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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
1 Masys, Anthony J Applications of Systems Thinking and Soft Operations Research in Managing Complexity I10393 2016 eBook  
2 Tasca, Paolo Banking Beyond Banks and Money I10210 2016 eBook  
3 Kenna, Ralph Maths Meets Myths: Quantitative Approaches to Ancient Narratives I10033 2017 eBook  
4 Masys, Anthony J Disaster Forensics I09959 2016 eBook  
5 Lehmann, Sune Complex Spreading Phenomena in Social Systems I09819 2018 eBook  
6 Bainbridge, William Sims The Meaning and Value of Spaceflight I08526 2015 eBook  
7 West, Bruce J Networks of Echoes I08236 2014 eBook  
8 Nowak, Andrzej Complex Human Dynamics I08169 2013 eBook  
9 Mitleton-Kelly, Evangelia Co-evolution of Intelligent Socio-technical Systems I08048 2013 eBook  
10 Gon??alves, Bruno Social Phenomena I08006 2015 eBook  
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TitleApplications of Systems Thinking and Soft Operations Research in Managing Complexity : From Problem Framing to Problem Solving
Author(s)Masys, Anthony J
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
DescriptionVIII, 322 p. 77 illus., 61 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book captures current trends and developments in the field of systems thinking and soft operations research which can be applied to solve today's??problems of dynamic complexity and interdependency. Such ???wicked problems??? and messes are seemingly intractable problems characterized as value-laden, ambiguous, and unstable, that resist being tamed by classical problem solving. Actions and interventions associated with this complex problem space can have highly unpredictable and unintended consequences. Examples of such complex problems include health care reform, global climate change, transnational serious and organized crime, terrorism, homeland security, human security, disaster management, and humanitarian aid. Moving towards the development of solutions to these complex problem spaces depends on the lens we use to examine them and how we frame the problem. It will be shown that systems thinking and soft operations research has had great success in contributing to the management of complexity.??
Keyword(s)1. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 2. COMPUTER SIMULATION 3. DECISION MAKING 4. DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. Methodology of the Social Sciences 8. OPERATIONS RESEARCH 9. Operations Research/Decision Theory 10. Security Science and Technology 11. Simulation and Modeling 12. SOCIAL SCIENCES 13. STATISTICAL PHYSICS 14. Statistical Physics and Dynamical Systems 15. System safety
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I10393     On Shelf    

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TitleBanking Beyond Banks and Money : A Guide to Banking Services in the Twenty-First Century
Author(s)Tasca, Paolo;Aste, Tomaso;Pelizzon, Loriana;Perony, Nicolas
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
DescriptionVI, 316 p. 64 illus., 54 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteDo you know how banking and money will look like in the new digital age? This book collects the voices of leading scholars, entrepreneurs, policy makers and consultants who, through their expertise and keen analytical skills, are best positioned to picture from various angles the ongoing technological revolution in banking and finance. You will learn how lending and borrowing can exist without banks; how new forms of money can compete to better serve different society needs; how new technologies are banking the unbanked communities in the poorest parts of the world, and how ideas and small projects can be financed by the crowds without the need to rely upon banks. You will learn how, in the new digital age, we will interact with new self-organised and autonomous companies that operate without any human involvement, based on a set of programmed and incorruptible rules. You will learn that new business models will emerge thanks to technology-enabled platforms, upon which one can build new forms of non-hierarchical cooperation between strangers. And you will also learn that new forms of risks and threats are emerging that will destabilise our systems and jeopardise the stability of our financial order
Keyword(s)1. Data structures (Computer science) 2. Data Structures and Information Theory 3. Data-driven Science, Modeling and Theory Building 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. Economics, Mathematical?? 7. ECONOPHYSICS 8. FINANCE 9. Finance, general 10. Methodology of the Social Sciences 11. Quantitative Finance 12. SOCIAL SCIENCES 13. Sociophysics
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I10210     On Shelf    

