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# |
Author | Title | Accn# | Year | Item Type | Claims |
21 |
Burgess, Colin |
Animals in Space |
I06077 |
2007 |
eBook |
22 |
Holbrook, Jarita |
African Cultural Astronomy |
I05991 |
2008 |
eBook |
23 |
HECK, Andre |
The Multinational History of Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory |
I05539 |
2005 |
eBook |
24 |
Egeland, Alv |
Kristian Birkeland |
I05530 |
2005 |
eBook |
25 |
Nieuwstadt, F.T |
Selected Papers of J. M. Burgers |
I05229 |
1995 |
eBook |
26 |
Goldish, M |
Judaism in the Theology of Sir Isaac Newton |
I04953 |
1998 |
eBook |
27 |
Onnes, Heike Kamerlingh |
Through Measurement to Knowledge |
I04519 |
1991 |
eBook |
28 |
Blackmore, J.T |
Ernst Mach ??? A Deeper Look |
I03869 |
1992 |
eBook |
29 |
Lagrange, J.L |
Analytical Mechanics |
I03687 |
1997 |
eBook |
30 |
Sullivan, W.T |
Classics in Radio Astronomy |
I03283 |
1982 |
eBook |
Title | Animals in Space : From Research Rockets to the Space Shuttle |
Author(s) | Burgess, Colin;Dubbs, Chris |
Publication | New York, NY, Springer New York, 2007. |
Description | L, 406 p. 160 illus : online resource |
Abstract Note | Many readers will doubtless be astonished to learn that animals were being fired aloft in U.S. and Soviet research rockets in the late 1940s. In fact most people not only believe that the Russian space dog Laika was the first canine to be launched into space, but also that the high-profile, precursory Mercury flights of chimps Ham and Enos were the only primate flights conducted by the United States. In fact, both countries had sent literally dozens of animals aloft for many years prior to these events and continued to do so for many years after. Other latter-day space nations, such as France and China, would also begin to use animals in their own space research. Animals in Space will explain why dogs, primates, mice and other rodents were chosen and tested, at a time when dedicated scientists from both space nations were determined to establish the survivability of human subjects on both ballistic and orbital space flights. It will also recount the way this happened; the secrecy involved and the methods employed, and offer an objective analysis of how the role of animals as spaceflight test subjects not only evolved, but subsequently changed over the years in response to a public outcry led by animal activists. It will explore the ways in which animal high-altitude and space flight research impacted on space flight biomedicine and technology, and how the results - both successful and disappointing - allowed human beings to then undertake that same hazardous journey with far greater understanding and confidence. This book is intended as a detailed yet highly readable and balanced account of the history of animal space flights, and the resultant application of hard-won research to space technology and astrobiology. It will undoubtedly become the ultimate authority on animal space flights |
ISBN,Price | 9780387496788 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Aerospace engineering
2. Aerospace Technology and Astronautics
4. Astronomy, Observations and Techniques
5. Astronomy???Observations
6. Automotive engineering
10. History and Philosophical Foundations of Physics
11. History, general
12. Observations, Astronomical
14. Popular Science, general
15. Popular works
Item Type | eBook |
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Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I06077 |
On Shelf |
Title | African Cultural Astronomy : Current Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy research in Africa |
Author(s) | Holbrook, Jarita;Medupe, R. Thebe;Urama, Johnson O |
Publication | Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2008. |
Description | VIII, 260 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | Astronomy is the science of studying the sky using telescopes and light collectors such as photographic plates or CCD detectors. However, people have always studied the sky and continue to study the sky without the aid of instruments this is the realm of cultural astronomy. This is the first scholarly collection of articles focused on the cultural astronomy of Africans. It weaves together astronomy, anthropology, and Africa. The volume includes African myths and legends about the sky, alignments to celestial bodies found at archaeological sites and at places of worship, rock art with celestial imagery, and scientific thinking revealed in local astronomy traditions including ethnomathematics and the creation of calendars. Authors include astronomers Kim Malville, Johnson Urama, and Thebe Medupe; archaeologist Felix Chami, and geographer Michael Bonine, and many new authors. As an emerging subfield of cultural astronomy, African cultural astronomy researchers are focused on training students specifically for doing research in Africa. The first part of the volume contains lessons and exercises to help the beginning student of African cultural astronomy. Included are exercises in archaeoastronomy, cultural anthropology, and naked-eye astronomy penned by authors who use these regularly use these methods for their research. This collection of lessons and research papers provides a foundation for the cultural astronomy researcher interested in doing work in Africa |
