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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
1 Khaneja, Navin High Energy Physics I13255 2024 eBook  
2 Mehta, Umang Postmodern Fermi Liquids I13199 2024 eBook  
3 Jena, Satyajit Proceedings of the XXV DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics (HEP) Symposium 2022, 12???16 December, Mohali, India I13101 2024 eBook  
4 Yamanouchi, Kaoru Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science XVII I13048 2024 eBook  
5 Tsamparlis, Michael Solved Problems and Systematic Introduction to Special Relativity I13022 2024 eBook  
6 Flynn, Vincent Paul Effective Non-Hermiticity and Topology in Markovian Quadratic Bosonic Dynamics I13009 2024 eBook  
7 Bassi, Angelo Physics and the Nature of Reality I12964 2024 eBook  
8 Semenoff, Gordon Walter Quantum Field Theory I12899 2023 eBook  
9 Bir??, Tam??s S??ndor Variational Principles in Physics I12868 2023 eBook  
10 Ji, Chueng-Ryong Relativistic Quantum Invariance I12770 2023 eBook  
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TitleHigh Energy Physics : A Level and Transition Approach
Author(s)Khaneja, Navin
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
DescriptionXIII, 115 p. 59 illus., 13 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book offers a comprehensive exploration of the phenomenology surrounding high-energy particle interactions. When particles possess kinetic energy surpassing their rest energy, remarkable phenomena occur. Colliding particles at such high energies can lead to the creation of entirely new particles, illuminating the intricate workings of the universe. Through vivid explanations, this book elucidates the intricate processes that unfold during particle collisions. From proton collisions yielding pions and kaons to electron-positron collisions producing muons, each collision unveils a tapestry of particle interactions. Central to these interactions is the exchange of photons, which come in various forms. Among them are electromagnetic (EM) photons, akin to the light photons that bind electrons to protons within atoms. Then, there are the heavy bosons responsible for beta decay, crucial mediators of weak interactions that govern the decay of particles such as muons and pions. Additionally, there exist photons that bind quarks within protons and neutrons, facilitating the strong force that holds atomic nuclei together. In 'High Energy Physics: A Level and Transition Approach,' we embark on a journey through the diverse array of particles and photons that orchestrate these interactions, shedding light on the fundamental forces shaping the fabric of our universe
Keyword(s)1. ASTRONOMY 2. Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics 3. ATOMS 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. MOLECULES 7. Nuclear and Particle Physics 8. NUCLEAR PHYSICS 9. PARTICLE PHYSICS 10. PARTICLES (NUCLEAR PHYSICS) 11. PHYSICS 12. PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY 13. QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS 14. Quantum Electrodynamics, Relativistic and Many-body Calculations
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I13255     On Shelf    

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TitlePostmodern Fermi Liquids
Author(s)Mehta, Umang
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
DescriptionXV, 102 p. 9 illus., 8 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis thesis develops a new approach to Fermi liquids based on the mathematical formalism of coadjoint orbits, allowing Landau???s Fermi liquid theory to be recast in a simple and elegant way as a field theory. The theory of Fermi liquids is a cornerstone of condensed matter physics with many applications, but efforts to cast Landau???s Fermi liquid theory in the modern language of effective field theory suffer from technical and conceptual difficulties: the Fermi surface seems to defy a simple effective field theory description. This thesis reviews the recently-developed formalism for Fermi liquids that exploits an underlying structure described by the group of canonical transformations of a single particle phase space. This infinite-dimensional group governs the space of states of zero temperature Fermi liquids and allows one to write down a nonlinear, bosonized action that reproduces Landau???s kinetic theory in the classical limit. The thesis then describes how that Fermi liquid theory can essentially be thought of as a non-trivial representation of the Lie group of canonical transformations, bringing it within the fold of effective theories in many-body physics whose structure is determined by symmetries. After analyzing the benefits and limitations of this geometric formalism, pathways to extensions of the formalism to include superconducting and magnetic phases, as well as applications to the problem of non-Fermi liquids, are discussed. The thesis begins with a pedagogical review of Fermi liquid theory and concludes with a discussion on possible future directions for Fermi surface physics, and more broadly, the usefulness of diffeomorphism groups in condensed matter physics
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Elementary particles (Physics) 4. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 5. LIE GROUPS 6. LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 7. LOW TEMPERATURES 8. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 9. QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS 10. Quantum Electrodynamics, Relativistic and Many-body Calculations 11. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY 12. Quantum Fluids and Solids 13. QUANTUM STATISTICS 14. TOPOLOGICAL GROUPS 15. Topological Groups and Lie Groups
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I13199     On Shelf    

