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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
1 Akpinar, Alp Search for Invisible Decays of the Higgs Boson Produced via Vector Boson Fusion at the LHC with CMS Run 2 data I13262 2024 eBook  
2 Hartmann, Frank Evolution of Silicon Sensor Technology in Particle Physics I13248 2024 eBook  
3 Thieman, Jason R Top Quark Spin Correlations with the CMS Detector I13244 2024 eBook  
4 Bhatnagar, Anuj Handbook of Quality System, Accreditation and Conformity Assessment I13236 2024 eBook  
5 Hedges, Samuel Low Energy Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions at the Spallation Neutron Source I13192 2024 eBook  
6 Guo, Tianyi Low Energy Photon Detection I13168 2024 eBook  
7 Ricci, Leonardo The Physics Behind Electronics I13119 2024 eBook  
8 Algora, Alejandro Total Absorption Technique for Nuclear Structure and Applications I13098 2024 eBook  
9 Bambi, Cosimo Recent Progress on Gravity Tests I13095 2024 eBook  
10 Ghose, Bikash Advances in Non-Destructive Evaluation I13066 2024 eBook  
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TitleSearch for Invisible Decays of the Higgs Boson Produced via Vector Boson Fusion at the LHC with CMS Run 2 data
Author(s)Akpinar, Alp
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
DescriptionXI, 134 p. 90 illus., 81 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis thesis reports the latest measurements on one of the leading dark matter searches conducted by the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at CERN, leading to some of the most stringent constraints on hypothesized interactions between the Higgs boson and dark matter. The thesis also includes further research about the future outlook of the experiment, including exploratory research on the adaptation of deep learning models in future dark matter analyses to improve analysis sensitivity, and the design of a new type of data processing hardware to be used in the next phase of the CMS experiment
Keyword(s)1. Accelerator Physics 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. MACHINE LEARNING 5. MEASUREMENT 6. Measurement Science and Instrumentation 7. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 8. PARTICLE ACCELERATORS 9. PARTICLE PHYSICS 10. PARTICLES (NUCLEAR PHYSICS) 11. Quantum Measurement and Metrology 12. QUANTUM PHYSICS
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I13262     On Shelf    

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TitleEvolution of Silicon Sensor Technology in Particle Physics : Basics and Applications
Author(s)Hartmann, Frank
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
DescriptionXXII, 477 p. 323 illus., 291 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis third edition of a well-received monograph provides a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art of detectors and their evolution. In addition to the silicon sensor technology described in the second edition, the book covers the following new topics: precise timing detectors (3D sensors and sensors with intrinsic gain layers), passive CMOS sensors, new developments in HV-CMOS sensors, and sparking in strip and pixel detectors. The chapter on the HL-LHC CMS upgrades has been updated, and the historical overview has been enriched with a section on the UA2 SPD pad detector system. The book includes a wealth of schematics and photos of detectors. It is also valuable for detector courses at the master/PhD level
Keyword(s)1. Accelerator Physics 2. Chemical detectors 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. ELECTRONICS 6. Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation 7. MATERIALS 8. Materials for Devices 9. MEASUREMENT 10. Measurement Science and Instrumentation 11. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 12. PARTICLE ACCELERATORS 13. PARTICLE PHYSICS 14. PARTICLES (NUCLEAR PHYSICS) 15. SENSORS
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I13248     On Shelf    

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TitleTop Quark Spin Correlations with the CMS Detector
Author(s)Thieman, Jason R
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
DescriptionXVI, 166 p. 139 illus., 135 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThe differential top quark precision measurements of polarizations and spin correlations presented in this dissertation may potentially lead to breakthroughs in several key areas: observing quantum entanglement and Bell's Inequality violations in a hadronic system, discovering toponium, illuminating supersymmetry, interpreting field theories beyond the Standard Model, and advancing the understanding of electroweak vacuum stability. Additionally, this thesis provides a significantly improved understanding of CMS detector lepton trigger efficiencies, which has greatly enhanced the search for Lorentz invariance violation in top quark events, boosting the sensitivity by greater than a factor of 100. Finally, the thesis includes TCAD simulations that explore the feasibility of using the initial transient induced current, as described by the Ramo-Shockley Theorem, to achieve the picosecond timing precision in silicon pixel detectors needed for four-dimensional tracking
Keyword(s)1. Accelerator Physics 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. Elementary particles (Physics) 5. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 6. MEASUREMENT 7. Measurement Science and Instrumentation 8. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 9. PARTICLE ACCELERATORS 10. PARTICLE PHYSICS 11. PARTICLES (NUCLEAR PHYSICS) 12. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY
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I13244     On Shelf    

