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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
121 Deaver, J Advances in Superconductivity I05050 1983 eBook  
122 Jerome, D Low-Dimensional Conductors and Superconductors I05044 1987 eBook  
123 Bayoumi, Magdy A VLSI Signal Processing Technology I04996 1994 eBook  
124 El-Kareh, Badih Fundamentals of Semiconductor Processing Technology I04830 1995 eBook  
125 Ferry, David K Physics of Nonlinear Transport in Semiconductors I04295 1980 eBook  
126 Hoskyns, A. H Basic Electronic Circuits I03645 1980 eBook  
127 Tietze, U Advanced Electronic Circuits I03470 1978 eBook  
128 Beleznay, F New Developments in Semiconductor Physics I03152 1980 eBook  
129 Cohen, Leon Recent Developments in Time-Frequency Analysis I02971 1998 eBook  
130 Maple, Merrill B Superconductivity in Ternary Compounds II I02792 1982 eBook  
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TitleAdvances in Superconductivity
Author(s)Deaver, J;Deaver, B.S;Ruvalds, J
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 1983.
DescriptionVIII, 529 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThe Advanced Study Institute on "Advances in Superconductivity" was held at the Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture in Erice, Sicily, during July 3 to July 15, 1982. This Institute was the third course of the International School of Low Tempera?? ture Physics, which was established at the Centre in 1977 with the guidance and inspiration of T. Regge and A. Zichichi. The 1982 Course was centered on a topic which brought together fundamental basic research and the most recent promising technological applications. Accordingly, the participants represented a wide spectrum of industrial and government laboratories, as well as universities from various countries. The program of topics and speakers was developed with the advice of the Organizing Committee, composed of H. Frohlich, T. Regge, B. Stritzker, and L. Testardi. This Institute emphasized recent developments in the science and technology of superconductivity. A historical perspective was provided by H. Frohlich, whose lectures recall the earliest discoveries and theoretical attempts to understand superconductivity. Ironically, his early suggestion of the electron-phonon coupling as a key to superconductivity was met with initial widespread skepticism. Later, the development of field theory methods for solid state physics problems, and the evolution of the BCS theory has led to a seemingly unanimous concensus regarding the e1ectron?? phonon mechanism as the predominant source of superconductivity in known materials. Experimental studies of superconductivity exemplify the strong interplay of science and technology in many ways
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS 4. Electronic Circuits and Devices
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I05050     On Shelf    

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TitleLow-Dimensional Conductors and Superconductors
Author(s)Jerome, D;Caron, L.G
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 1987.
DescriptionIX, 530 p. 429 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteResearch activities in low dimensional conductors have shown a rapid growth since 1972 and have led to the discovery of new and remarkable phy?? sical properties unique to both molecular and inorganic conductors exhibi?? ting one-dimensional transport behaviour. This NATO Institute was a conti?? nuation of aseries of NATO Advanced Study Institutes of Worshops which took place at regular intervals till 1979. This is the first time, however, that charge density wave transport and electronic properties of low dimen?? sional organic conductors are treated on an equal footing. The program of the Institute was framed by tutorial lectures in the theories and experiments of low dimensional conductors. The bulk of the course covered two series of low-dimensional mate?? rials with their respective properties. 1) The I-D inorganic conductors exhibiting the phenomena of sliding charge density waves, narrow band noise, memory effects, etc ..??? 2) Low-dimensional crystallized organic conductors giving rise to various possibilities of ground states, spin-Peierls, spin density wave, Peierls, superconductivity and magnetic-field induced spin density wave, etc ... Since it has been established from the beginning that this Institute was to be devoted essentially to the Physics of Low Dimensional Conductors, only one main course summarized the progress in chemistry and material preparation
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS 4. Electronic Circuits and Devices
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I05044     On Shelf    

