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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
1 Ferraz-Mello, Sylvio Chaotic Dynamics in Planetary Systems I12927 2023 eBook  
2 Qudrat-Ullah, Hassan Managing Complex Tasks with Systems Thinking I12895 2023 eBook  
3 Graham, Liam Molecular Storms I12887 2023 eBook  
4 Onwubiko, Cyril Proceedings of the International Conference on Cybersecurity, Situational Awareness and Social Media I12867 2023 eBook  
5 Yang, Zining Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of The Computational Social Science Society of the Americas I12855 2023 eBook  
6 Fuk??, Henryk Solvable Cellular Automata I12854 2023 eBook  
7 Lepore, Domenico From Silos to Network: A New Kind of Science for Management I12849 2023 eBook  
8 Squazzoni, Flaminio Advances in Social Simulation I12845 2023 eBook  
9 Krob, Daniel Complex Systems Design & Management I12842 2023 eBook  
10 Bountis, Tassos Chaos, Fractals and Complexity I12832 2023 eBook  
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TitleChaotic Dynamics in Planetary Systems
Author(s)Ferraz-Mello, Sylvio
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
DescriptionXI, 167 p. 1 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThe main theme of the book is the presentation of techniques used to identify chaotic behavior in the evolution of conservative mechanical systems and their application to astronomical systems. It results from graduate courses given by the author over the years both at university and at several international summer schools. Along the book surfaces of section, Lyapunov characteristic exponents, frequency maps, MEGNO, dense grid maps, etc., are presented and discussed in connection with the applications. The initial chapter is devoted to the presentation of the main ideas of the chaotic dynamics of conservative systems in plain language so that they can be accessible to a wide range of professionals and students of physical sciences. The applications are mainly related to the motions in the solar system and extrasolar planetary systems. Another chapter is devoted to the applications to asteroids showing how the asteroidal belt is sculpted by chaos and resonances. The contrasting existence of gaps in the distribution of the asteroids and groups of asteroids in resonances is thoroughly discussed. The interest in applications to planetary systems is growing since the discovery of systems of resonant planets around some stars of the solar neighborhood. Exoplanets added a lot of cases to a problem that was before restricted to the planets of our solar system. The book includes an account of results already existing about compact systems
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I12927     On Shelf    

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TitleManaging Complex Tasks with Systems Thinking
Author(s)Qudrat-Ullah, Hassan
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
DescriptionXIII, 484 p. 155 illus., 83 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book is about improving human decision making and performance in complex tasks. Utilizing systems thinking approach, this book presents innovative and insightful solutions to various managerial issues in various domains including agriculture, education, climate change, digital transformation, health care, supply chains, and sustainability. Practical insights and operational causal models are systematically presented. The key features of the didactic approach of this book are core knowledge, numerous tables and figures throughout the text, system archetypes, and causal loop models. This book serves as a text for college and university courses on Systems Thinking for Management Decision Making in Complex Tasks. Researchers use the developed ???causal models??? to design and evaluate various decision-aiding technologies. It is used as a source of practical information for a broad community of decision-makers, researchers, and practitioners concerned with the issue of improving human performance in complex organizational tasks
Keyword(s)1. Business logistics 2. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. OPERATIONS RESEARCH 5. Operations Research and Decision Theory 6. Supply Chain Management 7. SYSTEM THEORY
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I12895     On Shelf    

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TitleMolecular Storms : The Physics of Stars, Cells and the Origin of Life
Author(s)Graham, Liam
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
DescriptionXXI, 270 p. 62 illus., 51 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteWhy is the universe the way it is? Wherever we look, we find ordered structures: from stars to planets to living cells. This book shows that the same driving force is behind structure everywhere: the incessant random motion of the components of matter. Physicists call it thermal noise. Let???s call it the molecular storm. This storm drives the fusion reactions that make stars shine. It drives whirlpools and currents in atmospheres and oceans. It spins and distorts molecules until they are in the right orientation to react and form new substances. In living cells, it drives proteins to fold and molecules to self-assemble. It is behind every detail of the astonishing molecular machines that control cellular processes. Using cutting-edge research, ???Molecular Storms??? takes us on a dazzling journey from the early universe to the interior of the smallest living things. There, in a nanoscale world of biological devices, it explains the physics behind the chemical system which we call Life. Whether you're someone with a general interest in science or a student looking to add context to your studies, this book is for you. "Molecular Storms" is an accessible and captivating read that will deepen your appreciation of the power of science to explain the world
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I12887     On Shelf    

