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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
11 Munro, Deborah DIY MEMS I08696 2019 eBook  
12 Martellucci, S Optical Sensors and Microsystems I10882 2000 eBook  
13 Padmanabhan, Tattamangalam R Industrial Instrumentation I10608 2000 eBook  
14 L??th, Hans Solid Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films I08347 2010 eBook  
15 Ibach, Harald Physics of Surfaces and Interfaces I08189 2006 eBook  
16 Braha, Dan Complex Engineered Systems I07837 2006 eBook  
17 Martinez-Guerra, Rafael Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Nonlinear Systems I07186 2014 eBook  
18 Hafemeister, David Physics of Societal Issues I06819 2007 eBook  
19 Ono, Yoshio Solid Base Catalysis I06008 2011 eBook  
20 Van Sciver, Steven W Helium Cryogenics I05711 2012 eBook  
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TitleDIY MEMS : Fabricating Microelectromechanical Systems in Open Use Labs
Author(s)Munro, Deborah
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2019.
DescriptionXVI, 188 p. 19 illus., 4 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book describes the future of microscopically small medical devices and how to locate a lab to start conducting your own do-it-yourself microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) research in one of the many national, international, government, and other regional open use facilities, where you can quickly begin designing and fabricating devices for your applications. You will learn specific, tangible information on what MEMS are and how a device is fabricated, including what the main types of equipment are in these facilities. The book provides advice on working in a cleanroom, soft materials, collaboration, intellectual property and privacy issues, regulatory compliance, and how to navigate other issues that may arise. This book is primarily aimed at researchers and students who work at universities without MEMS facilities, and small companies who need access to MEMS resources. Introduces the MEMS fabrication processes and equipment Explains how to take the first steps - where to start and get initial advice and further assistance Includes a global list of MEMS facilities and resources with contact information
Keyword(s)1. Biomedical engineering 2. Biomedical Engineering/Biotechnology 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS 6. Electronic Circuits and Devices 7. ELECTRONICS 8. Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation 9. Industrial and Production Engineering 10. Industrial engineering 11. MICROELECTRONICS 12. NANOTECHNOLOGY 13. Nanotechnology and Microengineering 14. Production engineering
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I08696     On Shelf    

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TitleOptical Sensors and Microsystems : New Concepts, Materials, Technologies
Author(s)Martellucci, S;Chester, Arthur N;Mignani, Anna Grazia
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 2000.
DescriptionX, 318 p : online resource
Abstract NoteProceedings of the 22nd Course of the International School of Quantum Electronics, held 27 November-2 December 1997, in Erice, Italy. In recent years, fiber optical sensors and optical microsystems have assumed a significant role in sensing and measurement of many kinds. These optical techniques are utilised in a wide range of fields, including biomedicine, environmental sensing, mechanical and industrial measurement, and art preservation. This volume, an up-to-date survey of optical sensors and optical microsystems, aims at combining a tutorial foundation with analysis of current research in this area, and an extensive coverage of both technology and applications
Keyword(s)1. ACOUSTICS 2. CLASSICAL ELECTRODYNAMICS 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 6. ELECTRODYNAMICS 7. Industrial and Production Engineering 8. Industrial engineering 9. LASERS 10. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 11. OPTICS 12. Optics, Lasers, Photonics, Optical Devices 13. PHOTONICS 14. Production engineering
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I10882     On Shelf    

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TitleIndustrial Instrumentation : Principles and Design
Author(s)Padmanabhan, Tattamangalam R
PublicationLondon, Springer London, 2000.
DescriptionXXII, 643 p : online resource
Abstract NotePneumatic, hydraulic and allied instrumentation schemes have given way to electronic schemes in recent years thanks to the rapid strides in electronics and allied areas. Principles, design and applications of such state-of-the-art instrumentation schemes form the subject matter of this book. Through representative examples, the basic building blocks of instrumentation schemes are identified and each of these building blocks discussed in terms of its design and interface characteristics. The common generic schemes synthesized with such building blocks are dealt with subsequently. This forms the scope of Part I. The focus in Part II is on application. Displacement and allied instrumentation, force and allied instrumentation and process instrumentation in terms of temperature, flow, pressure level and other common process variables are dealt with separately and exhaustively. Despite the diversity in the sensor principles and characteristics and the variety in the applications and their environments, it is possible judiciously to carve out broad areas of application for each type of sensor and the instrumentation built around it. The last chapter categorises instrumentation schemes according to their different levels of complexity. Specific practical examples - especially at involved complexity levels - are discussed in detail
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. ELECTRONICS 4. Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation 5. Industrial and Production Engineering 6. Industrial engineering 7. Measurement Science and Instrumentation 8. Measurement?????? 9. MICROELECTRONICS 10. PHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS 11. Production engineering
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I10608     On Shelf    