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TitleProceedings of the XXV DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics (HEP) Symposium 2022, 12???16 December, Mohali, India
Author(s)Jena, Satyajit;Shivaji, Ambresh;Bhardwaj, Vishal;Lochan, Kinjalk;Jassal, Harvinder Kaur;Joseph, Anosh;Khuswaha, Pankaj
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.
DescriptionXLV, 1311 p. 571 illus., 543 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book presents the proceedings of the XXV DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics (HEP) Symposium 2022, held at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali, India. This proceeding marks the 25th edition. The latest results covering both the theoretical and the experimental aspects of the HEP research were presented under 10 broad topics ranging from Astroparticle and cosmology to Higgs and top quark physics, namely (1) article Astrophysics and Cosmology, (2) Beyond Standard Model Physics, (3) Formal Theory, (4) Detector Development Future Facilities and Experiments, (5) Relativistic Heavy-Ion Physics and QCD, (6) Higgs Physics, (7) Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics, (9) Societal Applications: Medical Physics, Imaging, and (10) Top Quark and EW Physics
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Nuclear and Particle Physics 4. NUCLEAR PHYSICS 5. QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS 6. Quantum Electrodynamics, Relativistic and Many-body Calculations 7. Quantum Imaging and Sensing 8. QUANTUM PHYSICS
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I13101     On Shelf    

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TitleProgress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science XVII
Author(s)Yamanouchi, Kaoru;DiMauro, Louis F;Hill, III, Wendell T
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
DescriptionXVI, 215 p. 113 illus., 92 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book covers a broad range of interdisciplinary topics, focusing on atoms and molecules in intense laser fields, excitation processes in intense laser fields, photonics and materials, high-order harmonics generation, XFEL, high-power lasers and their applications, and quantum computing. This seventeenth volume features contributions from world-renowned researchers on topics such as applications of attosecond and femtosecond laser pulses, coherence and dynamics in quantum systems, and applications of super-intense laser fields. The PUILS series delivers up-to-date reviews of progress in this emerging interdisciplinary research field, spanning atomic and molecular physics, molecular science, and optical science, which has been stimulated by the recent developments in ultrafast laser technologies. Each volume compiles peer-reviewed articles authored by researchers at the forefront of each of their own subfields of ultrafast intense laser science. Every chapter opens with an overview of the topics to be discussed, so that researchers unfamiliar with the subfield, especially graduate students, can grasp the importance and attractions of the research topic at hand; these are followed by reports of cutting-edge discoveries
Keyword(s)1. Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics 2. ATOMS 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. Laser-Matter Interaction 6. LASERS 7. MOLECULES 8. QUANTUM COMPUTERS 9. Quantum computing 10. QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS 11. Quantum Electrodynamics, Relativistic and Many-body Calculations 12. X-RAY SPECTROSCOPY
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I13048     On Shelf    