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TitleProceedings of the International Conference on Cybersecurity, Situational Awareness and Social Media : Cyber Science 2022; 20???21 June; Wales
Author(s)Onwubiko, Cyril;Rosati, Pierangelo;Rege, Aunshul;Erola, Arnau;Bellekens, Xavier;Hindy, Hanan;Jaatun, Martin Gilje
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
DescriptionXXVI, 476 p. 113 illus., 97 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book highlights advances in Cyber Security, Cyber Situational Awareness (CyberSA), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Social Media. It brings together original discussions, ideas, concepts and outcomes from research and innovation from multidisciplinary experts. It offers topical, timely and emerging original innovations and research results in cyber situational awareness, security analytics, cyber physical systems, blockchain technologies, machine learning, social media and wearables, protection of online digital service, cyber incident response, containment, control, and countermeasures (CIRC3). The theme of Cyber Science 2022 is Ethical and Responsible use of AI. Includes original contributions advancing research in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain, Cyber Security, Social Media, Cyber Incident Response & Cyber Insurance. Chapters ???Municipal Cybersecurity???A Neglected Research Area? A Survey of Current Research", "The Transnational Dimensionof Cybersecurity: The NIS Directive and its Jurisdictional Challenges" and "Refining the Mandatory Cybersecurity Incident Reporting under the NIS Directive 2.0: Event Types and Reporting Processes??? are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via
Keyword(s)1. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 2. Blockchain 3. Blockchains (Databases) 4. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 5. Computer crimes 6. Cooperating objects (Computer systems) 7. Cyber-Physical Systems 8. Cybercrime 9. EBOOK - SPRINGER 10. Security Science and Technology 11. Security systems 12. SYSTEM THEORY
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I12867     On Shelf    

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TitleProceedings of the 2022 Conference of The Computational Social Science Society of the Americas
Author(s)Yang, Zining;N????ez-Corrales, Santiago
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionXI, 234 p. 106 illus., 90 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book contains a selection of the latest research in the field of computational social science (CSS) methods, uses, and results, as presented at the 2022 annual conference of the Computational Social Science Society of the Americas (CSSSA). Computational social science (CSS) is the science that investigates social and behavioral dynamics through social simulation, social network analysis, and social media analysis. The CSSSA is a professional society that aims to advance the field of computational social science in all areas, including basic and applied orientations, by holding conferences and workshops, promoting standards of scientific excellence in research and teaching, and publishing research findings and results
Keyword(s)1. Agent-based Economics 2. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 3. DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. Network Research 6. Schools of economics 7. SOCIAL SCIENCES 8. SYSTEM THEORY
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I12855     On Shelf    

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TitleSolvable Cellular Automata : Methods and Applications
Author(s)Fuk??, Henryk
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
DescriptionXIX, 296 p. 41 illus., 28 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThe main focus of the book is solvability of cellular automata, that is, expressing the state of a given cell after a given number of steps by an explicit formula. The author considers solutions of two types of initial value problems for cellular automata, the deterministic one and the probabilistic one. In the first chapter the basic concepts of cellular automata theory are introduced. Deterministic initial value problem is introduced next and solutions for selected simple rules are also presented. In the following chapters various techniques for solving the deterministic problem are introduced, using elementary CA rules of increasing complexity as examples. The second part of the book introduces the concept of probability measure in the context of cellular automata and the probabilistic initial value problem for both deterministic and probabilistic rules. The book is amply illustrated with examples and applications such as the density classification problem, phase transitions in traffic models or the diffusion of innovations model. In the appendix, solution formulae (both deterministic and probabilistic) for over 60 elementary cellular automata rules are listed. Ruelle-Frobenius-Perron equations for all 88 minimal elementary cellular automata are also provided.
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I12854     On Shelf    

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TitleFrom Silos to Network: A New Kind of Science for Management : A New Kind of Science for Managing Complexity
Author(s)Lepore, Domenico;Montgomery, Angela;Siepe, Giovanni;Siepe, Francesco
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionXXIII, 90 p. 55 illus., 27 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book provides the conceptual framework and a comprehensive guide to the principles, methods and tools for managing organizations. The authors introduce ???New Knowledge??? by presenting a methodology, 'The Decalogue???, that portrays a genuinely systemic approach for managing complexity in organizations and Value Chains through focusing on the management of a leverage point called constraint (Theory of Constraints) and the understanding of variation (Theory of Profound Knowledge). This systemic approach leverages the intrinsic process and project-based nature of the work of organizations. Functional hierarchy is replaced by a network-like structure, driven by the goal of the system and governed by a new design of the organization called ???Network of Projects???. The transition towards the Network of Projects requires a cognitive shift in the way we view and put to good use human talent and ingenuity as well as a powerful algorithm to orchestrate and synchronize individual competencies. The authors discuss at length this algorithm, how the Theory of Constraints helps in the cognitive challenges of this shift and also how technology can be used fruitfully to assist with the operational implications. The target audience for this book is made up of leaders and managers of organizations as well as researchers and practitioners in the field of management and organizational design
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I12849     On Shelf    