ISBN,Price | 9781402066399 |
Keyword(s) | 1. ASTRONOMY
2. Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology
3. Astronomy, Observations and Techniques
4. Astronomy???Observations
6. Culture???Study and teaching
10. History, general
11. Observations, Astronomical
12. Regional and Cultural Studies
Item Type | eBook |
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I05991 |
On Shelf |
Title | The Multinational History of Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory |
Author(s) | HECK, Andre |
Publication | Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2005. |
Description | VIII, 318 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory is quite an interesting place for historians: several changes of nationality between France and Germany, high-profile scientists having been based there, big projects born or installed in its walls, and so on. Most of the documents circulating on the history of the Observatory and on related matters have however been so far poorly referenced, if at all. This made necessary the compilation of a volume such as this one, offering fully-documented historical facts and references on the first decades of the Observatory history, authored by both French and German specialists. The experts contributing to this book have done their best to write in a way understandable to readers not necessarily hyperspecialized in astronomy nor in the details of European history. After an introductory chapter by the Editor, contributions by Wolfschmidt and by Duerbeck respectively deal extensively with the German periods and review people and instrumentation, while another paper by Duerbeck is more specifically devoted to World War II times. A subsequent chapter by D??barbat describes the development of instrumentation at Strasbourg Observatory during the French period between World Wars. Several contributions are devoted to specific astronomers such as Wislicenus (Duerbeck), Wirtz (Duerbeck & Seitter), and Muller (Bacchus). Two chapters by Heck and Jung deal with the genesis and the first years of the Stellar Data Center (CDS) installed at Strasbourg Observatory, while Kovalevsky recalls that the Hipparcos space experiment was born there. Seggewiss reminds the links of the Observatory with the Astronomische Gesellschaft, starting with the inauguration of the place. Bodenmuller & Heck discuss the visibility of the Observatory in the regional press around the beginning of the 20th century and two notes by Heck analyze respectively the Coronelli globe of the observatory and Danjon & Rougier???s first spectroscopic studies of the green flash from Strasbourg. Several appendices conclude the book: lists of council members and of Observatory scientific personnel, as well as a compendium of the institutional publications until Year 2000. This book will be most usefully read by historians, researchers, teachers, librarians as well as by students in astronomy and sociologists of science |
ISBN,Price | 9781402036446 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Astronomy, Observations and Techniques
2. Astronomy???Observations
6. History, general
7. Observations, Astronomical
Item Type | eBook |
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Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I05539 |
On Shelf |
Title | Kristian Birkeland : The First Space Scientist |
Author(s) | Egeland, Alv;Burke, William J |
Publication | Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2005. |
Description | X, 228 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | At the beginning of the 20th century Kristian Birkeland (1867-1917), a Norwegian scientist of insatiable curiosity, addressed questions that had vexed European scientists for centuries. Why do the northern lights appear overhead when the Earth???s magnetic field is disturbed? How are magnetic storms connected to disturbances on the Sun? To answer these questions Birkeland interpreted his advance laboratory simulations and daring campaigns in the Arctic wilderness in the light of Maxwell???s newly discovered laws of electricity and magnetism. Birkeland???s ideas were dismissed for decades, only to be vindicated when satellites could fly above the Earth???s atmosphere. Faced with the depleting stocks of Chilean saltpeter and the consequent prospect of mass starvation, Birkeland showed his practical side, inventing the first industrial scale method to extract nitrogen-based fertilizers from the air. Norsk Hydro, one of modern Norway???s largest industries, stands as a living tribute to his genius. Hoping to demonstrate what we now call the solar wind, Birkeland moved to Egypt in 1913. Isolated from his friends by the Great War, Birkeland yearned to celebrate his 50th birthday in Norway. The only safe passage home, via the Far East, brought him to Tokyo where in the late spring of 1917 he passed away |
