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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
11 Kuipers, Folkert Stochastic Mechanics I12720 2023 eBook  
12 Haba, Zbigniew Lectures on Quantum Field Theory and Functional Integration I12716 2023 eBook  
13 Andronov, Ivan Problems of High Frequency Diffraction by Elongated Bodies I12708 2023 eBook  
14 Dil??o, Rui Dynamical System and Chaos I12698 2023 eBook  
15 Mochrie, Simon Introductory Physics for the Life Sciences I12696 2023 eBook  
16 Kok, Pieter A First Introduction to Quantum Physics I12687 2023 eBook  
17 Andrews, Steven S Light and Waves I12647 2023 eBook  
18 Shiraishi, Naoto An Introduction to Stochastic Thermodynamics I12641 2023 eBook  
19 Gordon, Ron Complex Integration I12609 2023 eBook  
20 Basdevant, Jean-Louis Variational Principles in Physics I12603 2023 eBook  
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TitleStochastic Mechanics : The Unification of Quantum Mechanics with Brownian Motion
Author(s)Kuipers, Folkert
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
DescriptionIX, 125 p. 1 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteStochastic mechanics is a theory that holds great promise in resolving the mathematical and interpretational issues encountered in the canonical and path integral formulations of quantum theories. It provides an equivalent formulation of quantum theories, but substantiates it with a mathematically rigorous stochastic interpretation by means of a stochastic quantization prescription. The book builds on recent developments in this theory, and shows that quantum mechanics can be unified with the theory of Brownian motion in a single mathematical framework. Moreover, it discusses the extension of the theory to curved spacetime using second order geometry, and the induced It?? deformations of the spacetime symmetries. The book is self-contained and provides an extensive review of stochastic mechanics of the single spinless particle. The book builds up the theory on a step by step basis. It starts, in chapter 2, with a review of the classical particle subjected to scalar and vector potentials. In chapter 3, the theory is extended to the study of a Brownian motion in any potential, by the introduction of a Gaussian noise. In chapter 4, the Gaussian noise is complexified. The result is a complex diffusion theory that contains both Brownian motion and quantum mechanics as a special limit. In chapters 5, the theory is extended to relativistic diffusion theories. In chapter 6, the theory is further generalized to the context of pseudo-Riemannian geometry. Finally, in chapter 7, some interpretational aspects of the stochastic theory are discussed in more detail. The appendices concisely review relevant notions from probability theory, stochastic processes, stochastic calculus, stochastic differential geometry and stochastic variational calculus. The book is aimed at graduate students and researchers in theoretical physics and applied mathematics with an interest in the foundations of quantum theory andBrownian motion. The book can be used as reference material for courses on and further research in stochastic mechanics, stochastic quantization, diffusion theories on curved spacetimes and quantum gravity
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I12720     On Shelf    

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TitleLectures on Quantum Field Theory and Functional Integration
Author(s)Haba, Zbigniew
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
DescriptionXIII, 235 p. 6 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book offers a concise introduction to quantum field theory and functional integration for students of physics and mathematics. Its aim is to explain mathematical methods developed in the 1970s and 1980s and apply these methods to standard models of quantum field theory. In contrast to other textbooks on quantum field theory, this book treats functional integration as a rigorous mathematical tool. More emphasis is placed on the mathematical framework as opposed to applications to particle physics. It is stressed that the functional integral approach, unlike the operator framework, is suitable for numerical simulations. The book arose from the author's teaching in Wroclaw and preserves the form of his lectures. So some topics are treated as an introduction to the problem rather than a complete solution with all details. Some of the mathematical methods described in the book resulted from the author's own research
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK - SPRINGER 2. Elementary particles (Physics) 3. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 4. Mathematical Methods in Physics 5. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 6. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY
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I12716     On Shelf    

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TitleProblems of High Frequency Diffraction by Elongated Bodies
Author(s)Andronov, Ivan
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
DescriptionXII, 188 p. 43 illus., 6 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteClassical asymptotic expansions, while producing a good approximation for the diffracted fields in general, appear hardly applicable in the case of extremely elongated bodies. Thus, there are problems that are on the one hand too difficult for numerical solvers due to large system size, and on the other hand make the description with classical asymptotic methods hard. The book explains why this happens and suggests the way out. By defining the characteristics of a strongly elongated body it introduces a special class of asymptotic approximations, which are in some sense uniform with respect to the rate of body elongation. Chapter 1 briefly describes the results of V. A. Fock and further developments of his approach towards the problems of diffraction by elongated obstacles. It formulates the cases of moderately and strongly elongated bodies. The rest of the book describes the approach of special parabolic equations, which lead to new asymptotic approximations for the diffracted fields. Chapters 2, 3 and 4 discuss diffraction by bodies of elliptical shape: The elliptic cylinder with a strongly elongated cross section and prolate spheroid with a high aspect ratio. Chapter 5 generalizes the approach to some other shapes such as narrow cones and narrow hyperboloids. Mathematical formulas for the Whittaker functions widely used in the book are collected in the Appendix. The concise derivations are supplied with numerous test examples that compare asymptotic approximations with numerically computed fields and clarify the specifics of high frequency diffraction by strongly elongated bodies. The reference solutions presented in the book enable one to validate the newly developed numerical solvers
Keyword(s)1. ACOUSTICS 2. CLASSICAL ELECTRODYNAMICS 3. Classical Optics, Geometric and Wave optics 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. ELECTRODYNAMICS 6. GEOMETRICAL OPTICS 7. Mathematical Methods in Physics 8. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 9. Wave theory of light
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I12708     On Shelf    