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TitleSolid Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films
Author(s)L??th, Hans
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.
DescriptionXVI, 580 p. 418 illus., 8 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book emphasises both experimental and theoretical aspects of surface, interface and thin film physics. As in previous editions the preparation of surfaces and thin films, their atomic and morphological, their vibronic and electronic properties as well as fundamentals of adsorption are treated. Because of their importance in modern information technology and nanostructure physics particular emphasis is paid to electronic surface and interface states, semiconductor space charge layers and heterostructures as well as to superconductor/semiconductor interfaces and magnetic thin films. The latter topic was significantly extended in this new edition by more details about the giant magnetoresistance and a section about the spin-transfer torque mechanism including one new problem as exercise. Two new panels about Kerr-effect and spin-polarized scanning tunnelling microscopy were added, too. Furthermore, the meanwhile important group III-nitride surfaces and high-k oxide/semiconductor interfaces are shortly discussed in this new 5th edition of the book
Keyword(s)1. Characterization and Evaluation of Materials 2. CONDENSED MATTER 3. CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. Industrial and Production Engineering 7. Industrial engineering 8. Interfaces (Physical sciences) 9. MATERIALS SCIENCE 10. Materials???Surfaces 11. Production engineering 12. SEMICONDUCTORS 13. Surface and Interface Science, Thin Films 14. Surfaces (Physics) 15. Surfaces and Interfaces, Thin Films 16. THIN FILMS
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I08347     On Shelf    

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TitlePhysics of Surfaces and Interfaces
Author(s)Ibach, Harald
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.
DescriptionXII, 646 p. 350 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThis graduate-level textbook covers the major developments in surface sciences of recent decades, from experimental tricks and basic techniques to the latest experimental methods and theoretical understanding. It is unique in its attempt to treat the physics of surfaces, thin films and interfaces, surface chemistry, thermodynamics, statistical physics and the physics of the solid/electrolyte interface in an integral manner, rather than in separate compartments. The Physics of Surfaces and Interfaces is designed as a handbook for the researcher as well as a study-text for graduate students in physics or chemistry with special interest in the surface sciences, material science, or the nanosciences. The experienced researcher, professional or academic teacher will appreciate the opportunity to share many insights and ideas that have grown out of the author's long experience. Readers will likewise appreciate the wide range of topics treated, each supported by extensive references. Graduate students will benefit from the elementary introductions to experimental techniques and the clear presentations of the theory behind the techniques and the phenomena. Wherever possible, physical concepts are emphasized and the mathematical notation kept to a minimum; the verbal explanations are supported by 350 graphs and illustrations
Keyword(s)1. CONDENSED MATTER 2. CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. Industrial and Production Engineering 6. Industrial engineering 7. MATERIALS SCIENCE 8. Materials Science, general 9. Materials???Surfaces 10. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 11. Production engineering 12. Surfaces and Interfaces, Thin Films 13. THIN FILMS
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I08189     On Shelf    

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TitleComplex Engineered Systems : Science Meets Technology
Author(s)Braha, Dan;Minai, Ali A;Bar-Yam, Yaneer
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.
DescriptionX, 386 p : online resource
Abstract NoteEvery time that we take money out of an ATM, surf the internet or simply turn on a light switch, we enjoy the benefits of complex engineered systems. Systems like power grids and global communication networks are so ubiquitous in our daily lives that we usually take them for granted, only noticing them when they break down. But how do such amazing technologies and infrastructures come to be what they are? How are these systems designed? How do distributed networks work? How are they made to respond rapidly in 'real time'? And as the demands that we place on these systems become increasingly complex, are traditional systems-engineering practices still relevant? This volume examines the difficulties that arise in creating highly complex engineered systems and new approaches that are being adopted. Topics addressed range from the formal representation and classification of distributed networked systems to revolutionary engineering practices inspired by biological evolution. By bringing together the latest research in Complex Engineered Systems, this book sheds light on the current state and future course of this emerging field
Keyword(s)1. Applications of Mathematics 2. APPLIED MATHEMATICS 3. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 4. Biomedical engineering 5. Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering 6. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 7. DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 8. EBOOK 9. EBOOK - SPRINGER 10. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 11. ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 12. Industrial and Production Engineering 13. Industrial engineering 14. Production engineering 15. STATISTICAL PHYSICS
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I07837     On Shelf    

