Click the serial number on the left to view the details of the item. |
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Author | Title | Accn# | Year | Item Type | Claims |
11 |
Trierweiler, Steven J |
The Scientific Practice of Professional Psychology |
I01943 |
1998 |
eBook |
12 |
Wells, Richard A |
Casebook of the Brief Psychotherapies |
I01515 |
1993 |
eBook |
13 |
Zammit, Gary K |
Guidebook for Clinical Psychology Interns |
I01346 |
1995 |
eBook |
14 |
Van Houten, Ron |
Behavior Analysis and Treatment |
I01147 |
1993 |
eBook |
15 |
Tyler, Forrest B |
Ethnic Validity, Ecology, and Psychotherapy |
I01003 |
1991 |
eBook |
16 |
Marshall, William Lamont |
Sourcebook of Treatment Programs for Sexual Offenders |
I00951 |
1998 |
eBook |
17 |
Ollendick, Thomas H |
Clinical Behavior Therapy with Children |
I00855 |
1981 |
eBook |
18 |
Matson, Johnny L |
Handbook of Behavior Modification with the Mentally Retarded |
I00777 |
1990 |
eBook |
19 |
Jacob, Theodore |
Family Interaction and Psychopathology |
I00775 |
1987 |
eBook |
20 |
Schutte, Nicola S |
Sourcebook of Adult Assessment Strategies |
I00745 |
1995 |
eBook |
Title | The Scientific Practice of Professional Psychology |
Author(s) | Trierweiler, Steven J;Stricker, George |
Publication | New York, NY, Springer US, 1998. |
Description | XI, 312 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | A workable vision of scientific practice has proven to be an elusive, if laudable, goal for professional psychology. The field cannot be faulted for failing to seek scientific wisdom, but it has been slow to integrate that wisdom fully with the wisdom of practice. This has proven to be a major oversight for, despite psychology's long?? if the standing commitment to science, practitioners are unlikely to think scientifically methods and products of science are described in ways that make it impossible to do so. Unfortunately, the rhetoric of science too often has done just that: So focused has it been on the problem of distinguishing good science from bad that it has inadvertently defeated any hope of a practical science developing in our field. We offer one remedy for this situation: This book is about scientific thinking for the professional psychologist. Specifically, it is a primer on the application of scientific logic to professional practice. We argue that the professional needs a more straightforward and realistic scientific identity than heretofore has been available. The professional consciously must become a local clinical scientist, bringing all the power of scientific thought to the specifics of the clinical situation. Contrary to forces in psychology that promote uncritical acceptance of science as given by academic researchers or, alternatively, that encourage criticism and ultimate disregard of the scientific endeavor, we call for a redoubling of efforts to incorporate scientific thought into practical professional inquiry |
ISBN,Price | 9781489919441 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Clinical psychology
4. Psychiatry
Item Type | eBook |
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I01943 |
On Shelf |
Title | Casebook of the Brief Psychotherapies |
Author(s) | Wells, Richard A;Giannetti, Vincent J |
Publication | New York, NY, Springer US, 1993. |
Description | XVI, 394 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | Following the publication of the Handbook of the Brief Psychotherapies (Wells & Giannetti, 1990), the editors began to conceptualize the idea of a collection of case studies encompassing a number of the commonly en?? countered clinical problems that have been treated with such ap?? proaches. The Casebook of the Brief Psychotherapies is the result. The Case?? book details clinical interventions with client populations as diverse as substance abusers, torture victims, the physically handicapped and other exceptional groups, and the economically disadvantaged with emotional and behavioral problems, as well as individuals experiencing sexual dysfunction or eating disorders. In addition, topics such as be?? reavement, depression, anger, and many crucial aspects of marital and family therapy are discussed by eminent clinical practitioners. Although the cases draw heavily upon cognitive behavioral and strategic structural formulations, psychodynamic, interpersonal, and experiential ap?? proaches are also included. The Casebook is clinically oriented, with a minimum of theory. Am?? ple case material and commentary allow the reader to experience direct?? ly the application of brief therapy to specific client problems. What emerges from this compendium of approaches and problems is a tap?? estry of action-oriented, problem-solving, skill-building, rational ap?? proaches to therapy that balance the client's ability to change with the demands and limits of time |
ISBN,Price | 9781461528807 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Clinical psychology
4. Psychiatry
Item Type | eBook |
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I01515 |
On Shelf |
Title | Guidebook for Clinical Psychology Interns |
Author(s) | Zammit, Gary K;Hull, James W |
Publication | New York, NY, Springer US, 1995. |
Description | XV, 226 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | The internship is the capstone experience of professional education and training preparatory for the application of psychology in health and human services. It is analagous for the practice of psychology to what the doctoral dissertation represents in the student's development as a scholar. At its best, the internship should be viewed as far more than simply a require?? ment for one's degree or licensure, a rite de passage for entry into the profes?? sion. Rather, it should be regarded by students and faculty alike as a rich opportunity for personal and professional growth, the opportunity to as?? sess and even rethink one's assumptions about human behavior and psy?? chological problems in the context of different client populations, types of problems addressed, and psychological service system environments. In articulating the first formal guidelines for the accreditation of grad?? uate training programs in clinical psychology, a committee of the American Psychological Association, comprised of distinguished psychologists of their day, asked, "What are the aims of a psychological internship?" The committee replied to that question as follows: Underlying all of its aims is the principle . . . that the knowledge es?? sential to the practice of clinical psychology cannot be obtained solely from books, lectures, or any other devices which merely provide infor?? mation about people or about ways of studying them |
