Click the serial number on the left to view the details of the item. |
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Author | Title | Accn# | Year | Item Type | Claims |
1 |
Biberman, Lucien M |
Photoelectronic Imaging Devices |
I05352 |
1971 |
eBook |
2 |
Cowan, B. P |
Classical Mechanics |
I05126 |
1984 |
eBook |
3 |
Silvey, Samuel David |
Optimal Design |
I05065 |
1980 |
eBook |
4 |
Turner, Roy E |
Relativity Physics |
I04904 |
1984 |
eBook |
5 |
Bartlett, M. S |
The Statistical Analysis of Spatial Pattern |
I04711 |
1975 |
eBook |
6 |
Riste, Tormod |
Electron-Phonon Interactions and Phase Transitions |
I04696 |
1977 |
eBook |
7 |
Friedman, Morton P |
Intelligence and Learning |
I04557 |
1981 |
eBook |
8 |
M??tter, K. H |
Current Topics in Elementary Particle Physics |
I04370 |
1981 |
eBook |
9 |
Howell, David G |
Tectonics of Suspect Terranes |
I04240 |
1989 |
eBook |
10 |
Sprackling, M. T |
Liquids and Solids |
I03993 |
1985 |
eBook |
Title | Photoelectronic Imaging Devices : Physical Processes and Methods of Analysis |
Author(s) | Biberman, Lucien M;Nudelman, Sol |
Publication | Boston, MA, Springer US, 1971. |
Description | XXIV, 430 p. 23 illus : online resource |
Abstract Note | The past decade has seen a major resurgence in optical research and the teaching of optics in the major universities both in this country and abroad. Electrooptical devices have become achallenging subject of study that has penetrated both the electrical engineering and the physics departments of most major schools. There seems to be something about the laser that has appealed to both the practical electrical engineer with a hankering for fundamental research and to the fundamental physicist with a hankering to be practical. Somehow or other, this same form of enthusiasm has not previously existed in the study of photoelectronic devices that form images. This field of endeavor is becoming more and more sophisticated as newer forms of solid-state devices enter the field, not only in the data-processing end, but in the conversion of radiant energy into electrical charge patterns that are stored, manipulated, and read out in a way that a decade ago would have been considered beyond some fundamental limit or other |
ISBN,Price | 9781468429282 |
Keyword(s) | 1. EBOOK
4. Science, general
Item Type | eBook |
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Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I05352 |
On Shelf |
Title | Classical Mechanics |
Author(s) | Cowan, B. P |
Publication | Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1984. |
Description | VII, 117 p. 1 illus : online resource |
Abstract Note | The study of mechanics plays a central role in physics for a whole variety of reasons. It was one of the earliest of the quantitative sciences, and had immediate practical applications. These ranged from the study of the motion of projectiles in warfare to the motion of the planets, predicting the seasons, eclipses, etc. At the present time, even though superseded on the very small scale by quantum theory and on the very large scale by the theory of relativity, the mechanics of Newton is perfectly adequate for treating a wide spectrum of problems from the ??? '"etic theory of gases to the motion of space vehicles. Furthermore, the science of mechanics is regarded by many as the epitome of a good scientific theory and for this reason is studied by philosophers and social scientists alike as an exemplar of the 'scientific method'. We shall commence in Chapter 1 with a brief historical outline of the development of mechanics, mentioning the names and dates of the main participants and summarizing their contributions. Preface vii Chapter 1 Newton's laws 1. 1 Historical introduction Primitive ideas about mechanics were exemplified by the state?? ments of Aristotle (384-322 Be), who asserted that a force was necessary to maintain motion. Furthermore, he believed that there were different laws for heavenly and earthly bodies |
ISBN,Price | 9789401091718 |
Keyword(s) | 1. EBOOK
4. Science, general
Item Type | eBook |
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Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I05126 |
On Shelf |
Title | The Statistical Analysis of Spatial Pattern |
Author(s) | Bartlett, M. S |
Publication | Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1975. |
Description | X, 90 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | In a contribution (Bartlett, 1971 a) to the Symposium on Statistical Ecology at Yale in 1969, I noted in my introductory remarks that that paper was not intended to be in any way a review of statistical techniques for analysing spatial patterns. My contribution to a conference at Sheffield in 1973 aimed, at least in part, to supply such a review and forms the basis of this monograph; but in these prefatory remarks I must still make clear what I decided to discuss, and what I have omitted. Broadly speaking, the coverage is that included in seminars and lectures I have given on this theme since 1969. We may divide problems of spatial pattern (in contrast with complete random chaos) into (i) detecting departures from randomness, Oi) analysing such departures when detected, for example, in relation to some stochastic model and (iii) special problems which require separate consideration; for example, sophisticated problems of pattern recognition in specific fields, such as the computer reading of handwriting or recognition of chromosomes |
ISBN,Price | 9789400957558 |
Keyword(s) | 1. EBOOK
4. Science, general
Item Type | eBook |
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I04711 |
On Shelf |
Title | Electron-Phonon Interactions and Phase Transitions |
Author(s) | Riste, Tormod |
Publication | Boston, MA, Springer US, 1977. |
Description | XV, 416 p. 8 illus : online resource |
