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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
1 Khakshournia, Samad The Art of Gluing Space-Time Manifolds I12922 2023 eBook  
2 Petrov, Albert Introduction to Modified Gravity I12903 2023 eBook  
3 Vasak, David Covariant Canonical Gauge Gravity I12889 2023 eBook  
4 Hari Dass, N. D Strings to Strings I12886 2023 eBook  
5 Hartmann, Betti Gravity, Cosmology, and Astrophysics I12857 2023 eBook  
6 Cecotti, Sergio Introduction to String Theory I12853 2023 eBook  
7 Pfeifer, Christian Modified and Quantum Gravity I12848 2023 eBook  
8 Delhom, Adri?? Instabilities in Field Theory I12828 2023 eBook  
9 Grave de Peralta, Luis Relativistic and Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics I12815 2023 eBook  
10 Liang, Canbin Differential Geometry and General Relativity I12761 2023 eBook  
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TitleThe Art of Gluing Space-Time Manifolds : Methods and Applications
Author(s)Khakshournia, Samad;Mansouri, Reza
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
DescriptionVIII, 122 p. 1 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThis concise book reviews methods used for gluing space-time manifolds together. It is therefore relevant to theorists working on branes, walls, domain walls, concepts frequently used in theoretical cosmology, astrophysics, and gravity theory. Nowadays, applications are also in theoretical condensed matter physics where Riemannian geometry appears. The book also reviews the history of matching conditions between two space-time manifolds from the early times of general relativity up to now
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I12922     On Shelf    

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TitleIntroduction to Modified Gravity
Author(s)Petrov, Albert;Nascimento, Jose Roberto;Porfirio, Paulo
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionVIII, 104 p. 1 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book reviews various modified gravity models, including those with modifications in the pure gravitational sector; those involving extra fields, that is, scalar-tensor and vector-tensor gravity theories; gravity models with Lorentz symmetry breaking; and nonlocal gravity models. The authors discuss both classical and quantum aspects of these theories. The book is unique in bringing together all the current alternatives to Einstein gravity in one source and serves as an excellent starting point for graduate students and other newcomers seeking an overview. This second edition has been expanded with new results from a variety of approaches including f(R,Q,P) gravity, galileon gravity and massive gravity. Extended discussions of Lorentz-breaking terms and of non-local field theory have been added and a completely new chapter is devoted to models based on non-Riemannian geometry
Keyword(s)1. Alternative Relativity 2. Classical and Quantum Gravity 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. GRAVITATION 5. GRAVITATIONAL PHYSICS 6. Relativity (Physics)
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I12903     On Shelf    

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TitleCovariant Canonical Gauge Gravity
Author(s)Vasak, David;Struckmeier, J??rgen;Kirsch, Johannes
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionX, 207 p. 12 illus., 10 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book starts with the mathematical basis of the theory - i.e. provide a brief sketch of the theory of manifolds and frame bundles, tensors and their transformations, relativistic kinematics, and aspects of non-flat space-time geometries. The definition of relevant physical quantities (torsion, curvature, non-metricity, tetrads, connection fields etc.) and important geometry concepts are also included. The main body of the book is devoted to a detailed derivation of the gauge theory of gravitation for scalar, vector (Proca and Maxwell) and Dirac spinor fields. Alternative approaches based on the Noether theorem and on the spinorial representation of the fields are also addressed, as well as important novel features related to the CCGG framework (Birkhoff theorem, field derivative identities etc.). In the last section of the volume the application of the CCGG theory to cosmology will be set out, resulting in a new understanding of dark energy and inflation.
Keyword(s)1. Classical and Quantum Gravity 2. COSMOLOGY 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. Elementary particles (Physics) 5. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 6. GRAVITATION 7. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY
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I12889     On Shelf    

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TitleStrings to Strings : Yang-Mills Flux Tubes, QCD Strings and Effective String Theories
Author(s)Hari Dass, N. D
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionXX, 464 p. 18 illus., 2 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book presents the essentials culminating in the effective string theory of flux tubes in meticulous technical and conceptual detail. The book is divided into four parts. Part One provides historical background, while Part Two (consisting of 14 chapters) covers the passage from Heisenberg's S-matrix theory to String Theory. This includes non-perturbative LSZ formalism, dispersion relations, Regge poles, duality and dual resonance models. Part Three offers a comprehensive analysis of QCD, focusing on important concepts like asymptotic freedom and quark confinement. The section also delves into lattice gauge theories and effective descriptions of superconductivity and strong interactions. Part Four, the final two chapters, describe the lattice gauge theory determinations of Yang-Mills flux tubes in three and four dimensions and effective string theories, including their systematic constructions. These chapters provide detailed technical information to help readers, especially students, develop their expertise in these ideas. This book is ideal for graduate students, postdocs, and senior researchers looking to deepen their understanding of effective string theory and related concepts
Keyword(s)1. Classical and Quantum Gravity 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. GRAVITATION 4. Mathematical Methods in Physics 5. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 6. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
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I12886     On Shelf    

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TitleGravity, Cosmology, and Astrophysics : A Journey of Exploration and Discovery with Female Pioneers
Author(s)Hartmann, Betti;Kunz, Jutta
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
DescriptionXXII, 315 p. 116 illus., 90 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via
Keyword(s)1. ASTROPHYSICS 2. Classical and Quantum Gravity 3. COSMOLOGY 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. Elementary particles (Physics) 6. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 7. GRAVITATION 8. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 9. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY 10. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
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I12857     On Shelf    