ISBN,Price | 9781402032943 |
Keyword(s) | 1. ASTRONOMY
2. Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology
7. History, general
8. Popular Science in Astronomy
Item Type | eBook |
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Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I05530 |
On Shelf |
Title | Selected Papers of J. M. Burgers |
Author(s) | Nieuwstadt, F.T;Steketee, J.A |
Publication | Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1995. |
Description | CIX, 650 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | J.M. Burgers (1895--1981) is regarded as one of the leading scientists in the field of fluid mechanics, contributing many important results, a number of which still bear his name. However, the work of this outstanding scientist was mostly published in the Proceedings and Transactions of The Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, of which he was a distinguished member. Nowadays, this work is almost impossible to obtain through the usual library channels. Therefore, the editors have decided to reissue the most important work of J.M. Burgers, which gives the reader access to the original papers which led to important results, now known as the Burgers Equation, the Burgers Vector and the Burgers Vortex. Further, the book contains a biography of J.M. Burgers, which provides the reader with both information on his scientific life, as well as a rounded impression of the many activities which J.M. Burgers performed or was involved in outside his science |
ISBN,Price | 9789401101950 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Classical and Continuum Physics
2. Continuum physics
6. History and Philosophical Foundations of Physics
7. History, general
9. Mechanics, Applied
12. Solid Mechanics
Item Type | eBook |
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I05229 |
On Shelf |
Title | Judaism in the Theology of Sir Isaac Newton |
Author(s) | Goldish, M |
Publication | Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1998. |
Description | XII, 244 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | This book is based on my doctoral dissertation from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1996) of the same title. As a master's student, working on an entirely different project, I was well aware that many of Newton's theological manuscripts were located in our own Jewish National and University Library, but I was under the mistaken assumption that scores of highly qualified scholars must be assiduously scouring them and publishing their results. It never occurred to me to look at them at all until, having fmished my master's, I spoke to Professor David Katz at Tel-Aviv University about an idea I had for doctoral research. Professor Katz informed me that the project I had suggested was one which he himself had just fmished, but that I might be interested in working on the famous Newton manuscripts in the context of a project being organized by him, Richard Popkin, James Force, and the late Betty Jo Teeter Dobbs, to study and publish Newton's theological material. I asked him whether he was not sending me into the shark-infested waters of highly competitive scholarship, and learned that in fact there were only a handful of scholars in the world who actively studied and published on Newton's theology. At the time the group consisted mainly of Popkin, Force, Dobbs, Frank Manuel, Kenneth Knoespel, and David Castillejo |
ISBN,Price | 9789401720144 |
Keyword(s) | 1. EBOOK
4. History and Philosophical Foundations of Physics
5. History, general
9. Religious Studies, general
Item Type | eBook |
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I04953 |
On Shelf |
Title | Through Measurement to Knowledge : The Selected Papers of Heike Kamerlingh Onnes 1853???1926 |
Author(s) | Onnes, Heike Kamerlingh;Gavroglu, K;Goudaroulis, Yorgos |
Publication | Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1991. |
Description | CXVI, 576 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | "Tile; D'apC:Tile; l. DpWTa ()coi 7rpo7rapod)w ?? D'T}K,mi'. "between us and Goodness the gods have placed the sweat of our brows". This quote from Isiodos, the first lyrical poet, is jotted on a sheet of paper found among the papers of Heike Kamerlingh Onnes at the Boerhaave Museum, Leiden. On this same sheet, one can also read quotes from Schiller, Goethe, Shakespeare, Homer, Pindar and Dante. Each quote is for somebody or something. It appears to have been a game played at least by Ehrenfest and Crommelin -an unmistakable sign of these two physicists's deep culture. This particular quote was for the "Werkplaats", the Physical Laboratory of the University of Leiden. Our purpose in putting together the Selected Papers of its first Director, Kamerlingh Onnes (1853-1926), is to try and articulate the dominant trends of a different type of culture at Leiden: its physics culture during the years that established low temperature physics as a distinct branch of physics. Our aims in choosing the particular papers are threefold. First, we wish to present the interconnectedness among the different research programs of Kamerlingh Onnes and to bring out the decisive role of the work initiated by van der Waals in determining the direction of nearly all of these research programs |
