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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
31 Sagaut, P Large Eddy Simulation for Incompressible Flows I10725 2002 eBook  
32 Iordache, Octavian Modeling Multi-Level Systems I08404 2011 eBook  
33 Hoekstra, Alfons G Simulating Complex Systems by Cellular Automata I07835 2010 eBook  
34 Kocarev, Ljupco Consensus and Synchronization in Complex Networks I07723 2013 eBook  
35 Korsch, Hans J??rgen Chaos I07563 2008 eBook  
36 Sagaut, P Large Eddy Simulation for Incompressible Flows I07546 2006 eBook  
37 Iordache, Octavian Self-Evolvable Systems I07335 2012 eBook  
38 Echekki, Tarek Turbulent Combustion Modeling I07249 2011 eBook  
39 Di Barba, Paolo Field Models in Electricity and Magnetism I06943 2008 eBook  
40 Boccara, Nino Essentials of Mathematica I06800 2007 eBook  
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TitleLarge Eddy Simulation for Incompressible Flows : An Introduction
Author(s)Sagaut, P
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002.
DescriptionXXII, 426 p. 41 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThe book is the only one of its kind devoted entirely to the subject of Large Eddy Simulation. It presents a comprehensive account and a unified view of this young but very rich discipline. LES is the only efficient technique for approaching high Reynolds numbers when simulating industrial, natural or experimental configurations. The author concentrates on incompressible fluids. The topics are well chosen and both the mathematical ideas and the applicatons are presented with care. The book addresses researchers as well as graduate students and engineers. This second edition is a greatly enriched version motivated both by the increasing theoretical interest on LES and the increasing numbers of applications. Two entirely new chapters are devoted to the coupling of LES with multiresolution multidomain techniques and to the new hybrid approaches that relate the LES procedures to the classical statistical methods based on the Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes equations
Keyword(s)1. Astronomy, Observations and Techniques 2. Astronomy???Observations 3. Computational Intelligence 4. Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis 5. Computer mathematics 6. EBOOK 7. EBOOK - SPRINGER 8. Fluid- and Aerodynamics 9. FLUIDS 10. Mathematical Methods in Physics 11. Numerical and Computational Physics, Simulation 12. Observations, Astronomical 13. PHYSICS
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I10725     On Shelf    

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TitleModeling Multi-Level Systems
Author(s)Iordache, Octavian
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
DescriptionXV, 232 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book is devoted to modeling of multi-level complex systems, a challenging domain for engineers, researchers and entrepreneurs, confronted with the transition from learning and adaptability to evolvability and autonomy for technologies, devices and problem solving methods. Chapter 1 introduces the multi-scale and multi-level systems and highlights their presence in different domains of science and technology. Methodologies as, random systems, non-Archimedean analysis, category theory and specific techniques as model categorification and integrative closure, are presented in chapter 2. Chapters 3 and 4 describe polystochastic models, PSM, and their developments. Categorical formulation of integrative closure offers the general PSM framework which serves as a flexible guideline for a large variety of multi-level modeling problems. Focusing on chemical engineering, pharmaceutical and environmental case studies, the chapters 5 to 8 analyze mixing, turbulent dispersion and entropy production for multi-scale systems. Taking inspiration from systems sciences, chapters 9 to 11 highlight multi-level modeling potentialities in formal concept analysis, existential graphs and evolvable designs of experiments. Case studies refer to separation flow-sheets, pharmaceutical pipeline, drug design and development, reliability management systems, security and failure analysis. Perspectives and integrative points of view are discussed in chapter 12. Autonomous and viable systems, multi-agents, organic and autonomic computing, multi-level informational systems, are revealed as promising domains for future applications. Written for: engineers, researchers, entrepreneurs and students in chemical, pharmaceutical, environmental and systems sciences engineering, and for applied mathematicians
Keyword(s)1. Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Theory 2. COMPLEXITY 3. COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY 4. Computational Intelligence 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. STATISTICAL PHYSICS
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I08404     On Shelf    

