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Author | Title | Accn# | Year | Item Type | Claims |
1 |
Bhatawdekar, Ramesh M |
Environmental Issues of Blasting |
I11955 |
2021 |
eBook |
2 |
Tiwari, R. K |
Modern Singular Spectral-Based Denoising and Filtering Techniques for 2D and 3D Reflection Seismic Data |
I09103 |
2020 |
eBook |
3 |
Bouarar, Idir |
Air Pollution in Eastern Asia: An Integrated Perspective |
I08539 |
2017 |
eBook |
4 |
Apikyan, Samuel |
Nuclear Power and Energy Security |
I05427 |
2010 |
eBook |
5 |
Burkhardt, D |
Environmental Assessment of Socioeconomic Systems |
I05216 |
1978 |
eBook |
6 |
Oppenheimer, Carl |
Environmental Data Management |
I05159 |
1976 |
eBook |
7 |
Pratt, L.J |
The Physical Oceanography of Sea Straits |
I04066 |
1990 |
eBook |
8 |
White, James C |
Global Energy Strategies |
I03990 |
1993 |
eBook |
9 |
Paepe, R |
Greenhouse Effect, Sea Level and Drought |
I03228 |
1990 |
eBook |
10 |
MacDonald, Gordon J |
Global Climate and Ecosystem Change |
I02709 |
1990 |
eBook |
Title | Environmental Issues of Blasting : Applications of Artificial Intelligence Techniques |
Author(s) | Bhatawdekar, Ramesh M;Armaghani, Danial Jahed;Azizi, Aydin |
Publication | Singapore, Springer Nature Singapore, 2021. |
Description | IX, 77 p. 9 illus., 8 illus. in color : online resource |
Abstract Note | This book gives a rigorous and up-to-date study of the various AI and machine learning algorithms for resolving environmental challenges associated with blasting. Blasting is a critical activity in any mining or civil engineering project for breaking down hard rock masses. A small amount of explosive energy is only used during blasting to fracture rock in order to achieve the appropriate fragmentation, throw, and development of muck pile. The surplus energy is transformed into unfavourable environmental effects such as back-break, flyrock, air overpressure, and ground vibration. The advancement of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques has increased the accuracy of predicting these environmental impacts of blasting. This book discusses the effective application of these strategies in forecasting, mitigating, and regulating the aforementioned blasting environmental hazards |
ISBN,Price | 9789811682377 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Computational Intelligence
4. Engineering geology
6. Geoengineering
8. Geotechnical engineering
9. Geotechnical Engineering and Applied Earth Sciences
Item Type | eBook |
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Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I11955 |
On Shelf |
Title | Modern Singular Spectral-Based Denoising and Filtering Techniques for 2D and 3D Reflection Seismic Data |
Author(s) | Tiwari, R. K;Rekapalli, R |
Publication | Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2020. |
Description | XVI, 157 p. 104 illus., 43 illus. in color : online resource |
Abstract Note | This book discusses the latest advances in singular spectrum-based algorithms for seismic data processing, providing an update on recent developments in this field. Over the past few decades, researchers have extensively studied the application of the singular spectrum-based time and frequency domain eigen image methods, singular spectrum analysis (SSA) and multichannel SSA for various geophysical data. This book addresses seismic reflection signals, which represent the amalgamated signals of several unwanted signals/noises, such as ground roll, diffractions etc. Decomposition of such non-stationary and erratic field data is one of the multifaceted tasks in seismic data processing. This volume also includes comprehensive methodological and parametric descriptions, testing on appropriately generated synthetic data, as well as comparisons between time and frequency domain algorithms and their applications to the field data on 1D, 2D, 3D and 4D data sets. Lastly, it features an exclusive chapter with MATLAB coding for SSA |
ISBN,Price | 9783030193041 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Earth System Sciences
5. Fossil fuels
6. Fossil Fuels (incl. Carbon Capture)
8. Geophysics and Environmental Physics
9. Geophysics/Geodesy
10. Noise control
11. Physical geography
Item Type | eBook |
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Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I09103 |
On Shelf |
Title | Air Pollution in Eastern Asia: An Integrated Perspective |
Author(s) | Bouarar, Idir;Wang, Xuemei;Brasseur, Guy P |
Publication | Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2017. |
Description | XI, 504 p. 211 illus., 183 illus. in color : online resource |