Abstract Note | This NATO Advanced Study Institute was the fourth in a series devoted to the subject of phase transitions and instabilities with particular attention to structural phase transforma~ions. Beginning wi th the first Geilo institute in 19'(1 we have seen the emphasis evolve from the simple quasiharmonic soft mode description within the Landau theory, through the unexpected spectral structure re?? presented by the "central peak" (1973), to such subjects as melting, turbulence and hydrodynamic instabilities (1975). Sophisticated theoretical techniques such as scaling laws and renormalization group theory developed over the same period have brought to this wide range of subjects a pleasing unity. These institutes have been instrumental in placing structural transformations clearly in the mainstream of statistical physics and critical phenomena. The present Geilo institute retains some of the counter cul?? tural flavour of the first one by insisting whenever possible upon peeking under the skirts of even the most successful phenomenology to catch a glimpse of the underlying microscopic processes. Of course the soft mode remains a useful concept, but the major em?? phasis of this institute is the microscopic cause of the mode softening. The discussions given here illustrate that for certain important classes of solids the cause lies in the electron phonon interaction. Three major types of structural transitions are considered. In the case of metals and semimetals, the electron phonon interaction relie6 heavily on the topology of the Fermi surface |
ISBN,Price | 9781461589211 |
Keyword(s) | 1. EBOOK
4. Science, general
Item Type | eBook |
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I04696 |
On Shelf |
Title | Intelligence and Learning |
Author(s) | Friedman, Morton P;Das, J. P;O???Connor, Neil |
Publication | Boston, MA, Springer US, 1981. |
Description | XII, 624 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | This volume contains the Proceedings of an International Conference on Intelligence and Learning held at York University, England, on July 16-20, 1979. The conference was made possible with the support and assistance of the following agencies: NAT 0 Scientific Division, specifically the Human Factors panel, was the major sponsor of the conference. Special thanks are due to Dr. B. A. Bayraktar, who helped organize the conference. Special appreciation is also expressed for the support of the University of York where the conference was held, the University of Alberta, the University of California, Los Angeles, the Medical Research Council, especially its Developmental Psychology Research U nit in London, and the British Council. The conference was jointly directed by J. P. Das and N. 0' Connor. The directors appreciate the assistance in administrative matters of Patricia Chobater and Emma Collins of the University of Alberta. The Editors of the Proceedings acknowledge and appreciate the following individuals who assisted in the production of the volume at the University of California, Los Angeles: Francine Gray, Janet Koblen and Richard Russell. Special thanks go to Keith Felton, who prepared the final manuscript, and Carol Saro, who assisted the editors and prepared the indexes. Morton P. Friedman J. P. Das Neil O'Connor CONTENTS Section INTRODUCTION 1 |
ISBN,Price | 9781468410839 |
Keyword(s) | 1. EBOOK
4. Science, general
Item Type | eBook |
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I04557 |
On Shelf |
Title | Current Topics in Elementary Particle Physics |
Author(s) | M??tter, K. H;Schilling, K |
Publication | Boston, MA, Springer US, 1981. |
Description | VIII, 344 p. 4 illus : online resource |
Abstract Note | This volume contains the contributions to the INTERNATIONAL SUMMER INSTITUTE ON THEORETICAL PHYSICS 1980 held from September 1st to September 12th in Bad Honnef, Germany. This Institute was organized by Wuppertal University. It was the eleventh in a series of Summer Schools on particle physics carried out by German Universities. The Institute was aimed to review the present status of gauge theories in elementary particle physics, with emphasis both on the phenomenological and formal aspects. The first part of the volume covers the recent progress in the development of perturbative methods both in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and flavor dynamics (QFD). Applications to available data from electron?? positron storage rings and deep inelastic scattering are discussed. The second part presents new results on classical solutions and non-perturbative methods in gauge theories and related field theories like non?? linear a-models. A very topical account is given on the application of Monte Carlo methods within lattice gauge theories. At present these methods appear to be the most promising technique to establish the quark confinement hypothesis within the framework of non-Abelian gauge theories. The volume is closed with a progress report on the present understanding of sup~rgravity and its relation to grand unification schemes. The lectures on Grand Unified Theories given by Dr. D. V. Nanopoulos at the Bad Honnef meeting can be found in the proceedings of the 1980 Rencontre de Moriond (Ed. J. Tran Thanh Van) |
ISBN,Price | 9781468482799 |
Keyword(s) | 1. EBOOK
4. Science, general
Item Type | eBook |
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I04370 |
On Shelf |
Title | Tectonics of Suspect Terranes : Mountain building and continental growth |
Author(s) | Howell, David G |
Publication | Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 1989. |
Description | XI, 232 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | Year by year the Earth sciences grow more diverse, with an inevitable increase in the degree to which rampant specialization isolates the practitioners of an ever larger number of sub fields. An increasing emphasis on sophisticated mathematics, physics and chemistry as well as the use of advanced technology have. set up barriers often impenetrable to the uninitiated. Ironically, the potential value of many specialities for other, often non-contiguous once has also increased. What is at the present time quiet, unseen work in a remote corner of our discipline, may tomorrow enhance, even revitalize some entirely different area. The rising flood of research reports has drastically cut the time we have available for free reading. The enormous proliferation of journals expressly aimed at small, select audiences has raised the threshold of access to a large part of the literature so much that many of us are unable to cross it. This, most would agree, is not only unfortunate but downright dangerous, limiting by sheer bulk of paper or difficulty of comprehension, the flow of information across the Earth sciences because, after all it is just one earth that we all study, and cross fertilization is the key to progress. If one knows where to obtain much needed data or inspiration, no effort is too great. It is when we remain unaware of its existence (perhaps even in the office next door) that stagnation soon sets in |
ISBN,Price | 9789400908277 |
Keyword(s) | 1. EBOOK
4. Science, general
Item Type | eBook |
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Circulation Data
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Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I04240 |
On Shelf |
| |