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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
1 Sillerud, Laurel O Abiogenesis I13065 2024 eBook  
2 Jon Mooney, Sacha X-ray Imaging of the Soil Porous Architecture I12345 2022 Book  
3 Neubeck, Anna Prebiotic Chemistry and the Origin of Life I11945 2021 eBook  
4 Toporski, Jan Confocal Raman Microscopy I09547 2018 eBook  
5 Schulze-Makuch, Dirk Life in the Universe I08651 2018 eBook  
6 Casassa, Gino The Patagonian Icefields I10846 2002 eBook  
7 Kiekens, Paul Intelligent Textiles and Clothing for Ballistic and NBC Protection I06972 2012 eBook  
8 Seckbach, Joseph From Fossils to Astrobiology I06952 2008 eBook  
9 Hoekstra, Alfons Optics of Biological Particles I06919 2007 eBook  
10 Michel-Beyerle, M.-E Reaction Centers of Photosynthetic Bacteria I04435 1990 eBook  
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TitleAbiogenesis : The Physical Basis for Living Systems
Author(s)Sillerud, Laurel O
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
DescriptionXVIII, 847 p. 370 illus., 324 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis textbook serves to teach readers about the origins of life, the probabilistic process of self-assembly underpinning all living systems, from a biophysics perspective. The author cohesively summarizes the various organizing principles that led to the development of an ordered physical basis on which the evolution of life operates. This book answers critical questions, such as why life depends on the properties of inanimate objects and how the laws of physics, chemistry, and biology convolved to spontaneously produce the periodic table and, of course, life itself. Readers are provided with an introduction to probability distributions as well as detailed descriptions of important concepts in thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and quantum mechanics. As the book progresses, an understanding for the inevitability of life is developed through topics such as stellar nucleosynthesis and prebiotic evolution. Each chapter also includes problems for readers to gain a better understanding of the material. This textbook is accessible to students and researchers of all levels and serves as a comprehensive guide on the physics behind abiogenesis
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I13065     On Shelf    

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TitleX-ray Imaging of the Soil Porous Architecture
Author(s)Jon Mooney, Sacha;Young, Iain M;Heck, Richard J;Peth, Stephan
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2022.
DescriptionX, 229 p. 1 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThe advent of X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) as a tool for the soil sciences almost 40 years ago has revolutionised the field. Soil is the fragile, thin layer of material that exists above earth???s geological substrates upon which so much of life on earth depends. However a major limitation to our understanding of how soils behave and function is due to its complex, opaque structure that hinders our ability to assess its porous architecture without disturbance. X-ray imagery has facilitated the ability to truly observe soil as it exists in three dimensions and across contrasting spatial and temporal scales in the field in an undisturbed fashion. This book gives a comprehensive overview of the ???state of the art??? in a variety of application areas where this type of imaging is used, including soil water physics and hydrology, agronomic management of soils, and soil-plant-microbe interactions. It provides the necessary details for entry level readers in the crucial areas of sample preparation, scanner optimisation and image processing and analysis. Drawing on experts across the globe, from both academia and industry, the book covers the necessary ???dos and don???ts???, but also offers insights into the future of both technology and science. The wider application of the book is provided by dedicated chapters on how the data from such imagery can be incorporated into models and how the technology can be interfaced with other relevant technical applications. The book ends with a future outlook from the four editors, each of whom has over 20 years of experience in the application of X-ray CT to soil science
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I12345     On Shelf    

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TitlePrebiotic Chemistry and the Origin of Life
Author(s)Neubeck, Anna;McMahon, Sean
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2021.
DescriptionXIII, 296 p. 65 illus., 44 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book presents an overview of current views on the origin of life and its earliest evolution. Each chapter describes key processes, environments and transition on the long road from geochemistry and astrochemistry to biochemistry and finally to the ancestors of today??s organisms. This book combines the bottom-up and the top-down approaches to life including the origin of key chemical and structural features of living cells and the nature of abiotic factors that shaped these features in primordial environments. The book provides an overview of the topic as well as its state of the art for graduate students and newcomers to the field. It also serves as a reference for researchers in origins of life on Earth and beyond
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I11945     On Shelf    