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TitleDynamical System and Chaos : An Introduction with Applications
Author(s)Dil??o, Rui
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionIX, 326 p. 211 illus., 10 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis textbook introduces the language and the techniques of the theory of dynamical systems of finite dimension for an audience of physicists, engineers, and mathematicians at the beginning of graduation. Author addresses geometric, measure, and computational aspects of the theory of dynamical systems. Some freedom is used in the more formal aspects, using only proofs when there is an algorithmic advantage or because a result is simple and powerful. The first part is an introductory course on dynamical systems theory. It can be taught at the master's level during one semester, not requiring specialized mathematical training. In the second part, the author describes some applications of the theory of dynamical systems. Topics often appear in modern dynamical systems and complexity theories, such as singular perturbation theory, delayed equations, cellular automata, fractal sets, maps of the complex plane, and stochastic iterations of function systems are briefly explored for advanced students. The author also explores applications in mechanics, electromagnetism, celestial mechanics, nonlinear control theory, and macroeconomy. A set of problems consolidating the knowledge of the different subjects, including more elaborated exercises, are provided for all chapters
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I12698     On Shelf    

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TitleIntroductory Physics for the Life Sciences
Author(s)Mochrie, Simon;De Grandi, Claudia
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionXXIV, 847 p. 450 illus., 151 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis classroom-tested textbook is an innovative, comprehensive, and forward-looking introductory undergraduate physics course. While it clearly explains physical principles and equips the student with a full range of quantitative tools and methods, the material is firmly grounded in biological relevance and is brought to life with plenty of biological examples throughout. It is designed to be a self-contained text for a two-semester sequence of introductory physics for biology and premedical students, covering kinematics and Newton???s laws, energy, probability, diffusion, rates of change, statistical mechanics, fluids, vibrations, waves, electromagnetism, and optics. Each chapter begins with learning goals, and concludes with a summary of core competencies, allowing for seamless incorporation into the classroom. In addition, each chapter is replete with a wide selection of creative and often surprising examples, activities, computational tasks, and exercises, many of which are inspired by current research topics, making cutting-edge biological physics accessible to the student
Keyword(s)1. Biological Techniques 2. BIOLOGY 3. Biomedical engineering 4. Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering 5. BIOPHYSICS 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. Mathematical Methods in Physics 8. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 9. Premedical education
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I12696     On Shelf    

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TitleA First Introduction to Quantum Physics
Author(s)Kok, Pieter
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionXVII, 296 p. 90 illus., 44 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteIn this undergraduate textbook, now in its 2nd edition, the author develops the quantum theory from first principles based on very simple experiments: a photon traveling through beam splitters to detectors, an electron moving through magnetic fields, and an atom emitting radiation. From the physical description of these experiments follows a natural mathematical description in terms of matrices and complex numbers. The first part of the book examines how experimental facts force us to let go of some deeply held preconceptions and develops this idea into a description of states, probabilities, observables, and time evolution. The quantum mechanical principles are illustrated using applications such as gravitational wave detection, magnetic resonance imaging, atomic clocks, scanning tunneling microscopy, and many more. The first part concludes with an overview of the complete quantum theory. The second part of the book covers more advanced topics, including the concept of entanglement, the process of decoherence or how quantum systems become classical, quantum computing and quantum communication, and quantum particles moving in space. Here, the book makes contact with more traditional approaches to quantum physics. The remaining chapters delve deeply into the idea of uncertainty relations and explore what the quantum theory says about the nature of reality. The book is an ideal accessible introduction to quantum physics, tested in the classroom, with modern examples and plenty of end-of-chapter exercises
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK - SPRINGER 2. Elementary particles (Physics) 3. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 4. Mathematical Methods in Physics 5. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 6. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY 7. QUANTUM PHYSICS
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I12687     On Shelf    

