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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
21 Hafemeister, David Physics of Societal Issues I05952 2014 eBook  
22 K??mmel, Reiner The Second Law of Economics I05708 2011 eBook  
23 Mizon, Bob Light Pollution I05686 2012 eBook  
24 Nield, D.A Convection in Porous Media I02770 1992 eBook  
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TitlePhysics of Societal Issues : Calculations on National Security, Environment, and Energy
Author(s)Hafemeister, David
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer New York, 2014.
DescriptionXX, 668 p. 109 illus., 38 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book provides the reader with essential tools needed to analyze complex societal issues and demonstrates the transition from physics to modern-day laws and treaties. This second edition features new equation-oriented material and extensive data sets drawing upon current information from experts in their fields. Problems to challenge the reader and extend discussion are presented on three timely issues: ?? ????????????????? National Security: Weapons, Offense, Defense, Verification, Nuclear Proliferation, Terrorism ????????????????? Environment: Air/Water, Nuclear, Climate Change, EM Fields/Epidemiology ????????????????? Energy: Current Energy Situation, Buildings, Solar Buildings, Renewable ??Energy, Enhanced End-Use Efficiency, Transportation, Economics ?? Praise for the first edition: "This insight is needed in Congress and the Executive Branch. Hafemeister, a former Congressional fellow with wide Washington experience, has written a book for physicists, chemists and engineers who want to learn science and policy on weapons, energy, and the environment. Scientists who want to make a difference will want this book." Richard Scribner, first Director, Congressional Science and Engineering Fellow Program, AAAS ?? "Hafemeister shows how much one can understand about nuclear weapons and missile issues through simple back-of-the-envelope calculations. He also provides compact explanations of the partially successful attempts that have been made over the past 60 years to control these weapons of mass destruction. Hopefully, Physics of Societal Issues will help interest a new generation of physicists in continuing this work." Frank von Hippel, Professor, Princeton, former Assistant Director, National Security, White House, OSTP ?? "Energy policy must be quantitative. People who don't calculate economic tradeoffs often champion simplistic hardware. ???The solution is more... nuclear power, or electric cars, or photovoltaics, etc.??? Some simple physics will show that the true solution matches supply and demand as an ???integrated resource plan.??? Physics of Societal Issues is a good place to begin this journey." Arthur Rosenfeld, former California Energy Commissioner, Professor-emeritus, U. of California-Berkeley
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. Energy and state 4. Energy policy 5. Energy Policy, Economics and Management 6. Environmental law 7. Environmental Law/Policy/Ecojustice 8. ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY 9. NUCLEAR ENERGY 10. Renewable and Green Energy 11. Renewable energy resources 12. Science???Social aspects 13. Security Science and Technology 14. Societal Aspects of Physics, Outreach and Education 15. System safety
Item TypeeBook
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I05952     On Shelf    

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TitleThe Second Law of Economics : Energy, Entropy, and the Origins of Wealth
Author(s)K??mmel, Reiner
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer New York, 2011.
DescriptionXX, 296 p : online resource
Abstract NoteNothing happens in the world without energy conversion and entropy production. ??These fundamental natural laws are familiar to most of us when applied to the evolution of stars, biological processes, or the working of an internal combustion engine, but what about industrial economies and wealth production, or their constant companion, pollution? ??Does economics conform to the First and the Second?? Law of Thermodynamics??? In this important book, Reiner K??mmel takes us on a fascinating tour of these laws and their influence on natural, technological, and social evolution.?? Analyzing economic growth in Germany, Japan, and the United States in light of technological constraints on capital, labor, and energy, Professor K??mmel upends conventional economic wisdom by showing that the?? productive power of energy far outweighs its small share of costs, while for labor just the opposite is true. ??Wealth creation by energy conversion is accompanied and limited by polluting emissions that are coupled to entropy production.???? These facts constitute the Second Law of Economics. They take on unprecedented?? importance in a world that is facing peak oil, debt-driven economic turmoil, and threats from pollution and climate change.?? They complement the First Law of Economics: Wealth is allocated on markets, and the legal framework determines the outcome.?? By applying the First and Second Law we understand the true origins of wealth production, the issues that imperil the goal of sustainable development, and the technological options that are compatible both with this goal and with natural laws. ??The critical role of energy?? and entropy in the productive sectors of the economy must be realized if we are to create a road map that avoids a Dark Age of shrinking natural resources, environmental degradation, and increasing social tensions
Keyword(s)1. Data-driven Science, Modeling and Theory Building 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. ECONOPHYSICS 5. Energy and state 6. Energy policy 7. Energy Policy, Economics and Management 8. Environmental economics 9. Sociophysics 10. Sustainable development 11. THERMODYNAMICS
Item TypeeBook
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I05708     On Shelf    

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TitleLight Pollution : Responses and Remedies
Author(s)Mizon, Bob
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer New York, 2012.
DescriptionXXII, 282 p. 165 illus., 42 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteLight pollution is a major threat to astronomy across the entire developed world. The night sky that most of us can see bears little relationship to the spectacular vistas that our ancestors have gazed at for??tens of thousands of years. It is ironic that as our understanding of the universe has improved, our ability to see it has been dramatically reduced by the skyglow of our civilization. In the second edition of Light Pollution - Responses and Remedies, Bob Mizon delves into the history and practice of lighting and how its misue has not only stolen the stars, but blighted our lives and those of our fellow-creatures on this planet. This book suggests how we can win back the night sky and at the same time save energy and money, improve our health, and even lower crime rate! It also includes a list of targets for urban stargazers, and recommendations for ensuring sane lighting worldwide
Keyword(s)1. ASTRONOMY 2. Astronomy, Observations and Techniques 3. Astronomy???Observations 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. Energy and state 7. Energy policy 8. Energy Policy, Economics and Management 9. Environmental law 10. Environmental Law/Policy/Ecojustice 11. ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY 12. Observations, Astronomical 13. Popular Science in Astronomy
Item TypeeBook
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Accession#  Call#StatusIssued ToReturn Due On Physical Location
I05686     On Shelf    

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TitleConvection in Porous Media
Author(s)Nield, D.A;Bejan, Adrian
PublicationNew York, NY, Springer New York, 1992.
DescriptionXVII, 408 p : online resource
Abstract NoteIn this book we have tried to provide a user-friendly introduction to the topic of convection in porous media. We have assumed that the reader is conversant with the basic elements of fluid mechanics and heat transfer, but otherwise the book is self-contained. Only routine classical mathematics is employed. We hope that the book will be useful both as a review (for reference) and as a tutorial work (suitable as a textbook in a graduate course or seminar). This book brings into perspective the voluminous research that has been performed during the last two decades. The field has recently exploded because of worldwide concern with issues such as energy self-sufficiency and pollution of the environment. Areas of application include the insulation of buildings and equipment, energy storage and recovery, geothermal reservoirs, nuclear waste disposal, chemical reactor engineering, and the storage of heat-generating materials such as grain and coal. Geophysical applications range from the flow of groundwater around hot intrusions to the stability of snow against avalanches
Keyword(s)1. AIR POLLUTION 2. Atmospheric Protection/Air Quality Control/Air Pollution 3. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 4. EBOOK 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. Energy and state 7. Energy policy 8. Energy Policy, Economics and Management 9. Fluid- and Aerodynamics 10. FLUIDS 11. Industrial Chemistry/Chemical Engineering 12. THERMODYNAMICS
Item TypeeBook
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Accession#  Call#StatusIssued ToReturn Due On Physical Location
I02770     On Shelf    

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