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 #  AuthorTitleAccn#YearItem Type Claims
1 Zhang, Chuan Radio-Frequency Quadrupole Accelerators I12906 2023 eBook  
2 Sutton, Andrew T.C Domain Generalization with Machine Learning in the NOvA Experiment I12894 2023 eBook  
3 Bacal, Marthe Physics and Applications of Hydrogen Negative Ion Sources I12872 2023 eBook  
4 Tanihata, Isao Handbook of Nuclear Physics I12819 2023 eBook  
5 Dapor, Maurizio Transport of Energetic Electrons in Solids I12757 2023 eBook  
6 Diawara, Yacouba Neutron Detectors for Scattering Applications I12754 2023 eBook  
7 Dudnikov, Vadim Development and Applications of Negative Ion Sources I12742 2023 eBook  
8 Burzynski, Jackson A Search for Exotic Higgs Decays I12658 2023 eBook  
9 Geng, Zheqiao Intelligent Beam Control in Accelerators I12645 2023 eBook  
10 Bonanomi, Matteo Response of the High Granularity Calorimeter HGCAL and Characterisation of the Higgs Boson I12630 2023 eBook  
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TitleRadio-Frequency Quadrupole Accelerators : From Protons to Uranium Ions
Author(s)Zhang, Chuan
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
DescriptionXXIII, 163 p. 150 illus., 144 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book guides readers into the realm of particle accelerators, which have served as indispensable tools for fundamental research, energy development, medical therapy, industrial applications, national security, etc., since 1924. Towards a new generation of high power proton and ion accelerators, challenges often come from space charge effects, which are most pronounced in low-velocity beams. This book focuses on Radio-Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) accelerators, one of the most popular front-end structures for accelerator facilities, and their beam physics. Uncovering the limitations of the classic design methods, novel approaches to achieve efficient RFQ accelerators with high beam quality will be presented. In addition, new ideas for possible future developments, such as how to realize long RFQs with high performance and how RFQs can be applied for much higher beam-velocities to shorten large-scale accelerators, will be introduced. To provide a general overview of the research and development of RFQs accelerating particle species from protons to uranium ions, this book uses over 10 real examples developed or proposed in the twenty-first century for various facilities of different dimensions (from large scale e.g. a collider to small scale e.g. university experimental setups). With its rich content and comprehensive scope, this book is an invaluable reference for researchers and graduate students interested in RFQ accelerators and the intricacies of space charge physics in low-velocity beams
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I12906     On Shelf    

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TitleDomain Generalization with Machine Learning in the NOvA Experiment
Author(s)Sutton, Andrew T.C
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
DescriptionXI, 170 p. 73 illus., 63 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis thesis presents significant advances in the use of neural networks to study the properties of neutrinos. Machine learning tools like neural networks (NN) can be used to identify the particle types or determine their energies in detectors such as those used in the NOvA neutrino experiment, which studies changes in a beam of neutrinos as it propagates approximately 800 km through the earth. NOvA relies heavily on simulations of the physics processes and the detector response; these simulations work well, but do not match the real experiment perfectly. Thus, neural networks trained on simulated datasets must include systematic uncertainties that account for possible imperfections in the simulation. This thesis presents the first application in HEP of adversarial domain generalization to a regression neural network. Applying domain generalization to problems with large systematic variations will reduce the impact of uncertainties while avoiding the risk of falselyconstraining the phase space. Reducing the impact of systematic uncertainties makes NOvA analysis more robust, and improves the significance of experimental results
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I12894     On Shelf    

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TitlePhysics and Applications of Hydrogen Negative Ion Sources
Author(s)Bacal, Marthe
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionXIII, 617 p. 1 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book gives a comprehensive overview of hydrogen negative ion sources and their applications to particle acceleration and nuclear fusion. The book begins with fundamental aspects of negative ion production by volume and surface processes in hydrogen and its isotopes. It covers key topics, such as the need for separation of negative ion production and extraction regions, the need for lowering the work function of the plasma electrode by using caesium vapor or special materials for caesium-free sources, and the ion extractor structure required for hydrogen negative ion sources. Chapters covering various specific ion sources and applications are written by scientists who participated in their development and include sources for accelerators and for neutral beam injection into controlled nuclear fusion reactors
Keyword(s)1. Accelerator Physics 2. Atomic and Molecular Structure and Properties 3. Atomic structure???? 4. EBOOK - SPRINGER 5. Molecular structure?? 6. PARTICLE ACCELERATORS 7. PLASMA (IONIZED GASES) 8. PLASMA PHYSICS 9. Surface and Interface and Thin Film 10. Surfaces (Physics)
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I12872     On Shelf    