Abstract Note | This book, written by an international group of experts from China, Europe and the USA, presents a broad and comprehensive analysis of the chemical and meteorological processes responsible for the formation of air pollutants in eastern Asia, and in particular for the development of severe pollution episodes observed primarily during winter in the northeastern part of China. With the rapid population growth, economic development and urbanization occurring in Asia, air pollution has become a major environmental problem in this part of the world. The book is organized around six distinct parts. The first part of the volume offers a general perspective on issues related to air pollution including persistent haze events in eastern and southern Asia. The second part presents an overview of air pollution sources (i.e., anthropogenic and biomass burning sources). The third part analyzes in-situ observations of chemical species in China, while the fourth part focuses on space observations of gas-phase and aerosol species. The modeling aspects are treated in the fifth part of the volume, which includes a presentation of several air quality forecast systems and an assessment of the role of urbanization on air pollution levels. Finally, the effects of air pollution on health and crop productivity in China are discussed in the last part of the book.??The book also presents an integrated view of past and present situations in Asia and provides the scientific basis from which mitigation policies can be established and air quality can be improved. Audience: This book is written for scientists, educators, students,??environmental managers, policy-makers and leaders in public administration and private corporations who wish to??use science-based information??to mitigate air pollution. The book should help decision-makers to design effective policies for air quality improvement and to successfully manage short-term air pollution episodes that substantially affect people???s quality of life and strongly impact the economy.?? |
ISBN,Price | 9783319594897 |
Keyword(s) | 1. AIR POLLUTION
2. Atmospheric Protection/Air Quality Control/Air Pollution
6. Industrial Pollution Prevention
7. Pollution prevention
8. Sustainable development
Item Type | eBook |
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I08539 |
On Shelf |
Title | Nuclear Power and Energy Security |
Author(s) | Apikyan, Samuel;Diamond, David |
Publication | Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2010. |
Description | XVI, 282 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | The basic logic is very simple. Countries around the globe have a need for more electrical generating capacity because of increases in population and increases in energy use per capita. The needs are constrained by the requirement that the ba- load energy source be economical, secure, and not emit climate-changing gases. Nuclear power fits this description. Therefore, many countries that have not had a nuclear power program (or only had a small program) see a need to develop one in the future. However, the development of a national nuclear energy program is not so simple. The purpose of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Nuclear Power and Energy Security was to contribute to our understanding of how these programs might evolve. The workshop took place 26???29 May 2009 in Yerevan, Armenia. Approximately 50 participants discussed the infrastructure that is needed and some of the reactor options that might be considered. The papers in this book helped define the discussion that took place. The infrastructure that is needed includes a legal framework, a functioning regulator, a plan for waste disposal, a plan for emergency response, etc. These needs were explained and just as importantly, it was explained what international, bilateral, and regional cooperation is available. Although there were many co- tries represented, the Armenian experience was of particular interest because of where the meeting was located. The papers on reactor options covered both innovative and evolutionary designs |
ISBN,Price | 9789048135042 |
Keyword(s) | 1. EBOOK
3. Effects of Radiation/Radiation Protection
5. Industrial safety
7. Particle acceleration
8. Particle Acceleration and Detection, Beam Physics
10. Quality Control, Reliability, Safety and Risk
11. Radiation protection
12. Radiation???Safety measures
Item Type | eBook |
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I05427 |
On Shelf |
Title | Environmental Assessment of Socioeconomic Systems |
Author(s) | Burkhardt, D |
Publication | New York, NY, Springer US, 1978. |
Description | XV, 597 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | Neglect of the relation between the socio-economic system and its natural environment has had detrimental consequences in the past, for example - the pollution of the natural environment (water, air and soil) by producing, using and consuming the products of our industrialized economy, - the forseeable exhaustion of natural resources by continuing the increase of industrial production. Most of the recent activities, both in research and in adminis?? tration, against these impacts have been technically oriented, with the aim of stimulating and introducing new technologies of produc?? tion and new products to diminish the environmental pollution. But these efforts, which are of course necessary, cannot be successful in approaching the aim - which should and must in the long-term view be defined as the development of society in balance with the natural environment. Therefore, in addition to an assess?? ment of technologies, emphasis should be put on an assessment of socio-economic systems. On di~~erent levels, individual and social preferences determine quantities and qualities of production and consumption using economical values, e.g., market prices as regula?? tors. Following this argumentation, an environment assessment of activities against pollution has especially to consider the social response to environmental impacts. Of course, this topic must be a subject of interdisciplinary research. The challenge concerned in this context is to increase the knowledge of the relationship between social, economic and tech?? nical subsets |
