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Author | Title | Accn# | Year | Item Type | Claims |
1 |
Iagolnitzer, Daniel |
International Conference on Theoretical Physics |
I10700 |
2004 |
eBook |
2 |
Levy, J |
Phase Transitions Carg??se 1980 |
I01856 |
1982 |
eBook |
3 |
Path integrals in quantum mechanics |
OB0293 |
2004 |
eBook |
4 |
Phase transitions and renormalisation group |
OB0294 |
2007 |
eBook |
5 |
Jean Zinn-Justin |
Quantum field theory and critical phenomena (ISM on physics) |
002274 |
Book |
Title | International Conference on Theoretical Physics : TH-2002, Paris, July 22???27, 2002 |
Author(s) | Iagolnitzer, Daniel;Rivasseau, Vincent;Zinn-Justin, Jean |
Publication | Basel, 1. Birkh??user Basel
2. Imprint: Birkh??user, 2004. |
Description | XXV, 984 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | The International Conference on Theoretical Physics, TH-2002, took place in Paris from July 22 to 27 in the Conference Center of the UNESCO, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, under aegis of the IUPAP, the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics and of the French and Euro?? pean Physical Societies, with a large support of several French, European and international Institutions. International and crossdisciplinary, TH-2002 welcomed around 1200 partic?? ipants representing all domains of modern theoretical physics. The conference offered a high-level scientific program, including 18 plenary lectures, 45 general lectures in thematic sessions and 140 more specialized lectures, partly invited and partly selected among proposals received from participants. Around 500 contribu?? tions were also presented as posters. Plenary lectures as well as general thematic lectures were addressed to a general audience of theoricians, not only to specialists. According to our commitments towards UNESCO and other sponsoring insti?? tutions, TH-2002 attributed more than 200 fellowships, mostly to scientists from developing countries and Eastern Europe, covering registration fees and, for more than half of them, stay expenses with student type accomodation. Special highlights of the conference included ??? the opening ceremony on July 22, with the participation of Mrs Claudie Haignere, French Minister of Research, and M. Walter Erdelen, General Ad?? joint Director for Sciences at UNESCO. Their opening addresses were espe?? cially appreciated and are reproduced below. This ceremony preceded the first lecture by Professor Cohen-Tannoudji, Physics Nobel prize winner |
ISBN,Price | 9783034879071 |
Keyword(s) | 1. EBOOK
3. Mathematical Methods in Physics
6. Physics, general
8. Quantum Field Theories, String Theory
10. Quantum Information Technology, Spintronics
14. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
Item Type | eBook |
Multi-Media Links
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Circulation Data
Accession# | |
Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I10700 |
On Shelf |
Title | Phase Transitions Carg??se 1980 |
Author(s) | Levy, J;Zinn-Justin, Jean;Levy, Maurice;Le Guillou, Jean-Claude |
Publication | New York, NY, Springer US, 1982. |
Description | 462 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | The understanding of phase transitions has long been a fundamental problem of statistical mechanics. It has made spectac?? ular progress during the last few years, largely because of the ideas of K.G. Wilson, in applying to an apparently quite different domain the methods of the renormalization group, which had been developped in the framework of the quantum theory of fields. The ability of these theoretical methods to lead to very precise predictions has, ~n turn, stimulated in the last few years more refined experiments in different areas. We now have entered a period where the theoretical results yielded by the renormalization group approach are suffi?? ciently precise and can be compared with those of the traditional method of high temperature series expansion on lattices, and with the experimental data. Although very similar, the results coming from the renormalization group and high temperature analysis seemed to indicate systematic discrepancies between the continuous field theory and lattice models. It was therefore important to appreciate the reliability of the predictions coming from both theoretical schemes, and to compare them to the latest experimental results. We think that this Cargese Summer Institute has been very successful 1 in this respect. Indeed, leading experts in the field, both experimentalists and theoreticians, have gathered and presented detailed analysis of the present situation. In particular, B.G. Nickel has produced longer high temperature series which seem to indicate that the discrepancies between series and renormalization group results have been previously overestimated |
ISBN,Price | 9781461333470 |
Keyword(s) | 1. EBOOK
Item Type | eBook |
Multi-Media Links
Please Click here for eBook
Circulation Data
Accession# | |
Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I01856 |
On Shelf |
| |