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TitleHandbook of Nuclear Physics
Author(s)Tanihata, Isao;Toki, Hiroshi;Kajino, Toshitaka
PublicationSingapore, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
Description1499 illus., 1098 illus. in color. eReference : online resource
Abstract NoteThis handbook is a comprehensive, systematic source of modern nuclear physics. It aims to summarize experimental and theoretical discoveries and an understanding of unstable nuclei and their exotic structures, which were opened up by the development of radioactive ion (RI) beam in the late 1980s. The handbook comprises three major parts. In the first part, the experiments and measured facts are well organized and reviewed. The second part summarizes recognized theories to explain the experimental facts introduced in the first part. Reflecting recent synergistic progress involving both experiment and theory, the chapters both parts are mutually related. The last part focuses on cosmo-nuclear physics???one of the mainstream subjects in modern nuclear physics. Those comprehensive topics are presented concisely. Supported by introductory reviews, all chapters are designed to present their topics in a manner accessible to readers at the graduate level. The book therefore serves as a valuable source for beginners as well, helping them to learn modern nuclear physics
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I12819     On Shelf    

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TitleTransport of Energetic Electrons in Solids : Computer Simulation with Applications to Materials Analysis and Characterization
Author(s)Dapor, Maurizio
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionXXI, 269 p. 92 illus., 27 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book describes the computational methods most frequently used to deal with the interaction of charged particles, notably electrons, with condensed matter. Both elastic and inelastic scattering phenomena are discussed, and methods for calculating the relevant cross sections are explained in a rigorous but simple way. It provides readers with all the information they need in order to write their own Monte Carlo code and to simulate the transport of fast particles in condensed matter. Many numerical and experimental examples are presented throughout the book. The updated and extended fourth edition features ab initio methods for calculating dielectric function and energy loss function. Non-relativistic partial wave expansion method for calculating the differential elastic scattering cross section is also included in this new edition. It represents a very useful introduction to the relativistic partial wave expansion method, i.e., to the Mott theory, already discussed inthe previous editions of this book. Further details about the effects of spin-polarization on the differential elastic scattering cross section are included in this new edition. The multiple reflection method is extended to the general case of a system composed of a set of layers of different materials and thicknesses. Analytical expressions are provided for calculating the backscattering coefficient of multilayers. New results are presented, notably about Monte Carlo simulations of reflection electron energy loss spectra and of the radial dose deposited along the track of ions impinging on materials
Keyword(s)1. Accelerator Physics 2. Characterization and Analytical Technique 3. CONDENSED MATTER 4. CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS 5. EBOOK - SPRINGER 6. ENGINEERING 7. ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 8. MATERIALS 9. Mathematical and Computational Engineering Applications 10. MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 11. PARTICLE ACCELERATORS 12. Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
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I12757     On Shelf    

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TitleNeutron Detectors for Scattering Applications
Author(s)Diawara, Yacouba
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
DescriptionXVI, 246 p. 1 illus : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book covers the most common neutron detectors used in neutron scattering facilities and all of those in use at Oak Ridge National Lab. It starts describing the facilities, instruments and the critical detector parameters needed by various instruments. Then the key components of the 3He-based linear position-sensitive detectors as well as on their electronics, which require particular attention to signal processing and noise reduction, are introduced. One chapter is dedicated to the 3He alternatives where scintillators play a critical role. It also covers emerging neutron detection technologies including semiconductors, vacuum-based devices and their associated readouts, which will be required in the future for high rate and high-resolution neutron detectors. The authors explain the logic behind the choice of materials as well as the various constraints that neutron detectors must respect to be useful. Some of these constraints, such as efficiency and gamma-ray sensitivity are common to all neutron counters while others, like timing resolution, dynamic range, and peak counting rate, depend on the applications. The book guides experts, the nuclear science community, and young scholars through the physical processes and the required electronics in a way that is accessible for those not professionally involved in designing detector???s components and electronic circuits
Keyword(s)1. Accelerator Physics 2. EBOOK - SPRINGER 3. MEASUREMENT 4. Measurement Science and Instrumentation 5. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 6. Nuclear and Particle Physics 7. NUCLEAR PHYSICS 8. PARTICLE ACCELERATORS
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I12754     On Shelf    

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TitleDevelopment and Applications of Negative Ion Sources
Author(s)Dudnikov, Vadim
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionXVI, 489 p. 407 illus., 232 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book describes the development of sources of negative ions and their application in science and industry. It describes the physical foundations and implementation of the key methods of negative ion production and control, such as charge exchange, thermionic emission, plasma volume, secondary emission (sputtering) and surface-plasma sources, as well as the history of their development. Following on from this essential foundational material, the book goes on to explore transport of negative ion beams, and beam-plasma instabilities. Now in its second edition, the book has been substantially expanded and updated to address the many developments since it was first published, most importantly the development and investigation of cesiated surfaces with work function ~1.2-1.3 eV in conditions close to discharges in surface plasma sources. The book also includes a new chapter on development of conversion targets for high-energy neutral beam injectors, covering gas targets, plasmatargets and photon targets for efficient conversion of high energy negative ion beams to neutral beams. With exposition accessible at the graduate level, and a comprehensive bibliography, this book will appeal to all students and researchers whose work concerns ion sources and their applications to accelerators, beam physics, storage rings, cyclotrons, and plasma traps
Keyword(s)1. Accelerator Physics 2. CLASSICAL ELECTRODYNAMICS 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. ELECTRODYNAMICS 5. PARTICLE ACCELERATORS 6. PLASMA (IONIZED GASES) 7. PLASMA PHYSICS 8. Surfaces (Technology) 9. Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Film 10. THIN FILMS
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I12742     On Shelf    

