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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
1 Wall, Jasper Radio Astronomy in Canada I13261 2024 eBook  
2 Weisend II, J. G Superfluid I12840 2023 eBook  
3 Marini, Daniele L. R Imago Cosmi I12820 2023 eBook  
4 Sivolella, Davide The Untold Stories of the Space Shuttle Program I12342 2022 Book  
5 Haerendel, Gerhard My Life in Space Exploration I12274 2022 Book  
6 De Angelis, Alessandro Galileo Galilei???s ???Two New Sciences??? I11951 2021 eBook  
7 Gorn, Michael H X-Planes from the X-1 to the X-60 I11937 2021 eBook  
8 Lipton, Lenny The Cinema in Flux I11731 2021 eBook  
9 Ayres, Robert U The History and Future of Technology I11662 2021 eBook  
10 Chinnici, Ileana Angelo Secchi and Nineteenth Century Science I11618 2021 eBook  
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TitleRadio Astronomy in Canada : Young Science in a Young Country
Author(s)Wall, Jasper;Griffin, Elizabeth;Jarrell, Richard
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
DescriptionXXVII, 355 p. 139 illus., 101 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteHere is the tale of Canada???s intriguing development of the science of Radio Astronomy. In 1946 the lone figure of Arthur Covington started monitoring the radio emission of the Sun, a programme that continues to this day. By the 1960s Canada had progressed to constructing two radio observatories at either ends of the country (the DRAO and the ARO), and universities were coming onboard. The story continues through the dire times for these and follows their fortunes and fates right up to the present, with Canada now playing key roles in billion-dollar international telescope projects. It concludes with the construction and operation of Canada???s own transformational telescope, CHIME. Anecdotes and images throughout the book liven the story. The authors???two practising astronomers???have painstakingly put together this fascinating story, drawing on first-hand experiences, valuable contributions from many colleagues, and the research of science historian, Richard Jarrell (1942-2013). This book fills a gap in the substantial literature on the history of radio astronomy. Carefully-researched by three experts and based on input by further experts in the field, it documents the extensive scientific and (especially) technical innovations of Canadian scientists and engineers. This includes the important Canadian absolute flux-density calibrations, the critical Canadian contribution to low-frequency radio astronomy and VLBI, and the long-running solar monitoring programme. Frank discussions about the excellent 46-m ARO telescope and its fate lead into considerations of Canada???s contributions to recent international projects ??? the JCMT, ALMA and the upcoming SKA. The book concludes with a description of CHIME, Canada???s own new-generation radio installation. Ken Kellermann, Senior Scientist Emeritus, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Charlottesville, USA
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I13261     On Shelf    

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TitleSuperfluid : How a Quantum Fluid Revolutionized Modern Science
Author(s)Weisend II, J. G
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionXI, 150 p. 82 illus., 52 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteUnless you are a specialist or watch a lot of obscure YouTube videos you have probably never heard of He II or superfluid helium. This substance, a unique liquid form of the element helium, is produced and used in multi-ton quantities to enable much of modern science. Altogether, He II is at the heart of more than a dozen large scale scientific facilities world-wide representing an investment of tens of billions of dollars. It cools the magnets and cavities that contain and accelerate the particle beams at the Large Hadron Collider and is also used in accelerators for the study of rare isotopes and nuclear astrophysics. This little known liquid is, in reality, one of the enabling technologies of the future.A manifestation of quantum mechanics, He II exhibits amazing behaviors. It can flow up the side of a container against gravity, it can move through small openings without friction, and it can transfer heat extremely efficiently via a mechanism not seen elsewhere in nature. This book tells the story of He II. It describes the discovery of the fluid, the observation and understanding of its behavior, the development of underlying theory and the evolution of He II from a laboratory curiosity to an industrial-scale coolant. The current and possible future applications of He II are described. Like all science and engineering, the story of He II is a human story and the role that personalities, politics, communication, cooperation and competition play in the development of He II is captured here as well. World-famous physicists such as Lev Landau, Richard Feynman, Peter Kapitza and Kurt Mendelssohn are key players in the story, while secret police from two different countries have a walk-on role. This work is meant for the general reader. Without assuming any expertise in physics, engineering or mathematics, it illuminates for the general public a little-known area of science and engineering and shows why it matters. As it turns out, it???s also a good story
Keyword(s)1. Applied and Technical Physics 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer 4. Heat engineering 5. HEAT TRANSFER 6. HISTORY 7. HISTORY OF SCIENCE 8. HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGY 9. MASS TRANSFER 10. PHYSICS 11. Quantum Fluids and Solids 12. QUANTUM STATISTICS 13. SCIENCE 14. TECHNOLOGY 15. THERMODYNAMICS
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I12840     On Shelf    