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TitleSimulating Complex Systems by Cellular Automata
Author(s)Hoekstra, Alfons G;Kroc, Jiri;Sloot, Peter M.A
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.
DescriptionXXII, 384 p : online resource
Abstract NoteDeeply rooted in fundamental research in Mathematics and Computer Science, Cellular Automata (CA) are recognized as an intuitive modeling paradigm for Complex Systems. Already very basic CA, with extremely simple micro dynamics such as the Game of Life, show an almost endless display of complex emergent behavior. Conversely, CA can also be designed to produce a desired emergent behavior, using either theoretical methodologies or evolutionary techniques. Meanwhile, beyond the original realm of applications - Physics, Computer Science, and Mathematics ??? CA have also become work horses in very different disciplines such as epidemiology, immunology, sociology, and finance. In this context of fast and impressive progress, spurred further by the enormous attraction these topics have on students, this book emerges as a welcome overview of the field for its practitioners, as well as a good starting point for detailed study on the graduate and post-graduate level. The book contains three parts, two major parts on theory and applications, and a smaller part on software. The theory part contains fundamental chapters on how to design and/or apply CA for many different areas. In the applications part a number of representative examples of really using CA in a broad range of disciplines is provided - this part will give the reader a good idea of the real strength of this kind of modeling as well as the incentive to apply CA in their own field of study
Keyword(s)1. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 2. Computational Intelligence 3. Computational Science and Engineering 4. Computer mathematics 5. COMPUTER SIMULATION 6. DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 7. EBOOK 8. EBOOK - SPRINGER 9. Simulation and Modeling 10. STATISTICAL PHYSICS 11. Statistical Physics and Dynamical Systems
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I07835     On Shelf    

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TitleConsensus and Synchronization in Complex Networks
Author(s)Kocarev, Ljupco
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
DescriptionIX, 275 p : online resource
Abstract NoteSynchronization in complex networks is one of the most captivating cooperative phenomena in nature and has been shown to be of fundamental importance in such varied circumstances as the continued existence of species, the functioning of heart pacemaker cells, epileptic seizures, neuronal firing in the feline visual cortex and cognitive tasks in humans. E.g. coupled visual and acoustic interactions make fireflies flash, crickets chirp, and an audience clap in unison. On the other hand, in distributed systems and networks, it is often necessary for some or all of the nodes to calculate some function of certain parameters, e.g. sink nodes in sensor networks being tasked with calculating the average measurement value of all the sensors or multi-agent systems in which all agents are required to coordinate their speed and direction. When all nodes calculate the same function of the initial values in the system, they are said to reach consensus. Such concepts - sometimes also called state agreement, rendezvous, and observer design in control theory - have recently received considerable attention in the computational science and engineering communities. Quite generally, consensus formation among a small group of expert models of an objective process is challenging because the separate models have already been optimized in their own parameter spaces. ?? The mathematical framework for describing synchronization and consensus in natural and technical sciences is similar and the aim of this book is to provide the first comprehensive work in which synchronization and consensus are presented jointly, thereby allowing the reader to learn about the similarities and differences of the two concepts in both a systematic and application-oriented fashion. The ten chapters have been carefully selected so as to reflect the current state-of-the-art of synchronization and consensus in networked systems; in particular two chapters dealing with a novel application of synchronization concepts in machine learning have been included. ?? The book is aimed at all scientists and engineers, graduate students and practitioners, working in the fields of synchronization and related phenomena
Keyword(s)1. Applications of Graph Theory and Complex Networks 2. COMPLEXITY 3. COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY 4. Computational Intelligence 5. COMPUTER SIMULATION 6. Control and Systems Theory 7. Control engineering 8. EBOOK 9. EBOOK - SPRINGER 10. PHYSICS 11. Simulation and Modeling
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I07723     On Shelf    

