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Author | Title | Accn# | Year | Item Type | Claims |
1 |
Di Francia, G |
Sensors and Microsystems |
I09572 |
2020 |
eBook |
2 |
Nikolelis, Dimitrios P |
Biosensors for Security and Bioterrorism Applications |
I09532 |
2016 |
eBook |
3 |
Pelton, Joseph N |
Handbook of Small Satellites |
I09524 |
2020 |
eBook |
4 |
Sidorenko, Anatolie |
Functional Nanostructures and Sensors for CBRN Defence and Environmental Safety and Security |
I09319 |
2020 |
eBook |
5 |
Jameel, Ahmad Tariq |
Advances in Nanotechnology and Its Applications |
I09021 |
2020 |
eBook |
6 |
Kocharyan, Gevorg |
Trigger Effects in Geosystems |
I08692 |
2019 |
eBook |
7 |
Loreto, Vittorio |
Participatory Sensing, Opinions and Collective Awareness |
I08641 |
2017 |
eBook |
8 |
Lumley, John L |
Fluid Mechanics and the Environment: Dynamical Approaches |
I11216 |
2001 |
eBook |
9 |
Heinz, Stefan |
Statistical Mechanics of Turbulent Flows |
I11075 |
2003 |
eBook |
10 |
Straughan, Brian |
Continuum Mechanics and Applications in Geophysics and the Environment |
I10757 |
2001 |
eBook |
Title | Sensors and Microsystems : Proceedings of the 20th AISEM 2019 National Conference |
Author(s) | Di Francia, G;Di Natale, C;Alfano, B;De Vito, S;Esposito, E;Fattoruso, G;Formisano, F;Massera, E;Miglietta, M. L;Polichetti, T |
Publication | Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2020. |
Description | XIII, 436 p. 237 illus., 210 illus. in color : online resource |
Abstract Note | This book showcases the state of the art in the field of sensors and microsystems, revealing the impressive potential of novel methodologies and technologies. It covers a broad range of aspects, including: bio-, physical and chemical sensors; actuators; micro- and nano-structured materials; mechanisms of interaction and signal transduction; polymers and biomaterials; sensor electronics and instrumentation; analytical microsystems, recognition systems and signal analysis; and sensor networks, as well as manufacturing technologies, environmental, food and biomedical applications. The book gathers a selection of papers presented at the 20th AISEM National Conference on Sensors and Microsystems, held in Naples, Italy in February 2019, the event brought together researchers, end users, technology teams and policy makers |
ISBN,Price | 9783030375584 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Biomaterials
3. Cyber-physical systems, IoT
7. Electronic Circuits and Devices
9. Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation
10. Embedded computer systems
11. Environmental monitoring
12. Internet of things
14. Monitoring/Environmental Analysis
Item Type | eBook |
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Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I09572 |
On Shelf |
Title | Biosensors for Security and Bioterrorism Applications |
Author(s) | Nikolelis, Dimitrios P;Nikoleli, Georgia-Paraskevi |
Publication | Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2016. |
Description | XV, 508 p. 153 illus., 101 illus. in color : online resource |
Abstract Note | This book offers comprehensive coverage of biomarker/biosensor interactions for the rapid detection of weapons of bioterrorism, as well as current research trends and future developments and applications. It will be useful to researchers in this field who are interested in new developments in the early detection of such. The authors have collected very valuable and, in some aspects indispensable experience in the area i.e. in the development and application of portable biosensors for the detection of potential hazards. Most efforts are centered on the development of immunochemical assays including flow-lateral systems and engineered antibodies and their fragments. In addition, new approaches to the detection of enzyme inhibitors, direct enzymatic and microbial detection of metabolites and nutrients are elaborated. Some realized prototypes and concept devices applicable for the further use as a basis for the cooperation programs are also discussed. There is a particular focus on electrochemical and optical detection systems, including those employing carbon nanotubes, quantum dots and metal nanoparticles. The authors are well-known scientists and most of them are editors of respected international scientific journals. Although recently developed biosensors utilize known principles, the biosensing devices described can significantly shorten the time required for successful detection and enhance efforts in more time-consuming directions, e.g. remote sensing systems and validation in real-sample analysis. The authors describe advances in all stages of biosensor development: the selection of biochemical components, their use in biosensor assembly, detection principles and improvements and applications for real sample assays |
ISBN,Price | 9783319289267 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Analytical chemistry
4. Electrochemistry
5. Environmental monitoring
6. Monitoring/Environmental Analysis
8. Security Science and Technology
9. System safety
Item Type | eBook |
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Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I09532 |
On Shelf |
Title | Handbook of Small Satellites : Technology, Design, Manufacture, Applications, Economics and Regulation |
Author(s) | Pelton, Joseph N;Madry, Scott |
Publication | Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2020. |
Description | 476 illus., 441 illus. in color. eReference : online resource |
