Click the serial number on the left to view the details of the item. |
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Author | Title | Accn# | Year | Item Type | Claims |
11 |
Chen, Liang-Yao |
Optical Properties of Solar Absorber Materials and Structures |
I11667 |
2021 |
eBook |
12 |
Masys, Anthony J |
Exploring the Security Landscape: Non-Traditional Security Challenges |
I10203 |
2016 |
eBook |
13 |
Chen, Jing |
The Unity of Science and Economics |
I10126 |
2016 |
eBook |
14 |
Ayres, Robert |
Energy, Complexity and Wealth Maximization |
I09947 |
2016 |
eBook |
15 |
Hafemeister, David |
Nuclear Proliferation and Terrorism in the Post-9/11 World |
I09257 |
2016 |
eBook |
16 |
Shah, Arvind |
Solar Cells and Modules |
I09218 |
2020 |
eBook |
17 |
Claeys, C |
Radiation Effects in Advanced Semiconductor Materials and Devices |
I11304 |
2002 |
eBook |
18 |
Nabi-Abdolyousefi, Marzieh |
Controllability, Identification, and Randomness in Distributed Systems |
I07804 |
2014 |
eBook |
19 |
Ochiai, Eiichiro |
Hiroshima to Fukushima |
I07520 |
2014 |
eBook |
20 |
Hafemeister, David |
Physics of Societal Issues |
I06819 |
2007 |
eBook |
Title | Optical Properties of Solar Absorber Materials and Structures |
Author(s) | Chen, Liang-Yao |
Publication | Singapore, Springer Nature Singapore, 2021. |
Description | XVI, 172 p. 92 illus., 66 illus. in color : online resource |
Abstract Note | This book presents an overview of both the theory and experimental methods required to realize high efficiency solar absorber devices. It begins with a historical description of the study of spectrally selective solar absorber materials and structures based on optical principles and methods developed over the past few decades. The optical properties of metals and dielectric materials are addressed to provide the background necessary to achieve high performance of the solar absorber devices as applied in the solar energy field. In the following sections, different types of materials and structures, together with the relevant experimental methods, are discussed for practical construction and fabrication of the solar absorber devices, aiming to maximally harvest the solar energy while at the same time effectively suppressing the heat-emission loss. The optical principles and methods used to evaluate the performance of solar absorber devices with broad applications in different physical conditions are presented. The book is suitable for graduate students in applied physics, and provides a valuable reference for researchers working actively in the field of solar energy |
ISBN,Price | 9789811634925 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Catalysis
4. Energy and state
5. Energy policy
6. Energy Policy, Economics and Management
11. Materials for Energy and Catalysis
12. Microwaves, RF Engineering and Optical Communications
Item Type | eBook |
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Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I11667 |
On Shelf |
Title | Exploring the Security Landscape: Non-Traditional Security Challenges |
Author(s) | Masys, Anthony J |
Publication | Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2016. |
Description | VI, 325 p. 45 illus., 29 illus. in color : online resource |
Abstract Note | This book provides international perspective for those studying or working in the security domain, from enforcement to policy. It focuses on non-traditional threats in a landscape that has been described as transnational in nature and incorporates natural disasters, gang violence, extremism and terrorism, amongst other issues. Chapters provide innovative thinking on themes including cyber security, maritime security, transnational crime, human security, globalization and economic security. Relevant theoretical frameworks are presented and readers are expertly guided through complex threats, from matters pertaining to health security which pose threats not only to humans but also have significant national security implications, to issues regarding critical infrastructure vulnerability and the complexity of understanding terrorist operations. Authors reveal how emerging uncertainties regarding global critical infrastructure and supply chain security, food security, and health security are linked to the notion of human security. Security professionals, policy makers and academics will all gain from the insights, strategies and perspectives in this book. It builds understanding of the deepening and broadening domain of security studies and provides a valuable reference text for courses on security studies and international relations |
ISBN,Price | 9783319279145 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Applications of Graph Theory and Complex Networks
5. Energy and state
6. Energy policy
7. Energy Policy, Economics and Management
8. Health promotion
9. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
13. Security Science and Technology
14. System safety
15. Systems and Data Security
Item Type | eBook |
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I10203 |
On Shelf |
Title | The Unity of Science and Economics : A New Foundation of Economic Theory |
Author(s) | Chen, Jing |
Publication | New York, NY, Springer New York, 2016. |