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TitleImago Cosmi : The Vision of the Cosmos and the History of Astronomical Machines
Author(s)Marini, Daniele L. R
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
DescriptionXVIII, 501 p. 192 illus., 131 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book takes the reader on an exploration of the Cosmos, from Mesopotamia and Egypt to China; it unveils the fascinating development of astronomy and mathematics. After an overview of the origins of these subjects, highlighting the contributions of Greek astronomers, the Arab culture, and Copernicus' solar system model, the book delves into the revolutionary work of Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, and Isaac Newton, leading to a comprehensive understanding of the solar system. Special attention is given to the instruments used by ancient astronomers, including the most important astronomical clocks and planetary machines. In light of this, the author examines Kepler's almost unknown design of a planetary machine and offers an interpretation using virtual reality techniques. The book also highlights the Chinese view of the Cosmos and the evolution of its astronomy and astronomical machines, offering readers a unique perspective and insight into the relationship between astronomy and technology in different cultures. Finally, the author provides a practical approach to understanding the construction and mechanics of astronomical machines, exploring the process of designing and manufacturing a Tellurium. The reading is enriched with short videos of the Tellurium, along with a translation of the description of the planetary machine by Christian Huygens. In addition, it provides a unique glimpse into the religious influences on astronomical studies during the mid-1700s through the translation of Johann Albrecht Bengel's book Cyclus. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of science and technology. It appeals to astronomers, mathematicians, physicists, and historians of science and technology alike, providing fascinating descriptions and insightful analysis of the vision of the Cosmos from its earliest conceptions to the present day
Keyword(s)1. ASTRONOMY 2. Astronomy, Observations and Techniques 3. COSMOLOGY 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. HISTORY 6. History of Physics and Astronomy 7. HISTORY OF SCIENCE 8. HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGY 9. PHYSICS 10. SCIENCE 11. TECHNOLOGY
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I12820     On Shelf    

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TitleThe Untold Stories of the Space Shuttle Program : Unfulfilled Dreams and Missions that Never Flew
Author(s)Sivolella, Davide
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2022.
DescriptionXIII, 343 p. 213 illus., 22 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteIn September 1969, several months after the Apollo 11 lunar landing, President Richard M. Nixon established the Space Task Force to chart NASA???s path for the decades to come. This imaginative vision was shattered less than six months later when, on January 13, 1970, NASA Administrator Dr. Thomas Paine announced that, owing to funding cuts, only the reusable Space Shuttle could be afforded -- there would be no space station, no return to the Moon, and no missions to Mars. This is a story never before told about the missions and technologies that NASA had begun to plan but never fully realized. The book is a companion to the author???s previous two works on the Space Shuttle. Whereas the first two books showed how the Space Shuttle flew in space and what the program accomplished, this book explains what more the Space Shuttle could have achieved and how the space transportation system could have further matured if circumstances had been otherwise. A final chapter also discusses how some of these plans might be resurrected in future programs.
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I12342     On Shelf    