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TitleLight and Waves : A Conceptual Exploration of Physics
Author(s)Andrews, Steven S
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionXIX, 520 p. 367 illus., 313 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book explores light and other types of waves, using this as a window into other aspects of physics. It emphasizes a conceptual understanding, using examples chosen from everyday life and the natural environment. For example, it explains how hummingbird feathers create shimmering colors, how musical instruments produce sound, and how atoms stick together to form molecules. It provides a unique perspective on physics by emphasizing commonalities among different types of waves, including string waves, water waves, sound waves, light waves, the matter waves of quantum mechanics, and the gravitational waves of general relativity. This book is targeted toward college non-science majors, advanced high school students, and adults who are curious about our physical world. It assumes familiarity with algebra but no further mathematics and is classroom-ready with many worked examples, exercises, exploratory puzzles, and appendices to support students from a variety of backgrounds
Keyword(s)1. ACOUSTICS 2. Classical and Continuum Physics 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. ENVIRONMENT 5. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 6. LASER 7. LASERS 8. Mathematical Methods in Physics 9. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 10. PHYSICS
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I12647     On Shelf    

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TitleAn Introduction to Stochastic Thermodynamics : From Basic to Advanced
Author(s)Shiraishi, Naoto
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
DescriptionXIV, 443 p. 69 illus., 46 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book presents the fundamentals of stochastic thermodynamics, one of the most central subjects in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. It also explores many recent advances, e.g., in information thermodynamics, the thermodynamic uncertainty relation, and the trade-off relation between efficiency and power. The content is divided into three main parts, the first of which introduces readers to fundamental topics in stochastic thermodynamics, e.g., the basics of stochastic processes, the fluctuation theorem and its variants, information thermodynamics, and large deviation theory. In turn, parts two and three explore advanced topics such as autonomous engines (engines not controlled externally) and finite speed engines, while also explaining the key concepts from recent stochastic thermodynamics theory that are involved. To fully benefit from the book, readers only need an undergraduate-level background in statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics; no backgroundin information theory or stochastic processes is needed. Accordingly, the book offers a valuable resource for early graduate or higher-level readers who are unfamiliar with this subject but want to keep up with the cutting-edge research in this field. In addition, the author???s vivid descriptions interspersed throughout the book will help readers grasp ???living??? research developments and begin their own research in this field
Keyword(s)1. BIOPHYSICS 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Mathematical Methods in Physics 4. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 5. PROBABILITIES 6. PROBABILITY THEORY 7. SPINTRONICS 8. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics 9. THERMODYNAMICS
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I12641     On Shelf    

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TitleComplex Integration : A Compendium of Smart and Little-Known Techniques for Evaluating Integrals and Sums
Author(s)Gordon, Ron
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionXVIII, 239 p. 36 illus., 3 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteIntegrals and sums are not generally considered for evaluation using complex integration. This book proposes techniques that mainly use complex integration and are quite different from those in the existing texts. Such techniques, ostensibly taught in Complex Analysis courses to undergraduate students who have had two semesters of calculus, are usually limited to a very small set of problems. Few practitioners consider complex integration as a tool for computing difficult integrals. While there are a number of books on the market that provide tutorials on this subject, the existing texts in this field focus on real methods. Accordingly, this book offers an eye-opening experience for computation enthusiasts used to relying on clever substitutions and transformations to evaluate integrals and sums. The book is the result of nine years of providing solutions to difficult calculus problems on forums such as Math Stack Exchange or the author's website, serves to detail to the enthusiastic mathematics undergraduate, or the physics or engineering graduate student, the art and science of evaluating difficult integrals, sums, and products
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK - SPRINGER 2. ENGINEERING 3. ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 4. Functions of a Complex Variable 5. FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX VARIABLES 6. FUNCTIONS OF REAL VARIABLES 7. Integral Transforms and Operational Calculus 8. MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS 9. Mathematical and Computational Engineering Applications 10. Mathematical Methods in Physics 11. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 12. REAL FUNCTIONS
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I12609     On Shelf    

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TitleVariational Principles in Physics
Author(s)Basdevant, Jean-Louis
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionXIII, 242 p. 46 illus., 10 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis revised and enhanced new edition of a well-established textbook provides a balanced overview of various areas of theoretical physics based on the use of variational principles. As well as field theory, the book deals with motion in curved spaces, the cradle of general relativity, and gravitational optics. New chapters on the relation of classical mechanics and geometrical optics as well as gravitational waves, which are considered as a true confirmation of general relativity, have been included. Each chapter has been carefully revised and enlarged. Finally, the text describes Feynman's formulation of quantum mechanics by path integrals, which gives the link between quantum and classical mechanics. The book provides a set of exercises, problems, and solutions
Keyword(s)1. CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS 2. Calculus of Variations and Optimization 3. CLASSICAL MECHANICS 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. ENGINEERING MECHANICS 6. Mathematical Methods in Physics 7. MATHEMATICAL OPTIMIZATION 8. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 9. MECHANICS 10. Mechanics, Applied 11. OPTIMIZATION 12. Philosophical Foundations of Physics and Astronomy 13. PHYSICS
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I12603     On Shelf    

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