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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
1 Hassani, Sadri Quanta in Distress I13171 2024 eBook  
2 Gullberg, Steven Inca Cosmovision I13147 2024 eBook  
3 Penprase, Bryan E Models of Time and Space from Astrophysics and World Cultures I12801 2023 eBook  
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TitleQuanta in Distress : How New Age Gurus Kidnapped Quantum Physics
Author(s)Hassani, Sadri
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
DescriptionXVII, 213 p. 20 illus., 9 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book deconstructs and debunks the lucrative and widespread marriage of quantum physics with pop-spirituality while tracing this pernicious strain of pseudoscience to its source: the founders of quantum mechanics themselves. The association of mystical ideas with modern physics in the self-improvement industry is not new. The ???spookiness??? of quantum properties like uncertainty and entanglement has proven fertile ground for new-age mystics and alternative medicine advocates who saw a way to put a scientific veneer on their claims. In the early days, the founders of quantum physics accused it of implying an observer-created reality. Later, Taoists and Wu Li dancers were quantized. Then ancient Indian medicine, Ayurveda, morphed into ???quantum healing.??? Little wonder The Oprah Winfrey Show told its viewers: think about losing weight, making more money, and falling in love, and you???ll become thin, wealthy, and happily married ??? all based on quantum physics. Criticism of the pseudoscientific misappropriation of quantum physics has been widespread but inadequate; thus far, the scientific community has failed to account for its own role in the fusion of pop-spirituality and quantum physics. As well as thoroughly exploring and debunking quantum mysticism, this book traces the development of quantum mysticism and pulls no punches in exposing the unwitting role of quantum theory???s founders in propagating quantum mysticism
Keyword(s)1. ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 2. Complementary and Alternative Medicine 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. PHILOSOPHY OF PHYSICS 6. PHYSICS 7. QUANTUM PHYSICS 8. RELIGION AND SCIENCE 9. Religion and Sciences 10. Spiritualism
Item TypeeBook
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I13171     On Shelf    

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TitleInca Cosmovision : The Astronomical Legacy of an Andean Empire
Author(s)Gullberg, Steven;Rojas Gamarra, Milton
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
DescriptionXVII, 186 p. 87 illus., 62 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThe Inkas (Quechua spelling) worshipped the Sun, and their emperor was thought to be the son of the Sun. They conquered most of the Andes and their former empire is replete with examples of their astronomy. They used solar positions on the horizon for calendrical purposes and managed their crops and religious festivals in this manner. Many examples remain of their intentional light and shadow effects that demonstrate their sophisticated understanding of the Sun???s movement and of solar horizon events. Evidence of their astronomy can only be fully understood in its cultural context, and that is the focus of this book. Inka Cosmovision explores the cosmic worldview of the Inkas from the perspective of oral traditions passed from one generation to the next among the Inkas??? living descendants. You will learn about Inka astronomy in a way that you perhaps have never encountered. An author of the book is Quechua, a descendant of the Inkas, and what you will read benefits greatly not only from the field research of both authors, but from the many stories he learned from his parents and grandparents and from his Amauta, a highly respected Indigenous teacher of Inka culture. This book enlightens about Inka cosmovision as no other has before.
Keyword(s)1. AMERICA 2. ARCHAEOLOGY 3. Archaeology and Heritage 4. ASTRONOMY 5. Astronomy, Observations and Techniques 6. Cultural property 7. EBOOK 8. EBOOK - SPRINGER 9. History of Physics and Astronomy 10. History of the Americas 11. PHYSICS 12. RELIGION AND SCIENCE 13. Religion and Sciences
Item TypeeBook
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Accession#  Call#StatusIssued ToReturn Due On Physical Location
I13147     On Shelf    

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TitleModels of Time and Space from Astrophysics and World Cultures : The Foundations of Astrophysical Reality from Across the Centuries
Author(s)Penprase, Bryan E
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionXV, 305 p. 151 illus., 125 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteModels of Time and Space from Astrophysics and World Cultures explores how our conceptions of time, space, and the physical universe have evolved across cultures throughout the centuries. Developed with a humanistic approach, this book blends historical sources, biographical profiles of exceptional scientists, and the latest discoveries in both astrophysics and particle physics. This rich read describes the incredible insights and ultimate limits of our knowledge, the physical universe, and how ideas old and new have converged, across the world, to build our current understanding of reality. From the Large Hadron Collider to the James Webb Space Telescope, we have mapped the universe from the smallest to largest scales; allowing us to gain fundamental knowledge that has transformed our understanding of the universe. The chapters herein will teach you about dark matter and dark energy, gravitational waves and other complex parts of the cosmos. Along the way, you will learn a thing or two about quantum mechanics, parallel universes, and the ultimate boundaries of the observable universe. This book cultivates insight from a variety of cultural traditions, including perspectives from both modern and ancient cultures, in order to show how our modern conceptions of space and time have arisen from the ongoing explorations within ancient world civilizations. It is a valuable, intriguing and insightful volume for those interested in the fields of historical astronomy and cultural astronomy, as well as for anyone interested in learning about the latest finds from the field of physics and astrophysics
Keyword(s)1. ASTRONOMY 2. Astronomy, Cosmology and Space Sciences 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. History of Physics and Astronomy 5. METAPHYSICS 6. PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE 7. PHYSICS 8. RELIGION AND SCIENCE 9. Religion and Sciences 10. SCIENCE
Item TypeeBook
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Accession#  Call#StatusIssued ToReturn Due On Physical Location
I12801     On Shelf    

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