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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
11 Torres del Castillo, Gerardo F Spinors in Four-Dimensional Spaces I06897 2010 eBook  
12 Saller, Heinrich Operational Quantum Theory I I06761 2006 eBook  
13 Saller, Heinrich Operational Quantum Theory II I06760 2006 eBook  
14 Iachello, Francesco Lie Algebras and Applications I06654 2006 eBook  
15 Rudolph, Gerd Differential Geometry and Mathematical Physics I06330 2013 eBook  
16 Robinson, Matthew Symmetry and the Standard Model I06030 2011 eBook  
17 Strocchi, Franco Symmetry Breaking I05477 2008 eBook  
18 Faddeev, L.D Quantum Scattering Theory for Several Particle Systems I04913 1993 eBook  
19 Schroeck Jr., Franklin E Quantum Mechanics on Phase Space I04439 1996 eBook  
20 Tanner, Elizabeth A Noncompact Lie Groups and Some of Their Applications I04271 1994 eBook  
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TitleSpinors in Four-Dimensional Spaces
Author(s)Torres del Castillo, Gerardo F
PublicationBoston, MA, 1. Birkh??user Boston 2. Imprint: Birkh??user, 2010.
DescriptionVIII, 177 p : online resource
Abstract NoteWithout using the customary Clifford algebras frequently studied in connection with the representations of orthogonal groups, this book gives an elementary introduction to the two-component spinor formalism for four-dimensional spaces with any signature. Some of the useful applications of four-dimensional spinors, such as Yang???Mills theory, are derived in detail using illustrative examples. Key topics and features: ??? Uniform treatment of the spinor formalism for four-dimensional spaces of any signature, not only the usual signature (+ + + ???) employed in relativity ??? Examples taken from Riemannian geometry and special or general relativity are discussed in detail, emphasizing the usefulness of the two-component spinor formalism ??? Exercises in each chapter ??? The relationship of Clifford algebras and Dirac four-component spinors is established ??? Applications of the two-component formalism, focusing mainly on general relativity, are presented in the context of actual computations Spinors in Four-Dimensional Spaces is aimed at graduate students and researchers in mathematical and theoretical physics interested in the applications of the two-component spinor formalism in any four-dimensional vector space or Riemannian manifold with a definite or indefinite metric tensor. This systematic and self-contained book is suitable as a seminar text, a reference book, and a self-study guide. Reviews from the author's previous book, 3-D Spinors, Spin-Weighted Functions and their Applications: In summary???the book gathers much of what can be done with 3-D spinors in an easy-to-read, self-contained form designed for applications that will supplement many available spinor treatments. The book???should be appealing to graduate students and researchers in relativity and mathematical physics. ???Mathematical Reviews The present book provides an easy-to-read and unconventional presentation of the spinor formalism for three-dimensional spaces with a definite or indefinite metric...Following a nice and descriptive introduction???the final chapter contains some applications of the formalism to general relativity. ???Monatshefte f??r Mathematik
Keyword(s)1. Applications of Mathematics 2. APPLIED MATHEMATICS 3. Classical and Quantum Gravitation, Relativity Theory 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 7. GRAVITATION 8. LIE GROUPS 9. Mathematical Methods in Physics 10. PHYSICS 11. TOPOLOGICAL GROUPS 12. Topological Groups, Lie Groups
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I06897     On Shelf    

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TitleOperational Quantum Theory I : Nonrelativistic Structures
Author(s)Saller, Heinrich
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer New York, 2006.
DescriptionXIV, 408 p : online resource
Abstract NoteOperational Quantum Theory I is a distinguished work on quantum theory at an advanced algebraic level. The classically oriented hierarchy with objects such as particles as the primary focus, and interactions of these objects as the secondary focus is reversed with the operational interactions as basic quantum structures. Quantum theory, specifically nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, is developed from the theory of Lie group and Lie algebra operations acting on both finite and infinite dimensional vector spaces. In this book, time and space related finite dimensional representation structures and simple Lie operations, and as a non-relativistic application, the Kepler problem which has long fascinated quantum theorists, are dealt with in some detail. Operational Quantum Theory I features many structures which allow the reader to better understand the applications of operational quantum theory, and to provide conceptually appropriate descriptions of the subject. Operational Quantum Theory I aims to understand more deeply on an operational basis what one is working with in nonrelativistic quantum theory, but also suggests new approaches to the characteristic problems of quantum mechanics
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. LIE GROUPS 4. Mathematical Methods in Physics 5. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 6. PHYSICS 7. QUANTUM PHYSICS 8. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics 9. TOPOLOGICAL GROUPS 10. Topological Groups, Lie Groups
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I06761     On Shelf    

