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Author | Title | Accn# | Year | Item Type | Claims |
1 |
Tribedi, Lokesh C |
Advances in Atomic Molecular Collisions |
I13237 |
2024 |
eBook |
2 |
Fleck, Robert |
We Are Stardust |
I13227 |
2024 |
eBook |
3 |
Mennella, Vito |
European Conference on Laboratory Astrophysics ECLA2020 |
I12824 |
2023 |
eBook |
4 |
Uwe Meierhenrich (ed.) |
Comets and their origin: The Tool to Decipher A Comet |
OB1814 |
2014 |
eBook |
5 |
Francois Lique |
Gas-phase chemistry in space: From elementary particles to complex organic molecules |
OB1698 |
2019 |
eBook |
6 |
Stephan Schlemmer (ed.) |
Laboratory astrochemistry: From Molecules through Nanoparticles to Grains |
025930 |
2014 |
Book |
7 |
D. A. Williams |
Cosmic-chemical bond: Chemistry from the Big Bang to Planet Formation |
025917 |
2013 |
Book |
8 |
Ian W. M. Smith (ed.) |
Astrochemistry and astrobiology |
024749 |
2013 |
Book |
9 |
Giora Shaviv |
Synthesis of the elements: The Astrophysical Quest for Nucleosynthesis and What It Can tell Us About the Universe |
024737 |
2012 |
Book |
10 |
T J Millar (ed.) |
Dust and Chemistry in Astronomy |
016498 |
1993 |
Book |
Title | Advances in Atomic Molecular Collisions |
Author(s) | Tribedi, Lokesh C |
Publication | Singapore, 1. Imprint: Springer
2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2024. |
Description | XIV, 278 p. 118 illus., 90 illus. in color : online resource |
Abstract Note | This book highlights the advances made in the field of atomic and molecular collisions both in the experimental and theoretical fronts. The study of the collision of charged particles with neutral target atoms or molecules started many decades ago. The charged particles mostly include electrons and fast heavy ions. This book discusses basic research in atomic molecular collision physics along with some of the important applications in other branches of physics and peripheral fields, such as plasma physics, radiobiology, astrophysics, nanosciences, antimatter physics, and surface science. The complexity of the target systems led to the need for more sophisticated experimental tools as well as advanced theoretical models. Since the last decade, a major focus has been to investigate the behavior of biomolecules (such as nucleobases) and water when irradiated with protons and heavy ions due its applications toward hadron therapy for cancer and radiobiology in general. The collisions with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons find applications toward astrochemistry that take place in the interstellar medium, solar wind as well as UV plasmonic devices. It has been proposed that the collective excitation in these molecules plays a major role in these applications. This book presents details about the advances made and the challenges faced in both experimental and theoretical front for studying the atomic collisions including these aspects. The book can be used as a reference for researchers, professionals, and also students. The recent advances in the sophisticated experimental tools for various types of experiments as well as the progress in the experimental methodologies are addressed along with the advancement in the theoretical front |
ISBN,Price | 9789819770632 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Applied and Technical Physics
3. Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics
10. Quantum Gases and Condensates
14. Ultracold Gases
Item Type | eBook |
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Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I13237 |
On Shelf |
Title | We Are Stardust : Stellar Evolution and Our Cosmic Connection |
Author(s) | Fleck, Robert |
Publication | Cham, 1. Imprint: Springer
2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024. |
Description | XI, 185 p. 65 illus., 60 illus. in color : online resource |
Abstract Note | This concise and accessible book explains one of the most profound and inspiring discoveries ever made, namely, the fact that we ourselves???and all we see around us???are a natural product of the workings and wonders of the Universe, tied directly to distant events spread across space and time reaching back to the beginning, back to the Big Bang, and continuing through the birth and death of successive generations of stars. Modern science has shown that, in a very real and profound way, we are intimately connected to the Cosmos: we are, as Joni Mitchell tells us in her song Woodstock, stardust???in a very real sense, children of the stars???star folk made from chemical elements (???starstuff???) cooked by nuclear reactions in stellar furnaces throughout the various stages of stellar evolution. Life as we know it is an inevitable consequence of the life cycle of the stars. Our story begins at the beginning with the Big Bang some 13.8 billion years ago when, during the first three minutes in the history of the Universe, all of the hydrogen and most of the helium, by far the most abundant elements in the Universe, formed from a cooling plasma of protons, neutrons, and electrons. We then trace the life cycles of the stars from birth to death highlighting the synthesis in the stars of the heavier chemical elements so essential to life, along the way touching on many of the hot topics in astrophysics today including exoplanets, supernovae, pulsars, black holes, white dwarfs, and, since these conditions are found throughout the Galaxy, life in the Universe. The reader, awed by the power and beauty of this cosmic perspective, will leave with a better understanding and appreciation of our true cosmic connection. Surprisingly, despite its significance, this fascinating story of our connection to the stars has largely gone unnoticed outside a small circle of scientists. Understanding that the stuff we are made of traces its origin to nuclear processes accompanying the Big Bang, and thereafter to billions of years of the birth and death of generation after generation of stars, is an important and beautiful story that deserves more attention. Intended for a broad audience, this book provides inspiring reading for all students and afficionados of science |
ISBN,Price | 9783031672750 |
Keyword(s) | 1. ASTROCHEMISTRY