ISBN,Price | 9781489902221 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Clinical psychology
4. Psychiatry
Item Type | eBook |
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I01346 |
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Title | Behavior Analysis and Treatment |
Author(s) | Van Houten, Ron;Axelrod, Saul |
Publication | New York, NY, Springer US, 1993. |
Description | XVIII, 392 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | In May 1986, the Association for Behavior Analysis (ABA) established a task force on the right to effective behavioral treatment. The mandate of this task force was to identify and delineate specific rights as they apply to behavioral treatment. Impetus for this project came in part from the controversy over the use of aversive procedures, which some held had no place in treatment and, with evolution of the treatment process, were no longer necessary. In con?? trast, others cited evidence that programs based on positive reinforcement alone were sometimes not effective in treating severe problems. These re?? searchers and practitioners desired to ensure that clients and guardians be permitted to choose treatments that included punishment procedures when assessments warranted their use. The first editor approached Ogden Lindsley, president of ABA, about establishing a task force to examine this isuse. The ABA council decided to broaden the mandate to include an examination of clients' right to effective behavioral treatment in general. The first editor was asked to chair the task force and appointed Saul Axelrod, Jon S. Bailey, Judith E. Favell, Richard M. Foxx, and 0. Ivar Lovaas as members. Brian A. Iwata was appointed liaison by the ABA council |
ISBN,Price | 9781475793741 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Clinical psychology
4. Psychiatry
Item Type | eBook |
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I01147 |
On Shelf |
Title | Ethnic Validity, Ecology, and Psychotherapy : A Psychosocial Competence Model |
Author(s) | Tyler, Forrest B;Ridley Brome, Deborah;Williams, Janice E |
Publication | New York, NY, Springer US, 1991. |
Description | XVI, 340 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | This book has grown out of our individual experiences as well as our shared ones; out of our differences as well as our commonalities; and out of our conflicts as well as our convergences. Among us there are dif?? ferences in gender; in individual, family, community, and racial histo?? ries; in life experiences, identities, and career paths; and even in reasons for writing this book. Of course there are also commonalities. We enjoy one another's company; we enjoy working together; and we feel en?? riched from our collaboration. We have written this book out of our complete selves, not just our professional selves. The original objective of our book was to present to practitioners of psychotherapy, trainers of psychotherapists, and psychotherapy stu?? dents a model of conducting psychotherapy that actively acknowledges and builds upon the ethnic and racial heritage of both therapist and client. We have found that to fulfill that objective we need also to acknowledge and build upon the psychological ecology of the therapist and client; and we also need to outline the kind of research necessary if we are to develop and evaluate the perspectives presented here. Those perspectives are embodied in what we have come to call the ethnic validity model (EVM) of psychotherapy |
ISBN,Price | 9781489906038 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Clinical psychology
4. Psychiatry
Item Type | eBook |
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I01003 |
On Shelf |
Title | Sourcebook of Treatment Programs for Sexual Offenders |
Author(s) | Marshall, William Lamont;Fernandez, Yolanda M;Hudson, Stephen M;Ward, Tony |
Publication | New York, NY, Springer US, 1998. |
Description | XX, 484 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | A guide for the design and implementation of treatment programs, the Sourcebook emphasizes clinical issues over research and offers valuable suggestions for dealing with problems that arise in treatment. Contributors from around the world describe their work in prisons, psychiatric institutions, and community settings. Special attention is given to culturally sensitive treatments and to special populations, including professionals, clergy, juveniles, women, and the physically challenged |
ISBN,Price | 9781489919168 |
Keyword(s) | 1. EBOOK
3. Psychiatry
Item Type | eBook |
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I00951 |
On Shelf |
Title | Clinical Behavior Therapy with Children |
Author(s) | Ollendick, Thomas H;Cerny, Jerome A |
Publication | New York, NY, Springer US, 1981. |
Description | 364 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | As noted by its title, the focus of this book is centered on an examination of behavior therapy with children in clinical settings. Throughout, our goal has been to examine theoretical underpinnings, review empirical research, and illustrate clinical utility for a variety of behavioral proce?? dures with children. In pursuing this goal, we have described child behavior therapy as an approach based on empirical methodology, de?? rived from behavioral principles, and focused upon adjustment disor?? ders of children. The hallmark of such an approach is its accountability?? the extent to which the procedures and techniques presented in this text are demonstrably accountable must be determined at least partially by the reader. As students of child behavior, we have become sensitized to two trends in behavior therapy with children during the preparation of this book. First, we have been concerned with the simple application of behavioral procedures to children, irrespective of developmental con?? siderations. All too frequently, assessment strategies and treatment pro?? cedures found to be useful with adults have been applied to children in an indiscriminate fashion. For example, some recent studies have examined and assessed the very same social skill deficits in children as in adults (e. g. , lack of eye contact, delayed latency of response, and absence of positive commendatory responses). Surely, skill deficits differ from age to age just as they differ from situation to situation |