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TitleOperational Quantum Theory II : Relativistic Structures
Author(s)Saller, Heinrich
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer New York, 2006.
DescriptionXII, 333 p : online resource
Abstract NoteOperational Quantum Theory II is a distinguished work on quantum theory at an advanced algebraic level. The classically oriented hierarchy with objects such as particles as the primary focus, and interactions of the objects as the secondary focus is reversed with the operational interactions as basic quantum structures. Quantum theory, specifically relativistic quantum field theory is developed the theory of Lie group and Lie algebra operations acting on both finite and infinite dimensional vector spaces. This book deals with the operational concepts of relativistic space time, the Lorentz and Poincar?? group operations and their unitary representations, particularly the elementary articles. Also discussed are eigenvalues and invariants for non-compact operations in general as well as the harmonic analysis of noncompact nonabelian Lie groups and their homogeneous spaces. In addition to the operational formulation of the standard model of particle interactions, an attempt is made to understand the particle spectrum with the masses and coupling constants as the invariants and normalizations of a tangent representation structure of a an homogeneous space time model. Operational Quantum Theory II aims to understand more deeply on an operational basis what one is working with in relativistic quantum field theory, but also suggests new solutions to previously unsolved problems
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. LIE GROUPS 4. Mathematical Methods in Physics 5. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 6. PHYSICS 7. QUANTUM PHYSICS 8. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics 9. TOPOLOGICAL GROUPS 10. Topological Groups, Lie Groups
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I06760     On Shelf    

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TitleLie Algebras and Applications
Author(s)Iachello, Francesco
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.
DescriptionXIV, 196 p. 26 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book, designed for advanced graduate students and post-graduate researchers, provides an introduction to Lie algebras and some of their applications to the spectroscopy of molecules, atoms, nuclei and hadrons. In the first part, a concise exposition is given of the basic concepts of Lie algebras, their representations and their invariants. The second part contains a description of how Lie algebras are used in practice in the treatment of bosonic and fermionic systems. Physical applications considered include rotations and vibrations of molecules (vibron model), collective modes in nuclei (interacting boson model), the atomic shell model, the nuclear shell model, and the quark model of hadrons. One of the key concepts in the application of Lie algebraic methods in physics, that of spectrum generating algebras and their associated dynamic symmetries, is also discussed. The book contains many examples that help to elucidate the abstract algebraic definitions. It provides a summary of many formulas of practical interest, such as the eigenvalues of Casimir operators and the dimensions of the representations of all classical Lie algebras
Keyword(s)1. Atomic structure???? 2. Atomic/Molecular Structure and Spectra 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. LIE GROUPS 6. Mathematical Methods in Physics 7. Molecular structure?? 8. NUCLEAR PHYSICS 9. Particle and Nuclear Physics 10. PHYSICS 11. QUANTUM PHYSICS 12. TOPOLOGICAL GROUPS 13. Topological Groups, Lie Groups
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I06654     On Shelf    

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TitleDifferential Geometry and Mathematical Physics : Part I. Manifolds, Lie Groups and Hamiltonian Systems
Author(s)Rudolph, Gerd;Schmidt, Matthias
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2013.
DescriptionXIV, 762 p : online resource
Abstract NoteStarting from an undergraduate level, this book systematically develops the basics of ??? Calculus on manifolds, vector bundles, vector fields and differential forms, ??? Lie groups and Lie group actions, ??? Linear symplectic algebra and symplectic geometry, ??? Hamiltonian systems, symmetries and reduction, integrable systems and Hamilton-Jacobi theory. The topics listed under the first item are relevant for virtually all areas of mathematical physics. The second and third items constitute the link between abstract calculus and the theory of Hamiltonian systems. The last item provides an introduction to various aspects of this theory, including Morse families, the Maslov class and caustics. The book guides the reader from elementary differential geometry to advanced topics in the theory of Hamiltonian systems with the aim of making current research literature accessible. The style is that of a mathematical textbook,with full proofs given in the text or as exercises. The material is illustrated by numerous detailed examples, some of which are taken up several times for demonstrating how the methods evolve and interact
Keyword(s)1. CLASSICAL MECHANICS 2. DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. GLOBAL ANALYSIS (MATHEMATICS) 6. Global Analysis and Analysis on Manifolds 7. LIE GROUPS 8. Manifolds (Mathematics) 9. Mathematical Methods in Physics 10. MECHANICS 11. PHYSICS 12. TOPOLOGICAL GROUPS 13. Topological Groups, Lie Groups
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I06330     On Shelf    

