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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
1 Onofrio, Roberto Physics and Technology of Ultracold Atomic Gases I13296 2024 eBook  
2 Akpinar, Alp Search for Invisible Decays of the Higgs Boson Produced via Vector Boson Fusion at the LHC with CMS Run 2 data I13262 2024 eBook  
3 Bhatnagar, Anuj Handbook of Quality System, Accreditation and Conformity Assessment I13236 2024 eBook  
4 Lombardo, Umberto Quantum Mechanics I13211 2024 eBook  
5 Wu, Biao Quantum Mechanics I12684 2023 eBook  
6 Xie, Sishen Detection and Interaction of Single Quantum States I12662 2023 eBook  
7 Yu, Yong Long Distance Entanglement Between Quantum Memories I12578 2023 eBook  
8 Jing, Bo Quantum Network with Multiple Cold Atomic Ensembles I12510 2022 Book  
9 Osada, Alto Introduction to Quantum Technologies I12330 2022 Book  
10 Fadel, Matteo Many-Particle Entanglement, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Steering and Bell Correlations in Bose-Einstein Condensates I11850 2021 eBook  
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TitlePhysics and Technology of Ultracold Atomic Gases
Author(s)Onofrio, Roberto;Salasnich, Luca
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
DescriptionX, 199 p. 51 illus., 34 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book is based on lecture notes originally developed for introductory graduate courses offered by the authors at Dartmouth College and the University of Padova. The first two chapters analyze quantum degenerate gases and various cooling and trapping techniques for atoms. The remaining three chapters discuss ultracold atoms as weakly interacting, strongly interacting, and non-interacting coherent systems. The third chapter presents multiple pieces of evidence for quantum degeneracy in Bose and Fermi gases, followed by peculiar features such as superfluidity and the formation of topological defects. The fourth chapter addresses strongly correlated systems, discussing the BCS-BEC crossover in fermionic gases and quantum phase transitions, including their dependence on effective dimensionality. The fifth chapter offers a more specific discussion of quantum coherence in ultracold atoms and their potential as a platform for quantum metrology and quantum emulation. Four appendices provide more quantitative details of theoretical tools used in the last two chapters. Each chapter concludes with problems and a list of more specialized material. The main goal is to introduce interested students to ultracold atom physics research topics and expose scientists working in other areas of frontier physics to this novel and exciting research direction. This book is also intended to complement existing textbooks in standard courses on condensed matter physics, demonstrating how some general elements of the latter can be understood by continuously increasing the interactions between ultracold and quantum degenerate atoms under controlled external conditions
Keyword(s)1. ATOMS 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. Quantum computing 5. QUANTUM INFORMATION 6. Quantum Measurement and Metrology 7. QUANTUM PHYSICS 8. Ultracold Gases
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I13296     On Shelf    

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TitleSearch for Invisible Decays of the Higgs Boson Produced via Vector Boson Fusion at the LHC with CMS Run 2 data
Author(s)Akpinar, Alp
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
DescriptionXI, 134 p. 90 illus., 81 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis thesis reports the latest measurements on one of the leading dark matter searches conducted by the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at CERN, leading to some of the most stringent constraints on hypothesized interactions between the Higgs boson and dark matter. The thesis also includes further research about the future outlook of the experiment, including exploratory research on the adaptation of deep learning models in future dark matter analyses to improve analysis sensitivity, and the design of a new type of data processing hardware to be used in the next phase of the CMS experiment
Keyword(s)1. Accelerator Physics 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. MACHINE LEARNING 5. MEASUREMENT 6. Measurement Science and Instrumentation 7. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 8. PARTICLE ACCELERATORS 9. PARTICLE PHYSICS 10. PARTICLES (NUCLEAR PHYSICS) 11. Quantum Measurement and Metrology 12. QUANTUM PHYSICS
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I13262     On Shelf    

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TitleHandbook of Quality System, Accreditation and Conformity Assessment
Author(s)Bhatnagar, Anuj;Yadav, Sanjay;Achanta, Venugopal;Harmes-Liedtke, Ulrich;Rab, Shanay
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.
Description152 illus., 122 illus. in color. eReference : online resource
Abstract NoteThis handbook comprehensively covers the topics of quality system, accreditation and conformity assessment. The main sections in this handbook covers topics such as conformity assessment, accreditation and certification, measurement requirements and conformity assessment, management systems, Product quality and safety and future of conformity assessment. This multidisciplinary handbook will be a useful reference for researchers and professionals across disciplines who are involved in conformity assessment activities
Keyword(s)1. Biomedical Devices and Instrumentation 2. Biomedical engineering 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. ELECTRONICS 6. Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation 7. MEASUREMENT 8. Measurement Science and Instrumentation 9. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 10. Quantum Measurement and Metrology 11. QUANTUM PHYSICS
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I13236     On Shelf    