ISBN,Price | 9781468411041 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Clinical psychology
2. Cognitive psychology
5. Psychiatry
Item Type | eBook |
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I00855 |
On Shelf |
Title | Handbook of Behavior Modification with the Mentally Retarded |
Author(s) | Matson, Johnny L |
Publication | New York, NY, Springer US, 1990. |
Description | XVIII, 526 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | The development of behavior modification principles and procedures and the ensuing research have had a dramatic impact on services for mentally re?? tarded persons. This book is the second edition of a volume that is designed to update readers on some of these many developments. Although many of the chapter titles and authors from the first edition remain unchanged, we have added additional chapters to reflect new areas of research. The book is thus a critical review of this literature and, as such, provides essential and important notions about what we know and what can be done to expand our current knowledge. The authors of the chapters are all recognized experts who have been active in publishing in the research areas they critique. As a result, they have a good understanding of what are the major issues in the field. And because they are also active in service provision to persons with identified handicaps, their material will be especially useful to practitioners and, it is hoped, to those_ professionals who are working in the field in estab?? lishing data-based treatments. One important change in the field has concerned the terminology used to We are aware that persons with mental retar?? describe handicapped persons. dation are no longer referred to as "the mentally retarded," and although no disrespect is intended, for the sake of continuity the original title has been retained on the advice of the publisher |
ISBN,Price | 9781489925015 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Clinical psychology
4. Psychiatry
Item Type | eBook |
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I00777 |
On Shelf |
Title | Family Interaction and Psychopathology : Theories, Methods and Findings |
Author(s) | Jacob, Theodore |
Publication | New York, NY, Springer US, 1987. |
Description | XXII, 662 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | Throughout the past 30 years, there have been significant developments in theory and research relating family variables to various psychopathologies. The potential importance of such efforts is obviously great, given the implications that reliable and valid findings would hold for treatment and preventive inter?? ventions across a variety of settings and populations. The purpose of this volume is to present a critical evaluation of this field of inquiry through a detailed assessment of the theoretical perspectives, the methodological issues, and the substantive findings that have characterized family studies of psychopathology during the past several decades. The book is divided into four parts, each con?? taining contributions from leading researchers and theorists in the field. The first part, "Background," presents a review of the major streams of influence that have shaped the development and the present character of the field. The second part, "Conceptual Foundations," contains presentations of gen?? eral models and orientations relevant to family studies of psychopathology. In most cases, a particular theoretical perspective provides the primary underpin?? ning of the approach, the exception to this format being the family model of David Reiss based on the concept of the family paradigm. The major objective of this part is to present a broad yet detailed set of chapters that address the conceptual status of the field. It is hoped that this material will provide a rich background against which subsequent discussions of specific theories, methods, and findings can be more fully appreciated |
ISBN,Price | 9781489908407 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Clinical psychology
4. Psychiatry
Item Type | eBook |
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I00775 |
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| |
Title | Sourcebook of Adult Assessment Strategies |
Author(s) | Schutte, Nicola S;Malouff, John M |
Publication | New York, NY, Springer US, 1995. |
Description | XVI, 472 p : online resource |
Abstract Note | Assessment is a topic that is central to psychology. In the case of clinical psychology, assessment of individual functioning is of keen interest to individuals involved in clinical practice as well as research. Understand?? ing the multiple domains of functioning, evaluating characteristics of individuals in relation to others (normative assessment) as well as in relation to themselves (ipsative assessment), and charting progress or change over time all require well-developed assessment tools and methods. In light of the importance of the topic, books, journals, and monographs continue to emerge in large numbers to present, address, and evaluate diverse measures. Keeping informed about measures, identifying the mea?? sures in use, and obtaining the necessary information for their interpreta?? tion make the task of Sisyphus look like a vacation. In this book, the editors provide information that eases the task remarkably. The overriding goal of this book is to provide concise, useful, and essential information about measures of adult functioning. To that end, this is a sourcebook, a format that is particularly noteworthy. The mea?? sures are presented and organized according to diagnostic categories, as derived from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). The categories are broad (e. g. , substance-related disorders, anx?? iety disorders, mood disorders, schizophrenia and related disorders) in recognition that those who develop measures and those who use them in clinical research or practice usually do not have narrowly defined diagnos?? tic entities in mind |
ISBN,Price | 9781489912770 |
Keyword(s) | 1. Clinical psychology
5. Psychiatry
Item Type | eBook |
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I00745 |
On Shelf |
| |