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TitleSymmetry and the Standard Model : Mathematics and Particle Physics
Author(s)Robinson, Matthew
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer New York, 2011.
DescriptionXIX, 327 p : online resource
Abstract NoteWhile elementary particle physics is an extraordinarily fascinating field, the huge amount of knowledge necessary to perform cutting-edge research poses a formidable challenge for students. The leap from the material contained in the standard graduate course sequence to the frontiers of M-theory, for example, is tremendous. To make substantial contributions to the field, students must first confront a long reading list of texts on quantum field theory, general??relativity, gauge theory, particle interactions, conformal field theory, and string theory. Moreover, waves of new mathematics are required at each stage, spanning a broad set of topics including algebra, geometry, topology, and analysis. Symmetry and the Standard Model: Mathematics and Particle Physics, by Matthew Robinson, is the first volume of a series intended to teach math in a way that is catered to physicists. Following a brief review of classical physics at the undergraduate level and a preview of particle physics from an experimentalist's perspective, the text systematically lays the mathematical groundwork for an algebraic understanding of the Standard Model of Particle Physics. It then concludes with an overview of the extensions of the previous ideas to physics beyond the Standard Model. The text is geared toward advanced undergraduate students and first-year graduate students
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Elementary particles (Physics) 4. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 5. GROUP THEORY 6. Group Theory and Generalizations 7. LIE GROUPS 8. NUCLEAR PHYSICS 9. Particle and Nuclear Physics 10. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY 11. TOPOLOGICAL GROUPS 12. Topological Groups, Lie Groups
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I06030     On Shelf    

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TitleSymmetry Breaking
Author(s)Strocchi, Franco
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.
DescriptionX, 216 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThis new edition of Prof. Strocchi's well received primer on rigorous aspects of symmetry breaking presents a more detailed and thorough discussion of the mechanism of symmetry breaking in classical field theory in relation with the Noether theorem. Moreover, the link between symmetry breaking without massless Goldstone bosons in Coulomb systems and in gauge theories is made more explicit in terms of the delocalized Coulomb dynamics. Furthermore, the chapter on the Higgs mechanism has been significantly expanded with a non-perturbative treatment of the Higgs phenomenon, at the basis of the standard model of particle physics, in the local and in the Coulomb gauges. Last but not least, a subject index has been added and a number of misprints have been corrected. From the reviews of the first edition: The notion of spontaneous symmetry breaking has proven extremely valuable, the problem is that most derivations are perturbative and heuristic. Yet mathematically precise versions do exist, but are not widely known. It is precisely the aim of his book to correct this unbalance. - It is remarkable to see how much material can actually be presented in a rigorous way (incidentally, many of the results presented are due to Strocchi himself), yet this is largely ignored, the original heuristic derivations being, as a rule, more popular. - At each step he strongly emphasizes the physical meaning and motivation of the various notions introduced [...] a book that fills a conspicuous gap in the literature, and does it rather well. It could also be a good basis for a graduate course in mathematical physics. It can be recommended to physicists as well and, of course, for physics/mathematics libraries. J.-P. Antoine, Physicalia 28/2, 2006 Strocchi's main emphasis is on the fact that the loss of symmetric behaviour requires both the non-symmetric ground states and the infinite extension of the system. It is written in a pleasant style at a level suitable for graduate students in theoretical physics. While mathematically proper, it is not forbidding for a physics readership; the author is always aware this subject is a branch of physics. It should make profitable reading for many theoretical physicists. L.H. Ryder, J. Phys. A, 38 (2005) 9719-9730 In these notes the author explores the phenomenon of spontaneous symmetry breaking as it arises in classical and quantum systems. Despite many accounts in popular textbooks and a widespread belief, the phenomenon is rather subtle, requires an infinite set of degrees of freedom and an advanced mathematical setting of the system under investigation. [...] The mathematically oriented graduate student will certainly benefit from this thorough, rigorous and detailed investigation. G. Roepstorff, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1075, 2006
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Elementary particles (Physics) 4. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 5. LIE GROUPS 6. Mathematical Methods in Physics 7. PHYSICS 8. Quantum Field Theories, String Theory 9. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY 10. QUANTUM PHYSICS 11. STRING THEORY 12. TOPOLOGICAL GROUPS 13. Topological Groups, Lie Groups
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I05477     On Shelf    