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TitleMy Life in Space Exploration
Author(s)Haerendel, Gerhard
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2022.
DescriptionXIV, 227 p. 112 illus., 57 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book tells the inside story of Germany's first contributions to space research by experiments with artificial plasma clouds in space. In this autobiography, Gerhard Haerendel, former director at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, describes his 60 adventurous years in space research. The narrative of exciting events???covering 40 years of rocket and satellite work???is underpinned with accessible accounts of the actual physical phenomena and processes involved. The reader also learns about how the goals set by a visionary astrophysicist eventually led to one of Germany's first major contributions to space research by the creation of artificial comets in the solar wind. Haerendel's efforts also led to two further satellite programs, one in partnership with Sweden, focusing on the aurora borealis, the other, a national German endeavor, to explore the outer border of the magnetosphere. A further interesting chapter concerns his engagement in the evaluation and restructuring of eastern German Academy institutes after reunification. All readers interested in space research and its history will enjoy sharing the fascinating experiences and dramatic events that accompany the story throughout, even some spectacular failures relating to rocket campaigns
Keyword(s)1. ASTRONAUTICS 2. Astronomers???Biography 3. Biographies of Physicists and Astronomers 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. HISTORY 7. HISTORY OF SCIENCE 8. HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGY 9. Outer space???Exploration 10. Physicists???Biography 11. Science???History 12. Space Exploration and Astronautics 13. TECHNOLOGY
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I12274     On Shelf    

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TitleGalileo Galilei???s ???Two New Sciences??? : for Modern Readers
Author(s)De Angelis, Alessandro
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2021.
DescriptionXXXVIII, 163 p. 53 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book aims to make Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) accessible to the modern reader by refashioning the great scientist's masterpiece "Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations Relating to Two New Sciences" in today's language. Galileo Galilei stands as one of the most important figures in history, not simply for his achievements in astronomy, physics, and engineering and for revolutionizing science and the scientific method in general, but also for the role that he played in the (still ongoing) drama concerning entrenched power and its desire to stifle any knowledge that may threaten it. Therefore, it is important that today's readers come to understand and appreciate what Galilei accomplished and wrote. But the mindset that shapes how we see the world today is quite different from the mindset -- and language -- of Galilei and his contemporaries. Another obstacle to a full understanding of Galilei's writings is posed by the countless historical, philosophical, geometrical, and linguistic references he made, along with his often florid prose, with its blend of Italian and Latin. De Angelis' new rendition of the work includes translations of the original geometrical figures into algebraic formulae in modern notation and allows the non-specialist reader to follow the thread of Galileo's thought and in a way that was barely possible until now
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. HISTORY 4. History of Physics and Astronomy 5. HISTORY OF SCIENCE 6. HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGY 7. Physics???History 8. Science???History 9. TECHNOLOGY
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I11951     On Shelf    

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TitleX-Planes from the X-1 to the X-60 : An Illustrated History
Author(s)Gorn, Michael H;De Chiara, Giuseppe
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2021.
DescriptionXX, 163 p. 90 illus., 87 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteFor the past 75 years, the U.S. government has invested significant time and money into advanced aerospace research, as evidenced by its many experimental X-plane aircraft and rockets. NASA's X-Planes asks a simple question: What have we gained from it all? To answer this question, the authors provide a comprehensive overview of the X-plane???s long history, from the 1946 X-1 to the modern X-60. The chapters describe not just the technological evolution of these models, but also the wider story of politics, federal budgets, and inter-agency rivalries surrounding them. The book is organized into two sections, with the first covering the operational X-planes that symbolized the Cold War struggle between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R, and the second section surveying post-Cold War aircraft and spacecraft. Featuring dozens of original illustrations of X-plane cross-sections, in-flight profiles, close-ups, and more, this book will educate general readers and specialists alike
Keyword(s)1. Aerospace engineering 2. Aerospace Technology and Astronautics 3. ASTRONAUTICS 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. ENGINEERING 7. HISTORY 8. HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGY 9. SOLAR SYSTEM 10. SPACE PHYSICS 11. TECHNOLOGY 12. Technology and Engineering
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I11937     On Shelf    