3. Astronomy, Cosmology and Space Sciences
7. Nuclear and Particle Physics
Item Type | eBook |
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Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I13227 |
On Shelf |
Title | European Conference on Laboratory Astrophysics ECLA2020 : The Interplay of Dust, Ice, and Gas in Space |
Author(s) | Mennella, Vito;Joblin, Christine |
Publication | Cham, 1. Imprint: Springer
2. Springer International Publishing, 2023. |
Description | XV, 335 p. 105 illus., 97 illus. in color : online resource |
Abstract Note | This volume contains the proceedings of a conference on laboratory astrophysics, which gathered a broad interdisciplinary community of astrophysicists, physicists, chemists, and geophysicists. It provides an update on outstanding results in this research field, the presentation of new laboratory developments, and the recent and expected to come space missions and other astronomical observatories with their specific needs for laboratory and theoretical studies. Understanding the interplay between dust, ice, and gas during the star lifecycle as well as in planet forming regions and the Solar System is a vast topic in relation with space exploration and astronomical observations. It also strongly relies on laboratory astrophysics activities and chemical modelling in order to simulate the formation and evolution of matter in space. This book provides researchers and graduate students with a valuable account of the current state of this fascinating discipline |
ISBN,Price | 9783031290039 |
Keyword(s) | 1. ASTROCHEMISTRY
3. Astronomy, Cosmology and Space Sciences
5. Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics
Item Type | eBook |
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Accession# | |
Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I12824 |
On Shelf |
Title | Comets and their origin: The Tool to Decipher A Comet |
Author(s) | Uwe Meierhenrich (ed.) |
Publication | Verlag, John Wiley and Sons, 2014. |
Abstract Note | Divided into two parts, the first four chapters of Comets and their Origin refer to comets and their formation in general, describing cometary missions, comet remote observations, astrochemistry, artificial comets, and the chirality phenomenon. The second part covers the cometary ROSETTA mission, its launch, journey, scientific objectives, and instrumentations, as well as the landing scenario on a cometary nucleus. Along the way, the author presents general questions concerning the origin of terrestrial water and the molecular beginnings of life on Earth, as well as how the instruments used on a space mission like ROSETTA can help answer them. The text concludes with a chapter on what scientists expect from the ROSETTA mission and how its data will influence our life on Earth.
As a result, the author elucidates highly topical and fascinating knowledge to scientists and students of various scientific backgrounds, allowing them to work with ROSETTA's data. |
ISBN,Price | 9783527412815 : $ 175.00(Online) |
Keyword(s) | 1. ASTROCHEMISTRY
Item Type | eBook |
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Accession# | |
Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
OB1814 |
On Shelf |
Title | Cosmic-chemical bond: Chemistry from the Big Bang to Planet Formation |
Author(s) | D. A. Williams;T. W. Hartquist |
Publication | Cambridge, RSC Publishing, 2013. |
Description | xii, 225p. |
Abstract Note | Introducing astrochemistry to a wide audience, this book describes how molecules formed in chemical reactions occur in a range of environments in interstellar and circumstellar space, from shortly after the Big Bang up to the present epoch. Stressing that chemistry in these environments needs to be ôdrivenö, it helps identify these drivers and the various chemical networks that operate giving rise to signature molecules that enable the physics of the region to be better understood. The book emphasises, in a non-mathematical way, the chemistry of the Milky Way Galaxy and its planet-forming regions, describes how other galaxies may have rather different chemistries and shows how chemistry was important even in the Early Universe when most of the elements had yet to be formed. This book will appeal to anyone with a general interest in chemistry, from students to professional scientists working in interdisciplinary areas and non-scientists fascinated by the evolving and exciting story of chemistry in the cosmos. |
ISBN,Price | 9781849736091 : UKP 24.99(PB) |
Classification | 524.8-36
Keyword(s) | 1. ASTROCHEMISTRY
Item Type | Book |
Circulation Data
Accession# | |
Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
025917 |
524.8-36/WIL/025917 |
On Shelf |
+Copy Specific Information |
Title | Synthesis of the elements: The Astrophysical Quest for Nucleosynthesis and What It Can tell Us About the Universe |
Author(s) | Giora Shaviv |
Publication | Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 2012. |
Description | xxii, 684p. |
Series | (Astrophysics and Space Science Library) |
Abstract Note | This book describes the origins and evolution of the chemical elements we and the cosmos are made of. The story starts with the discovery of the common elements on Earth and their subsequent discovery in space. How do we learn the composition of the distant stars? How did progress in quantum theory, nuclear physics, spectroscopy, stellar structure and evolution, together with observations of stars, converge to provide an incredibly detailed picture of the universe? How does research in the micro-world explain the macro-world? How does progress in one affect the other, or lack of knowledge in one inhibit progress in the other? In short, Shaviv describes how we discovered the various pieces of the jigsaw that form our present picture of the universe; and how we sometimes put these in the wrong place before finding in the right one. |
ISBN,Price | 9783642283840 : Euro 169.95(HB) |
Classification | 524.86-48
Keyword(s) | 1. ASTROCHEMISTRY
Item Type | Book |
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Circulation Data
Accession# | |
Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
024737 |
524.86-48/SHA/024737 |
On Shelf |
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