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TitleVLSI Signal Processing Technology
Author(s)Bayoumi, Magdy A;Swartzlander, E
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 1994.
DescriptionXIII, 234 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book is the first in a set of forthcoming books focussed on state-of-the-art development in the VLSI Signal Processing area. It is a response to the tremendous research activities taking place in that field. These activities have been driven by two factors: the dramatic increase in demand for high speed signal processing, especially in consumer elec?? tronics, and the evolving microelectronic technologies. The available technology has always been one of the main factors in determining al?? gorithms, architectures, and design strategies to be followed. With every new technology, signal processing systems go through many changes in concepts, design methods, and implementation. The goal of this book is to introduce the reader to the main features of VLSI Signal Processing and the ongoing developments in this area. The focus of this book is on: ??? Current developments in Digital Signal Processing (DSP) pro?? cessors and architectures - several examples and case studies of existing DSP chips are discussed in Chapter 1. ??? Features and requirements of image and video signal processing architectures - both applications specific integrated circuits (ASICs) and programmable image processors are studied in Chapter 2. ??? New market areas for signal processing - especially in consumer electronics such as multimedia, teleconferencing, and movie on demand. ??? Impact of arithmetic circuitry on the performance of DSP pro?? cessors - several topics are discussed in Chapter 3 such as: number representation, arithmetic algorithms and circuits, and implementa?? tion
Keyword(s)1. ACOUSTICS 2. CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS 3. COMPUTERS 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 7. ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS 8. IMAGE PROCESSING 9. SIGNAL PROCESSING 10. Signal, Image and Speech Processing 11. Speech processing systems 12. Theory of Computation
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I04996     On Shelf    

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TitleFundamentals of Semiconductor Processing Technology
Author(s)El-Kareh, Badih;Hutter, Lou N
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 1995.
DescriptionXIII, 602 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThe drive toward new semiconductor technologies is intricately related to market demands for cheaper, smaller, faster, and more reliable circuits with lower power consumption. The development of new processing tools and technologies is aimed at optimizing one or more of these requirements. This goal can, however, only be achieved by a concerted effort between scientists, engineers, technicians, and operators in research, development, and manufac?? turing. It is therefore important that experts in specific disciplines, such as device and circuit design, understand the principle, capabil?? ities, and limitations of tools and processing technologies. It is also important that those working on specific unit processes, such as lithography or hot processes, be familiar with other unit processes used to manufacture the product. Several excellent books have been published on the subject of process technologies. These texts, however, cover subjects in too much detail, or do not cover topics important to modem tech?? nologies. This book is written with the need for a "bridge" between different disciplines in mind. It is intended to present to engineers and scientists those parts of modem processing technologies that are of greatest importance to the design and manufacture of semi?? conductor circuits. The material is presented with sufficient detail to understand and analyze interactions between processing and other semiconductor disciplines, such as design of devices and cir?? cuits, their electrical parameters, reliability, and yield
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I04830     On Shelf    

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TitlePhysics of Nonlinear Transport in Semiconductors
Author(s)Ferry, David K;Barker, John Robert;Jacobini, C
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 1980.
Description634 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThe area of high field transport in semiconductors has been of interest since the early studies of dielectric breakdown in various materials. It really emerged as a sub-discipline of semiconductor physics in the early 1960's, following the discovery of substantial deviations from Ohm's law at high electric fields. Since that time, it has become a major area of importance in solid state electronics as semiconductor devices have operated at higher frequencies and higher powers. It has become apparent since the Modena Conference on Hot Electrons in 1973, that the area of hot electrons has ex?? tended weIl beyond the concept of semi-classical electrons (or holes) in homogeneous semiconductor materials. This was exemplified by the broad range of papers presented at the International Conference on Hot Electrons in Semiconductors, held in Denton, Texas, in 1977. Hot electron physics has progressed from a limited phenomeno?? logical science to a full-fledged experimental and precision theo?? retical science. The conceptual base and subsequent applications have been widened and underpinned by the development of ab initio nonlinear quantum transport theory which complements and identifies the limitations of the traditional semi-classical Boltzmann-Bloch picture. Such diverse areas as large polarons, pico-second laser excitation, quantum magneto-transport, sub-three dimensional systems, and of course device dynamics all have been shown to be strongly interactive with more classical hot electron pictures
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS 4. Electronic Circuits and Devices
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I04295     On Shelf    