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TitleIntroduction to String Theory
Author(s)Cecotti, Sergio
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionXXIX, 828 p. 30 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteGraduate students typically enter into courses on string theory having little to no familiarity with the mathematical background so crucial to the discipline. As such, this book, based on lecture notes, edited and expanded, from the graduate course taught by the author at SISSA and BIMSA, places particular emphasis on said mathematical background. The target audience for the book includes students of both theoretical physics and mathematics. This explains the book???s "strange" style: on the one hand, it is highly didactic and explicit, with a host of examples for the physicists, but, in addition, there are also almost 100 separate technical boxes, appendices, and starred sections, in which matters discussed in the main text are put into a broader mathematical perspective, while deeper and more rigorous points of view (particularly those from the modern era) are presented. The boxes also serve to further shore up the reader???s understanding of the underlying math. In writing this book,the author???s goal was not to achieve any sort of definitive conciseness, opting instead for clarity and "completeness". To this end, several arguments are presented more than once from different viewpoints and in varying contexts.
Keyword(s)1. Classical and Quantum Gravity 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. GRAVITATION 4. Manifolds (Mathematics) 5. Manifolds and Cell Complexes 6. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 7. PARTICLE PHYSICS 8. PARTICLES (NUCLEAR PHYSICS) 9. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
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I12853     On Shelf    

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TitleModified and Quantum Gravity : From Theory to Experimental Searches on All Scales
Author(s)Pfeifer, Christian;L??mmerzahl, Claus
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionXIV, 550 p. 56 illus., 43 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book discusses theoretical predictions and their comparison with experiments of extended and modified classical and quantum theories of gravity. The goal is to provide a readable access and broad overview over different approaches to the topic to graduate and PhD students as well as to young researchers. The book presents both, theoretical and experimental insights and is structured in three parts. The first addresses the theoretical models beyond special and general relativity such as string theory, Poincare gauge theory and teleparallelism as well as Finsler gravity. In turn, the second part is focused on the observational effects that these models generate, accounting for tests and comparisons which can be made on all possible scales: from the universe as a whole via binary systems, stars, black holes, satellite experiments, down to laboratory experiments at micrometer and smaller scales. The last part of this book is dedicated to quantum systems and gravity, showing tests of classical gravity with quantum systems, and coupling of quantum matter and gravity
Keyword(s)1. Alternative Relativity 2. ASTROPHYSICS 3. Classical and Quantum Gravity 4. COSMOLOGY 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. GRAVITATION 7. GRAVITATIONAL PHYSICS 8. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 9. Relativity (Physics) 10. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
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I12848     On Shelf    

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TitleInstabilities in Field Theory : A Primer with Applications in Modified Gravity
Author(s)Delhom, Adri??;Jim??nez Cano, Alejandro;Maldonado Torralba, Francisco Jos??
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
DescriptionXI, 71 p. 3 illus., 2 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book presents the most common types of instabilities arising in classical field theories, namely tachyonic, Laplacian, ghost-like or strong coupling instabilities, also commenting on their quantum implications. The authors provide a detailed account on the Ostrogradski theorem and its implications for higher-order time-derivative field theories. After presenting the general concepts and formalism, they dive into its applications to particular field theories, using mainly modified gravity theories as examples. The book is intended for advanced undergraduate/graduate students, but can also be useful for researchers, for having a unified exposition of general results on instabilities in field theory and examples of their applications
Keyword(s)1. Classical and Quantum Gravity 2. COSMOLOGY 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. Elementary particles (Physics) 5. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 6. GRAVITATION 7. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 8. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY 9. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
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I12828     On Shelf    

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TitleRelativistic and Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics : Both at Once
Author(s)Grave de Peralta, Luis;Fern??ndez Lozada, Maricela;Farooq, Hira;Eichman, Gage;Singh, Abhishek;Prime, Gabrielle
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
DescriptionXI, 170 p. 52 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteCurrently, relativistic quantum mechanics is considered an advanced topic only accessible to students who have already received considerable training in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. However, the authors believe that they have found an excellent pedagogic approach for simultaneously introducing both topics. This book is considered an Introductory Quantum Mechanics textbook that presents relativistic quantum mechanics to interested learners with no previous knowledge of it. The authors avoid utilization of the well-known Lorentz invariant equations. Additionally, they only refer to the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations to justify the use of the Poveda-Poirier-Grave de Peralta (PPGP) equations, upon which this book is solely based (while sporadically referring to well-known results obtained using the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations to avoid unnecessary complications in an introductory book). There also exist two complementary Schr??dinger-like and Pauli-like PPGP equations, thesolutions of which are identical to the respective solutions of the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations associated with negative kinetic energies. These equations??? relation to the existence of antiparticles is discussed. The intended readership is undergraduate physics, chemistry, and engineering students with no previous knowledge of quantum mechanics, as well as graduate students and professionals interested in the subject
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I12815     On Shelf    

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TitleDifferential Geometry and General Relativity : Volume 1
Author(s)Liang, Canbin;Zhou, Bin
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
DescriptionXXX, 546 p. 179 illus., 2 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book, the first in a three-volume set, explains general relativity using the mathematical tool of differential geometry. The book consists of ten chapters, the first five of which introduce differential geometry, which is widely applicable even outside the field of relativity. Chapter 6 analyzes special relativity using geometric language. In turn, the last four chapters introduce readers to the fundamentals of general relativity. Intended for beginners, this volume includes numerous exercises and worked-out example in each chapter to facilitate the learning experience. Chiefly written for graduate-level courses, the book???s content will also benefit upper-level undergraduate students, and can be used as a reference guide for practicing theoretical physicists
Keyword(s)1. Classical and Quantum Gravity 2. COSMOLOGY 3. DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. GEOMETRY, DIFFERENTIAL 6. GRAVITATION 7. Mathematical Methods in Physics 8. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS
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I12761     On Shelf    

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