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TitleMaths Meets Myths: Quantitative Approaches to Ancient Narratives
Author(s)Kenna, Ralph;MacCarron, M??ir??n;MacCarron, P??draig
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2017.
DescriptionX, 228 p. 64 illus., 47 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteWith an emphasis on exploring measurable aspects of ancient narratives, Maths Meets Myths sets out to investigate age-old material with new techniques. This book collects, for the first time, novel quantitative approaches to studying sources from the past, such as chronicles, epics, folktales, and myths. It contributes significantly to recent efforts in bringing together natural scientists and humanities scholars in investigations aimed at achieving greater understanding of our cultural inheritance. Accordingly, each contribution reports on a modern quantitative approach applicable to narrative sources from the past, or describes those which would be amenable to such treatment and why they are important. This volume is a unique state-of-the-art compendium on an emerging research field which also addresses anyone with interests in quantitative approaches to humanities
Keyword(s)1. Applications of Graph Theory and Complex Networks 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. Historical linguistics 5. HISTORY 6. History, general 7. Medieval philosophy 8. Methodology of the Social Sciences 9. PHYSICS 10. SOCIAL SCIENCES
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I10033     On Shelf    

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TitleDisaster Forensics : Understanding Root Cause and Complex Causality
Author(s)Masys, Anthony J
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
DescriptionXVII, 409 p. 41 illus., 30 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book aims to uncover the root causes of natural and man-made disasters by going beyond the typical reports and case studies conducted post-disaster. It opens the black box of disasters by presenting ???forensic analysis approaches??? to disasters, thereby revealing the complex causality that characterizes them and explaining how and why hazards do, or do not, become disasters. This yields ???systemic??? strategies for managing disasters. Recently the global threat landscape has seen the emergence of high impact, low probability events. Events like Hurricane Katrina, the Great Japan Earthquake and tsunami, Hurricane Sandy, Super Typhoon Haiyan, global terrorist activities have become the new norm. Extreme events challenge our understanding regarding the interdependencies and complexity of the disaster aetiology and are often referred to as Black Swans. Between 2002 and 2011, there were 4130 disasters recorded that resulted from natural hazards around the world. In these, 1,117,527 people perished and a minimum of US$1,195 billion in losses were reported. In the year 2011 alone, 302 disasters claimed 29,782 lives; affected 206 million people and inflicted damages worth a minimum of estimated US$366 billion
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Environmental law 4. Environmental Law/Policy/Ecojustice 5. ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY 6. Methodology of the Social Sciences 7. NATURAL DISASTERS 8. NATURAL HAZARDS 9. Security Science and Technology 10. SOCIAL SCIENCES 11. System safety
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I09959     On Shelf    

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TitleComplex Spreading Phenomena in Social Systems : Influence and Contagion in Real-World Social Networks
Author(s)Lehmann, Sune;Ahn, Yong-Yeol
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2018.
DescriptionVI, 361 p. 104 illus., 81 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis text is about spreading of information and influence in complex networks. Although previously considered similar and modeled in parallel approaches, there is now experimental evidence that epidemic and social spreading work in subtly different ways. While previously explored through modeling, there is currently an explosion of work on revealing the mechanisms underlying complex contagion based on big data and data-driven approaches. This volume consists of four parts. Part 1 is an Introduction, providing an accessible summary of the state-of-the-art. Part 2 provides an overview of the central theoretical developments in the field. Part 3 describes the empirical work on observing spreading processes in real-world networks. Finally, Part 4 goes into detail with recent and exciting new developments: dedicated studies designed to measure specific aspects of the spreading processes, often using randomized control trials to isolate the network effect from confounders, such as homophily. Each contribution is authored by leading experts in the field. This volume, though based on technical selections of the most important results on complex spreading, remains quite accessible to the newly interested. The main benefit to the reader is that the topics are carefully structured to take the novice to the level of expert on the topic of social spreading processes. This book will be of great importance to a wide field: from researchers in physics, computer science, and sociology to professionals in public policy and public health
Keyword(s)1. Applications of Graph Theory and Complex Networks 2. COMPUTER SIMULATION 3. DATA MINING 4. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. Methodology of the Social Sciences 8. PHYSICS 9. Simulation and Modeling 10. SOCIAL SCIENCES
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I09819     On Shelf    

