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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
11 Glaser, Roland Biophysics I07449 2012 eBook  
12 Lilensten, Jean Space Weather I06918 2007 eBook  
13 Miroshnichenko, Leonty Solar Cosmic Rays I05961 2015 eBook  
14 Gonz??lez Hern??ndez, Irene Solar Origins of Space Weather and Space Climate I05818 2014 eBook  
15 Cech??k, Tomas Nuclear Science and Safety in Europe I05607 2006 eBook  
16 V??zquez, M Ultraviolet Radiation in the Solar System I05543 2006 eBook  
17 Garc??a G??mez-Tejedor, Gustavo Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems I05428 2012 eBook  
18 Apikyan, Samuel Nuclear Power and Energy Security I05427 2010 eBook  
19 Wigner, E.P Socio-Political Reflections and Civil Defense I04576 1998 eBook  
20 Glaser, Roland Biophysics I02289 1999 eBook  
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TitleBiophysics : An Introduction
Author(s)Glaser, Roland
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
DescriptionXX, 407 p. 188 illus., 134 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteBiophysics is the science of physical principles underlying all processes of life, including the dynamics and kinetics of biological systems. This fully revised 2nd English edition is an introductory text that spans all steps of biological organization, from the molecular, to the organism level, as well as influences of environmental factors. In response to the enormous progress recently made, especially in theoretical and molecular biophysics, the author has updated the text, integrating new results and developments concerning protein folding and dynamics, molecular aspects of membrane assembly and transport, noise-enhanced processes, and photo-biophysics. The advances made in theoretical biology in the last decade call for a fully new conception of the corresponding sections. Thus, the book provides the background needed for fundamental training in biophysics and, in addition, offers a great deal of advanced biophysical knowledge
Keyword(s)1. BIOCHEMISTRY 2. Biochemistry, general 3. Biological and Medical Physics, Biophysics 4. BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS 5. BIOPHYSICS 6. CELL BIOLOGY 7. EBOOK 8. EBOOK - SPRINGER 9. Effects of Radiation/Radiation Protection 10. Human physiology 11. Radiation protection 12. Radiation???Safety measures
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I07449     On Shelf    

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TitleSpace Weather : Research Towards Applications in Europe
Author(s)Lilensten, Jean
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2007.
DescriptionXII, 332 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book shows the state of the art in Europe on a very new discipline, Space Weather. This discipline lies at the edge between science and industry. This book reflects such a position, with theoretic papers and applicative papers as well. It is divided into 5 chapters. Each chapter starts with a short introduction, which shows the coherence of a given domain. Then, 4 to 5 contributions written by the best specialists in Europe give detailed hints of a hot topic in space weather. From the reading of this book, it becomes evident that space weather is a living discipline, full of promises and already full of amazing realizations. The strength of Europe is clear through the book, but it is also clear that this discipline is world wide
Keyword(s)1. ASTRONOMY 2. Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology 3. ASTROPHYSICS 4. EARTH SCIENCES 5. Earth Sciences, general 6. EBOOK 7. EBOOK - SPRINGER 8. Effects of Radiation/Radiation Protection 9. ENVIRONMENT 10. Environment, general 11. METEOROLOGY 12. Radiation protection 13. Radiation???Safety measures
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I06918     On Shelf    

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TitleSolar Cosmic Rays : Fundamentals and Applications
Author(s)Miroshnichenko, Leonty
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2015.
DescriptionXV, 521 p. 162 illus., 17 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThe book summarizes the results of solar cosmic ray (SCR) investigations since 1942. The present monograph, unlike the reviews published earlier, treats the problem in self-contained form, in all its associations???from fundamental astrophysical aspects to geophysical, aeronautical and cosmonautical applications. It includes a large amount of new data, accumulated during the last several decades of space research. As a result of the "information burst" in space physics, there are a lot of new interesting theoretical concepts, models and ideas that deserve attention. The author gives an extensive bibliography, which covers non-partially the main achievements and failures in this field. The book will be helpful for a wide audience of space physicists and it will be relevant to graduate and postgraduate courses. The book will serve as a reference work for researchers and students in solar physics and astrophysical plasma physics, as well as in cosmic rays physics, astroparticle physics, space science, solar-terrestrial relations, geophysics and those researching space weather problems, especially the problems of radiation hazard in space
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Effects of Radiation/Radiation Protection 4. NUCLEAR PHYSICS 5. Particle and Nuclear Physics 6. Radiation protection 7. Radiation???Safety measures 8. SPACE SCIENCES 9. Space Sciences (including Extraterrestrial Physics, Space Exploration and Astronautics)
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I05961     On Shelf    