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TitleHandbook of Quality System, Accreditation and Conformity Assessment
Author(s)Bhatnagar, Anuj;Yadav, Sanjay;Achanta, Venugopal;Harmes-Liedtke, Ulrich;Rab, Shanay
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.
Description152 illus., 122 illus. in color. eReference : online resource
Abstract NoteThis handbook comprehensively covers the topics of quality system, accreditation and conformity assessment. The main sections in this handbook covers topics such as conformity assessment, accreditation and certification, measurement requirements and conformity assessment, management systems, Product quality and safety and future of conformity assessment. This multidisciplinary handbook will be a useful reference for researchers and professionals across disciplines who are involved in conformity assessment activities
Keyword(s)1. Biomedical Devices and Instrumentation 2. Biomedical engineering 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. ELECTRONICS 6. Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation 7. MEASUREMENT 8. Measurement Science and Instrumentation 9. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 10. Quantum Measurement and Metrology 11. QUANTUM PHYSICS
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I13236     On Shelf    

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TitleLow Energy Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions at the Spallation Neutron Source
Author(s)Hedges, Samuel
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
DescriptionXIV, 185 p. 102 illus., 81 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis thesis highlights the development and analysis of multiple neutrino detectors deployed to the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory as part of the COHERENT experiment. It includes a preliminary measurement of the neutrino-induced neutron cross section on lead, and analysis that led to the first inclusive electron-neutrino charged-current measurement on iodine. These results add to the small number of inelastic neutrino-nucleus cross sections measured in this energy range, which are useful for understanding supernova and solar neutrino detection sensitivity. Additionally, it discusses preliminary work for and design of COHERENT???s ton-scale NaI coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS) detector, currently being deployed to the SNS. Finally, it includes information on a campaign to measure the nuclear recoil quenching factor of NaI using multiple crystals, attempting to resolve inconsistencies with existing measurements
Keyword(s)1. Accelerator Physics 2. EBOOK 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. Elementary particles (Physics) 5. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 6. MEASUREMENT 7. Measurement Science and Instrumentation 8. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 9. NUCLEAR PHYSICS 10. PARTICLE ACCELERATORS 11. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY
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I13192     On Shelf    

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TitleLow Energy Photon Detection
Author(s)Guo, Tianyi
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
DescriptionXIII, 51 p. 31 illus., 29 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis thesis showcases innovative new approaches aimed at advancing the next generation of long wave infrared (LWIR) light detectors and cameras. Detecting LWIR light at room temperature has posed a persistent challenge due to the low energy of photons. The pursuit of an affordable, high-performance LWIR camera capable of room temperature detection has spanned several decades. The two approaches detailed within are designed to offer high detectivity, swift response times, and room temperature operation. The first involves harnessing the Dirac plasmon and the Seebeck effect in graphene to create a photo-thermoelectric detector. The second entails the use of an oscillating circuit integrated with phase change materials and the modulation of frequency induced by infrared illumination to achieve LWIR detection. Finally, the graphene-based detectors are integrated with readout circuits to enable the development of a dense pixel focal plane which has strong potential for commercialization. The journey from novel material to device to functional camera presented here is essential reading for researchers in the field of photon detection
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. MATERIALS 4. MEASUREMENT 5. Measurement Science and Instrumentation 6. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 7. Nanoelectromechanical systems 8. Nanophotonics 9. Nanophotonics and Plasmonics 10. Nanoscale Devices 11. OPTICAL ENGINEERING 12. OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICES 13. Photonic Devices 14. PHOTONICS 15. Photonics and Optical Engineering 16. Plasmonics
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I13168     On Shelf    

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TitleThe Physics Behind Electronics
Author(s)Ricci, Leonardo;Perinelli, Alessio;Prevedelli, Marco
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
DescriptionXIII, 414 p. 261 illus., 109 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book is not simply about electronics but rather a thorough exploration of physics. Instead of isolating electronics as an art, its primary goal is to explain the physical principles behind electronic circuits and how they are applied practically. Electronics provides a framework for understanding physics, and vice versa. It is intended for advanced undergraduate or graduate students in physics or related fields who have a basic grasp of electromagnetism and calculus. It also caters to individuals with practical electronics knowledge looking to deepen their understanding of often overlooked concepts. While traditional textbooks treat electronics as a set of techniques, the growing availability of affordable acquisition boards and user-friendly software has diminished the need for expertise in circuit design. Nonetheless, physicists still need to comprehend concepts like stability, impedance matching, noise, and the advantages and limitations of signal sampling. Starting with linear time-invariant systems and feedback, the book progresses to designing circuits using operational amplifiers and oscillators, covering stability and dissipation. It also delves into the Nyquist-Shannon theorem and the basics of digital electronics, emphasizing state-sensitive and clock-sensitive operators. Additionally, it offers an overview of electronic devices facilitating analog-to-digital conversion. The book concludes by examining scenarios involving high frequencies where wires act as waveguides and addressing noise sources from thermal agitation and the corpuscular nature of current. Theoretical concepts are reinforced with solved exercises, and practical "in-the-lab" sections guide readers through experiments using affordable kits and instruments, requiring minimal electronic prototyping knowledge
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS 4. Electronic Circuits and Systems 5. MEASUREMENT 6. Measurement Science and Instrumentation 7. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 8. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY
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I13119     On Shelf    