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TitleThe Meaning and Value of Spaceflight : Public Perceptions
Author(s)Bainbridge, William Sims
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2015.
DescriptionXI, 225 p. 1 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book presents the most serious and comprehensive study, by far, of American public perceptions about the meaning of space exploration, analyzing vast troves of questionnaire data collected by many researchers and polling firms over a span of six decades and anchored in influential social science theories.?? It doesn't simply report the percentages who held various opinions, but employs sophisticated statistical techniques to answer profound questions and achieve fresh discoveries. Both the Bush and the Obama administrations have cut back severely on fundamental research in space science and engineering.??Understanding better what space exploration means for citizens can contribute to charting a feasible but progressive course. Since the end of the Space Race between the US and the USSR, social scientists have almost completely ignored space exploration as a topic for serious analysis, and this book seeks to revive that kind of contribution. The author communicates the insights in a lucid style, not only intelligible but interesting to readers from a variety of backgrounds.??
Keyword(s)1. Aerospace engineering 2. Aerospace Technology and Astronautics 3. ASTRONAUTICS 4. Cultural studies 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. Methodology of the Social Sciences 8. Political communication 9. Science???Social aspects 10. SOCIAL SCIENCES 11. Societal Aspects of Physics, Outreach and Education
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I08526     On Shelf    

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TitleNetworks of Echoes : Imitation, Innovation and Invisible Leaders
Author(s)West, Bruce J;Turalska, Malgorzata;Grigolini, Paolo
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2014.
DescriptionXI, 225 p. 86 illus., 1 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteNetworks of Echoes: Imitation, Innovation and Invisible Leaders is a mathematically rigorous and data rich book on a fascinating area of the science and engineering of social webs.?? There are hundreds of complex network phenomena whose statistical properties are described by inverse power laws.?? The phenomena of interest are not arcane events that we encounter only fleetingly, but are events that dominate our lives. We examine how this intermittent statistical behavior intertwines itself with what appears to be the organized activity of social groups.?? The book is structured as answers to a sequence of questions such as: How are decisions reached in elections and boardrooms??? How is the stability of a society undermined by zealots and committed minorities, and how is that stability re-established??? Can we learn to answer such questions about human behavior by studying the way flocks of birds retain their formation when eluding a predator??? These questions and others are answered using a generic model of a complex dynamic network???one whose global behavior is determined by a symmetric interaction among individuals based on social imitation.??The complexity of the network is manifest in time series resulting from self-organized critical dynamics that have divergent first and second moments, are non-stationary, non-ergodic, and non-Poisson.?? How phase transitions in the network dynamics influence such activity as decision making is a fascinating story and provides a context for introducing many of the mathematical ideas necessary for understanding complex networks in general.?? The decision making model (DMM) is selected to emphasize that there are features of complex webs that supersede specific mechanisms and need to be understood from a general perspective.?? This insightful overview of recent tools and their uses may serve as an introduction and curriculum guide in related courses
Keyword(s)1. APPLICATION SOFTWARE 2. Applications of Graph Theory and Complex Networks 3. Computer Appl. in Social and Behavioral Sciences 4. Data-driven Science, Modeling and Theory Building 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. ECONOPHYSICS 8. GAME THEORY 9. Game Theory, Economics, Social and Behav. Sciences 10. Methodology of the Social Sciences 11. PHYSICS 12. SOCIAL SCIENCES 13. Sociophysics
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I08236     On Shelf    