ISBN,Price | 9781468425208 |
Keyword(s) | 1. EBOOK
Item Type | eBook |
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I05216 |
On Shelf |
Title | Environmental Data Management |
Author(s) | Oppenheimer, Carl |
Publication | New York, NY, Springer US, 1976. |
Description | XVI, 244 p. 56 illus : online resource |
Abstract Note | Throughout the world a staggering amount of resources have been used to obtain billions of environmental data points. Some, such as meteorological data, have been organized for weather map display where many thousands of data points are synthesized in one compressed map. Most environmental data, however, are still widely scattered and generally not used for a systems approach, but only for the purpose for which they were originally taken. These data are contained in relatively small computer programs, research files, government and industrial reports, etc. This Conference was called to bring together some of the world's leaders from research centers and government agencies, and others concerned with environmental data management. The purpose of the Conference was to organize discussion on the scope of world environmental data, its present form and documentation, and whether a systematic approach to a total system is feasible now or in the future. This same subject permeated indirectly the Stockholm Conference on the environment, where, although no single recommendation came forth suggesting a consolidated environmental data pool, bank or network, each recommendation indicated that substantial environmental data needed to be obtained or needed to be pooled and analyzed from existing data sources |
ISBN,Price | 9781461569244 |
Keyword(s) | 1. EBOOK
Item Type | eBook |
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I05159 |
On Shelf |
Title | The Physical Oceanography of Sea Straits |
Author(s) | Pratt, L.J |
Publication | Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1990. |
Description | 608 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | Suppose one were given the task of mapping the general circulation in an unfamiliar ocean. The ocean, like our own, is subdivided into basins and marginal seas interconnected by sea straits. Assuming a limited budget for this undertaking, one would do well to choose the straits as observational starting points. To begin with, the currents flowing from one basin to the next, over possibly wide and time-varying paths, are confined to narrow and stable routes within the straits. Mass, heat and chemical budgets for individual basins can be formulated in terms of the fluxes measured across the straits using a relatively small number of instruments. The confinement of the flow by a strait can also give rise to profound dynamical conse?? quences including choking or hydraulic control, a process similar to that by which a dam regulates the flow from a reservoir. The funneling geometry can lead to enhanced tidal modulation and increased velocities, giving rise to local instabilities, mixing, internal bores, jumps, and other striking hydraulic and fine scale phenomena. In short, sea straits repre?? sent choke points which are observationally and dynamically strategic and which contain a full range of fascinating physical processes |
ISBN,Price | 9789400906778 |
Keyword(s) | 1. EBOOK
4. Ocean engineering
6. Offshore Engineering
Item Type | eBook |
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I04066 |
On Shelf |
Title | Global Energy Strategies : Living with Restricted Greenhouse Gas Emissions |
Author(s) | White, James C |
Publication | New York, NY, Springer US, 1993. |
Description | XIII, 217 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | The world is getting warmer. Among scientists concerned with global climate change this is the broad consensus. How fast and by how much, are questions which cannot be answered quantitatively, but the probability of rising temperatures must be faced in a prudent manner - there is enough certainty of change so that we must anticipate and prepare before irreparable damage is done to our world. Even if it isn't going to be as bad as some people think, the actions we propose will benefit the earth and give us a kind of insurance. The root of the change is population growth, and its attendant demand for energy. While the developed world expects to hold future emissions relatively steady, the developing countries, where population growth is most rampant, will expand the use of energy as they aspire to a better quality of life. H greater energy use is inevitable it behooves us to produce that energy in the least objectionable manner, and to produce it where the cost is lowest in dollars, GNP, and environmental change |