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TitleFault Detection and Diagnosis in Nonlinear Systems : A Differential and Algebraic Viewpoint
Author(s)Martinez-Guerra, Rafael;Mata-Machuca, Juan Luis
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2014.
DescriptionXVII, 128 p. 31 illus., 11 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThe high reliability required in industrial processes has created the necessity of detecting abnormal conditions, called faults, while processes are operating. The term fault generically refers to any type of process degradation, or degradation in equipment performance because of changes in the process's physical characteristics, process inputs or environmental conditions. This book is about the fundamentals of fault detection and diagnosis in a variety of nonlinear systems which are represented by ordinary differential equations. The fault detection problem is approached from a differential algebraic viewpoint, using residual generators based upon high-gain nonlinear auxiliary systems (???observers???). A prominent role is played by the type of mathematical tools that will be used, requiring knowledge of differential algebra and differential equations. Specific theorems tailored to the needs of the problem-solving procedures are developed and proved. Applications to real-world problems, both with constant and time-varying faults, are made throughout the book and include electromechanical positioning systems, the Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR), bioreactor models and belt drive systems, to name but a few
Keyword(s)1. Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Theory 2. DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 3. DYNAMICS 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. Industrial and Production Engineering 7. Industrial engineering 8. Mathematical Applications in the Physical Sciences 9. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 10. Production engineering 11. STATISTICAL PHYSICS 12. VIBRATION 13. Vibration, Dynamical Systems, Control
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I07186     On Shelf    

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TitlePhysics of Societal Issues : Calculations on National Security, Environment, and Energy
Author(s)Hafemeister, David
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer New York, 2007.
DescriptionXVIII, 487 p. 111 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteWhy this book on the Physics of Societal Issues? The subdivisions of physics - nuclear physics, particle physics, condensed-matter physics, biophysics - have their textbooks, while the subdivision of physics and society lacks an equation-oriented text on the physics of arms, energy and the environment. Physics of Societal Issues is intended for undergraduate and doctoral students who may work on applied topics, or who simply want to know why things are the way they are. Decisions guiding policies on nuclear arms, energy and the environment often seem mysterious and contradictory. What is the science behind the deployment of MIRVed ICBMs, the quest for space-based beam weapons, the fear of powerline EM fields, the wholesale acceptance of SUVs, the issues of climactic change, and the failure of the pre-embargo market to produce buildings and appliances that now save over 50 power plants? Physics of Societal Issues is three "mini-texts" in one: National Security (5 chapters): Weapons, offense, defense, verification, nuclear proliferation Environment (4 chapters): Air/water, nuclear, climate change, EM fields/epidemiology Energy (7 chapters): Current energy situation, buildings, solar buildings, renewables, enhanced end-use, transport, economics "Straightforward calculations and supporting analysis can significantly shape public policy. This insight is needed in Congress and the Executive Branch. Hafemeister, a former Congressional fellow with wide Washington experience, has written a book for physicists, chemists and engineers who want to learn science and policy on weapons, energy, and the environment. Scientists who want to make a difference will want this book." Richard Scribner, a Founder and first Director, Congressional Science and Engineering Fellow Program, AAAS "Hafemeister shows how much one can understand about nuclear weapons and missile issues through simple back-of-the-envelope calculations. He also provides compact explanations of the partially successful attempts that have been made over the past 60 years to control these weapons of mass destruction. Hopefully, Physics of Societal Issues will help interest a new generation of physicists in continuing this work." Frank von Hippel, Professor, Princeton University, former Assistant Director, National Security, White House, OSTP "Energy policy must be quantitative. People who don't calculate economic trade-offs often champion simplistic hardware. ???The solution is more .... nuclear power, or electric cars, or photovoltaics, etc.??? Some simple physics will show that the true solution matches supply and demand as an ???integrated resource plan.??? Physics of Societal Issues is a good place to begin this journey." Arthur Rosenfeld, California Energy Commissioner, Professor-emeritus, University of California-Berkeley "Political analysis of public policies that ignores technical reality is about as useful as technical analysis that ignores political reality. In this book, David Hafemeister demonstrates a solid grasp of both the technical and political realities that have shaped US arms control and defense policy for the past five decades. This is a rare treat." Dean Wilkening, Science Director, Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University
Keyword(s)1. Applied and Technical Physics 2. Data-driven Science, Modeling and Theory Building 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. ECONOPHYSICS 6. Energy and state 7. Energy policy 8. Energy Policy, Economics and Management 9. ENGINEERING 10. Engineering, general 11. Industrial and Production Engineering 12. Industrial engineering 13. PHYSICS 14. Physics, general 15. Production engineering 16. Sociophysics
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I06819     On Shelf    

