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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
11 Escher, Jutta Compound-Nuclear Reactions I11720 2021 eBook  
12 Reed, Bruce Cameron The Physics of the Manhattan Project I11704 2021 eBook  
13 Puri, Rajeev K Advances in Nuclear Physics I11696 2021 eBook  
14 Tanabe, Tetsuo Plasma-Material Interactions in a Controlled Fusion Reactor I11625 2021 eBook  
15 Ciullo, Giuseppe Nuclear Fusion with Polarized Fuel I10445 2016 eBook  
16 Wu, Yican Fusion Neutronics I10227 2017 eBook  
17 S??nchez, Ra??l A Primer on Complex Systems I10025 2018 eBook  
18 Zagrebaev, Valery Heavy Ion Reactions at Low Energies I09407 2019 eBook  
19 L??hde, Timo A Nuclear Lattice Effective Field Theory I09299 2019 eBook  
20 Miyamoto, Kenro Plasma Physics for Controlled Fusion I09273 2016 eBook  
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TitleCompound-Nuclear Reactions : Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Compound-Nuclear Reactions and Related Topics CNR*18
Author(s)Escher, Jutta;Alhassid, Yoram;Bernstein, Lee A;Brown, David;Fr??hlich, Carla;Talou, Patrick;Younes, Walid
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2021.
DescriptionXIV, 329 p. 113 illus., 102 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThe Compound-Nuclear Reaction and Related Topics (CNR*) international workshop series was initiated in 2007 with a meeting near Yosemite National Park. It has since been held in Bordeaux (2009), Prague (2011), Sao Paulo (2013), Tokyo (2015), and Berkeley, California (2018). The workshop series brings together experts in nuclear theory, experiment, data evaluations, and applications, and fosters interactions among these groups. Topics of interest include: nuclear reaction mechanisms, optical model, direct reactions and the compound nucleus, pre-equilibrium reactions, fusion and fission, cross section measurements (direct and indirect methods), Hauser-Feshbach theory (limits and extensions), compound-nuclear decays, particle and gamma emission, level densities, strength functions, nuclear structure for compound-nuclear reactions, nuclear energy, nuclear astrophysics, and other topics. This peer-reviewed proceedings volume presents papers and poster summaries from the 6th International Workshop on Compound-Nuclear Reactions and Related Topics CNR*18, held on September 24-28, 2018, at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley, CA
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I11720     On Shelf    

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TitleThe Physics of the Manhattan Project
Author(s)Reed, Bruce Cameron
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2021.
DescriptionXXIII, 256 p. 88 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThe development of nuclear weapons during the Manhattan Project is one of the most significant scientific events of the twentieth century. This revised and updated 4th edition explores the challenges that faced the scientists and engineers of the Manhattan Project. It gives a clear introduction to fission weapons at the level of an upper-year undergraduate physics student by examining the details of nuclear reactions, their energy release, analytic and numerical models of the fission process, how critical masses can be estimated, how fissile materials are produced, and what factors complicate bomb design. An extensive list of references and a number of exercises for self-study are included. Revisions to this fourth edition include many upgrades and new sections. Improvements are made to, among other things, the analysis of the physics of the fission barrier, the time-dependent simulation of the explosion of a nuclear weapon, and the discussion of tamped bomb cores. New sections cover, for example, composite bomb cores, approximate methods for various of the calculations presented, and the physics of the polonium-beryllium "neutron initiators" used to trigger the bombs. The author delivers in this book an unparalleled, clear and comprehensive treatment of the physics behind the Manhattan project
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. History of Physics and Astronomy 4. History of World War II and the Holocaust 5. NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY 6. NUCLEAR ENERGY 7. NUCLEAR ENGINEERING 8. NUCLEAR FUSION 9. Physics???History 10. World War, 1939-1945
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I11704     On Shelf    

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TitleAdvances in Nuclear Physics : Structure and Reactions
Author(s)Puri, Rajeev K;Aichelin, Joerg;Gautam, Sakshi;Kumar, Rohit
PublicationSingapore, Springer Nature Singapore, 2021.
DescriptionXIX, 273 p. 139 illus., 125 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis volume comprises select peer-reviewed papers from the Indo-French Workshop on Multifragmentation, Collective Flow, and Sub-Threshold Particle Production in Heavy-Ion Reactions held at the Department of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India in February, 2019. The contents highlight latest research trends in intermediate energy nuclear physics and emphasize on the various reaction mechanisms which take place in heavy-ion collisions. The chapters contribute to the understanding of interactions that govern the dynamics at sub-nucleonic level. The book includes contributions from global experts hailing from major research facilities of nuclear physics, and provides a good balance between experimental and theoretical model based studies. Given the range of topics covered, this book can be a useful reference for students and researchers interested in the field of heavy-ion reactions
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 4. NUCLEAR FUSION 5. NUCLEAR PHYSICS 6. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
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I11696     On Shelf    

