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Author | Title | Accn# | Year | Item Type | Claims |
1 |
Zierep, J??rgen |
Principles of Fluid Mechanics |
I12499 |
2022 |
Book |
2 |
Zierep, J??rgen |
Symposium Transsonicum III |
I04393 |
1989 |
eBook |
Title | Principles of Fluid Mechanics : Fundamentals, Statics and Dynamics of Fluids |
Author(s) | Zierep, J??rgen;B??hler, Karl |
Publication | Wiesbaden, 1. Imprint: Springer
2. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2022. |
Description | XXI, 237 p. 211 illus : online resource |
Abstract Note | This mature textbook brings the fundamentals of fluid mechanics in a concise and mathematically understandable presentation. In the current edition, a section on dissipation and viscous potential flows has been added. Exercises with solutions help to apply the material correctly and promote understanding. This book is a translation of the original German 11th edition Grundz??ge der Str??mungslehre by J??rgen Zierep & Karl B??hler, published by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2018. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service DeepL.com). A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors. The Contents Introduction - Hydro-aerostatics - Hydro-aerodynamics - Streamline theory - Frictionless flows - Plane spatial flows - Flows with friction The Target groups Students of mechanical engineering, process engineering and chemical engineering at technical universities and colleges. The Authors Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. Dr. techn. E. h. Dr. h. c. J??rgen Zierep held the chair of fluid mechanics at the Technical University in Karlsruhe and is honorary professor at BUAA (Beijing University for Aeronautics and Astronautics). Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Karl B??hler teaches and conducts research at Offenburg University of Applied Sciences in the Faculty of Mechanical and Process Engineering. |
ISBN,Price | 9783658348120 |
Keyword(s) | 1. EBOOK
3. Engineering Fluid Dynamics
Item Type | Book |
Multi-Media Links
Please Click here for eBook
Circulation Data
Accession# | |
Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I12499 |
On Shelf |
| |
Title | Symposium Transsonicum III : IUTAM Symposium G??ttingen, 24.???27.5.1988 |
Author(s) | Zierep, J??rgen;Oertel, H |
Publication | Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1989. |
Description | XIX, 504 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | Continuing the tradition of the IUTAM Symposia TRANSSONICA, this review of the numerical simulation and physical modelling of transonic flows presents new developments in the fields of computational and experimental aerodynamics. A major topic of the symposium proceedings is the evaluation of present numerical analysis techniques with respect to transonic aerodynamics. In the field of experimental aerodynamics, the high Reynolds number effect and the interference-free testing in transonic wind tunnels are of special interest |
ISBN,Price | 9783642835841 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Automotive engineering
6. Engineering, general
7. Manufactures
8. Manufacturing, Machines, Tools, Processes
Item Type | eBook |
Multi-Media Links
Please Click here for eBook
Circulation Data
Accession# | |
Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I04393 |
On Shelf |
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