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TitleTotal Absorption Technique for Nuclear Structure and Applications
Author(s)Algora, Alejandro;Rubio, Berta;Tain, Jose Luis;Gelletly, William
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2024.
DescriptionX, 82 p. 26 illus., 20 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book is the first monograph dedicated to the use of the total absorption technique in beta decay studies. It provides a detailed introduction to the beta decay process and all necessary know-how for the use of the total absorption technique. Total absorption spectroscopy (TAS) is the one of the very few techniques available that can provide nuclear decay data free from the Pandemonium effect (the systematic error causes the assignment of larger beta-decay probabilities than the real values to the lower lying levels). This book covers all aspects related to the use of this technique, from the preparation of an experiment to the algorithms required in the analysis of the data acquired. It also covers the most relevant applications of the technique, from nuclear structure (comparison with nuclear models, determination of nuclear shapes) to nuclear astrophysics and other more applied purposes such as the prediction of reactor decay heat and the primary antineutrino spectrum from nuclear reactors
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I13098     On Shelf    

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TitleRecent Progress on Gravity Tests : Challenges and Future Perspectives
Author(s)Bambi, Cosimo;C??rdenas-Avenda??o, Alejandro
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.
DescriptionVIII, 463 p. 76 illus., 69 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteEinstein's theory of general relativity is one of the pillars of modern physics and it is our standard framework for describing gravitational fields and the spacetime structure. So far, general relativity has passed all experimental tests and agrees with observations. However, the past few years have seen remarkable observational improvements and new techniques that continually challenge the theory's predictions: routinely detect the gravitational wave signals from the coalescence of black holes and neutron stars; can image the supermassive black holes at the center of our Galaxy and of the galaxy M87; can analyze the properties of the X-ray radiation emitted from the very inner part of the accretion disks of several black holes; and keep improving laboratory and Solar System experiments. This book offers an updated self-consistent overview, future perspectives, and challenges of experimental and observational tests of gravity, with both gravitational and electromagnetic spectra. It includes the recent results of laboratory tests of gravity, solar system experiments, tests of gravity in the strong-field regime with astrophysical compact objects, and tests of gravity on large scales with cosmological observations
Keyword(s)1. ASTROPHYSICS 2. Classical and Quantum Gravity 3. EBOOK 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. GENERAL RELATIVITY 6. GENERAL RELATIVITY (PHYSICS) 7. GRAVITATION 8. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 9. MEASUREMENT 10. Measurement Science and Instrumentation 11. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 12. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
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I13095     On Shelf    

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TitleAdvances in Non-Destructive Evaluation : Select Proceedings of NDE 2022
Author(s)Ghose, Bikash;Mulaveesala, Ravibabu;Mylavarapu, Phani
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.
DescriptionVIII, 195 p. 155 illus., 135 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book comprises the proceedings of the Conference and Exhibition on Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE 2022). The contents of the volume encompass a vast spectrum from conventional to advanced NDE including novel methods, and emerging NDE technologies. It covers topics from wide domains from conventional to advanced NDE methods which includes but not limited to drone-based inspections, thermal wave imaging, microwave NDE, shearography, Quantitative NDE using Digital Image Correlation, modeling and simulation, NDT data fusion, material characterization, waveguide sensors, inspections of civil structures, medical applications such as bone density and cancer diagnosis, signal and image processing, NDE sensors, instrumentation, software and systems, NDE 4.0 and robotics, automation, AI in NDE, functional and operational testing, NDE data analytics, reliability and safety assurance, periodic maintenance, life estimation, as well as structural integrity and related areas. This book serves as a useful reference for students, researchers, and practitioners working in the areas of non-destructive testing and evaluation
Keyword(s)1. EBOOK 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 4. MEASUREMENT 5. Measurement Science and Instrumentation 6. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 7. Security Science and Technology 8. Security systems 9. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
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I13066     On Shelf    

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