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TitleSolved Problems and Systematic Introduction to Special Relativity
Author(s)Tsamparlis, Michael
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2024.
DescriptionXX, 485 p. 65 illus., 1 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteIn most undergraduate physics classes Special Relativity is taught from a simplistic point of view using Newtonian concepts rather than the relativistic way of thinking. This results in students often finding it difficult to understand properly the new approach/new ideas, and consequently to solve relativistic problems. Furthermore, a number of books treat the theory using advanced mathematics which is not necessary for the first approach to the theory. This book is intended to serve two roles: a. To treat a student in a systematic constructive way to the basic structure of the theory and b. To provide a large number of solved in-detail problems in the kinematics and dynamics of Special Relativity. Concerning the first aim the book introduces the basics of four-dimensional mathematics, i.e., Lorentz metric, relativistic tensors, and prepares, through working examples, the transition to General Relativity, which requires, besides the relativistic concepts, the use of Differential Geometry and tensor analysis. The presentation is concise and does not replace a book on Special Relativity. Concerning the second intention the large number of problems provides the necessary material which can be used in order to familiarize the student with the relativistic ???world???. These problems can be used in the class by the teachers either as working examples or as problem sheets. It will be our pleasure if the book will be useful to both students and teachers
Keyword(s)1. ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY 2. Applications of Mathematics 3. CLASSICAL MECHANICS 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. MATHEMATICS 7. MECHANICS 8. QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS 9. Quantum Electrodynamics, Relativistic and Many-body Calculations 10. SPECIAL RELATIVITY 11. Special relativity (Physics)
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I13022     On Shelf    

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TitleEffective Non-Hermiticity and Topology in Markovian Quadratic Bosonic Dynamics
Author(s)Flynn, Vincent Paul
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
DescriptionXXI, 238 p. 24 illus., 23 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis thesis provides an in-depth investigation of effective non-Hermiticity and topology in many-mode, non-interacting, bosonic systems. It also establishes the extent to which one must move beyond the Hamiltonian, closed-system setting, in order to uncover signatures of genuine symmetry-protected topological (SPT) physics in "free" (mean-field) bosons. While SPT phases of free fermionic matter and their associated zero-energy boundary-localized modes have been thoroughly explored, similar physics in free bosonic systems still remains elusive. No fermionic counterpart exists for the distinctive dynamical behavior that arises from the effective non-Hermiticity, intrinsic even at equilibrium, to bosonic Hamiltonians. Therefore, a much needed paradigm shift is required to address major conceptual roadblocks in the search for SPT bosonic phases. The analysis within develops, in particular, the notion of topological metastability in quadratic bosonic systems subject to Markovian dissipation. The resulting dynamical paradigm was found to be characterized by both a sharp separation between transient and asymptotic dynamics and non-trivial topological invariants. It also features long-lived boundary-localized "Majorana boson" and "Dirac boson" modes, which realize tight bosonic analogues to the edge modes characteristic of fermionic SPT phases. This comprehensive look into non-interacting bosonic systems breaks important new ground for re-imagining quantum phenomena beyond equilibrium, with novel applications in quantum science
Keyword(s)1. DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. Elementary particles (Physics) 5. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 6. Mathematical Methods in Physics 7. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 8. QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS 9. Quantum Electrodynamics, Relativistic and Many-body Calculations 10. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY 11. Quantum Fluids and Solids 12. QUANTUM OPTICS 13. QUANTUM STATISTICS
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I13009     On Shelf    

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TitlePhysics and the Nature of Reality : Essays in Memory of Detlef D??rr
Author(s)Bassi, Angelo;Goldstein, Sheldon;Tumulka, Roderich;Zangh??, Nino
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2024.
DescriptionXV, 450 p. 47 illus., 24 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis volume commemorates the scientific contributions of Detlef D??rr (1951???2021) to foundational questions of physics. It presents new contributions from his former students, collaborators, and colleagues about their current research on topics inspired or influenced by D??rr. These topics are drawn from physics, mathematics, and philosophy of nature, and concern interpretations of quantum theory, new developments of Bohmian mechanics, the role of typicality, quantum physics in relativistic space-time, classical and quantum electrodynamics, and statistical mechanics. The volume thus also gives a snapshot of present research in the foundations of physics
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Foundations of Physics and Cosmology 4. PHILOSOPHY OF PHYSICS 5. PHYSICS 6. QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS 7. Quantum Electrodynamics, Relativistic and Many-body Calculations 8. QUANTUM PHYSICS 9. SCIENCE 10. STATISTICAL MECHANICS
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I12964     On Shelf    

