Click the serial number on the left to view the details of the item. |
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Author | Title | Accn# | Year | Item Type | Claims |
11 |
Pott, A |
Difference Sets, Sequences and their Correlation Properties |
I02043 |
1999 |
eBook |
12 |
Glimm, James |
Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics |
I01622 |
1985 |
eBook |
13 |
Velo, G |
Fundamental Problems of Gauge Field Theory |
I01403 |
1986 |
eBook |
Title | Difference Sets, Sequences and their Correlation Properties |
Author(s) | Pott, A;Kumar, P. Vijay;Helleseth, Tor;Jungnickel, Dieter |
Publication | Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1999. |
Description | VIII, 448 p. 7 illus : online resource |
Abstract Note | The explanation of the formal duality of Kerdock and Preparata codes is one of the outstanding results in the field of applied algebra in the last few years. This result is related to the discovery of large sets of quad?? riphase sequences over Z4 whose correlation properties are better than those of the best binary sequences. Moreover, the correlation properties of sequences are closely related to difference properties of certain sets in (cyclic) groups. It is the purpose of this book to illustrate the connection between these three topics. Most articles grew out of lectures given at the NATO Ad?? vanced Study Institute on "Difference sets, sequences and their correlation properties". This workshop took place in Bad Windsheim (Germany) in August 1998. The editors thank the NATO Scientific Affairs Division for the generous support of this workshop. Without this support, the present collection of articles would not have been realized |
ISBN,Price | 9789401144599 |
Keyword(s) | 1. ALGEBRA
3. Computer science???Mathematics
4. Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science
8. Field theory (Physics)
9. Field Theory and Polynomials
12. Signal, Image and Speech Processing
13. Speech processing systems
Item Type | eBook |
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Circulation Data
Accession# | |
Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I02043 |
On Shelf |
Title | Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics : Expositions |
Author(s) | Glimm, James;Jaffe, Arthur |
Publication | Boston, MA, 1. Birkh??user Boston
2. Imprint: Birkh??user, 1985. |
Description | VII, 418 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | This volume contains a selection of expository articles on quantum field theory and statistical mechanics by James Glimm and Arthur Jaffe. They include a solution of the original interacting quantum field equations and a description of the physics which these equations contain. Quantum fields were proposed in the late 1920s as the natural framework which combines quantum theory with relativ?? ity. They have survived ever since. The mathematical description for quantum theory starts with a Hilbert space H of state vectors. Quantum fields are linear operators on this space, which satisfy nonlinear wave equations of fundamental physics, including coupled Dirac, Max?? well and Yang-Mills equations. The field operators are restricted to satisfy a "locality" requirement that they commute (or anti-commute in the case of fer?? mions) at space-like separated points. This condition is compatible with finite propagation speed, and hence with special relativity. Asymptotically, these fields converge for large time to linear fields describing free particles. Using these ideas a scattering theory had been developed, based on the existence of local quantum fields |
ISBN,Price | 9781461251583 |
Keyword(s) | 1. ALGEBRA
6. Field theory (Physics)
7. Field Theory and Polynomials
10. Statistical Physics and Dynamical Systems
Item Type | eBook |
Multi-Media Links
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Circulation Data
Accession# | |
Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I01622 |
On Shelf |
|  |
Title | Fundamental Problems of Gauge Field Theory |
Author(s) | Velo, G;Wightman, A.S |
Publication | New York, NY, Springer US, 1986. |
Description | VII, 401 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | The sixth Ettore Majorana International School of Mathematical Physics was held at the Centro della Cultura Scientifica Erice, Sicily, 1-14 July 1985. The present volume collects lecture notes on the ses?? sion which was devoted to Fundamental Problems of Gauge Field Theory. The School was a NATO Advanced Study Institute sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Public Education, the Italian Ministry of Scientific and Technological Research and the Regional Sicilian Government. As a result of the experimental and theoretical developments of the last two decades, gauge field theory, in one form or another, now pro?? vides the standard language for the description of Nature; QCD and the standard model of the electroweak interactions illustrate this point. It is a basic task of mathematical physics to provide a solid foundation for these developments by putting the theory in a physically transparent and mathematically rigorous form. The lectures and seminars of the school concentrated on the many unsolved problems which arise here, and on the general ideas and methods which have been proposed for their solution. In particular, we mention the use of rigorous renormalization group methods to obtain control over the continuum limit of lattice gauge field theories, the explora?? tion of the extraordinary enigmatic connections between Kac-Moody?? Virasoro algebras and string theory, and the systematic use of the theory of local algebras and indefinite metric spaces to classify the charged C* states in gauge field theories |
ISBN,Price | 9781475703634 |
Keyword(s) | 1. ALGEBRA
4. Field theory (Physics)
5. Field Theory and Polynomials
Item Type | eBook |
Multi-Media Links
Please Click here for eBook
Circulation Data
Accession# | |
Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I01403 |
On Shelf |
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