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TitleConfocal Raman Microscopy
Author(s)Toporski, Jan;Dieing, Thomas;Hollricher, Olaf
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2018.
DescriptionXXIV, 596 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThis second edition provides a cutting-edge overview of physical, technical and scientific aspects related to the widely used analytical method of confocal Raman microscopy. The book includes expanded background information and adds insights into how confocal Raman microscopy, especially 3D Raman imaging, can be integrated with other methods to produce a variety of correlative microscopy combinations. The benefits are then demonstrated and supported by numerous examples from the fields of materials science, 2D materials, the life sciences, pharmaceutical research and development, as well as the geosciences
Keyword(s)1. Biological Microscopy 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. Interfaces (Physical sciences) 5. Materials???Surfaces 6. MICROBIOLOGY 7. MICROSCOPY 8. MINERALOGY 9. SPECTROSCOPY 10. Spectroscopy and Microscopy 11. Surface and Interface Science, Thin Films 12. Surfaces (Physics) 13. Surfaces and Interfaces, Thin Films 14. THIN FILMS
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I09547     On Shelf    

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TitleLife in the Universe : Expectations and Constraints
Author(s)Schulze-Makuch, Dirk;Irwin, Louis N
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2018.
DescriptionXIX, 343 p. 51 illus., 25 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis class-tested textbook examines the basic elements of living systems: energy, chemistry, solvents, and habitats in crucial depth. These elements define the opportunities and limitations for life on other worlds. The book argues that life forms we would recognize may be more common in our solar system than many assume. It also considers, however, the possibility of exotic forms of life based on backbones other than carbon, liquids other than water, and energy other than light. The authors offer an operational definition of life and summarize prevailing thoughts on plausible pathways for the origin of life on Earth and other worlds. They discuss remarkable adaptations to extreme environments, the nature and detection of geo- and biosignatures, the future and fate of living systems, and suggestions for the optimization of future exploratory space missions. The entire text has been thoroughly updated in this third edition, with new sections added on exoplanets, synthetic life, the search for extraterrestrial life, and a tour of the bodies in our Solar System for signs of conditions conducive for life. While informed speculation in this emerging field cannot be avoided, the authors have clearly distinguished between what is known as fact and what are reasonable expectations. They present an objective assessment of the plausibility of life on other worlds that is broad and deep enough for the expert and for use as an advanced text in astrobiology, while avoiding scientific jargon as much as possible to make this intrinsically interdisciplinary subject understandable to a broad range of readers
Keyword(s)1. ASTROBIOLOGY 2. BIOCHEMISTRY 3. Biochemistry, general 4. Biogeosciences 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. Geobiology 8. MICROBIOLOGY 9. PLANETOLOGY
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I08651     On Shelf    

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TitleThe Patagonian Icefields : A Unique Natural Laboratory for Environmental and Climate Change Studies
Author(s)Casassa, Gino;Sep??lveda, Francisco V;Sinclair, Rolf M
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 2002.
DescriptionXXVII, 194 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThe majesty of the icefields is beyond description. He who has been fortunate to be there once, remains bound forever. To a theoretical physicist working on black holes the icefields produce a familiar vertigo, the instinctive certainty of being confronted with something so simple and beautifully extreme that it must be of importance. The meeting whose proceedings are contained in this volume was conducted onboard of a vessel that went to the icefields, and the participants could literally set foot on them. It was expected that, for those who had not been there before, this would constitute a ritual of initiation. And so it did. For this reason we like to refer to the meeting as an expedition because, although it did not have the hardship, it had the spirit. After this foundational expedition there have been two others, this time both with spirit and hardship, one from Chile and one from Argentina. At the moment of this writing, a fourth, full-fledged airborne expedition to the icefields is about to depart from Valdivia. Many of the people of many nations who were on board of the Aquiles will take part in it. We look forward to its results, and to an ongoing exciting scientific adventure. Claudio Teitelboim Director, Centro de Estudios Cientfficos Valdivia, September 2001 v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This volume is the result of the effort and generosity of many people and institutions
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I10846     On Shelf    

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TitleIntelligent Textiles and Clothing for Ballistic and NBC Protection : Technology at the Cutting Edge
Author(s)Kiekens, Paul;Jayaraman, Sundaresan
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2012.
DescriptionX, 220 p. 91 illus., 22 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis volume describes the latest developments in protective clothing against nearly any kind of threat for both military and civilians. It deals with protection through the use of nanotechnology, interactive clothing and biotechnological processes. Factors such as comfort and ballistics are also considered in the book, and several practical examples are discussed. All papers are written by leading experts in their respective fields. Professionals and students alike will benefit from the knowledge and expertise imparted in these outstanding contributions
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. ENGINEERING DESIGN 4. MICROBIOLOGY 5. NANOTECHNOLOGY 6. Nanotechnology and Microengineering 7. Security Science and Technology 8. System safety 9. Textile Engineering 10. Textile industry
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I06972     On Shelf    

