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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
1 Daud, Suzairi Carbon Nanotubes I12822 2023 eBook  
2 Burzo, Emil Rare Earths-Transition Metals-Boron Compounds I12728 2023 eBook  
3 Gany, Alon 2021 International Conference on Development and Application of Carbon Nanomaterials in Energetic Materials I12395 2022 Book  
4 Murray, Keith Single Molecule Toroics I12337 2022 Book  
5 Vincent, St??phane Small Scale Modeling and Simulation of Incompressible Turbulent Multi-Phase Flow I12240 2022 Book  
6 Snowdon, Monika Methods of the Alignment-Relay Technique for Nanosystems I11900 2021 eBook  
7 Ozdemir, Servet Electronic Properties of Rhombohedral Graphite I11875 2021 eBook  
8 Pismen, Len Active Matter Within and Around Us I11725 2021 eBook  
9 K. L. Chugh ICSE Chemistry Class IX E02038 2019 Book  
10 Kumar, Amit Novel Coronavirus 2019 I09596 2020 eBook  
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TitleCarbon Nanotubes : Fabrication Using the Arc Discharge Process
Author(s)Daud, Suzairi
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
DescriptionXV, 73 p. 25 illus., 22 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book highlights a comprehensive understanding of the fabrication and growth of carbon nanostructures via the arc discharge process. Its content is designed to benefit academicians, students, researchers, scientists, and readers who are interested in gaining knowledge in this area. The book presents findings on the arc discharge process and provide detailed information on the optimal state and energy of carbon ions in arc discharge plasma, observed under different pressures and ambient environments. The contents presented here can be applied to enhance the performance of various applications. This book provides a valuable resource for those looking to gain a deeper understanding of the arc discharge process and the growth of carbon nanostructures, with practical applications in industries such as electronics, semiconductors, and energy storage
Keyword(s)1. CARBON 2. Carbon Materials 3. CHEMISTRY 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. Laser-Matter Interaction 6. LASERS 7. MATERIALS 8. Nanoengineering 9. Nanophysics 10. NANOSCIENCE 11. NANOTECHNOLOGY 12. SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY 13. SOLID-STATE CHEMISTRY
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I12822     On Shelf    

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TitleRare Earths-Transition Metals-Boron Compounds : Basic Properties to Technical Applications
Author(s)Burzo, Emil
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionVI, 539 p. 78 illus., 24 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book presents advances in the field of rare-earth (R) ??? transition metal (M) ??? boron compounds with extensive references. Since titanium and scandium do not form compounds with rare-earths, the Sc/Ti-M-B series are additionally presented. In each chapter the crystal structures, the complex physical properties as determined from neutron diffraction, magnetic measurements, resonance studies, transport properties and band structure calculations are critical analyzed. The models used in describing the experimental evidence are also presented. Tables with the main properties of the R-M-B compounds are given and representative data are illustrated in figures. In this way, the book provides state-of-the art knowledge and a valuable analysis of up-to-date results in the field. The technical applications, as permanent magnets, thermoelectric and magnetocaloric devices, hydrogen storage are also highlighted along with the authors insights into future directions in the field. The book is ofinterest for scientists involved in the development of the field as well as those working in the technical uses of rare-earth compounds
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I12728     On Shelf    

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Title2021 International Conference on Development and Application of Carbon Nanomaterials in Energetic Materials
Author(s)Gany, Alon;Fu, Xiaolong
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
DescriptionXXIII, 638 p. 396 illus., 306 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book features selected papers presented at the 2021 International Conference on Development and Application of Carbon Nanomaterials in Energetic Materials. It discusses the latest progress in the field of advance carbon nanomaterials in energetic materials; including the structural design, theoretical calculation, synthesis, properties, and applications of carbon materials. It also presents the new technology and applications of advanced carbon nanomaterials in energetic materials. It can be used as a reference book for researchers in energetic materials and related fields. It is also be useful for undergraduates and postgraduates studying these topics
Keyword(s)1. CARBON 2. Carbon Materials 3. Catalysis 4. CHEMISTRY 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. Energy Storage 8. FORCE AND ENERGY 9. MATERIALS 10. Materials Engineering 11. Materials for Energy and Catalysis 12. Mechanical and Thermal Energy Storage 13. NANOTECHNOLOGY
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I12395     On Shelf    