Description | XVI, 136 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | This book presents a new economic theory developed from physical and biological principles. It explains how technology, social systems and economic values are intimately related to resources. Many people have recognized that mainstream (neoclassical) economic theories are not consistent with physical laws and often not consistent with empirical patterns, but most feel that economic activities are too complex to be described by a simple and coherent mathematical theory. While social systems are indeed complex, all life systems, including social systems, satisfy two principles. First, all systems need to extract resources from the external environment to compensate for their consumption. Second, for a system to be viable, the amount of resource extraction has to be no less than the level of consumption. From these two principles, we derive a quantitative theory of major factors in economic activities, such as fixed cost, variable cost, discount rate, uncertainty and duration. The mathematical theory enables us to systematically measure the effectiveness of different policies and institutional structures at varying levels of resource abundance and cost. The theory presented in this book shows that there do not exist universally optimal policies or institutional structures. Instead, the impacts of different policies or social structures have to be measured within the context of existing levels of resource abundance. As the physical costs of extracting resources rise steadily, many policy assumptions adopted in mainstream economic theories, and workable in times of cheap and abundant energy supplies and other resources, need to be reconsidered. In this rapidly changing world, the theory presented here provides a solid foundation for examining the long-term impacts of today's policy decisions |
ISBN,Price | 9781493934669 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Data-driven Science, Modeling and Theory Building
5. Economic Theory/Quantitative Economics/Mathematical Methods
7. Energy and state
8. Energy policy
9. Energy Policy, Economics and Management
10. Environmental economics
11. Sociophysics
12. Sustainable development
Item Type | eBook |
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I10126 |
On Shelf |
Title | Energy, Complexity and Wealth Maximization |
Author(s) | Ayres, Robert |
Publication | Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2016. |
Description | XXV, 593 p. 121 illus., 120 illus. in color : online resource |
Abstract Note | This book is about the mechanisms of wealth creation, or what we like to think of as evolutionary ???progress???. For the modern economy, natural wealth consists of complex physical structures of condensed (???frozen???) energy ??? mass - maintained in the earth???s crust far from thermodynamic equilibrium. However, we usually perceive wealth as created when mutation or ???invention??? ??? a change agent - introduces something different, and fitter, and usually after some part of the natural wealth of the planet has been exploited in an episode of ???creative destruction???. Selection out of the resulting diversity is determined by survival in a competitive environment, whether a planet, a habitat, or a market. While human wealth is associated with money and what it can buy, it is ultimately based on natural wealth, both as materials transformed into useful artifacts, and how those artifacts, activated by energy, can create and transmit useful information. Humans have learned how to transform natural wealth into other forms. Can the new immaterial wealth of information and ideas, which makes up the so-called knowledge economy, replace depleted natural wealth? This seemingly simple question is the grand challenge of the 21st century. In this book, you will learn about the three key requirements for wealth creation, and how this process acts at all scales from elementary particles to biological organisms to the human economy according to physical laws. At the planetary level, continuing life on Earth depends on ???entropy minimization??? or the ???circular economy???. In the human economy, however, the massive circular flow of goods and services between producers and consumers is not a perpetual motion machine; it has been dependent for the past 150 years on energy inputs from a finite storage of fossil fuels. Knowledge and natural capital, particularly energy, will interact to power the human wealth engine in the future as it has in the past. Will it sputter or continue along the path of evolutionary progress that we have come to expect? |
ISBN,Price | 9783319305455 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Data-driven Science, Modeling and Theory Building
7. Energy and state
8. Energy policy
9. Energy Policy, Economics and Management
10. Natural Resource and Energy Economics
11. Natural resources
12. Political Economy/Economic Systems
13. Sociophysics
Item Type | eBook |
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Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I09947 |
On Shelf |
Title | Nuclear Proliferation and Terrorism in the Post-9/11 World |
Author(s) | Hafemeister, David |
Publication | Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2016. |
Description | XXIV, 434 p. 52 illus., 35 illus. in color : online resource |
Abstract Note | This book fills a clear gap in the literature for a technically-focused book covering nuclear proliferation and related issues post-9/11. Using a concept-led approach which serves a broad readership, it provides detailed overview of nuclear weapons, nuclear proliferation and international nuclear policy. The author addresses topics including offensive and defensive missile systems, command and control, verification, weapon effects, and nuclear testing. A chronology of nuclear arms is presented including detailed discussion of the Cold War, proliferation, and arms control treaties. The book is tailored to courses on nuclear proliferation, and the general reader will also find it a fascinating introduction to the science and strategy behind international nuclear policy in the modern era. ???Finally, a spritely, accessible overview of the nuclear world in historical context from someone who has both seen it from the U.S. State Department and Congressional policy trenches and taught it for 43 years. A gift to both concerned citizens and interested students.??? Frank von Hippel, Prof. Public and International Affairs (emeritus), Princeton University ???The threat of nuclear weapons has been with the world community for a long time. Global destruction was narrowly avoided three or four times or more during the