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TitlePlasma-Material Interactions in a Controlled Fusion Reactor
Author(s)Tanabe, Tetsuo
PublicationSingapore, Springer Nature Singapore, 2021.
DescriptionXII, 207 p. 110 illus., 78 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book is a primer on the interplay between plasma and materials in a fusion reactor, so-called plasma???materials interactions (PMIs), highlighting materials and their influence on plasma through PMI. It aims to demonstrate that a plasma-facing surface (PFS) responds actively to fusion plasma and that the clarifying nature of PFS is indispensable to understanding the influence of PFS on plasma. It describes the modern insight into PMI, namely, relevant feedback to plasma performance from plasma-facing material (PFM) on changes in a material surface by plasma power load by radiation and particles, contrary to a conventional view that unilateral influence from plasma on PFM is dominant in PMI. There are many books and reviews on PMI in the context of plasma physics, that is, how plasma or plasma confinement works in PMI. By contrast, this book features a materials aspect in PMI focusing on changes caused by heat and particle load from plasma: how PFMs are changed by plasma exposure and then, accordingly, how the changed PFM interacts with plasma
Keyword(s)1. Applied and Technical Physics 2. Catalysis 3. Characterization and Analytical Technique 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. FORCE AND ENERGY 7. High Temperature Plasma 8. HIGH TEMPERATURE PLASMAS 9. MATERIALS 10. Materials for Energy and Catalysis 11. Materials???Analysis 12. NUCLEAR FUSION 13. PHYSICS
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I11625     On Shelf    

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TitleNuclear Fusion with Polarized Fuel
Author(s)Ciullo, Giuseppe;Engels, Ralf;B??scher, Markus;Vasilyev, Alexander
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
DescriptionXIV, 154 p. 48 illus., 14 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book offers a detailed examination of the latest work on the potential of polarized fuel to realize the vision of energy production by nuclear fusion. It brings together contributions from nuclear physicists and fusion physicists with the aims of fostering exchange of information between the two communities, describing the current status in the field, and examining new ideas and projects under development. It is evident that polarized fuel can offer huge improvements for the first generation of fusion reactors and open new technological possibilities for future generations, including neutron lean reactors, which could be the most popular and sustainable energy production option to avoid environmental problems. Nevertheless, many questions must be resolved before polarized fuel can be used for energy production in the different reactor types. Readers will find this book to be a stimulating source of information on the key issues. It is based on contributions from leading scientists delivered at the meetings ???Nuclear Fusion with Polarized Nucleons??? (Trento, November 2013) and ???PolFusion??? (Ferrara, July 2015).
Keyword(s)1. Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics 2. ATOMS 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. ENERGY SYSTEMS 6. NUCLEAR FUSION 7. PHYSICS 8. Renewable and Green Energy 9. Renewable energy resources
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I10445     On Shelf    

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TitleFusion Neutronics
Author(s)Wu, Yican
PublicationSingapore, Springer Singapore, 2017.
DescriptionXX, 393 p. 192 illus., 110 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book provides a systematic and comprehensive introduction to fusion neutronics, covering all key topics from the fundamental theories and methodologies, as well as a wide range of fusion system designs and experiments. It is the first-ever book focusing on the subject of fusion neutronics research. Compared with other nuclear devices such as fission reactors and accelerators, fusion systems are normally characterized by their complex geometry and nuclear physics, which entail new challenges for neutronics such as complicated modeling, deep penetration, low simulation efficiency, multi-physics coupling, etc. The book focuses on the neutronics characteristics of fusion systems and introduces a series of theories and methodologies that were developed to address the challenges of fusion neutronics, and which have since been widely applied all over the world. Further, it introduces readers to neutronics design???s unique principles and procedures, experimental methodologies and technologies for fusion systems. The book not only highlights the latest advances and trends in the field, but also draws on the lessons learned in the author???s more than 40 years of research. To make it more accessible and enhance its practical value, various representative examples are included to illustrate the application and efficiency of the methods, designs and experimental techniques discussed
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I10227     On Shelf    

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TitleA Primer on Complex Systems : With Applications to Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas
Author(s)S??nchez, Ra??l;Newman, David
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2018.
DescriptionXX, 404 p. 164 illus., 160 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThe purpose of this book is to illustrate the fundamental concepts of complexity and complex behavior and the best methods to characterize this behavior by means of their applications to some current research topics from within the fields of fusion, earth and solar plasmas. In this sense, it is a departure from the many books already available that discuss general features of complexity. The book is divided in two parts. In the first part the most important properties and features of complex systems are introduced, discussed and illustrated. The second part discusses several instances of possible complex phenomena in magnetized plasmas and some of the analysis tools that were introduced in the first part are used to characterize the dynamics in these systems. A list of problems is proposed at the end of each chapter. This book is intended for graduate and post-graduate students with a solid college background in mathematics and classical physics, who intend to work in the field of plasma physics and, in particular, plasma turbulence. It will also be of interest to senior scientists who have so far approached these systems and problems from a different perspective and want a new fresh angle
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I10025     On Shelf    

