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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
1 Hobson, Art Fields and Their Quanta I13209 2024 eBook  
2 Hassani, Sadri Quanta in Distress I13171 2024 eBook  
3 Krizek, Gerd Christian The Conceptions of Reality in the Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics I13151 2024 eBook  
4 De Bianchi, Silvia Time and Timelessness in Fundamental Physics and Cosmology I13132 2024 eBook  
5 Parravicini, Jacopo The Foundations of Experimental Physics I13078 2024 eBook  
6 Lopes Coelho, Ricardo What Is Energy? I12970 2024 eBook  
7 Bassi, Angelo Physics and the Nature of Reality I12964 2024 eBook  
8 Gaudenzi, Rocco Historical Roots of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking I12553 2022 Book  
9 Tumulka, Roderich Foundations of Quantum Mechanics I12334 2022 Book  
10 Plotnitsky, Arkady Reality Without Realism I11936 2021 eBook  
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TitleFields and Their Quanta : Making Sense of Quantum Foundations
Author(s)Hobson, Art
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
DescriptionXVII, 205 p. 37 illus., 22 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteQuantum physics is the most comprehensive scientific theory of all time, yet its foundations have been mired in confusion since the dawn of the twentieth century. We are still unable to find consensus about wave-particle duality, the double-slit experiment, quantum randomness, entanglement, superpositions, and the measurement problem. That is, we disagree about what quantum physics means. Physicists need to get their act together! This book presents a resolution of these problems, based on the quantum field theory insight that reality comprises a set of universal quantized fields that fill the universe. An immediate consequence is that there are no particles; objects (properly called "quanta") such as photons and electrons are highly unified spatially extended bundles of field energy. As Steven Weinberg puts it, "particles are derivative phenomena." This view immediately resolves, for example, the puzzle of the double-slit experiment. As this book shows, we can dispense with the diverse interpretations such as consciousness-based views, the many worlds view, and the Copenhagen view that there is no quantum world. Quantum physics can thus return to being a normal scientific endeavor with no special interpretation outside of standard (since Copernicus) scientific realism; this is the view that nature exists on its own with no need for observers
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Elementary particles (Physics) 4. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 5. PHILOSOPHY OF PHYSICS 6. PHYSICS 7. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY 8. QUANTUM PHYSICS
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I13209     On Shelf    

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TitleQuanta in Distress : How New Age Gurus Kidnapped Quantum Physics
Author(s)Hassani, Sadri
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
DescriptionXVII, 213 p. 20 illus., 9 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book deconstructs and debunks the lucrative and widespread marriage of quantum physics with pop-spirituality while tracing this pernicious strain of pseudoscience to its source: the founders of quantum mechanics themselves. The association of mystical ideas with modern physics in the self-improvement industry is not new. The ???spookiness??? of quantum properties like uncertainty and entanglement has proven fertile ground for new-age mystics and alternative medicine advocates who saw a way to put a scientific veneer on their claims. In the early days, the founders of quantum physics accused it of implying an observer-created reality. Later, Taoists and Wu Li dancers were quantized. Then ancient Indian medicine, Ayurveda, morphed into ???quantum healing.??? Little wonder The Oprah Winfrey Show told its viewers: think about losing weight, making more money, and falling in love, and you???ll become thin, wealthy, and happily married ??? all based on quantum physics. Criticism of the pseudoscientific misappropriation of quantum physics has been widespread but inadequate; thus far, the scientific community has failed to account for its own role in the fusion of pop-spirituality and quantum physics. As well as thoroughly exploring and debunking quantum mysticism, this book traces the development of quantum mysticism and pulls no punches in exposing the unwitting role of quantum theory???s founders in propagating quantum mysticism
Keyword(s)1. ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 2. Complementary and Alternative Medicine 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. PHILOSOPHY OF PHYSICS 6. PHYSICS 7. QUANTUM PHYSICS 8. RELIGION AND SCIENCE 9. Religion and Sciences 10. Spiritualism
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I13171     On Shelf    

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TitleThe Conceptions of Reality in the Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics : A Journey from Aristotle???s Principles to Einstein???s Dreams of a Unified Theory
Author(s)Krizek, Gerd Christian
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2024.
DescriptionIX, 163 p. 47 illus., 10 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book explores the different conceptions of reality in the various interpretations of Quantum Mechanics, demonstrating the intimate connection to philosophy of physics. With interest in the foundations of Quantum Mechanics having revived in recent decades, a number of interpretations have been formulated or rediscovered and these remain in strong competition with one another for acceptance by the scientific community. At the same time they imply quite different notions of reality. The author provides an overview of these conceptions of reality and their embedding in physical theories, interpretations of Quantum Mechanics and related philosophical frameworks. Starting with Aristotle???s principles, the deep fruitful connection between philosophy and physics guides this journey through the foundations of Quantum Mechanics
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Ontology 4. Philosophical Foundations of Physics and Astronomy 5. PHILOSOPHY OF PHYSICS 6. PHYSICS 7. QUANTUM PHYSICS
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I13151     On Shelf    