Cold War with the use of such weapons remaining an immediate threat in some parts of the world??? David Hafemeister's outstanding new book provides the reader this essential review of the threat, taking into account its many manifestations in a careful and thorough way. It should not be missed.??? Thomas Graham, Jr., former Special Representative of the President for Arms Control and Non-proliferation ???Hafemeister's Nuclear Proliferation and Terrorism contains a wealth of information about nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction. The reader ??? whether professionally involved with these weapons or a citizen seeking to become better informed ??? will come away with a sober appreciation of the dangers, and with increased insight into how the world seeks to eliminate them.??? Pierce Corden, former Admin. Exec. Officer, Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Commission ???For more than 70 years since August 9, 1945, nuclear weapons have not been detonated in war, and terrorists have yet to acquire these weapons. Will humanity be so fortunate for the next 70 years? To learn what can and should be done to further reduce the risks of these and other dangers, read David Hafemeister???s excellent book.??? Charles D. Ferguson, President, Federation of American Scientists |
ISBN,Price | 9783319253671 |
Keyword(s) | 1. EBOOK
3. Energy and state
4. Energy policy
5. Energy Policy, Economics and Management
6. International humanitarian law
7. International Humanitarian Law, Law of Armed Conflict
9. Science???Social aspects
10. Security Science and Technology
11. Societal Aspects of Physics, Outreach and Education
12. System safety
Item Type | eBook |
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I09257 |
On Shelf |
Title | Solar Cells and Modules |
Author(s) | Shah, Arvind |
Publication | Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2020. |
Description | XX, 346 p. 225 illus., 176 illus. in color : online resource |
Abstract Note | This book gives a comprehensive introduction to the field of photovoltaic (PV) solar cells and modules. In thirteen chapters, it addresses a wide range of topics including the spectrum of light received by PV devices, the basic functioning of a solar cell, and the physical factors limiting the efficiency of solar cells. It places particular emphasis on crystalline silicon solar cells and modules, which constitute today more than 90 % of all modules sold worldwide. Describing in great detail both the manufacturing process and resulting module performance, the book also touches on the newest developments in this sector, such as Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact (TOPCON) and heterojunction modules, while dedicating a major chapter to general questions of module design and fabrication. Overall, it presents the essential theoretical and practical concepts of PV solar cells and modules in an easy-to-understand manner and discusses current challenges facing the global research and development community |
ISBN,Price | 9783030464875 |
Keyword(s) | 1. EBOOK
3. Electronic materials
4. Energy and state
5. Energy policy
6. Energy Policy, Economics and Management
7. Interfaces (Physical sciences)
8. Optical and Electronic Materials
11. Surface and Interface Science, Thin Films
12. Surfaces (Physics)
Item Type | eBook |
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I09218 |
On Shelf |
Title | Radiation Effects in Advanced Semiconductor Materials and Devices |
Author(s) | Claeys, C;Simoen, E |
Publication | Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002. |
Description | XXII, 404 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | In the modern semiconductor industry, there is a growing need to understand and combat potential radiation damage problems. Space applications are an obvious case, but, beyond that, today's device and circuit fabrication rely on increasing numbers of processing steps that involve an aggressive environment where inadvertant radiation damage can occur. This book is both aimed at post-graduate researchers seeking an overview of the field, and will also be immensely useful for nuclear and space engineers and even process engineers. A background knowledge of semiconductor and device physics is assumed, but the basic concepts are all briefly summarized. Finally the book outlines the shortcomings of present experimental and modeling techniques and gives an outlook on future developments |
ISBN,Price | 9783662049747 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Characterization and Evaluation of Materials
4. Crystallography and Scattering Methods
8. Electronic materials
9. Energy and state
10. Energy policy
11. Energy Policy, Economics and Management
13. Materials???Surfaces
14. Optical and Electronic Materials
17. Surfaces and Interfaces, Thin Films
Item Type | eBook |
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I11304 |
On Shelf |
Title | Controllability, Identification, and Randomness in Distributed Systems |
Author(s) | Nabi-Abdolyousefi, Marzieh |
Publication | Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2014. |
Description | XVII, 151 p. 39 illus., 30 illus. in color : online resource |
Abstract Note | This interdisciplinary thesis involves the design and analysis of coordination algorithms on networks, identification of dynamic networks, and estimation on networks with random geometries with implications for networks that support the operation of dynamic systems, e.g., formations of robotic vehicles, distributed estimation via sensor networks.???? The results have ramifications for fault detection and isolation of large-scale networked systems and optimization models and algorithms for next generation aircraft power systems.?? The author?? finds novel applications of the methodology in energy systems, such as residential and industrial smart energy management systems |
ISBN,Price | 9783319024295 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Aerospace engineering