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TitleHeavy Ion Reactions at Low Energies
Author(s)Zagrebaev, Valery;Denikin, Andrey;Karpov, Alexander;Rowley, Neil
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2019.
DescriptionVIII, 148 p. 80 illus., 51 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book is based on Valery Zagrebaev's original papers and lecture materials on nuclear physics with heavy ions, which he prepared and extended through many years for the students of nuclear physics specialties. Th?? book outlines the main experimental facts on nuclear reactions involving heavy ions at low energies. It focuses on discussions of nuclear physics processes that are a subject of active, modern research and it gives illustrative explanations of these phenomena in the framework of up-to-date theoretical concepts. This textbook is intended for students in physics who have completed a standard course of quantum mechanics and have basic ideas of nuclear physics processes. It is designed as a kind of lifeboat that, at the end of the course, will allow students to navigate the modern scientific literature and to understand the goals and objectives of current, on-going research
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Heavy ions 4. NUCLEAR FUSION 5. NUCLEAR PHYSICS 6. Nuclear Physics, Heavy Ions, Hadrons
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I09407     On Shelf    

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TitleNuclear Lattice Effective Field Theory : An Introduction
Author(s)L??hde, Timo A;Mei??ner, Ulf-G
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2019.
DescriptionXI, 396 p. 52 illus., 37 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis primer begins with a brief introduction to the main ideas underlying Effective Field Theory (EFT) and describes how nuclear forces are obtained from first principles by introducing a Euclidean space-time lattice for chiral EFT. It subsequently develops the related technical aspects by addressing the two-nucleon problem on the lattice and clarifying how it fixes the numerical values of the low-energy constants of chiral EFT. In turn, the spherical wall method is introduced and used to show how improved lattice actions render higher-order corrections perturbative. The book also presents Monte Carlo algorithms used in actual calculations. In the last part of the book, the Euclidean time projection method is introduced and used to compute the ground-state properties of nuclei up to the mid-mass region. In this context, the construction of appropriate trial wave functions for the Euclidean time projection is discussed, as well as methods for determining the energies of the low-lying excitations and their spatial structure. In addition, the so-called adiabatic Hamiltonian, which allows nuclear reactions to be precisely calculated, is introduced using the example of alpha-alpha scattering. In closing, the book demonstrates how Nuclear Lattice EFT can be extended to studies of unphysical values of the fundamental parameters, using the triple-alpha process as a concrete example with implications for the anthropic view of the Universe. Nuclear Lattice Effective Field Theory offers a concise, self-contained, and introductory text suitable for self-study use by graduate students and newcomers to the field of modern computational techniques for atomic nuclei and nuclear reactions
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Heavy ions 4. NUCLEAR FUSION 5. NUCLEAR PHYSICS 6. Nuclear Physics, Heavy Ions, Hadrons 7. Numerical and Computational Physics, Simulation 8. PHYSICS
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I09299     On Shelf    

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TitlePlasma Physics for Controlled Fusion
Author(s)Miyamoto, Kenro
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016.
DescriptionXII, 495 p. 158 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThis new edition presents the essential theoretical and analytical methods needed to understand the recent fusion research of tokamak and alternate approaches. The author describes magnetohydrodynamic and kinetic theories of cold and hot plasmas in detail. The book covers new important topics for fusion studies such as plasma transport by drift turbulence, which depend on the magnetic configuration and zonal flows. These are universal phenomena of microturbulence. They can modify the onset criterion for turbulent transport, instabilities driven by energetic particles as well as alpha particle generation and typical plasma models for computer simulation. The fusion research of tokamaks with various new versions of H modes are explained. The design concept of ITER, the international tokamak experimental reactor, is described for inductively driven operations as well as steady-state operations using non-inductive drives. Alternative approaches of reversed-field pinch and its relaxation process, stellator including quasi-symmetric system, open-end system of tandem mirror and inertial confinement are also explained. Newly added and updated topics in this second edition include zonal flows, various versions of H modes, and steady-state operations of tokamak, the design concept of ITER, the relaxation process of RFP, quasi-symmetric stellator, and tandem mirror. The book addresses graduate students and researchers in the field of controlled fusion.
Keyword(s)1. ATOMS 2. Atoms and Molecules in Strong Fields, Laser Matter Interaction 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. Fluid- and Aerodynamics 6. FLUIDS 7. Heavy ions 8. NUCLEAR ENERGY 9. NUCLEAR FUSION 10. NUCLEAR PHYSICS 11. Nuclear Physics, Heavy Ions, Hadrons 12. PHYSICS 13. PLASMA (IONIZED GASES) 14. PLASMA PHYSICS
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I09273     On Shelf    

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