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TitleComplex Human Dynamics : From Mind to Societies
Author(s)Nowak, Andrzej;Winkowska-Nowak, Katarzyna;Br??e, David
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
DescriptionX, 242 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book, edited and authored by a closely collaborating network of social scientists and psychologists, recasts typical research topics in these fields into the language of nonlinear, dynamic and complex systems. The aim is to provide scientists with different backgrounds - physics, applied mathematics and computer sciences - with the opportunity to apply the tools of their trade to an altogether new range of possible applications. At the same time, this book will serve as a first reference for a new generation of social scientists and psychologists wishing to familiarize themselves with the new methodology and the "thinking in complexity"
Keyword(s)1. Cognitive psychology 2. COMPLEXITY 3. COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY 4. Data-driven Science, Modeling and Theory Building 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. ECONOPHYSICS 8. Methodology of the Social Sciences 9. SOCIAL SCIENCES 10. Sociophysics
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I08169     On Shelf    

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TitleCo-evolution of Intelligent Socio-technical Systems : Modelling and Applications in Large Scale Emergency and Transport Domains
Author(s)Mitleton-Kelly, Evangelia
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
DescriptionVI, 293 p : online resource
Abstract NoteAs the interconnectivity between humans through technical devices is becoming ubiquitous, the next step is already in the making: ambient intelligence, i.e. smart (technical) environments, which will eventually play the same active role in communication as the human players, leading to a co-evolution in all domains where real-time communication is essential. This topical volume, based on the findings of the Socionical European research project, gives equal attention to two highly relevant domains of applications: transport, specifically traffic, dynamics from the viewpoint of a socio-technical interaction and evacuation scenarios for large-scale emergency situations. Care was taken to investigate as much as possible the limits of scalability and to combine the modeling using complex systems science approaches with relevant data analysis
Keyword(s)1. APPLICATION SOFTWARE 2. Automotive engineering 3. COMPLEXITY 4. COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY 5. Computer Appl. in Social and Behavioral Sciences 6. Data-driven Science, Modeling and Theory Building 7. EBOOK 8. EBOOK - SPRINGER 9. ECONOPHYSICS 10. Methodology of the Social Sciences 11. SOCIAL SCIENCES 12. Sociophysics
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I08048     On Shelf    

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TitleSocial Phenomena : From Data Analysis to Models
Author(s)Gon??alves, Bruno;Perra, Nicola
PublicationCham, Springer International Publishing, 2015.
DescriptionXII, 260 p. 71 illus., 67 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book focuses on the new possibilities and approaches to social modeling currently being made possible by an unprecedented variety of datasets generated by our interactions with modern technologies. This area has witnessed a veritable explosion of activity over the last few years, yielding many interesting and useful results. Our aim is to provide an overview of the state of the art in this area of research, merging an extremely heterogeneous array of datasets and models. Social Phenomena: From Data Analysis??to Models is divided into two parts. Part I deals with modeling social behavior under normal conditions: How we live, travel, collaborate and interact with each other in our daily lives. Part II deals with societal behavior under exceptional conditions: Protests, armed insurgencies, terrorist attacks, and reactions to infectious diseases. This book offers an overview of one of the most fertile emerging fields bringing together practitioners from scientific communities as diverse as social sciences, physics and computer science. We hope to not only provide an unifying framework to understand and characterize social phenomena, but also to help foster the dialogue between researchers working on similar problems from different fields and perspectives
Keyword(s)1. APPLICATION SOFTWARE 2. Computer Appl. in Social and Behavioral Sciences 3. Data-driven Science, Modeling and Theory Building 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. ECONOPHYSICS 7. GAME THEORY 8. Game Theory, Economics, Social and Behav. Sciences 9. Methodology of the Social Sciences 10. Numerical and Computational Physics, Simulation 11. PHYSICS 12. SOCIAL SCIENCES 13. Sociophysics
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I08006     On Shelf    

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