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TitleA Search for Exotic Higgs Decays : Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Long-Lived Particles
Author(s)Burzynski, Jackson
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionXV, 193 p. 135 illus., 118 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis work describes a search for exotic decays of the Higgs boson to two long-lived, neutral, spin-0 particles which subsequently decay to pairs of b quarks, giving the striking signature of displaced hadronic jets in the ATLAS inner detector. Several other ATLAS searches have probed this decay topology previously, excluding branching ratios of the Higgs boson to long-lived particles (LLPs) of more than 10% for proper lifetimes greater than 100mm. These searches relied on dedicated triggers designed to select events with LLPs decaying in the ATLAS calorimeter or muon spectrometer. The lack of an equivalent trigger for LLP decays in the ATLAS inner detector has been a limiting factor in probing LLP lifetimes less than 100mm. To circumvent the difficulty of triggering on LLP decays, the search presented in this thesis exploits the ZH associated production mode, relying on leptonic trigger signatures to select interesting events. This is the first search for Higgs boson decays into LLPs to exploit this analysis methodology and additionally makes use of several novel methods for both background rejection and background estimation. No excess over Standard Model predictions is observed, and upper limits are set on the branching ratio of the Higgs boson to LLPs . Depending on the mass of the LLP, branching ratios greater than 10% are excluded for lifetimes as small as 4mm and as large as 100mm, probing an important gap in the ATLAS exotic Higgs decay programme. In comparison to the previous searches for Higgs decays to LLPs, these are among the most stringent limits placed on this scenario, and for LLPs with masses below 40 GeV these results represent the strongest existing constraints on the branching ratio of the Higgs boson to LLPs in this lifetime regime
Keyword(s)1. Accelerator Physics 2. Data Analysis and Big Data 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. Elementary particles (Physics) 5. Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory 6. PARTICLE ACCELERATORS 7. PARTICLE PHYSICS 8. PARTICLES (NUCLEAR PHYSICS) 9. Quantitative research 10. QUANTUM FIELD THEORY
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I12658     On Shelf    

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TitleIntelligent Beam Control in Accelerators
Author(s)Geng, Zheqiao;Simrock, Stefan
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
DescriptionXIV, 155 p. 78 illus., 63 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book systematically discusses the algorithms and principles for achieving stable and optimal beam (or products of the beam) parameters in particle accelerators. A four-layer beam control strategy is introduced to structure the subsystems related to beam controls, such as beam device control, beam feedback, and beam optimization. This book focuses on the global control and optimization layers. As a basis of global control, the beam feedback system regulates the beam parameters against disturbances and stabilizes them around the setpoints. The global optimization algorithms, such as the robust conjugate direction search algorithm, genetic algorithm, and particle swarm optimization algorithm, are at the top layer, determining the feedback setpoints for optimal beam qualities. In addition, the authors also introduce the applications of machine learning for beam controls. Selected machine learning algorithms, such as supervised learning based on artificial neural networks and Gaussian processes, and reinforcement learning, are discussed. They are applied to configure feedback loops, accelerate global optimizations, and directly synthesize optimal controllers. Authors also demonstrate the effectiveness of these algorithms using either simulation or tests at the SwissFEL. With this book, the readers gain systematic knowledge of intelligent beam controls and learn the layered architecture guiding the design of practical beam control systems
Keyword(s)1. Accelerator Physics 2. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 3. EBOOK - SPRINGER 4. MEASUREMENT 5. Measurement Science and Instrumentation 6. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 7. PARTICLE ACCELERATORS
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I12645     On Shelf    

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TitleResponse of the High Granularity Calorimeter HGCAL and Characterisation of the Higgs Boson : With the CMS Experiment at the LHC
Author(s)Bonanomi, Matteo
PublicationCham, 1. Imprint: Springer 2. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
DescriptionXIX, 267 p. 148 illus., 118 illus. in color : online resource
Abstract NoteThis book highlights the most complete characterization of the Higgs boson properties performed to date in the "golden channel," i.e., decay into a pair of Z bosons which subsequently decay into four leptons. The data collected by the CMS experiment in the so-called Run-II data-taking period of the LHC are used to produce an extensive set of results that test in detail the predictions of the Standard Model. Given the remarkable predictive power of the SM when including the Higgs boson, possible new physics will require even more extensive studies at higher statistics. A massive upgrade of the detectors is necessary to maintain the current physics performance in the harsh environment of the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) project, expected to start by the end of 2027. The CMS Collaboration will replace the current endcap calorimeters with a High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL). The HGCAL will be the very first large-scale silicon-based imaging calorimeter ever employed in ahigh-energy physics experiment. This book presents the results of the analysis of the test beam data collected with the first large-scale prototype of the HGCAL. The results of this analysis are used to corroborate the final design of the HGCAL and its nominal physics performance expected for the HL-LHC operations
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I12630     On Shelf    

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