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TitleQuantum Field Theory : An Introduction
Author(s)Semenoff, Gordon Walter
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
DescriptionX, 403 p. 40 illus., 5 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis textbook is intended to be used in an introductory course in quantum field theory. It assumes the standard undergraduate education of a physics major and it is designed to appeal to a wide array of physics graduate students, from those studying theoretical and experimental high energy physics to those interested in condensed matter, optical, atomic, nuclear and astrophysicists. It includes a thorough development of the field theoretic approach to nonrelativistic many-body physics as a step in developing a broad-based working knowledge of some of the basic aspects of quantum field theory. It presents a logical, step by step systematic development of relativistic field theory and of functional techniques and their applications to perturbation theory with Feynman diagrams, renormalization, and basic computations in quantum electrodynamics.
Keyword(s)1. Computational Physics and Simulations 2. COMPUTER SIMULATION 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. Elementary particles (Physics) 5. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 6. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 7. QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS 8. Quantum Electrodynamics, Relativistic and Many-body Calculations 9. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY 10. QUANTUM PHYSICS 11. Quantum Simulations
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I12899     On Shelf    

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TitleVariational Principles in Physics : From Classical to Quantum Realm
Author(s)Bir??, Tam??s S??ndor
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
DescriptionXII, 112 p. 12 illus., 1 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book is an English translation from a Hungarian book designed for graduate and postgraduate students about the use of variational principles in theoretical physics. Unlike many academic textbooks, it dashes across several lecture disciplines taught in physics courses. It emphasizes and demonstrates the use of the variational technique and philosophy behind the basic laws in mechanics, relativity theory, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics. The book is meant for advanced students and young researchers in theoretical physics but, also, more experienced researchers can benefit from its reading
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK - SPRINGER 2. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 3. QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS 4. Quantum Electrodynamics, Relativistic and Many-body Calculations 5. QUANTUM PHYSICS 6. SPECIAL RELATIVITY 7. Special relativity (Physics) 8. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
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I12868     On Shelf    

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TitleRelativistic Quantum Invariance
Author(s)Ji, Chueng-Ryong
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
DescriptionXIII, 245 p. 125 illus., 107 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book describes the invariant nature of the relativistic quantum field theories utilizing the idea of interpolating the instant form dynamics and the light-front dynamics. While the light-front dynamics (LFD) based on the light-front time was proposed by Dirac in 1949, there has not yet been a salient review on the connection between the LFD and the instant form dynamics (IFD) based on the ordinary time. By reviewing the connection between LFD and IFD using the idea of interpolating the two different forms of the relativistic dynamics, one can learn the distinguished features of each form and how one may utilize those distinguished features in solving the complicated relativistic quantum field theoretic problems more effectively. With the ongoing 12-GeV Jefferson Lab experiments, the internal structures of the nucleon and nuclei are vigorously investigated in particular using the physical observables defined in the LFD rather than in the IFD. This book offers a clear demonstration on why and how the LFD is more advantageous than the IFD for the study of hadron physics, illustrating the differences and similarities between these two distinguished forms of the dynamics. It aims at presenting the basic first-hand knowledge of the relativistic quantum field theories, describing why and how the different forms of dynamics (e.g., IFD and LFD) can emerge in them, connecting the IFD and the LFD using the idea of the interpolation, and demonstrating explicit examples of the interpolation in quantum electrodynamics and other field theories. While the level of presentation is planned mainly for the advanced undergraduate students and the beginning graduate students, the topics of the interpolation between the IFD and the LFD are innovative enough for even the experts in the field to appreciate its usefulness
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK - SPRINGER 2. Elementary particles (Physics) 3. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 4. QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS 5. Quantum Electrodynamics, Relativistic and Many-body Calculations 6. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY 7. QUANTUM PHYSICS
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I12770     On Shelf    

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