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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
1 Pismen, Len Morphogenesis Deconstructed I08906 2020 eBook  
2 Tsuji, Kinko Spirals and Vortices I08660 2019 eBook  
3 Bunde, Armin Diffusive Spreading in Nature, Technology and Society I08549 2018 eBook  
4 Marro, Joaqu??n Physics, Nature and Society I05850 2014 eBook  
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TitleMorphogenesis Deconstructed : An Integrated View of the Generation of Forms
Author(s)Pismen, Len
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2020.
DescriptionVIII, 146 p. 2 illus., 1 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book is about morphogenesis as the genesis of forms. It is not restricted to plants growing from seed or animals developing from an embryo (although these do supply the most abundant examples) but also addresses kindred processes, from inorganic to social to biomorphic technology. It is about our morphogenetic universe: unplanned, unfair and frustratingly complicated but benevolent in allowing us to emerge, survive, and inquire into its laws
Keyword(s)1. Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Theory 2. Applied sociology 3. COMPLEXITY 4. COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY 5. Developmental biology 6. EBOOK 7. EBOOK - SPRINGER 8. Evolutionary Biology 9. Plant anatomy 10. Plant Anatomy/Development 11. Plant development 12. Social/Human Development Studies 13. STATISTICAL PHYSICS
Item TypeeBook
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Accession#  Call#StatusIssued ToReturn Due On Physical Location
I08906     On Shelf    

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TitleSpirals and Vortices : In Culture, Nature, and Science
Author(s)Tsuji, Kinko;M??ller, Stefan C
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2019.
DescriptionXVI, 298 p. 197 illus., 133 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis richly illustrated book explores the fascinating and ubiquitous occurrence of spirals and vortices in human culture and in nature. Spiral forms have been used as elements in the arts for thousands of years, whereas their role in nature and science ??? from DNA and sea shells to galaxies ??? is still a topic of investigation in numerous fields. Following an introduction to the cultural history of spiral forms, the book presents contributions from leading experts, who describe the origins, mechanisms and dynamics of spirals and vortices in their special fields. As a whole the book provides a valuable source of information, while also taking the reader on an aesthetic and scientific journey through the world of spiral forms
Keyword(s)1. ARTS 2. Civilization???History 3. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 4. Cultural History 5. Developmental biology 6. DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 7. EBOOK 8. EBOOK - SPRINGER 9. Human physiology 10. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 11. STATISTICAL PHYSICS
Item TypeeBook
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Accession#  Call#StatusIssued ToReturn Due On Physical Location
I08660     On Shelf    

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TitleDiffusive Spreading in Nature, Technology and Society
Author(s)Bunde, Armin;Caro, J??rgen;K??rger, J??rg;Vogl, Gero
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2018.
DescriptionXVI, 418 p. 148 illus., 103 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book deals with randomly moving objects and their spreading. The objects considered are particles like atoms and molecules, just as living beings like humans, animals, plants, bacteria and even abstract entities like ideas, rumors, information, innovations and linguistic features. The book explores and communicates the laws behind these movements and reports about astonishing similarities and very specific features typical of the given object under considerations. Leading scientists in disciplines as different as archeology, epidemics, linguistics and sociology, in contact with their colleagues from engineering, natural sciences and mathematics, introduce into the phenomena of spreading as relevant for their fields. An introductory chapter on ???Spreading Fundamentals??? provides a common basis for all these considerations, with a minimum of mathematics, selected and presented for enjoying rather than frustrating the reader
Keyword(s)1. Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Theory 2. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 3. Data-driven Science, Modeling and Theory Building 4. Developmental biology 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. ECONOPHYSICS 8. Epidemiology 9. GEOPHYSICS 10. Geophysics and Environmental Physics 11. Sociophysics 12. STATISTICAL PHYSICS 13. SYSTEM THEORY
Item TypeeBook
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Accession#  Call#StatusIssued ToReturn Due On Physical Location
I08549     On Shelf    

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TitlePhysics, Nature and Society : A Guide to Order and Complexity in Our World
Author(s)Marro, Joaqu??n
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2014.
DescriptionXII, 204 p. 146 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThis wide-ranging and accessible book serves as a fascinating guide to the strategies and concepts that help us understand the boundaries between physics, on the one hand, and sociology, economics, and biology on the other. From cooperation and criticality to flock dynamics and fractals, the author addresses many of the topics belonging to the broad theme of complexity. He chooses excellent examples (requiring no prior mathematical knowledge) to illuminate these ideas and their implications. The lively style and clear description of the relevant models will appeal both to novices and those with an existing knowledge of the field
Keyword(s)1. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 2. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 3. Developmental biology 4. DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. GAME THEORY 8. Game Theory, Economics, Social and Behav. Sciences 9. Popular Science, general 10. Popular works 11. STATISTICAL PHYSICS 12. Statistical Physics and Dynamical Systems
Item TypeeBook
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Circulation Data
Accession#  Call#StatusIssued ToReturn Due On Physical Location
I05850     On Shelf    

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