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TitleChaos : A Program Collection for the PC
Author(s)Korsch, Hans J??rgen;Jodl, Hans-J??rg;Hartmann, Timo
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.
DescriptionXV, 341 p. With many Numerical Experiments : online resource
Abstract NoteThis new edition strives yet again to provide readers with a working knowledge of chaos theory and dynamical systems through parallel introductory explanations in the book and interaction with carefully-selected programs supplied on the accompanying diskette. The programs enable readers, especially advanced-undergraduate students in physics, engineering, and math, to tackle relevant physical systems quickly on their PCs, without distraction from algorithmic details. For the third edition of Chaos: A Program Collection for the PC, each of the previous twelve programs is polished and rewritten in C++ (both Windows and Linux versions are included). A new program treats kicked systems, an important class of two-dimensional problems, which is introduced in Chapter 13. Each chapter follows the structure: theoretical background; numerical techniques; interaction with the program; computer experiments; real experiments and empirical evidence; reference. Interacting with the many numerical experiments have proven to help readers to become familiar with this fascinating topic and even to enjoy the experience
Keyword(s)1. COMPLEX SYSTEMS 2. Computational Intelligence 3. Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis 4. Computer mathematics 5. DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 6. EBOOK 7. EBOOK - SPRINGER 8. Mathematical Methods in Physics 9. PHYSICS 10. QUANTUM COMPUTERS 11. Quantum Information Technology, Spintronics 12. QUANTUM PHYSICS 13. SPINTRONICS 14. STATISTICAL PHYSICS
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I07563     On Shelf    

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TitleLarge Eddy Simulation for Incompressible Flows : An Introduction
Author(s)Sagaut, P
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.
DescriptionXXIX, 558 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThe first and most exhaustive work of its kind devoted entirely to the subject, Large Eddy Simulation presents a comprehensive account and a unified view of this young but very rich discipline. LES is the only efficient technique for approaching high Reynolds numbers when simulating industrial, natural or experimental configurations. The author concentrates on incompressible fluids and chooses his topics in treating with care both the mathematical ideas and their applications. The book addresses researchers as well as graduate students and engineers. The second edition was a greatly enriched version motivated both by the increasing theoretical interest in LES and the increasing number of applications. Two entirely new chapters were devoted to the coupling of LES with multiresolution multidomain techniques and to the new hybrid approaches that relate the LES procedures to the classical statistical methods based on the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations. This 3rd edition adds various sections to the text such as a careful error analysis of filtered density function models and multiscale models. It also contains two new chapters dealing with the mathematical representations of LES and the prediction of active and passive scalar dynamics, which are of considerable interest for engineering and geophysical modeling. The part on geophysical flow has much to offer on a critical current issue. To quote from the foreword to the third edition written by Charles Meneveau: "... this meticulously assembled and significantly enlarged description of the many aspects of LES will be a most welcome addition to the bookshelves of scientists and engineers in fluid mechanics, LES practitioners, and students of turbulence in general."
Keyword(s)1. Classical and Continuum Physics 2. Computational Intelligence 3. Computational Science and Engineering 4. Computer mathematics 5. Continuum physics 6. EBOOK 7. EBOOK - SPRINGER 8. Engineering Fluid Dynamics 9. FLUID MECHANICS 10. Fluid- and Aerodynamics 11. FLUIDS 12. Numerical and Computational Physics, Simulation 13. PHYSICS
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I07546     On Shelf    

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TitleSelf-Evolvable Systems : Machine Learning in Social Media
Author(s)Iordache, Octavian
PublicationBerlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
DescriptionXXII, 278 p : online resource
Abstract NoteThis monograph presents key method to successfully manage the growing?? complexity of systems ??where conventional engineering and scientific methodologies and technologies based on learning and adaptability come to their limits and new ways are nowadays required. The transition from adaptable to evolvable and finally to self-evolvable systems is highlighted, self-properties such as self-organization, self-configuration, and self-repairing are introduced and challenges and limitations of the self-evolvable engineering systems are evaluated
Keyword(s)1. Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Theory 2. COMPLEXITY 3. COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY 4. Computational Intelligence 5. EBOOK 6. EBOOK - SPRINGER 7. STATISTICAL PHYSICS
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I07335     On Shelf    

