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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
1 Ringbauer, Martin Exploring Quantum Foundations with Single Photons I10150 2017 eBook  
2 May, Andrew Pseudoscience and Science Fiction I10038 2017 eBook  
3 K??ppers, Bernd-Olaf The Computability of the World I09667 2018 eBook  
4 D??rr, Detlef Understanding Quantum Mechanics I09007 2020 eBook  
5 Krasnikov, Serguei Back-in-Time and Faster-than-Light Travel in General Relativity I08550 2018 eBook  
6 de Muynck, W.M Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, an Empiricist Approach I10484 2002 eBook  
7 Fr??, Pietro Il fascino oscuro dell'inflazione I07191 2009 eBook  
8 Renn, J??rgen The Genesis of General Relativity I05789 2007 eBook  
9 Atmanspacher, Harald On Quanta, Mind and Matter I05005 1999 eBook  
10 Hestenes, D The Electron I01324 1991 eBook  
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TitleExploring Quantum Foundations with Single Photons
Author(s)Ringbauer, Martin
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2017.
DescriptionXVIII, 208 p. 68 illus., 52 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis thesis uses high-precision single-photon experiments to shed new light on the role of reality, causality, and uncertainty in quantum mechanics. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the current understanding of quantum foundations and details three influential experiments that significantly advance our understanding of three core aspects of this problem. The first experiment demonstrates that the quantum wavefunction is part of objective reality, if there is any such reality in our world. The second experiment shows that quantum correlations cannot be explained in terms of cause and effect, even when considering superluminal influences between measurement outcomes. The final experiment in this thesis demonstrates a novel uncertainty relation for joint quantum measurements, where the textbook relation does not apply.??
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. History and Philosophical Foundations of Physics 4. PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE 5. PHYSICS 6. QUANTUM COMPUTERS 7. Quantum Information Technology, Spintronics 8. QUANTUM PHYSICS 9. SPINTRONICS
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I10150     On Shelf    

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TitlePseudoscience and Science Fiction
Author(s)May, Andrew
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2017.
DescriptionX, 181 p. 45 illus., 28 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteAliens, flying saucers, ESP, the Bermuda Triangle, antigravity ??? are we talking about science fiction or pseudoscience? Sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference. Both pseudoscience and science fiction (SF) are creative endeavours that have little in common with academic science, beyond the superficial trappings of jargon and subject matter. The most obvious difference between the two is that pseudoscience is presented as fact, not fiction. Yet like SF, and unlike real science, pseudoscience is driven by a desire to please an audience ??? in this case, people who ???want to believe???. This has led to significant cross-fertilization between the two disciplines. SF authors often draw on ???real??? pseudoscientific theories to add verisimilitude to their stories, while on other occasions pseudoscience takes its cue from SF ??? the symbiotic relationship between ufology and Hollywood being a prime example of this. This engagingly written, well researched and richly illustrated text explores a wide range of intriguing similarities and differences between pseudoscience and the fictional science found in SF. Andrew May has a degree in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University and a PhD in astrophysics from Manchester University. After many years in academia and the private sector, he now works as a freelance writer and scientific consultant. He has written pocket biographies of Newton and Einstein, as well as contributing to a number of popular science books. He has a lifelong interest in science fiction, and has had several articles published in Fortean Times magazine
Keyword(s)1. ASTRONOMY 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. FICTION 5. PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE 6. PHYSICS 7. Popular Science in Astronomy 8. Popular Science in Physics 9. Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, multidisciplinary
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I10038     On Shelf    

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TitleThe Computability of the World : How Far Can Science Take Us?
Author(s)K??ppers, Bernd-Olaf
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2018.
DescriptionX, 200 p. 40 illus., 38 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteIn this thought-provoking book K??ppers, an internationally renowned physicist, philosopher and theoretical biologist, addresses a number of??science's deepest??questions: Can??physics advance to the origin of all things and explain the unique phenomena of life, time and history? Are there unsolvable enigmas of the world? How did life originate? Is language a general phenomenon of Nature? What is time? Is it possible to express the history of the world in formulae? Where is science leading us? These and other provocative questions essential for a deeper understanding of the world are treated here in a refreshing and stimulating manner
Keyword(s)1. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 2. DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. History and Philosophical Foundations of Physics 6. LIFE SCIENCES 7. PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE 8. PHYSICS 9. Popular Life Sciences 10. Popular Science in Physics 11. STATISTICAL PHYSICS 12. Statistical Physics and Dynamical Systems
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I09667     On Shelf    