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TitleSolar Origins of Space Weather and Space Climate
Author(s)Gonz??lez Hern??ndez, Irene;Komm, Rudolf;Pevtsov, Alexei;Leibacher, John
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer New York, 2014.
DescriptionVI, 254 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThis topical issue is based on the presentations given at the 26th National Solar Observatory (NSO) Summer Workshop held at the National Solar Observatory/Sacramento Peak, New Mexico, USA from 30 April to 4 May 2012. This unique forum brought together experts in different areas of solar and space physics to help in developing a full picture of the origin of solar phenomena that affect Earth???s technological systems.?? The articles include theory, model, and observation research on the origin of the solar activity and its cycle, as well as a discussion on how to incorporate the research into space-weather forecasting tools.?? This volume??is aimed at graduate students and researchers active in solar physics and space science.?? Previously published in Solar Physics, Vol. 289/2, 2014
Keyword(s)1. ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. Effects of Radiation/Radiation Protection 5. Radiation protection 6. Radiation???Safety measures 7. SPACE SCIENCES 8. Space Sciences (including Extraterrestrial Physics, Space Exploration and Astronautics)
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I05818     On Shelf    

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TitleNuclear Science and Safety in Europe
Author(s)Cech??k, Tomas;Jenkovszky, L??szl??;Karpenko, Iurii
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2006.
DescriptionXIV, 276 p : online resource
Abstract NoteRecent results on the nature of low-, intermediate- and high-energy nuclear forces as well as on the internal structure of nucleons and atomic nuclei are presented. Prospects to find a new state of the nuclear matter at extreme conditions that existed in the early Universe and the utilisation of the nuclear energy are discussed
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Effects of Radiation/Radiation Protection 4. Heavy ions 5. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 6. NUCLEAR PHYSICS 7. Nuclear Physics, Heavy Ions, Hadrons 8. Particle acceleration 9. Particle Acceleration and Detection, Beam Physics 10. Particle and Nuclear Physics 11. Radiation protection 12. Radiation???Safety measures 13. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
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I05607     On Shelf    

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TitleUltraviolet Radiation in the Solar System
Author(s)V??zquez, M;Hanslmeier, A
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2006.
DescriptionXII, 380 p : online resource
Abstract NoteUV radiation is an important part in the electromagnetic spectrum since the energy of the photons is great enough to produce important chemical reactions in the atmospheres of planets and satellites of our Solar System, thereby affecting the transmission of this radiation to the ground and its physical properties. Scientists have used different techniques (balloons and rockets) to access to the information contained in this radiation, but the pioneering of this new frontier has not been free of dangers. The Sun is our main source of UV radiation and its description occupies the first two chapters of the book. The Earth is the only known location where life exists in a planetary system and therefore where the interaction of living organism with UV radiation can be tested through different epochs and on distinct species. The development of the human technology has affected the natural shield of ozone that protects complex lifeforms against damaging UV irradiation. The formation of the ozone hole and its consequences are described, together with the possible contribution of UV radiation to recent climate changes. Finally, we will discuss the potential role of ultraviolet light in the development of life on bodies such as Mars, Europa and Titan. The Solar System is not isolated; other external sources can contribute to the enhancement of the UV radiation in our environment. The influence of such events as nearby supernovae and gamma-ray bursts are described, together with the consequences to terrestrial life from such events
Keyword(s)1. ASTROBIOLOGY 2. Astronomy, Observations and Techniques 3. Astronomy???Observations 4. ASTROPHYSICS 5. Astrophysics and Astroparticles 6. Cancer Research 7. CLIMATE CHANGE 8. EBOOK 9. EBOOK - SPRINGER 10. Effects of Radiation/Radiation Protection 11. Observations, Astronomical 12. Radiation protection 13. Radiation???Safety measures
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I05543     On Shelf    

