pronounced physics background, while less stress is given to the explanation of individual algorithms. The readers are encouraged to develop a certain amount of skepticism and scrutiny instead of blindly following readily available commercial tools. The second edition has been enriched by a chapter on inverse problems dealing with the solution of integral equations, inverse Sturm-Liouville problems, as well as retrospective and recovery problems for partial di???erential equations. The revised text now includes an introduction to sparse matrix methods, the solution of matrix equations, and pseudospectra of matrices; it discusses the sparse Fourier, non-uniform Fourier and discrete wavelet transformations, the basics of non-linear regression and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test; it demonstrates the key concepts in solving sti??? di???erential equations and the asymptotics of Sturm-Liouville eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. Among other updates, it also presents the techniques of state-space reconstruction, methods to calculate the matrix exponential, generate random permutations and compute stable derivatives
Keyword(s)1. APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2. Chemistry, Physical and theoretical 3. Computational Science and Engineering 4. Computer mathematics 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 8. Mathematical and Computational Engineering 9. Numerical and Computational Physics, Simulation 10. PHYSICS 11. Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
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I09821     On Shelf    

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TitleProceedings of NetSci-X 2020: Sixth International Winter School and Conference on Network Science
Author(s)Masuda, Naoki;Goh, Kwang-Il;Jia, Tao;Yamanoi, Junichi;Sayama, Hiroki
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2020.
DescriptionX, 270 p. 81 illus., 70 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis volume constitutes the proceedings of NetSci-X 2020: the Sixth International School and Conference on Network Science, which was held in Tokyo, Japan, in January 2020. NetSci-X is the Network Science Society???s winter conference series that covers a wide variety of interdisciplinary topics on networks. Participants come from various fields, including (but not limited to): mathematics, physics, computer science, social sciences, management and marketing sciences, organization science, communication science, systems science, biology, ecology, neuroscience, medicine, as well as business. This volume consists of contributed papers that have been accepted to NetSc-X 2020 through a rigorous peer review process. Researchers, students, and professionals will gain first-hand information about today???s cutting-edge research frontier of network science
Keyword(s)1. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 2. Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis 3. Computational Social Sciences 4. Computer mathematics 5. DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 6. EBOOK 7. EBOOK - SPRINGER 8. Social sciences???Computer programs 9. Social sciences???Data processing 10. STATISTICAL PHYSICS 11. SYSTEM THEORY
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I09711     On Shelf    

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TitleElastic and Thermoelastic Problems in Nonlinear Dynamics of Structural Members : Applications of the Bubnov-Galerkin and Finite Difference Methods
Author(s)Awrejcewicz, Jan;Krysko, Vadim A
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2020.
DescriptionXX, 602 p. 333 illus., 260 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteAdding seven new chapters integrating modern approaches to dynamical systems theory, this revised second edition describes numerical approaches to the nonlinear theory of beams, plates and shells, with an emphasis to the elastic and thermoelastic features. The added chapters discuss in particular how to understand, model, and obtain reliable results while detecting and analysing chaotic dynamics exhibited by thin structural members. The authors attempt to address the large impact of new directions of nonlinear dynamical phenomena in the context of the overall state-of-the art presented in the first book edition. They also present new perspectives of the unsolved problems of thin structural members. The authors made every effort to keep the text intelligible for both practitioners and graduate students, although they offer a rigorous treatment of both purely mathematical and numerical approaches presented so that the reader can understand, analyse and track the nonlinear dynamics of spatial systems (shells) with thermomechanical behaviours.
Keyword(s)1. Computational Science and Engineering 2. Computer mathematics 3. DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 4. DYNAMICS 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. Numerical and Computational Physics, Simulation 8. PHYSICS 9. VIBRATION 10. Vibration, Dynamical Systems, Control
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I09494     On Shelf    

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