ISBN,Price | 9789400920798 |
Keyword(s) | 1. EBOOK
4. History and Philosophical Foundations of Physics
5. History, general
6. Philosophy and science
Item Type | eBook |
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I04519 |
On Shelf |
Title | Ernst Mach ??? A Deeper Look : Documents and New Perspectives |
Author(s) | Blackmore, J.T |
Publication | Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1992. |
Description | XIX, 463 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | Ernst Mach -- A Deeper Look has been written to reveal to English-speaking readers the recent revival of interest in Ernst Mach in Europe and Japan. The book is a storehouse of new information on Mach as a philosopher, historian, scientist and person, containing a number of biographical and philosophical manuscripts publihsed for the first time, along with correspondence and other matters published for the first time in English. The book also provides English translations of Mach's controversies with leading physicists and psychologists, such as Max Planck and Carl Stumpf, and offers basic evidence for resolving Mach's position on atomism and Einstein's theory of relativity. Mach's scientific, philosophical and personal influence in a number of countries -- Austria, Germany, Bohemia and Yugoslavia among them -- has been carefully explored and many aspects detailed for the first time. All of the articles are eminently readable, especially those written by Mach's sister. They are deeply researched, new interpretations abound, and the bibliography includes recent works by and about Mach from over a dozen countries. The book also contains many articles by or about Mach's contemporaries, including Ostwald, Dingler, Weichert and, especially, Einstein. Finally, and most intriguingly, the original ideas of Japanese scholars are presented, built on Mach's philosophy. These demonstrate how Mach's world view is currently contributing to the solution of contemporary philosophical problems |
ISBN,Price | 9789401127714 |
Keyword(s) | 1. EBOOK
4. History and Philosophical Foundations of Physics
5. History, general
6. Modern philosophy
7. Philosophy and science
Item Type | eBook |
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I03869 |
On Shelf |
|  |
Title | Classics in Radio Astronomy |
Author(s) | Sullivan, W.T |
Publication | Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1982. |
Description | XXIV, 350 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | Radio techniques were the nrst to lead astronomy away from the quiescent and limited Universe revealed by traditional observations at optical wave?? lengths. In the earliest days of radio astronomy, a handful of radio physicists and engineers made one startling discovery after another as they opened up the radio sky. With this collection of classic papers and the extensive intro?? ductory material, the reader can experience these exciting discoveries, as well as understand the developing techniques and follow the motivations which prompted the various lines of inquiry. For instance he or she will follow in detail the several attempts to detect radio waves from the sun at the turn of the century; the unravelling by Jansky of a "steady hiss type static"; the incredible story of Reber who built a 9 meter dish in his backyard in 1937 and then mapped the Milky Way; the vital discoveries by Hey and colleagues of radio bursts from the Sun and of a discrete source in the constellation of Cygnus; the development of receivers and interferometry in the post-war years by the groups led by Ryle in Cambridge and Pawsey in Sydney; the nrst measurements and exciting identiftcations of Taurus A (the Crab Nebula), Centaurus A, Virgo A, Cassiopeia A, and Cygnus A, the last opening the neld of radio cosmology; the early development of synchroton theory; and the prediction and discovery seven years later of the 21 cm line of neutral hy?? drogen |
ISBN,Price | 9789400977525 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Astronomy, Observations and Techniques
2. Astronomy???Observations
6. History and Philosophical Foundations of Physics
7. History, general
8. Observations, Astronomical
Item Type | eBook |
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Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I03283 |
On Shelf |
| |