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TitleBasic Electronic Circuits
Author(s)Hoskyns, A. H
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1980.
DescriptionXVI, 138 p : online resource
Abstract NoteIn the past, the teaching of electricity and electronics has more often than not been carried out from a theoretical and often highly academic standpoint. Fundamentals and basic concepts have often been presented with no indication of their practical appli?? cations, and all too frequently they have been illustrated by artificially contrived laboratory experiments bearing little relationship to the outside world. The course comes in the form of fourteen fairly open-ended constructional experiments or projects. Each experiment has associated with it a construction exercise and an explanation. The basic idea behind this dual presentation is that the student can embark on each circuit following only the briefest possible instructions and that an open-ended approach is thereby not prejudiced by an initial lengthy encounter with the theory behind the project; this being a sure way to dampen enthusiasm at the outset. As the investigation progresses, questions inevitably arise. Descriptions of the phenomena encountered in the experiments are therefore given in the explanations. Although these were originally intended to be for the teacher's guidance they have been found, in fact, to be quite suitable for use by the student. In the explanations mathematics has been eliminated wherever possible, mechanistic descriptions of phenomena being preferred in all cases. Stress is thereby placed on concepts rather than on mere algebraic relationships. It is hoped that students of weak mathematical background will, as a result, not be prevented from following the explanations and deriving some benefit from these
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS 4. Electronic Circuits and Devices 5. Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, multidisciplinary
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I03645     On Shelf    

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TitleAdvanced Electronic Circuits
Author(s)Tietze, U;Schenk, C
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1978.
DescriptionX, 510 p : online resource
Abstract NoteIn the earlier stages of integrated circuit design, analog circuits consisted simply of type 741 operational amplifiers, and digital circuits of 7400-type gates. Today's designers must choose from a much larger and rapidly increasing variety of special integrated circuits marketed by a dynamic and creative industry. Only by a proper selection from this wide range can an economical and competitive solution be found to a given problem. For each individual case the designer must decide which parts of a circuit are best implemented by analog circuitry, which by conventional digital circuitry and which sections could be microprocessor controlled. In order to facilitate this decision for the designer who is not familiar with all these subjects, we have arranged the book so as to group the different circuits according to their field of application. Each chapter is thus written to stand on its own, with a minimum of cross-references. To enable the reader to proceed quickly from an idea to a working circuit, we discuss, for a large variety of problems, typical solutions, the applicability of which has been proved by thorough experimental investigation. Our thanks are here due to Prof. Dr. D. Seitzer for the provision of excellent laboratory facilities. The subject is extensive and the material presented has had to be limited. For this reason, we have omitted elementary circuit design, so that the book addresses the advanced student who has some back?? ground in electronics, and the practising engineer and scientist
Keyword(s)1. CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS 5. Electronic Circuits and Devices 6. ELECTRONICS 7. Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation 8. MICROELECTRONICS
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I03470     On Shelf    

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TitleNew Developments in Semiconductor Physics : Proceedings of the International Summer School Held in Szeged, Hungary, July 1 ??? 6, 1979
Author(s)Beleznay, F;Ferenczi, G;Giber, J
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1980.
DescriptionV, 283 p. 5 illus : online resource
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS 4. Electronic Circuits and Devices
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I03152     On Shelf    

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TitleRecent Developments in Time-Frequency Analysis : Volume 9: A Special Issue of Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing. An International Journal
Author(s)Cohen, Leon;Loughlin, Patrick
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 1998.
DescriptionIV, 141 p : online resource
Abstract NoteRecent Developments in Time-Frequency Analysis brings together in one place important contributions and up-to-date research results in this fast moving area. Recent Developments in Time-Frequency Analysis serves as an excellent reference, providing insight into some of the most challenging research issues in the field
Keyword(s)1. ACOUSTICS 2. CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS 3. Communications Engineering, Networks 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 7. ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS 8. IMAGE PROCESSING 9. SIGNAL PROCESSING 10. Signal, Image and Speech Processing 11. Speech processing systems
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I02971     On Shelf    

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TitleSuperconductivity in Ternary Compounds II : Superconductivity and Magnetism
Author(s)Maple, Merrill B
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer US, 1982.
DescriptionXVI, 308 p. 12 illus : online resource
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS 4. Electronic Circuits and Devices
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Accession#  Call#StatusIssued ToReturn Due On Physical Location
I02792     On Shelf    

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