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TitleAdvances in Social Simulation : Proceedings of the 17th Social Simulation Conference, European Social Simulation Association
Author(s)Squazzoni, Flaminio
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
DescriptionXXVI, 601 p. 169 illus., 124 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book highlights recent developments in the field of computer simulation and its application to social dynamics and behaviour. It covers latest advancements in the use of agent-based modelling by focusing on thematic issues, methodological progress and applications, including policy, industry and business. It aims to promote this interdisciplinary type of research by showing synergies, complementary and integration especially between computer sciences, social sciences, economics and organization, often bridging qualitative and quantitative research. The primary audience of this book are academics, practitioners and professionals using computer simulation for business counselling or industry.
Keyword(s)1. Behavioral Sciences and Psychology 2. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 3. COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY 4. Computational Physics and Simulations 5. COMPUTER SIMULATION 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 8. PSYCHOLOGY 9. SYSTEM THEORY
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I12845     On Shelf    

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TitleComplex Systems Design & Management : Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Complex Systems Design & Management CSD&M 2023
Author(s)Krob, Daniel;Li, Lefei;Zhang, Xinguo;Yao, Junchen;Guo, Mengyu
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
DescriptionXX, 412 p. 282 illus., 230 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book contains all refereed papers accepted during the 14th International Conference on Complex Systems Design & Management CSD&M 2023 that took place in Beijing, People???s Republic of China by the end October 2023. Mastering complex systems requires an integrated understanding of industrial practices as well as sophisticated theoretical techniques and tools. This explains the creation of an annual go-between European and Asian forum dedicated to academic researchers and industrial actors working on complex industrial systems architecting, modeling and engineering. These proceedings cover the most recent trends in the emerging field of complex systems, both from an academic and professional perspective. A special focus was put this year on ???New Trends in Complex Systems Engineering.??? The CSD&M series of conferences were initiated under the guidance of CESAM Community in Europe, managed by CESAMES. Its Asian version took place in Singapore for three consecutive sessions during 2014 and 2018. The fourth Asian edition was held in Beijing in hybrid with the Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics (CSAA) as the co-organizer in 2021. Since 2023, its European and Asian conferences merge into one, taking place in China and Europe in turn. CESAM Community aims in organizing the sharing of good practices in systems architecting and model-based systems engineering (MBSE) and certifying the level of knowledge and proficiency in this field through the CESAM certification. The CESAM systems architecting, and model-based systems engineering (MBSE) certification is especially currently the most disseminated professional certification in the world in this domain through more than 3,000 real complex system development projects on which it was operationally deployed and around 10,000 engineers who were trained on the CESAM framework at international level
Keyword(s)1. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Industrial and Production Engineering 4. Industrial engineering 5. Production engineering 6. SYSTEM THEORY
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I12842     On Shelf    

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TitleChaos, Fractals and Complexity
Author(s)Bountis, Tassos;Vallianatos, Filippos;Provata, Astero;Kugiumtzis, Dimitris;Kominis, Yannis
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionXXV, 374 p. 102 illus., 85 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis volume of proceedings contains research results within the framework of the fields of Chaos, Fractals and Complexity, written by experienced professors, young researchers, and applied scientists. It includes reviews of the fields, which are presented in an educational way for the widest possible audience, analytical results, computer simulations and experimental evidence, focusing on mathematical modelling. The papers presented here are selected from lectures given at the 28th Summer School ???Dynamical Systems and Complexity???, July 18 ??? 27, 2022. Topics cover applications of complex systems in Neuroscience, Biology, Photonics, Seismology, Meteorology, and more broadly Physical and Engineering systems. The summer school has a long history, which began at the University of Patras in 1987 and continues with great success to this day. The original main purpose was to introduce young students and researchers of Greece to a new science that emerged several decades ago and continues to grow internationally at an ever increasing rate around the world
Keyword(s)1. Applied Dynamical Systems 2. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 3. Computational neuroscience 4. DYNAMICS 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. GEOMETRY 7. NONLINEAR THEORIES 8. SYSTEM THEORY
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I12832     On Shelf    

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