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TitleRadiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems
Author(s)Garc??a G??mez-Tejedor, Gustavo;Fuss, Martina Christina
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2012.
DescriptionXIV, 510 p : online resource
Abstract NoteSince the discovery of X-rays and radioactivity, ionizing radiations have been widely applied in medicine both for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The risks associated with radiation exposure and handling led to the parallel development of the field of radiation protection. Pioneering experiments done by Sanche and co-workers in 2000 showed that low-energy secondary electrons, which are abundantly generated along radiation tracks, are primarily responsible for radiation damage through successive interactions with the molecular constituents of the medium. Apart from ionizing processes, which are usually related to radiation damage, below the ionization level low-energy electrons can induce molecular fragmentation via dissociative processes such as internal excitation and electron attachment. This prompted collaborative projects between different research groups from European countries together with other specialists from Canada,?? the USA and Australia. This book??summarizes the advances achieved by these research groups after more than ten years of studies on radiation damage in biomolecular systems. The book will be of interest to researchers and advanced students in the fields of radiation physics, chemistry and radiation therapy
Keyword(s)1. Biological and Medical Physics, Biophysics 2. BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS 3. BIOPHYSICS 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. Effects of Radiation/Radiation Protection 7. Medical and Radiation Physics 8. Medical physics 9. Nucleic Acid Chemistry 10. Nucleic acids 11. RADIATION 12. Radiation protection 13. Radiation???Safety measures 14. Radiotherapy
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I05428     On Shelf    

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TitleNuclear Power and Energy Security
Author(s)Apikyan, Samuel;Diamond, David
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2010.
DescriptionXVI, 282 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThe basic logic is very simple. Countries around the globe have a need for more electrical generating capacity because of increases in population and increases in energy use per capita. The needs are constrained by the requirement that the ba- load energy source be economical, secure, and not emit climate-changing gases. Nuclear power fits this description. Therefore, many countries that have not had a nuclear power program (or only had a small program) see a need to develop one in the future. However, the development of a national nuclear energy program is not so simple. The purpose of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Nuclear Power and Energy Security was to contribute to our understanding of how these programs might evolve. The workshop took place 26???29 May 2009 in Yerevan, Armenia. Approximately 50 participants discussed the infrastructure that is needed and some of the reactor options that might be considered. The papers in this book helped define the discussion that took place. The infrastructure that is needed includes a legal framework, a functioning regulator, a plan for waste disposal, a plan for emergency response, etc. These needs were explained and just as importantly, it was explained what international, bilateral, and regional cooperation is available. Although there were many co- tries represented, the Armenian experience was of particular interest because of where the meeting was located. The papers on reactor options covered both innovative and evolutionary designs
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Effects of Radiation/Radiation Protection 4. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 5. Industrial safety 6. NUCLEAR ENERGY 7. Particle acceleration 8. Particle Acceleration and Detection, Beam Physics 9. QUALITY CONTROL 10. Quality Control, Reliability, Safety and Risk 11. Radiation protection 12. Radiation???Safety measures 13. RELIABILITY
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I05427     On Shelf    

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TitleSocio-Political Reflections and Civil Defense
Author(s)Wigner, E.P;Mehra, Jagdish
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1998.
DescriptionXI, 260 p : online resource
Abstract NoteE.P. Wigner, one of the leading scientists involved in the early development of nuclear technology, had always in mind its political and social implications. In the 60s persuing his goal of a peaceful open world he began to develop the concept of Civil Defense against nuclear attacks. Looking back one might see this as an alternative to the concept of the Nuclear Shield. The present volume contains a selection of Wigner's writings on this subject. It is annotated by Conrad Chester
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Effects of Radiation/Radiation Protection 4. ENGINEERING 5. Engineering, general 6. PHILOSOPHY 7. Philosophy, general 8. PHYSICS 9. Physics, general 10. Radiation protection 11. Radiation???Safety measures
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I04576     On Shelf    

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Author(s)Glaser, Roland
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1999.
DescriptionXVI, 361 p. 133 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThe message of this book is that biophysics is the science of physical principles underlying the "phenomenon life" on all levels of organization. Rather than teaching "physics for biologists" or "physical methods applied to biology", it regards its subject as a defined discipline with its own network of ideas and approaches. The book starts by explaining molecular structures of biological systems, various kinds of atomic, molecular and ionic interactions, movements, energy transfer, self organization of supramolecular structures and dynamic properties of biological membranes. It then goes on to introduce the biological organism as a non-equilibrium system, before treating thermodynamic concepts of osmotic and electrolyte equilibria as well as currents and potential profiles. It continues with topics of environmental biophysics and such medical aspects as the influence of electromagnetic fields or radiation on living systems and the biophysics of hearing and noice protection. The book concludes with a discussion of system analyses, including models of neural processes as well as of ecological interactions, growth, differentiation and evolution
Keyword(s)1. BIOCHEMISTRY 2. Biochemistry, general 3. Biological and Medical Physics, Biophysics 4. BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS 5. BIOPHYSICS 6. CELL BIOLOGY 7. EBOOK 8. EBOOK - SPRINGER 9. Effects of Radiation/Radiation Protection 10. Human physiology 11. Radiation protection 12. Radiation???Safety measures
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I02289     On Shelf    

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