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TitleTurbulent Combustion Modeling : Advances, New Trends and Perspectives
Author(s)Echekki, Tarek;Mastorakos, Epaminondas
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2011.
DescriptionXXII, 490 p : online resource
Abstract NoteTurbulent combustion sits at the interface of two important nonlinear, multiscale phenomena: chemistry and turbulence. Its study is extremely timely in view of the need to develop new combustion technologies in order to address challenges associated with climate change, energy source uncertainty, and air pollution. Despite the fact that modeling of turbulent combustion is a subject that has been researched for a number of years, its complexity implies that key issues are still eluding, and a theoretical description that is accurate enough to make turbulent combustion models rigorous and quantitative for industrial use is still lacking. In this book, prominent experts review most of the available approaches in modeling turbulent combustion, with particular focus on the exploding increase in computational resources that has allowed the simulation of increasingly detailed phenomena. The relevant algorithms are presented, the theoretical methods are explained, and various application examples are given. The book is intended for a relatively broad audience, including seasoned researchers and graduate students in engineering, applied mathematics and computational science, engine designers and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) practitioners, scientists at funding agencies, and anyone wishing to understand the state-of-the-art and the future directions of this scientifically challenging and practically important field
Keyword(s)1. Computational Intelligence 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. Engineering Fluid Dynamics 5. Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer 6. FLUID MECHANICS 7. Fluid- and Aerodynamics 8. FLUIDS 9. Heat engineering 10. HEAT TRANSFER 11. MASS TRANSFER 12. Numerical and Computational Physics, Simulation 13. PHYSICS 14. THERMODYNAMICS
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I07249     On Shelf    

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TitleField Models in Electricity and Magnetism
Author(s)Di Barba, Paolo;Savini, Antonio;Wiak, Slawomir
PublicationDordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2008.
DescriptionX, 174 p : online resource
Abstract NoteCovering the development of field computation in the past forty years, Field Models in Electricity and Magnetism intends to be a concise, comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to field models in electricity and magnetism, ranging from basic theory to numerical applications. The approach assumed throughout the whole book is to solve field problems directly from partial differential equations in terms of vector quantities. Theoretical issues are illustrated by practical examples. In particular, a single example is solved by different methods so that, by comparison of results, limitations and advantages of the various methods are made clear. The subjects of the synthesis of fields and of the optimal design of devices, which are growing in research and so far have not been adequately covered in textbooks, are developed in addition to more classical subjects of analysis. Topics covered include: vector fields: electrostatics, magnetostatics, steady conduction; analytical methods for solving boundary-value problems; numerical methods for solving boundary-value problems; time-varying electromagnetic field; inverse problems; optimization. Field Models in Electricity and Magnetism results from the cooperation of three authors in teaching electromagnetic theory at various levels and in different countries
Keyword(s)1. CLASSICAL ELECTRODYNAMICS 2. Computational Intelligence 3. COMPUTER SIMULATION 4. Computer-aided engineering 5. Computer-Aided Engineering (CAD, CAE) and Design 6. EBOOK 7. EBOOK - SPRINGER 8. ELECTRODYNAMICS 9. ENERGY 10. Energy, general 11. MICROWAVES 12. Microwaves, RF and Optical Engineering 13. OPTICAL ENGINEERING 14. OPTICS 15. Simulation and Modeling
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I06943     On Shelf    

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TitleEssentials of Mathematica : With Applications to Mathematics and Physics
Author(s)Boccara, Nino
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer New York, 2007.
DescriptionXXX, 539 p : online resource
Abstract NoteEssentials of Mathematica: With Applications to Mathematics and Physics, based on the lecture notes of a course taught at the University of Illinois at Chicago to advanced undergraduate and graduate students, teaches how to use Mathematica to solve a wide variety problems in mathematics and physics. The text assumes no previous exposure to Mathematica. It is illustrated with many detailed examples that require the student to construct meticulous, step-by-step, easy-to-read Mathematica programs. It includes many detailed graphics, with instructions to students on how to achieve similar results. The aim of Essentials of Mathematica is to provide the reader with Mathematica proficiency quickly and efficiently. The first part, in which the reader learns how to use a variety of Mathematica commands, avoids long discussions and overly sophisticated techniques. The second part covers a broad range of applications in physics and applied mathematics, including negative and complex bases, the double pendulum, fractals, the logistic map, the quantum harmonic oscillator, the quantum square potential, the Van der Pol oscillator, the Duffing oscillator, multilane bidirectional pedestrian traffic, public-key encryption, tautochrone curves, Iterated function systems, motion of a bead on a rotating circle, Mersenne and perfect numbers, Lindenmayer systems, skydiving, Lorenz equations, the Foucault's pendulum, and Julia and Mandelbrot sets
Keyword(s)1. Computational Intelligence 2. Computer science???Mathematics 3. COMPUTER SOFTWARE 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. Mathematical Methods in Physics 7. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 8. Mathematical Software 9. Mathematics of Computing 10. Numerical and Computational Physics, Simulation 11. PHYSICS 12. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
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I06800     On Shelf    

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