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TitleTime and Timelessness in Fundamental Physics and Cosmology : Historical, Philosophical, and Mathematical Perspectives
Author(s)De Bianchi, Silvia;Forgione, Marco;Marongiu, Laura
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
DescriptionXXV, 292 p. 14 illus., 4 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book offers a clear account of timelessness together with the discussion of temporality in fundamental physics and cosmology. The multi-disciplinary approach to the problem of time and timelessness shows the remarkable difference between pre-relativistic debates and current developments. This book thoroughly discusses notions of timelessness and time emerging in the most recent literature on Quantum Gravity, String Theory and Cosmology. The contributions explore, among many aspects, the historical-philosophical roots of the notions of temporality and atemporality, the role of mathematics in defining time and temporality with respect to both order relations and causality, approaches to quantum gravity and cosmology that make use of quantum fluids and condensate to approximate space???time in general relativity, time and timelessness in black holes and the problem of cosmological time in bouncing cosmologies. The novelty of this volume lies in the interaction among scientists, philosophers, and historians in exploring the nature of time and timelessness and the origin of these concepts. The book represents a valuable toolkit for researchers and graduate students in physics, cosmology, philosophy and the history of those fields
Keyword(s)1. Classical and Quantum Gravity 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. Foundations of Physics and Cosmology 5. GRAVITATION 6. History of Physics and Astronomy 7. PHILOSOPHY OF PHYSICS 8. PHYSICS 9. SCIENCE
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I13132     On Shelf    

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TitleThe Foundations of Experimental Physics : Unraveling the Premises of Physical and Scientific Knowledge
Author(s)Parravicini, Jacopo
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
DescriptionXX, 283 p. 14 illus., 10 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteStandard STEM courses, for all of their value, do not tend to include systematic lectures or treatment about the nature of the scientific method. This book aims to provide a wide reflection on the general principles of physics and explore the foundations of scientific knowledge as a whole. The author delves into the study of what lies at the basis of science in general, and physics in particular. Themes such as the relation between natural phenomena and mathematical language are addressed, highlighting the main hubs of conceptual development in science. The volume also examines the conceptual and practical instruments that have been progressively developed to investigate the nature of physics. Furthermore, the author discusses the importance of ???scientific practice??? within the scientific community, emphasizing its role in advancing knowledge and how it contributes to physics as a whole. Divided into three parts, each covering different aspects of physics and its foundations, the text, while assuming basic knowledge of physics and mathematics taught in university courses, is accessible to all STEM students, and will be useful for anyone looking gain valuable insights into the nature of physics and the methods used to acquire knowledge in this field
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Logic, Symbolic and mathematical 4. Mathematical Logic in Philosophy 5. Philosophical Foundations of Physics and Astronomy 6. PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE 7. PHILOSOPHY OF PHYSICS 8. PHYSICS
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I13078     On Shelf    

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TitleWhat Is Energy? : An Answer Based on the Evolution of a Concept
Author(s)Lopes Coelho, Ricardo
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
DescriptionIX, 195 p. 37 illus., 8 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book provides a solution to the problem with the energy concept. This problem manifests itself in the fact that physicists clearly diverge regarding the question of what energy is. Some define it but others state that we do not know what it is. Although this is a problem for physicists who need to explain the concept, it is not a problem for physics that can be solved by laboratory means. Penetrating into the origin of the notion of energy, this book offers a clear idea of what was discovered and what was invented to interpret the findings. Following the development of the concept, it provides an explanation of the trends in contemporary textbooks. The author's repetition, in his "History and Philosophy of Physics Laboratory", of Joule???s famous experiment ??? the paddle wheel experiment ??? with a calorimeter as originally used by Joule and with a calorimeter as proposed in textbooks, is presented, yielding new insight into the phenomenon. Thus, science teachers andstudents will benefit from reading the book as well as historians, philosophers, students of the history and philosophy of science, and all who are interested in knowing about what it is that we call energy
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. History of Physics and Astronomy 4. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 5. PHILOSOPHY OF PHYSICS 6. PHYSICS 7. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics 8. THERMODYNAMICS
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I12970     On Shelf    