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TitleUnderstanding Quantum Mechanics : The World According to Modern Quantum Foundations
Author(s)D??rr, Detlef;Lazarovici, Dustin
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2020.
DescriptionXV, 239 p. 23 illus., 2 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book discusses the physical and mathematical foundations of modern quantum mechanics and three realistic quantum theories that John Stuart Bell called "theories without observers" because they do not merely speak about measurements but develop an objective picture of the physical world. These are Bohmian mechanics, the GRW collapse theory, and the Many Worlds theory. The book is ideal to accompany or supplement a lecture course on quantum mechanics, but also suited for self-study, particularly for those who have completed such a course but are left puzzled by the question: "What does the mathematical formalism, which I have so laboriously learned and applied, actually tell us about nature????
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. History and Philosophical Foundations of Physics 4. PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE 5. PHYSICS 6. QUANTUM PHYSICS
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I09007     On Shelf    

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TitleBack-in-Time and Faster-than-Light Travel in General Relativity
Author(s)Krasnikov, Serguei
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2018.
DescriptionXVIII, 250 p. 47 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteFor the past 20 years causality violations and superluminal motion have been the object of intensive study as physical and geometrical phenomena. This book compiles the results of its author and also reviews other work in the field. In particular, the following popular questions are addressed:?? Is causality protected by quantum divergence at the relevant Cauchy horizon??? How much "exotic matter" would it take to create a time machine or a warp drive??? What is the difference between a "discovered" time machine and a created one??? Why does a time traveler fail to kill their grandfather??? How should we define the speed of gravity and what is its magnitude?
Keyword(s)1. Classical and Quantum Gravitation, Relativity Theory 2. COSMOLOGY 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. GRAVITATION 6. History and Philosophical Foundations of Physics 7. PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE 8. PHYSICS
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I08550     On Shelf    

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TitleFoundations of Quantum Mechanics, an Empiricist Approach
Author(s)de Muynck, W.M
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2002.
DescriptionXXIV, 684 p : online resource
Abstract NoteOld and new problems of the foundations of quantum mechanics are viewed from the new perspective provided by a generalization of the mathematical formalism encompassing positive operator-valued measures. One objective is to demonstrate the crucial role the generalized formalism plays in fundamental issues as well as in practical applications, and to contribute to the development of the operational approach. A second objective is the development of an empiricist interpretation of this approach, duly taking into account the role played by the measuring instrument in quantum mechanical measurements. Copenhagen and anti-Copenhagen interpretations are critically assessed, and found to be wanting due to insufficiently taking into account the measurement interaction. The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen problem and the problem of the Bell inequalities are discussed, starting from this new perspective. An explanation of violation of the Bell inequalities is developed, providing an alternative to the usual explanation on the basis of non-locality. This treatise is based on lecture notes of an advanced course on the foundations of quantum mechanics
Keyword(s)1. Applications of Mathematics 2. APPLIED MATHEMATICS 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 6. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 7. Philosophy and science 8. PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE 9. PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE 10. QUANTUM PHYSICS 11. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
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I10484     On Shelf    

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TitleIl fascino oscuro dell'inflazione : Alla scoperta della storia dell'Universo
Author(s)Fr??, Pietro
PublicationMilano, Springer Milan, 2009.
DescriptionX, 144 pagg. 40 figg : online resource
Abstract Note?? dalla pi?? remota antichit?? che l???uomo si interroga sulla struttura dell???Universo e sulle leggi che lo governano. Ma il progresso compiuto all???inizio del XX secolo non ha paragoni rispetto a quello di tutti i secoli precedenti: nel 1915 fu formulata la relativit?? generale, indispensabile per inquadrare tutti i fenomeni cosmici e astrofisici; tra il 1920 e il 1930 furono determinate le reali dimensioni dell???Universo visibile e fu scoperta la sua costante espansione. La cosmologia ha poi fatto un grande salto di qualit?? a cavallo tra la fine del XX secolo e l???inizio del XXI, quando una serie di osservazioni ha confermato che: L???Universo ?? spazialmente "piatto", in seguito all???inflazione cosmica che, una frazione di secondo dopo il Big Bang, ne ha gonfiato le dimensioni di decine o centinaia di miliardi di volte. L???Universo ?? costituito al 70% da energia oscura e al 24% da materia oscura: la materia visibile, cio?? stelle e galassie, rappresenta solo il 6% del totale. Attualmente l???espansione dell???Universo ?? in una fase di nuova accelerazione. L???Universo inflazionario ?? una specula che forse rivela i misteri delle leggi fisiche a piccolissime distanze e altissime energie laddove dovrebbe trovarsi il regno delle superstringhe e della gravit?? quantistica. In questo libro viene ripercorsa la grande avventura del pensiero umano che dalla concezione aristotelica di un mondo statico eterno e in realt?? piccolissimo ?? approdato alla contemporanea visione di un cosmo dinamico e immenso, germogliato per?? da una infinitesima fluttuazione quantistica
Keyword(s)1. ASTRONOMY 2. Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology 3. ASTROPHYSICS 4. Classical and Quantum Gravitation, Relativity Theory 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. Elementary particles (Physics) 8. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 9. GRAVITATION 10. HISTORY 11. HISTORY OF SCIENCE 12. PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE 13. Popular Science in Astronomy 14. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY
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I07191     On Shelf    