Abstract Note | In the past decade, the field of small satellites has expanded the space industry in a powerful way. Hundreds, indeed thousands, of these innovative and highly cost-efficient satellites are now being launched from Earth to establish low-cost space systems. These smallsats are engaged in experiments and prototype testing, communications services, data relay, internet access, remote sensing, defense and security related services, and more. Some of these systems are quite small and are simple student experiments, while others in commercial constellations are employing state-of-the-art technologies to deliver fast and accurate services. This handbook provides a comprehensive overview of this exciting new field. It covers the technology, applications and services, design and manufacture, launch arrangements, ground systems, and economic and regulatory arrangements surrounding small satellites. The diversity of approach in recent years has allowed for rapid innovation and economic breakthroughs to proceed at a pace that seems only to be speeding up. In this reference work, readers will find information pertaining to all aspects of the small satellite industry, written by a host of international experts in the field |
ISBN,Price | 9783030363086 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Aerospace engineering
2. Aerospace Technology and Astronautics
4. Communications Engineering, Networks
8. Environmental monitoring
9. Monitoring/Environmental Analysis
11. Space Sciences (including Extraterrestrial Physics, Space Exploration and Astronautics)
Item Type | eBook |
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I09524 |
On Shelf |
Title | Functional Nanostructures and Sensors for CBRN Defence and Environmental Safety and Security |
Author(s) | Sidorenko, Anatolie;Hahn, Horst |
Publication | Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2020. |
Description | XI, 320 p. 203 illus., 130 illus. in color : online resource |
Abstract Note | Over the last decade, techniques for materials preparation and processing at nanometer scale have advanced rapidly, leading to the introduction of novel principles for a new generation of sensors and detectors. At the same time, the chemical industry, transport and agriculture produce huge amounts of dangerous waste gases and liquids, leading to soil, air and water contamination. One more modern threat - international terrorism - demands that scientists make efforts to apply new principles and technologies to protect society against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) attacks and to develop novel effective technologies for the remediation of large contaminated areas. Accordingly, the main goal of this book is to bring together experts (theorists, experimentalists, engineers and technologists) for an extensive discussion covering: novel principles for functional nanostructures and detector fabrication and implementation, the development of novel technologies for the deactivation of CBRN agents, their experimental realization and their application in novel monitoring and control systems, and technological processes for soil and water remediation, with a view to environmental protection and defence against CBRN-based terrorism. In keeping with the book???s main goal, the following topics are highlighted and discussed: - Sensors and detectors - detection of chemicals, principles of ???artificial nose??? and chemical ???micro-lab on a chip??? design, surface and underground water quality monitoring systems, molecular electronics, superconducting electronic devices, quantum detectors and Qubits. - Environmental protection and CBRN - detection of infrared, microwave, X-ray and terahertz radiation. Principles for novel IR-, UV-, and Terahertz-wave devices for the detection of low-contrast objects. - Novel technological processes for CBRN destruction and deactivation. All these topics are strongly interrelated, both with regard to fundamental aspects and to fabrication and implementation technologies; in addition, they are highly promising for application in novel functional devices, computer logics, sensing and detection of low-concentration chemicals, weak and extremely weak magnetic and microwave fields, infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Given its scope, the book will be a useful and interesting guide for a broad readership of engineers, scientists, PhD students and experts in the area of defence against environmental terrorism |
ISBN,Price | 9789402419092 |
Keyword(s) | 1. EBOOK
4. Electronic Circuits and Devices
5. Environmental monitoring
6. Monitoring/Environmental Analysis
7. Nanoscale science
8. Nanoscale Science and Technology
10. Nanostructures
11. Security Science and Technology
12. System safety
Item Type | eBook |
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Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I09319 |
On Shelf |
Title | Trigger Effects in Geosystems : The 5th International Conference, Sadovsky Institute of Geospheres Dynamics of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Author(s) | Kocharyan, Gevorg;Lyakhov, Andrey |
Publication | Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2019. |
Description | XII, 614 p. 307 illus., 150 illus. in color : online resource |
Abstract Note | This book is the result of collaboration within the frames of the 5th International Conference "Trigger Effects in Geosystems" held in the Institute of Geosphere Dynamics of Russian Academy of Sciences, June 2019. This book aims to raise awareness about different triggering aspects in the geosphere and its effects. The conference provided a multidisciplinary platform with a focus on (i) the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on the geosphere, geomechanical systems and anthropogenic objects found in a subcritical state and (ii) the influence of these factors on the system ???atmosphere - ionosphere???. The problems considered in the book may be interesting for a wide audience including students, professionals, researches, and for the industry |
ISBN,Price | 9783030319700 |
4. Environmental monitoring
6. Geophysics and Environmental Physics
7. Geophysics/Geodesy
8. Monitoring/Environmental Analysis
11. Structural geology
Item Type | eBook |