2. Aerospace Technology and Astronautics
3. Applications of Graph Theory and Complex Networks
5. Control and Systems Theory
6. Control engineering
9. Energy and state
10. Energy policy
11. Energy Policy, Economics and Management
Item Type | eBook |
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I07804 |
On Shelf |
Title | Hiroshima to Fukushima : Biohazards of Radiation |
Author(s) | Ochiai, Eiichiro |
Publication | Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014. |
Description | XVI, 225 p. 90 illus., 46 illus. in color : online resource |
Abstract Note | Set against a backdrop of the recent disaster at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, "Hiroshima to Fukushima" examines the issue of radiation safety. The author provides important and accurate scientific information about the radioactive substances arising from nuclear power plants and weapons, including the effects of this radiation on living organisms. Currently, humankind is at a crossroads and must decide whether to phase out or increase its reliance on nuclear power as weapons and an energy source. Although a few countries, mostly European, have vowed to abolish nuclear power as an energy source, many other countries are about to increase their nuclear power programs. This book is written from a Japanese perspective and thus provides an alternative to views of Western writers. The author includes rigorous scientific analyses, however maintains a broad scope which allows the book to be accessible to decision-makers and non-specialists |
ISBN,Price | 9783642387272 |
Keyword(s) | 1. EBOOK
3. Effects of Radiation/Radiation Protection
4. Energy and state
5. Energy policy
6. Energy Policy, Economics and Management
9. Radiation protection
10. Radiation???Safety measures
Item Type | eBook |
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I07520 |
On Shelf |
|  |
Title | Physics of Societal Issues : Calculations on National Security, Environment, and Energy |
Author(s) | Hafemeister, David |
Publication | New York, NY, Springer New York, 2007. |
Description | XVIII, 487 p. 111 illus : online resource |
Abstract Note | Why this book on the Physics of Societal Issues? The subdivisions of physics - nuclear physics, particle physics, condensed-matter physics, biophysics - have their textbooks, while the subdivision of physics and society lacks an equation-oriented text on the physics of arms, energy and the environment. Physics of Societal Issues is intended for undergraduate and doctoral students who may work on applied topics, or who simply want to know why things are the way they are. Decisions guiding policies on nuclear arms, energy and the environment often seem mysterious and contradictory. What is the science behind the deployment of MIRVed ICBMs, the quest for space-based beam weapons, the fear of powerline EM fields, the wholesale acceptance of SUVs, the issues of climactic change, and the failure of the pre-embargo market to produce buildings and appliances that now save over 50 power plants? Physics of Societal Issues is three "mini-texts" in one: National Security (5 chapters): Weapons, offense, defense, verification, nuclear proliferation Environment (4 chapters): Air/water, nuclear, climate change, EM fields/epidemiology Energy (7 chapters): Current energy situation, buildings, solar buildings, renewables, enhanced end-use, transport, economics "Straightforward calculations and supporting analysis can significantly shape public policy. This insight is needed in Congress and the Executive Branch. Hafemeister, a former Congressional fellow with wide Washington experience, has written a book for physicists, chemists and engineers who want to learn science and policy on weapons, energy, and the environment. Scientists who want to make a difference will want this book." Richard Scribner, a Founder and first Director, Congressional Science and Engineering Fellow Program, AAAS "Hafemeister shows how much one can understand about nuclear weapons and missile issues through simple back-of-the-envelope calculations. He also provides compact explanations of the partially successful attempts that have been made over the past 60 years to control these weapons of mass destruction. Hopefully, Physics of Societal Issues will help interest a new generation of physicists in continuing this work." Frank von Hippel, Professor, Princeton University, former Assistant Director, National Security, White House, OSTP "Energy policy must be quantitative. People who don't calculate economic trade-offs often champion simplistic hardware. ???The solution is more .... nuclear power, or electric cars, or photovoltaics, etc.??? Some simple physics will show that the true solution matches supply and demand as an ???integrated resource plan.??? Physics of Societal Issues is a good place to begin this journey." Arthur Rosenfeld, California Energy Commissioner, Professor-emeritus, University of California-Berkeley "Political analysis of public policies that ignores technical reality is about as useful as technical analysis that ignores political reality. In this book, David Hafemeister demonstrates a solid grasp of both the technical and political realities that have shaped US arms control and defense policy for the past five decades. This is a rare treat." Dean Wilkening, Science Director, Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University |
ISBN,Price | 9780387689098 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Applied and Technical Physics
2. Data-driven Science, Modeling and Theory Building
6. Energy and state
7. Energy policy
8. Energy Policy, Economics and Management
10. Engineering, general
11. Industrial and Production Engineering
12. Industrial engineering
14. Physics, general
15. Production engineering
16. Sociophysics
Item Type | eBook |
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Call# | Status | Issued To | Return Due On | Physical Location |
I06819 |
On Shelf |
| |