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TitleSingle Molecule Toroics : Synthetic Strategies, Theory and Applications
Author(s)Murray, Keith
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2022.
DescriptionXII, 236 p. 106 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book consists of chapters written by international experts on various aspects of single molecule toroics (SMTs).The chapters cover a broad range of relevant topics and highlight the latest advances performed in the field. An up-to-date overview of the emerging SMT architectures is presented while particular attention is given to not only the magnetism and relaxation effects involved but also to the respective applications in advanced electronics and memory devices. The role that lanthanides play -especially that of dysprosium- is discussed, while a thorough analysis using theoretical/ab initio calculations is provided. Since SMTs have grown out of single molecule magnetism (SMM), it is an expanding and topical subject and the present book will engender excitement and interest amongst chemists, physicists, theoreticians and materials scientists. The volume will be of great interest to researchers and graduates working on this topic and particularly those involved in lanthanide chemistry, magnetism and theory.
Keyword(s)1. CHEMISTRY 2. Chemistry, Physical and theoretical 3. CONDENSED MATTER 4. CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS 5. Coordination Chemistry 6. Coordination compounds 7. EBOOK 8. EBOOK - SPRINGER 9. MAGNETISM 10. MATERIALS 11. Materials Chemistry 12. THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY
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I12337     On Shelf    

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TitleSmall Scale Modeling and Simulation of Incompressible Turbulent Multi-Phase Flow
Author(s)Vincent, St??phane;Estival??zes, Jean-Luc;Scardovelli, Ruben
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2022.
DescriptionIX, 312 p. 166 illus., 106 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThe book provides basic and recent research insights concerning the small scale modeling and simulation of turbulent multi-phase flows. By small scale, it has to be understood that the grid size for the simulation is smaller than most of the physical time and space scales of the problem. Small scale modeling of multi-phase flows is a very popular topic since the capabilities of massively parallel computers allows to go deeper into the comprehension and characterization of realistic flow configurations and at the same time, many environmental and industrial applications are concerned such as nuclear industry, material processing, chemical reactors, engine design, ocean dynamics, pollution and erosion in rivers or on beaches. The work proposes a complete and exhaustive presentation of models and numerical methods devoted to small scale simulation of incompressible turbulent multi-phase flows from specialists of the research community. Attention has also been paid to promote illustrations and applications, multi-phase flows and collaborations with industry. The idea is also to bring together developers and users of different numerical approaches and codes to share their experience in the development and validation of the algorithms and discuss the difficulties and limitations of the different methods and their pros and cons. The focus will be mainly on fixed-grid methods, however adaptive grids will be also partly broached, with the aim to compare and validate the different approaches and models
Keyword(s)1. CHEMISTRY 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. Engineering Fluid Dynamics 5. Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer 6. FLUID MECHANICS 7. Heat engineering 8. HEAT TRANSFER 9. MASS TRANSFER 10. MATERIALS 11. Materials Chemistry 12. THERMODYNAMICS
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I12240     On Shelf    

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TitleMethods of the Alignment-Relay Technique for Nanosystems : Optimization and Innovation
Author(s)Snowdon, Monika
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2021.
DescriptionXXV, 263 p. 231 illus., 160 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis thesis addresses the problem of improving the alignment of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in transistor applications, taking a unique approach using iptycenes acting as molecular tweezers in combination with a liquid crystal solvent. As part of a project to test the effectiveness of a multi-step method, the so-called Alignment Relay Technique (ART), this work contributed evidence for the selectivity and stability of ART, as well as providing the first proof-of-concept that ART can be used to create CNT field-effect transistors (FETs). The thesis effectively explains and illustrates the chemical synthesis of the tweezers, the concept and actualization of the technique, the various factors observed to influence deposition and selectivity, along with material fabrication using both photolithography and electron beam lithography. This research advances knowledge of transistors and expands the applications of small organic molecules in the field of materials science. Particular highlights of this thesis include: an extensive review of ART, its advantages, and limitations; development of new material chemistry methods for the optimization of semiconducting CNT selectivity; and a comprehensive exploration of fabrication and characterization of CNTFETs for future applications
Keyword(s)1. CARBON 2. Carbon Materials 3. CHEMISTRY 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. ELECTRONIC DEVICES 7. IMAGING SYSTEMS 8. Imaging Techniques 9. MATERIALS 10. Materials???Analysis 11. Nanoscale Design, Synthesis and Processing 12. NANOTECHNOLOGY 13. SEMICONDUCTORS 14. SOLID STATE PHYSICS
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I11900     On Shelf    