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TitleQuantum Mechanics : From Atoms to Nuclei
Author(s)Lombardo, Umberto;Giuliani, Gianluca;Niu, Yifei
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.
DescriptionXXI, 287 p. 55 illus., 23 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book is intended to provide a self-contained introduction to the principles of Quantum Mechanics, based on the analysis of measurement processes of microscopic systems and the introduction of the physical observables as generators of symmetry transformations. After standard training arguments the applications are mainly focused on atomic and nuclear phenomena, as they occur on a quite different space-time scale. Thus, the text flows from the simplest systems, i.e. proton-electron in the hydrogen atom and proton-neutron in the Deuteron nucleus, to the complex many- body systems, i.e. stable states of atoms and nuclei of the periodic table, and finally to infinite many-body systems, including atomic and nuclear fluids. A digression is made on the application to astrophysical compact systems. The textbook is suitable for upper undergraduate students and graduate students in physics and related majors. Additional questions and answers via app: Download the Springer Nature Flashcards app free of charge and use exclusive additional material to test your knowledge
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Fundamental concepts and interpretations of QM 4. QUANTUM COMPUTERS 5. Quantum computing 6. Quantum Correlation and Entanglement 7. QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT 8. QUANTUM INFORMATION 9. Quantum Measurement and Metrology 10. QUANTUM PHYSICS
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I13211     On Shelf    

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TitleQuantum Mechanics : A Concise Introduction
Author(s)Wu, Biao
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
DescriptionXVI, 188 p. 64 illus., 1 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis textbook highlights a concise introduction to quantum mechanics in a readable and serious manner. Being readable, the book intends to present the beauty and magic of quantum mechanics to the mass public. Being serious, the book uses mathematics to describe the most profound results in quantum mechanics. To balance the two, the book assumes that the readers are familiar with high-school mathematics and instructs the least possible advanced mathematics necessary for the understanding of quantum mechanics. The book first covers the history of quantum mechanics and then introduces the magical quantum world, including quantum states living in Hilbert space, indistinguishable particles, linear superposition, Heisenberg's uncertainty relations, quantum entanglement, Bell's inequality, quantum energy levels, Schr??dinger???s cat and many-worlds theory, etc. To compare with classic physics, the book also covers the classic mechanics before introducing quantum mechanics. At last, the book briefly covers quantum computing and quantum communications. Besides readers of other majors, the book is also a good reference for students in physics. It helps physics students to develop a solid understanding of the basics of quantum mechanics, preventing them from getting lost in solving the Schr??dinger equation. The book also discusses quantum entanglement and quantum information which traditional quantum mechanics textbooks do not cover. The Foreword is written by Frank Wilczek, Nobel Laureate in physics, 2004
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK - SPRINGER 2. Fundamental concepts and interpretations of QM 3. QUANTUM COMPUTERS 4. Quantum computing 5. Quantum Correlation and Entanglement 6. QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT 7. Quantum Measurement and Metrology 8. QUANTUM PHYSICS
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I12684     On Shelf    

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TitleDetection and Interaction of Single Quantum States
Author(s)Xie, Sishen
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
DescriptionXVII, 114 p. 24 illus., 19 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book highlights the findings and achievements in the major research plan ???Detection and Interaction of Single Quantum States??? funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). The 8-year plan started in 2011 and consisted of 107 projects conducted by Chinese universities and research institutes. The book covers the plan's research background, achievements, and follow-up prospects. The plan aimed to tackle one of the major challenges for researchers worldwide???to establish precise detection and control of single quantum states in time, space, energy, and momentum. The plan integrated precise detection means with the ultrahigh resolution of time, space, and energy, under extreme conditions such as ultrahigh vacuum, ultralow temperature, high magnetic field, and ultrahigh pressure, using interdisciplinary research methods in physics, chemistry, informatics, and materials science. The book focuses on the exploration of new phenomena, theories, and concepts of single quantum states, describes new techniques and methods of single quantum states, and presents the purification and construction of single-quantum-state systems. It is a concise and valuable source of information for researchers in quantum science and graduate students interested in the research field
Keyword(s)1. COMPUTER SIMULATION 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Quantum Correlation and Entanglement 4. QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT 5. Quantum Imaging and Sensing 6. Quantum Measurement and Metrology 7. QUANTUM OPTICS 8. QUANTUM PHYSICS 9. Quantum Simulations
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I12662     On Shelf    