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TitleThe Cinema in Flux : The Evolution of Motion Picture Technology from the Magic Lantern to the Digital Era
Author(s)Lipton, Lenny
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 2021.
DescriptionXXII, 795 p. 577 illus., 259 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThe first of its kind, this book traces the evolution of motion picture technology in its entirety. Beginning with Huygens' magic lantern and ending in the current electronic era, it explains cinema???s scientific foundations and the development of parallel enabling technologies alongside the lives of the innovators. Product development issues, business and marketplace factors, the interaction of aesthetic and technological demands, and the patent system all play key roles in the tale. The topics are covered sequentially, with detailed discussion of the transition from the magic lantern to Edison???s invention of the 35mm camera, the development of the celluloid cinema, and the transition from celluloid to digital. Unique and essential reading from a lifetime innovator in the field of cinema technology, this engaging and well-illustrated book will appeal to anyone interested in the history and science of cinema, from movie buffs to academics and members of the motion picture industry
Keyword(s)1. COMPUTER GRAPHICS 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. Electrical and Electronic Engineering 5. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 6. Film and Television Studies 7. HISTORY 8. HISTORY OF SCIENCE 9. HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGY 10. LASER 11. LASERS 12. Motion pictures 13. Science???History 14. TECHNOLOGY 15. Television broadcasting
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I11731     On Shelf    

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TitleThe History and Future of Technology : Can Technology Save Humanity from Extinction?
Author(s)Ayres, Robert U
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2021.
DescriptionXVIII, 830 p. 286 illus., 217 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteEminent physicist and economist, Robert Ayres, examines the history of technology as a change agent in society, focusing on societal roots rather than technology as an autonomous, self-perpetuating phenomenon. With rare exceptions, technology is developed in response to societal needs that have evolutionary roots and causes. In our genus Homo, language evolved in response to a need for our ancestors to communicate, both in the moment, and to posterity. A band of hunters had no chance in competition with predators that were larger and faster without this type of organization, which eventually gave birth to writing and music. The steam engine did not leap fully formed from the brain of James Watt. It evolved from a need to pump water out of coal mines, driven by a need to burn coal instead of firewood, in turn due to deforestation. Later, the steam engine made machines and mechanization possible. Even quite simple machines increased human productivity by a factor of hundreds, if not thousands. That was the Industrial Revolution. If we count electricity and the automobile as a second industrial revolution, and the digital computer as the beginning of a third, the world is now on the cusp of a fourth revolution led by microbiology. These industrial revolutions have benefited many in the short term, but devastated the Earth???s ecosystems. Can technology save the human race from the catastrophic consequences of its past success? That is the question this book will try to answer
Keyword(s)1. Applied and Technical Physics 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. ECONOMICS 5. HISTORY 6. HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGY 7. PHYSICS 8. Political Economy of Energy 9. Power resources 10. TECHNOLOGY
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I11662     On Shelf    

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TitleAngelo Secchi and Nineteenth Century Science : The Multidisciplinary Contributions of a Pioneer and Innovator
Author(s)Chinnici, Ileana;Consolmagno, Guy
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2021.
DescriptionXXVIII, 381 p. 120 illus., 65 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteAngelo Secchi was a key figure in 19th century science. An Italian Jesuit and scientist, he helped lead the transition from astronomy to astrophysics and left a lasting legacy in the field. Secchi???s spectral classification of stars was a milestone that paved the way for modern astronomical research. He was also a founder of modern meteorology and an innovator in the design and development of new instruments and methods across disciplines. This contributed volume collects together reviews from an international group of historians, scientists and scholars representing the multiple disciplines where Secchi made significant contributions during his remarkable career. It analyzes both his famous and lesser known pioneering efforts with equal vigor, providing a well-rounded narrative of his life???s work. Beyond his scientific and technological work, his role as a Jesuit priest in Rome during the turbulent years of the mid 19th century is also described and placed in the context of his scientific and civic activities
Keyword(s)1. Astronomy, Observations and Techniques 2. Astronomy???Observations 3. Climate Sciences 4. CLIMATOLOGY 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. HISTORY 8. HISTORY OF SCIENCE 9. HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGY 10. MEASUREMENT 11. Measurement Science and Instrumentation 12. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 13. Science???History 14. SPECTROSCOPY 15. SPECTRUM ANALYSIS 16. TECHNOLOGY
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I11618     On Shelf    

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