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Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I08692 |
On Shelf |
Title | Participatory Sensing, Opinions and Collective Awareness |
Author(s) | Loreto, Vittorio;Haklay, Muki;Hotho, Andreas;Servedio, Vito D.P;Stumme, Gerd;Theunis, Jan;Tria, Francesca |
Publication | Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2017. |
Description | XXVII, 405 p. 83 illus., 70 illus. in color : online resource |
Abstract Note | This book introduces and reviews recent advances in the field in a comprehensive and non-technical way by focusing on the potential of emerging citizen-science and social-computation frameworks, coupled with the latest theoretical and modeling tools developed by physicists, mathematicians, computer and social scientists to analyse, interpret and visualize complex data sets. There is overwhelming evidence that the current organisation of our economies and societies is seriously damaging biological ecosystems and human living conditions in the short term, with potentially catastrophic effects in the long term. The need to re-organise the daily activities with the greatest impact ??? energy consumption, transport, housing ??? towards a more efficient and sustainable development model has recently been raised in the public debate on several global, environmental issues. Above all, this requires the mismatch between global, societal and individual needs to be addressed. Recent advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can trigger important transitions at the individual and collective level to achieve this aim. Based on the findings of the collaborative research network EveryAware the following developments among the emerging ICT technologies are discussed in depth in this volume: ??? Participatory sensing ??? where ICT development is pushed to the level where it can support informed action at the hyperlocal scale, providing capabilities for environmental monitoring, data aggregation and mining, as well as information presentation and sharing. ??? Web gaming, social computing and internet-mediated collaboration ??? where the Web will continue to acquire the status of an infrastructure for social computing, allowing users??? cognitive abilities to be coordinated in online communities, and steering the collective action towards predefined goals. ??? Collective awareness and decision-making ??? where the access to both personal and community data, collected by users, processed with suitable analysis tools, and re-presented in an appropriate format by usable communication interfaces leads to a bottom-up development of collective social strategies |
ISBN,Price | 9783319256580 |
2. Computer Appl. in Social and Behavioral Sciences
3. Data-driven Science, Modeling and Theory Building
6. Economic sociology
8. Environmental monitoring
9. Monitoring/Environmental Analysis
10. Organizational Studies, Economic Sociology
11. Social policy
12. Sociophysics
Item Type | eBook |
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I08641 |
On Shelf |
Title | Statistical Mechanics of Turbulent Flows |
Author(s) | Heinz, Stefan |
Publication | Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2003. |
Description | XXIV, 216 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | The simulation of turbulent reacting flows, connected with environmental protection and the design of chemical and mechanical processes, is increasingly important. Statistical Mechanics of Turbulent Flows presents a modern overview of basic ways to calculate such flows. It discusses the fundamental problems related to the use of basic equations and their modifications. Special emphasis is placed on the discussion of very promising statistical methods which provide solutions to these problems by models for the underlying stochastic physics of turbulent reacting flows. Their foundations and important new developments up through current challenges are systematically explained. Students and researchers in atmospheric sciences and oceanography, mechanical and chemical engineering and applied mathematics and physics may use Statistical Mechanics of Turbulent Flows as a guide to solve many problems related, e.g. to the assessment of complex atmospheric chemistry, chemical reactor processes, turbulent combustion, and multi-phase flows |
ISBN,Price | 9783662100226 |
Keyword(s) | 1. COMPLEX SYSTEMS
5. Environmental monitoring
6. Fluid- and Aerodynamics
9. Geophysics and Environmental Physics
10. Geophysics/Geodesy
11. Monitoring/Environmental Analysis
Item Type | eBook |
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Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I11075 |
On Shelf |
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Title | Continuum Mechanics and Applications in Geophysics and the Environment |
Author(s) | Straughan, Brian;Greve, Ralf;Ehrentraut, Harald;Wang, Yongqi |
Publication | Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001. |
Description | XIII, 394 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | This topical volume reviews applications of continuum mechanics to systems in geophysics and the environment. Part of the text is devoted to numerical simulations and modeling. The topics covered include soil mechanics and porous media, glacier and ice dynamics, climatology and lake physics, climate change as well as numerical algorithms. The book, written by well-known experts, addresses researchers and students interested in physical aspects of our environment |
ISBN,Price | 9783662044391 |
3. Earth Sciences, general
6. Environmental monitoring
8. Geophysics/Geodesy
10. Mechanics, Applied
11. Monitoring/Environmental Analysis
12. Solid Mechanics
Item Type | eBook |
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Circulation Data
Accession# | |
Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I10757 |
On Shelf |
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