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TitleLong Distance Entanglement Between Quantum Memories
Author(s)Yu, Yong
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
DescriptionXV, 138 p. 77 illus., 68 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book highlights novel research work done on cold atom-based quantum networks. Given that one of the main challenges in building the quantum network is the limited entanglement distribution distance, this book presents some state-of-the-art experiments in tackling this challenge and, for the first time, establishes entanglement between quantum memories via metropolitan-scale fiber transmission. This achievement is accomplished by cooperating high-efficiency cold quantum memories, low-loss quantum frequency conversion modules, and long-fiber phase-locking techniques. In the book, the scheme design, experimental setup, data analyses, and numerous technical details are given. Therefore, it suits a broad readership that includes all students, researchers, and technicians who work in quantum information sciences
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK - SPRINGER 2. QUANTUM COMMUNICATION 3. Quantum Communications and Cryptography 4. Quantum Correlation and Entanglement 5. QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT 6. Quantum Measurement and Metrology 7. QUANTUM PHYSICS
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I12578     On Shelf    

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TitleQuantum Network with Multiple Cold Atomic Ensembles
Author(s)Jing, Bo
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
DescriptionXVI, 188 p. 88 illus., 82 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book highlights the novel research in quantum memory networking, especially quantum memories based on cold atomic ensembles. After discussing the frontiers of quantum networking research and building a DLCZ-type quantum memory with cold atomic ensemble, the author develops the ring cavity enhanced quantum memory and demonstrates a filter-free quantum memory, which significantly improves the photon-atom entanglement. The author then realizes for the first time the GHZ-type entanglement of three separate quantum memories, a building block of 2D quantum repeaters and quantum networks. The author also combines quantum memories and time-resolved measurements, and reports the first multiple interference of three single photons with different colors. The book is of good reference value for graduate students, researchers, and technical personnel in quantum information sciences
Keyword(s)1. Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics 2. ATOMS 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. MOLECULES 6. QUANTUM COMMUNICATION 7. Quantum Communications and Cryptography 8. Quantum Correlation and Entanglement 9. QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT 10. Quantum Measurement and Metrology 11. QUANTUM OPTICS 12. QUANTUM PHYSICS
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I12510     On Shelf    

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TitleIntroduction to Quantum Technologies
Author(s)Osada, Alto;Yamazaki, Rekishu;Noguchi, Atsushi
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
DescriptionXV, 298 p. 102 illus., 68 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book is a concise primer of quantum technology aiming at providing a comprehensive material of fundamentals to help beginners understand the common concepts and background theories to technologies for individual quantum systems. Further, it also describes how the concepts and theories are applied to technologies in various systems. This book consists of three parts. The first part looks back over basics of quantum mechanics necessary for the main content, including quantum state and operators, time evolution and perturbation theory. The second part explains in detail key components indispensable to follow quantum technologies: two-level systems, harmonic oscillator and cavity quantum electrodynamics and resonators. In the third part, the physical quantum systems are treated in a more abstract way by introducing quantum logic gates, quantum measurement and quantum error correction. Technical supplements are included in Appendices. The well-compiled topics and concise presentation feature the book as a supplemental primer in the courses of quantum technologies including quantum computing, quantum communication, quantum sensing and quantum simulation.
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. QUANTUM COMMUNICATION 4. Quantum Communications and Cryptography 5. QUANTUM COMPUTERS 6. Quantum computing 7. Quantum Imaging and Sensing 8. QUANTUM INFORMATION 9. Quantum Measurement and Metrology 10. QUANTUM OPTICS 11. QUANTUM PHYSICS
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I12330     On Shelf    

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TitleMany-Particle Entanglement, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Steering and Bell Correlations in Bose-Einstein Condensates
Author(s)Fadel, Matteo
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2021.
DescriptionIX, 187 p. 43 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book presents theoretical methods and experimental results on the study of multipartite quantum correlations in spin-squeezed Bose???Einstein condensates. Nonclassical correlations in many-body system s are particularly interesting for both fundamental research and practical applications. For their investigation, ultracold atomic ensembles offer an ideal platform, due to their high controllability and long coherence times. In particular, we introduce criteria for detecting and characterizing multipartite entanglement, Einstein???Podolsky???Rosen steering, and Bell correlations. Moreover, we present the experimental observation of such correlations in systems of about 600 atoms
Keyword(s)1. Bose-Einstein Condensate 2. BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATION 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. QUANTUM COMMUNICATION 6. Quantum Communications and Cryptography 7. Quantum Correlation and Entanglement 8. QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT 9. Quantum Measurement and Metrology 10. QUANTUM PHYSICS
Item TypeeBook
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I11850     On Shelf    

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