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TitleQuantum Scattering Theory for Several Particle Systems
Author(s)Faddeev, L.D;Merkuriev, S.P
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1993.
DescriptionXIV, 406 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThe last decade witnessed an increasing interest of mathematicians in prob?? lems originated in mathematical physics. As a result of this effort, the scope of traditional mathematical physics changed considerably. New problems es?? pecially those connected with quantum physics make use of new ideas and methods. Together with classical and functional analysis, methods from dif?? ferential geometry and Lie algebras, the theory of group representation, and even topology and algebraic geometry became efficient tools of mathematical physics. On the other hand, the problems tackled in mathematical physics helped to formulate new, purely mathematical, theorems. This important development must obviously influence the contemporary mathematical literature, especially the review articles and monographs. A considerable number of books and articles appeared, reflecting to some extend this trend. In our view, however, an adequate language and appropriate methodology has not been developed yet. Nowadays, the current literature includes either mathematical monographs occasionally using physical terms, or books on theoretical physics focused on the mathematical apparatus. We hold the opinion that the traditional mathematical language of lem?? mas and theorems is not appropriate for the contemporary writing on mathe?? matical physics. In such literature, in contrast to the standard approaches of theoretical physics, the mathematical ideology must be utmost emphasized and the reference to physical ideas must be supported by appropriate mathe?? matical statements. Of special importance are the results and methods that have been developed in this way for the first time
Keyword(s)1. Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics 2. ATOMS 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. INTEGRAL EQUATIONS 6. LIE GROUPS 7. PHYSICS 8. QUANTUM PHYSICS 9. TOPOLOGICAL GROUPS 10. Topological Groups, Lie Groups
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I04913     On Shelf    

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TitleQuantum Mechanics on Phase Space
Author(s)Schroeck Jr., Franklin E
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1996.
DescriptionXVI, 672 p : online resource
Abstract NoteIn this monograph, we shall present a new mathematical formulation of quantum theory, clarify a number of discrepancies within the prior formulation of quantum theory, give new applications to experiments in physics, and extend the realm of application of quantum theory well beyond physics. Here, we motivate this new formulation and sketch how it developed. Since the publication of Dirac's famous book on quantum mechanics [Dirac, 1930] and von Neumann's classic text on the mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics two years later [von Neumann, 1932], there have appeared a number of lines of development, the intent of each being to enrich quantum theory by extra?? polating or even modifying the original basic structure. These lines of development have seemed to go in different directions, the major directions of which are identified here: First is the introduction of group theoretical methods [Weyl, 1928; Wigner, 1931] with the natural extension to coherent state theory [Klauder and Sudarshan, 1968; Peremolov, 1971]. The call for an axiomatic approach to physics [Hilbert, 1900; Sixth Problem] led to the development of quantum logic [Mackey, 1963; Jauch, 1968; Varadarajan, 1968, 1970; Piron, 1976; Beltrametti & Cassinelli, 1981], to the creation of the operational approach [Ludwig, 1983-85, 1985; Davies, 1976] with its application to quantum communication theory [Helstrom, 1976; Holevo, 1982), and to the development of the C* approach [Emch, 1972]. An approach through stochastic differential equations ("stochastic mechanics") was developed [Nelson, 1964, 1966, 1967]
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. GLOBAL ANALYSIS (MATHEMATICS) 4. Global Analysis and Analysis on Manifolds 5. Imaging / Radiology 6. LIE GROUPS 7. Manifolds (Mathematics) 8. Neurosciences 9. QUANTUM PHYSICS 10. Radiology 11. Statistics for Engineering, Physics, Computer Science, Chemistry and Earth Sciences 12. Statistics?? 13. TOPOLOGICAL GROUPS 14. Topological Groups, Lie Groups
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I04439     On Shelf    

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TitleNoncompact Lie Groups and Some of Their Applications
Author(s)Tanner, Elizabeth A;Wilson, R
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1994.
Description512 p : online resource
Abstract NoteDuring the past two decades representations of noncompact Lie groups and Lie algebras have been studied extensively, and their application to other branches of mathematics and to physical sciences has increased enormously. Several theorems which were proved in the abstract now carry definite mathematical and physical sig?? nificance. Several physical observations which were not understood before are now explained in terms of models based on new group-theoretical structures such as dy?? namical groups and Lie supergroups. The workshop was designed to bring together those mathematicians and mathematical physicists who are actively working in this broad spectrum of research and to provide them with the opportunity to present their recent results and to discuss the challenges facing them in the many problems that remain. The objective of the workshop was indeed well achieved. This book contains 31 lectures presented by invited participants attending the NATO Advanced Research Workshop held in San Antonio, Texas, during the week of January 3-8, 1993. The introductory article by the editors provides a brief review of the concepts underlying these lectures (cited by author [*]) and mentions some of their applications. The articles in the book are grouped under the following general headings: Lie groups and Lie algebras, Lie superalgebras and Lie supergroups, and Quantum groups, and are arranged in the order in which they are cited in the introductory article. We are very thankful to Dr
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. GLOBAL ANALYSIS (MATHEMATICS) 4. Global Analysis and Analysis on Manifolds 5. GROUP THEORY 6. Group Theory and Generalizations 7. LIE GROUPS 8. Manifolds (Mathematics) 9. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 10. Non-associative Rings and Algebras 11. Nonassociative rings 12. Rings (Algebra) 13. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics 14. TOPOLOGICAL GROUPS 15. Topological Groups, Lie Groups
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I04271     On Shelf    

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