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TitleElectronic Properties of Rhombohedral Graphite
Author(s)Ozdemir, Servet
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2021.
DescriptionXV, 132 p. 66 illus., 54 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis thesis presents the first systematic electron transport investigation of rhombohedral graphite (RG) films and thus lies at the interface of graphene physics, vdW heterostructure devices and topological matter. Electron transport investigation into the rhombohedral phase of graphite was limited to a few layers of graphene due to the competing hexagonal phase being more abundant. This work reports that in exfoliated natural graphite films, rhombohedral domains of up to 50 layers can be found. In the low energy limit, these domains behave as an N-layer generalisation of graphene. Moreover, being a potential alternative to twisted bilayer graphene systems, RG films show a spontaneous metal-insulator transition, with characteristic symmetry properties that could be described by mean-field theory where superconductivity is also predicted in these low energy bands. A nodal-line semimetal in the bulk limit, RG thin films are a 3D generalisation of the simplest topological insulator model: the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain. Similar to the more usual topological insulators, RG films exhibit parallel conduction of bulk states, which undergo three-dimensional quantum transport that reflects bulk topology
Keyword(s)1. CARBON 2. Carbon Materials 3. CHEMISTRY 4. CONDENSED MATTER 5. CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS 6. EBOOK 7. EBOOK - SPRINGER 8. Electronic materials 9. Electronics???Materials 10. MATERIALS 11. Topological insulators 12. Topological Material
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I11875     On Shelf    

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TitleActive Matter Within and Around Us : From Self-Propelled Particles to Flocks and Living Forms
Author(s)Pismen, Len
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2021.
DescriptionXIII, 227 p. 236 illus., 216 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book presents a comprehensive review of various aspects of the novel and rapidly developing field of active matter, which encompasses a wide variety of self-organized self-driven energy-consuming media or agents. Most naturally occurring examples are of biological origin, spanning all scales from intracellular structures to swimming and crawling cells and microorganisms, to living tissues, bacterial colonies and flocks of birds. But the field also encompasses artificial systems, from colloids to soft robots. Intrinsically out of equilibrium and free of constraints of time-reversal symmetry, such systems display a range of surprising and unusual behaviors. In this book, the author emphasizes connections between fluid-mechanical, material, biological and technological aspects of active matter. He employs a minimum of mathematical tools, ensuring that the presentation is accessible to a wider scientific community. Richly illustrated, it gives the reader a clear picture of this fascinating field, its diverse phenomena and its open questions
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I11725     On Shelf    

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TitleICSE Chemistry Class IX
Author(s)K. L. Chugh;Anshul, Johar
PublicationPune, Kalyani Publishers, 2019.
ISBN,Price9789327275285 : Rs 350.00
Keyword(s)1. CHEMISTRY 2. ICSE 3. M.V.S.
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E02038     Issued IS019: Muktangan Vidnyan Shodhika, C/O Samir Dhurde 31/Mar/2024

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TitleNovel Coronavirus 2019 : In-silico Vaccine Design and Drug Discovery
Author(s)Kumar, Amit;Saxena, Ajit Kumar;Lee, Gwo Giun (Chris);Kashyap, Amita;Jyothsna, G
PublicationSingapore, Springer Singapore, 2020.
DescriptionIX, 78 p. 83 illus., 51 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book highlights the genomic findings, observations, and analysis of DNA/RNA sequences and protein structure of the dreadful virus of this decade- COVID-19. The Corona group of viruses though known species, the strain that caused the Pandemic of 2019 is a completely new strain, belonging to the same corona family with a novel genetic make-up. This makes it a new pathogen which is causing the current outbreak leaving the global scientific community clueless of any therapeutic breakthrough. NCOV enjoys life threatening pathogenicity with mysterious genetic annotations. This book details and offers insights into its viral genetic arrangement, Virulence factors, probable mutations leading to the evolution of this new strain and more. It contains chapters on Virus evolutionary status and Genetic makeup leading to its pathogenicity which can be a new insight in understanding the nature of this clever microorganism and can pave way to the development of new drugs and Vaccines or a novel diagnostic approach for the early prognosis of the disease. A dedicated chapter on annotation of NCOV-19 virulence genes, translation of the genes to protein product, annotation of the antigenic sites on these proteins is also included. In all, this brief is a complete genomic annotation insight of NCOV-19 using AI, Data analytics and Bioinformatics analysis. In the current situation, this book is an extensive preliminary resource for Medical practitioners, Researchers, Academicians, Scientists, Biochemists, Bioinformaticians and other professionals interested in understanding the genetics of Novel Coronavirus 19, the best possible drug targets, ideal vaccine candidates and novel prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers
Keyword(s)1. BIOINFORMATICS 2. Biological and Medical Physics, Biophysics 3. BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS 4. Biomedical engineering 5. Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering 6. BIOPHYSICS 7. CHEMISTRY 8. Chemistry, Physical and theoretical 9. Chemistry/Food Science, general 10. EBOOK 11. EBOOK - SPRINGER 12. Health informatics 13. Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
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I09596     On Shelf    

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