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TitleSolid Base Catalysis
Author(s)Ono, Yoshio;Hattori, Hideshi
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
DescriptionXIII, 421 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThe importance of solid base catalysts has come to be recognized for their environmentally benign qualities, and much significant progress has been made over the past two decades in catalytic materials and solid base-catalyzed reactions. The book is focused on the solid base. Because of the advantages over liquid bases, the use of solid base catalysts in organic synthesis is expanding. Solid bases are easier to dispose than liquid bases, separation and recovery of products, catalysts and solvents are less difficult, and they are non-corrosive. Furthermore, base-catalyzed reactions can be performed without using solvents and even in the gas phase, opening up more possibilities for discovering novel reaction systems. Using numerous examples, the present volume describes the remarkable role solid base catalysis can play, given the ever increasing worldwide importance of "green" chemistry. The reader will obtain an overall view of solid base catalysis and gain insight into the versatility of the reactions to which solid base catalysts can be utilized. The concept and significance of solid base catalysis are discussed, followed by descriptions of various methods for the characterization of solid bases, including spectroscopic methods and test reactions. The preparation and properties of base materials are presented in detail, with the two final chapters devoted to surveying the variety of reactions catalyzed by solid bases
Keyword(s)1. Applied and Technical Physics 2. Catalysis 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. Industrial and Production Engineering 6. Industrial engineering 7. Interfaces (Physical sciences) 8. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 9. PHYSICS 10. Production engineering 11. Surface and Interface Science, Thin Films 12. Surfaces (Physics) 13. THIN FILMS
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I06008     On Shelf    

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TitleHelium Cryogenics
Author(s)Van Sciver, Steven W
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer New York, 2012.
DescriptionXXIV, 470 p. 220 illus., 9 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteTwenty five years have elapsed since the original publication of Helium Cryogenics. During this time, a considerable amount of research and development involving helium fluids has been carried out culminating in several large-scale projects. Furthermore, the field has matured through these efforts so that there is now a broad engineering base to assist the development of future projects. Helium Cryogenics, 2nd edition brings these advances in helium cryogenics together in an updated form. As in the original edition, the author's approach is to survey the field of cryogenics with emphasis on helium fluids. This approach is more specialized and fundamental than that contained in other cryogenics books, which treat the associated range of cryogenic fluids. As a result, the level of treatment is more advanced and assumes a certain knowledge of fundamental engineering and physics principles, including some quantum mechanics. The goal throughout the work is to bridge the gap between the physics and engineering aspects of helium fluids to provide a source for engineers and scientists to enhance their usefulness in low-temperature systems. Dr. Van Sciver is a Distinguished Research Professor and John H. Gorrie Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Florida State University. He is also a Program Director at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL). Dr. Van?? Sciver joined the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering and the NHMFL in 1991, initiating and teaching a graduate program in magnet and materials engineering and in cryogenic thermal sciences and heat transfer. He also led the NHMFL development efforts of the cryogenic systems for the NHMFL Hybrid and 900 MHz NMR superconducting magnets. Between 1997 and 2003, he served as Director of Magnet Science and Technology at the NHMFL. Dr. Van Sciver is a Fellow of the ASME and the Cryogenic Society of America and American Editor for the journal Cryogenics. He is the 2010 recipient of the Kurt Mendelssohn Award. Prior to joining Florida State University, Dr. Van Sciver was Research Scientist and then Professor of Nuclear Engineering, Engineering Physics and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from 1976 to 1991. During that time he also served as the Associate Director of the Applied Superconductivity Center. Dr. Van Sciver received his PhD in Low Temperature Physics from the University of Washington-Seattle in 1976. He received his BS degree in Engineering Physics from Lehigh University in 1970. Dr. Van Sciver is author of over 200 publications and patents in low temperature physics, liquid helium technology, cryogenic engineering and magnet technology. The first edition of Helium Cryogenics was published by Plenum Press (1986). The present work is an update and expansion of that original project
Keyword(s)1. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer 5. Heat engineering 6. HEAT TRANSFER 7. Industrial and Production Engineering 8. Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering 9. Industrial engineering 10. LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 11. LOW TEMPERATURES 12. MASS TRANSFER 13. Production engineering 14. THERMODYNAMICS
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I05711     On Shelf    

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