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TitleThe Genesis of General Relativity : Sources and Interpretations
Author(s)Renn, J??rgen
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2007.
DescriptionVIII, 619 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThis four-volume work represents the most comprehensive documentation and study of the creation of general relativity; one of the fundamental physical theories of the 20th century. It comprises key sources from Einstein and others who from the late 19th to the early 20th century contributed to this monumental development. Some of these sources are presented here in translation for the first time. Einstein???s famous Zurich notebook, which documents the pivotal steps toward general relativity, is reproduced here for the first time and transcribed in its entirety. The volumes offer detailed commentaries and analyses of these sources that are based on a close reading of these documents supplemented by interpretations by the leading historians of relativity. All in all, the facets of this work, based on more than a decade of research, combine to constitute one of the most in-depth studies of a scientific revolution ever written
Keyword(s)1. Classical and Quantum Gravitation, Relativity Theory 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. EPISTEMOLOGY 5. GRAVITATION 6. HISTORY 7. HISTORY OF SCIENCE 8. PHILOSOPHY 9. Philosophy and science 10. PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE 11. PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE 12. Philosophy, general
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I05789     On Shelf    

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TitleOn Quanta, Mind and Matter : Hans Primas in Context
Author(s)Atmanspacher, Harald;Amann, Anton;M??ller-Herold, U
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1999.
DescriptionVIII, 398 p : online resource
Abstract NoteINSTEAD OF A "FESTSCHRIFT" In June 1998 Hans Primas turned 70 years old. Although he himself is not fond of jubilees and although he likes to play the decimal system of numbers down as contingent, this is nevertheless a suitable occasion to reflect on the professional work of one of the rare distinguished contempo?? rary scientists who attach equal importance to experimental and theoretical and conceptual lines of research. Hans Primas' interests have covered an enormous range: methods and instruments for nuclear magnetic resonance, theoretical chemistry, C* - and W* -algebraic formulations of quantum me?? chanics, the measurement problem and its various implications, holism and realism in quantum theory, theory reduction, the work and personality of Wolfgang Pauli, as well as Jungian psychology. In many of these fields he provided important and original food for thought, in some cases going far beyond the everyday business in the scien?? tific world. As is the case with other scientists who are conceptually inno?? vative, Hans Primas is read more than he is quoted. His influence is due to his writings. Even with the current flood of publications, he still performs the miracle of having scientists eagerly awaiting his next publication
Keyword(s)1. Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics 2. ATOMS 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE 6. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 7. PHYSICS 8. QUANTUM PHYSICS
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I05005     On Shelf    

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TitleThe Electron : New Theory and Experiment
Author(s)Hestenes, D;Weingartshofer, A
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1991.
DescriptionXI, 403 p : online resource
Abstract Notetechniques, and raises new issues of physical interpretation as well as possibilities for deepening the theory. (3) Barut contributes a comprehensive review of his own ambitious program in electron theory and quantum electrodynamics. Barut's work is rich with ingenious ideas, and the interest it provokes among other theorists can be seen in the cri tique by Grandy. Cooperstock takes a much different approach to nonlinear field-electron coupling which leads him to conclusions about the size of the electron. (4) Capri and Bandrauk work within the standard framework of quantum electrodynamics. Bandrauk presents a valuable review of his theoretical approach to the striking new photoelectric phenomena in high intensity laser experiments. (5) Jung proposes a theory to merge the ideas of free-free transitions and of scattering chaos, which is becoming increasingly important in the theoretical analysis of nonlinear optical phenomena. For the last half century the properties of electrons have been probed primarily by scattering experiments at ever higher energies. Recently, however, two powerful new experimental techniques have emerged capable of giving alternative experimental views of the electron. We refer to (1) the confinement of single electrons for long term study, and (2) the interaction of electrons with high intensity laser fields. Articles by outstanding practitioners of both techniques are included in Part II of these Proceedings. The precision experiments on trapped electrons by the Washington group quoted above have already led to a Nobel prize for the most accurate measurements of the electron magnetic moment
Keyword(s)1. Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics 2. ATOMS 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. Elementary particles (Physics) 6. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 7. PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE 8. PHYSICS 9. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY 10. QUANTUM PHYSICS
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I01324     On Shelf    

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