ISBN,Price | 9781489912565 |
Keyword(s) | 1. EBOOK
4. Ecology??
6. Renewable and Green Energy
7. Renewable energy resources
Item Type | eBook |
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I03990 |
On Shelf |
Title | Greenhouse Effect, Sea Level and Drought |
Author(s) | Paepe, R;Fairbridge, Rhodes W;Jelgersma, Saskia |
Publication | Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1990. |
Description | 744 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | Shortly after the creation of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Free University Brussels) in 1970, currently labelled as VUB, a Department of Quaternary Geology was installed within the Faculty of Science in 1974. At the beginning it dealt mainly with the study of periglacial loess deposits of the Pleistocene Glacial Period in Central Belgium and with coastal deposits in relation to sea level rise during the warm Holocene period covering the last 10,000 years, in which the dawn of civilization took place step by step. Today the same research teams widen their scope of interest: they are presently studying the loess plateau in the People's Republic of China and the world-wide problems associated with sea level rise, coastal erosion being one of the most devastating natural hazards. More and more emphasis is put on problems concerning environmental engineering and those dealing with global change. Since 1975 UNESCO sponsored a number of symposia of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), whose secretariat was located on the VUB Campus grounds from 1973 to 1982. In 1981 the Applied Geology Department ofthe Faculty of Applied Sciences was created. The NATO-Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) , organized in Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain) in March 1989 was a climax of this series of Global Change gatherings. As Rector of the VUB, I am satisfied that the VUB, through its Earth Technology Institute, of both USA and Belgium could cooperate with NATO and the National Science Foundations in cosponsoring such an initiative |
ISBN,Price | 9789400907010 |
4. Engineering geology
5. Engineering???Geology
8. Geoengineering, Foundations, Hydraulics
10. Hydrogeology
Item Type | eBook |
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I03228 |
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|  |
Title | Global Climate and Ecosystem Change |
Author(s) | MacDonald, Gordon J;Sertorio, Luigi |
Publication | New York, NY, Springer US, 1990. |
Description | X, 252 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | Humankind's ever-expanding activities have caused environmental changes that reach beyond localities and regions to become global in scope. Disturbances to the atmosphere, oceans, and land produce changes in the living parts of the planet, while, at the same time, alterations in the biosphere modify the atmosphere, oceans, and land. Understanding this complex web of interactions poses unprecedented intellectual challenges. The atmospheric concentrations of natural trace gases-carbon dioxide (C0 ), methane (CH. ), nitrous oxide (N0), and lower-atmosphere ozone 2 2 (Os)-have increased since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Industrial gases such as the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which are not part of the natural global ecosystem, are increasing at much greater rates than are the naturally occurring trace gases. All these gases absorb and emit infrared radiation and thus have the potential for altering global climate. The major terrestrial biomes are also changing. Although world attention has focused on deforestation, particularly in tropical areas, the development of agriculture, the diversion of water resources, and urbanization have all modified terrestrial ecosystems in both obvious and subtle ways. The terrestrial biosphere, by taking up atmospheric carbon dioxide, acts as a primary determinant of the overall carbon balance of the global ecosystem. Although the ways in which the biosphere absorbs carbon are, as yet, poorly understood, the destruction (and regrowth) of forests certainly alter this process |
ISBN,Price | 9781489924834 |
Keyword(s) | 1. EBOOK
4. Ecology??
7. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
Item Type | eBook |
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I02709 |
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