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TitlePhysics and the Nature of Reality : Essays in Memory of Detlef D??rr
Author(s)Bassi, Angelo;Goldstein, Sheldon;Tumulka, Roderich;Zangh??, Nino
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2024.
DescriptionXV, 450 p. 47 illus., 24 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis volume commemorates the scientific contributions of Detlef D??rr (1951???2021) to foundational questions of physics. It presents new contributions from his former students, collaborators, and colleagues about their current research on topics inspired or influenced by D??rr. These topics are drawn from physics, mathematics, and philosophy of nature, and concern interpretations of quantum theory, new developments of Bohmian mechanics, the role of typicality, quantum physics in relativistic space-time, classical and quantum electrodynamics, and statistical mechanics. The volume thus also gives a snapshot of present research in the foundations of physics
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Foundations of Physics and Cosmology 4. PHILOSOPHY OF PHYSICS 5. PHYSICS 6. QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS 7. Quantum Electrodynamics, Relativistic and Many-body Calculations 8. QUANTUM PHYSICS 9. SCIENCE 10. STATISTICAL MECHANICS
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I12964     On Shelf    

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TitleHistorical Roots of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking : Steps Towards an Analogy
Author(s)Gaudenzi, Rocco
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2022.
DescriptionX, 131 p. 1 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteWhat are the thinking processes and knowledge resources involved in a complex discovery? How can the physics of solids, the physics of nuclei, and elementary particle physics cross-fertilise in spite of the widely differing domains and energy scales they deal with? This book addresses the questions by reconstructing and examining from the historical epistemological perspective the fascinating heuristic path to the concept of spontaneous symmetry breaking. This analysis especially brings to light the role that analogical reasoning and mathematical reformulations played in the discovery process, as well as the influence of the Japanese milieu and approach to physical problems
Keyword(s)1. Conceptual Development in Physics 2. CONDENSED MATTER 3. CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. History of Physics and Astronomy 7. PARTICLE PHYSICS 8. PARTICLES (NUCLEAR PHYSICS) 9. PHILOSOPHY OF PHYSICS 10. PHYSICS 11. Physics???History 12. Physics???Philosophy
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I12553     On Shelf    

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TitleFoundations of Quantum Mechanics
Author(s)Tumulka, Roderich
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2022.
DescriptionXVII, 468 p. 1 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book introduces and critically appraises the main proposals for how to understand quantum mechanics, namely the Copenhagen interpretation, spontaneous collapse, Bohmian mechanics, many-worlds, and others. The author makes clear what are the crucial problems, such as the measurement problem, related to the foundations of quantum mechanics and explains the key arguments like the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen argument and Bell???s proof of nonlocality. He discusses and clarifies numerous topics that have puzzled the founding fathers of quantum mechanics and present-day students alike, such as the possibility of hidden variables, the collapse of the wave function, time-of-arrival measurements, explanations of the symmetrization postulate for identical particles, or the nature of spin. Several chapters are devoted to extending the different approaches to relativistic space-time and quantum field theory. The book is self-contained and is intended for graduate students and researchers who want to step into the fundamental aspects of quantum physics. Given its clarity, it is accessible also to advanced undergraduates and contains many exercises and examples to master the subject
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Foundations of Physics and Cosmology 4. Fundamental concepts and interpretations of QM 5. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 6. Philosophical Foundations of Physics and Astronomy 7. PHILOSOPHY OF PHYSICS 8. Physics???Philosophy 9. QUANTUM PHYSICS 10. SCIENCE 11. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
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I12334     On Shelf    

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TitleReality Without Realism : Matter, Thought, and Technology in Quantum Physics
Author(s)Plotnitsky, Arkady
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2021.
DescriptionXXXI, 331 p. 2 illus., 1 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book presents quantum theory as a theory based on new relationships among matter, thought, and experimental technology, as against those previously found in physics, relationships that also redefine those between mathematics and physics in quantum theory. The argument of the book is based on its title concept, reality without realism (RWR), and in the corresponding view, the RWR view, of quantum theory. The book considers, from this perspective, the thinking of Bohr, Heisenberg, Schr??dinger, and Dirac, with the aim of bringing together the philosophy and history of quantum theory. With quantum theory, the book argues, the architecture of thought in theoretical physics was radically changed by the irreducible role of experimental technology in the constitution of physical phenomena, accordingly, no longer defined independently by matter alone, as they were in classical physics or relativity. Or so it appeared. For, quantum theory, the book further argues, made us realize that experimental technology, beginning with that of our bodies, irreducibly shapes all physical phenomena, and thus makes us rethink the relationships among matter, thought, and technology in all of physics
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Elementary particles (Physics) 4. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 5. Foundations of Physics and Cosmology 6. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 7. PHILOSOPHY OF PHYSICS 8. Physics???Philosophy 9. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY 10. SCIENCE 11. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
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I11936     On Shelf    

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