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TitleFrom Fossils to Astrobiology : Records of Life on Earth and the Search for Extraterrestrial Biosignatures
Author(s)Seckbach, Joseph;Walsh, Maud
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2008.
DescriptionXXXVI, 546 p : online resource
Abstract NoteFrom Fossils to Astrobiology reviews developments in paleontology and geobiology that relate to the rapidly-developing field of Astrobiology, the study of life in the Universe. Many traditional areas of scientific study, including astronomy, chemistry and planetary science, contribute to Astrobiology, but the study of the record of life on planet Earth is critical in guiding investigations in the rest of the cosmos. In this varied book, expert scientists from 15 countries present peer-reviewed, stimulating reviews of paleontological and astrobiological studies. The overviews of established and emerging techniques for studying modern and ancient microorganisms on Earth and beyond, will be valuable guides to evaluating biosignatures which could be found in the extraterrestrial surface or subsurface within the Solar System and beyond. This volume also provides discussion on the controversial reports of "nanobacteria" in the Martian meteorite ALH84001. It is a unique volume among Astrobiology monographs in focusing on fossil evidence from the geological record and will be valuable to students and researchers alike
Keyword(s)1. ASTROBIOLOGY 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. GEOLOGY 5. Microbial ecology 6. MICROBIOLOGY 7. PALEONTOLOGY 8. Paleontology?? 9. Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, multidisciplinary
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I06952     On Shelf    

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TitleOptics of Biological Particles
Author(s)Hoekstra, Alfons;Maltsev, Valeri;Videen, Gorden
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2007.
DescriptionXII, 284 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThe NATO Advanced Research Workshop on ???Optics of Biological Particles??? met in Novosibirsk, Russia 3 ??? 6 October, 2005. The focus of the meeting was the potential of light scattering in the detection and characterization of biological particles, on novel detection systems using polarized light scattering, imaging (microscopy), inelastic scattering, absorption, and emission over all EM spectral regions. The concept for the ARW came about at the culmination of a NATO Science for Peace Project, headed by Alfons and Valeri. It was thought this would be a convenient vehicle to advertise and demonstrate the apparatus resulting from this multi-year collaboration. Potential applications of the device for bio-aerosol Valeri Maltsev and Alfons Hoekstra. characterization interested the third member of the triumvirate. While the co-chairs were occupied by bureaucratic necessities, the logistics were worked out by the Local Organizing Committee, the seemingly endless number of students and colleagues of Valeri, and especially the fixer Dina Goloshchapova who dealt with all the difficult problems. Optics of biological Gorden Videen, Alfons Hoekstra and Valeri Maltsev at particles encompasses a conference dinner. vii viii Preface great many fields, and our workshop and this volume can only scratch the surface. We were lucky to have a group of outstanding lecturers willing to invest the time to provide illuminating and entertaining lectures on the fundamental research in their fields. This book is a compilation of Valeri Maltsev demonstrates prototype of the Scanning significant contributions Flow Cytometer
Keyword(s)1. Biological and Medical Physics, Biophysics 2. BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS 3. BIOPHYSICS 4. CLASSICAL ELECTRODYNAMICS 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. ELECTRODYNAMICS 8. Measurement Science and Instrumentation 9. Measurement?????? 10. MICROBIOLOGY 11. OPTICS 12. PHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS
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I06919     On Shelf    

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TitleReaction Centers of Photosynthetic Bacteria : Feldafing-II-Meeting
Author(s)Michel-Beyerle, M.-E
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1990.
DescriptionXIV, 469 p : online resource
Abstract NoteReaction Centers of Photosynthetic Bacteria is an updated record on the most recent insight into the struc- ture/function relationship of reaction centers from photosynthetic bacteria. It addresses in particular, interactions and dynamics which determine the ultra-high quantum yield of photoinduced charge separation in these energy-transforming molecular machines. Of particular interest is the still controversial issue of the primary charge separation mechanism as well as the effects of well-defined modifications, introduced either by mutagenic replacements in the protein matrix or by chemical exchange of reaction center pigments. Also described are the methods used for the characterization of interactions and dynamics important for electron transfer processes in the reaction center
Keyword(s)1. BIOCHEMISTRY 2. Biochemistry, general 3. Biological and Medical Physics, Biophysics 4. BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS 5. BIOPHYSICS 6. BOTANY 7. EBOOK 8. EBOOK - SPRINGER 9. MICROBIOLOGY 10. PLANT SCIENCE 11. Plant Sciences
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I04435     On Shelf    

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